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Real Psychic Experiences by chronological order: Page 126

Vision Of Future Baby - Interpretation by its_b3cks

Last night I was settling down to meditate but before the meditation started I had a very clear vision of a baby. When I see visions I can often tell them apart from daydreams by the way they come to me rather than me seeking or controlling the situation. It was very random and very vivid. It sta...

How Can I Pin Point Who? by Piperasc

I have always gotten these "feelings" that something bad is going to happen, whether BIG or small. I can not just pin point to who? It has been anywhere from lost job, chipped tooth, broken bone, etc. (but never death). About a month ago, I had a "feeling" about something big... Bigger than any of ...

Losing Touch With A Spiritual Sense by Vacuata

To preface information, I've had a spiritual sense since I was younger. I'm unsure of the common name but it is essential Energy Seeing, from what I've gathered it's a less detailed form of aura seeing, I see thin colourless outlines around people that vary in depth by person, I occasionally see it ...