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How Psychics Should Deal With Spirits


I have psychic abilities and need to understand if a spirit can sense this ability. Do they tend to make themselves more known to a psychic even if you're not able to control this ability? A spirit has been residing at my relative's house for years now. I believe the spirit is my uncle whom committed suicide. He owned the house previously, but died in another location.

However, another man that owned the house before my uncle had died of a heart attack in this house. So I am not exactly sure who it is. Whenever my relative is not home and I'm in that house, this spirit messes with me. I don't necessarily have to be alone. My kids, boyfriend and my mother have also been present during these times. My relative doesn't get disturbed by the presence that much. This is why I'm thinking it is my uncle, since I was close to his daughter.

A couple years ago, my children and my boyfriend and I went to my relative's house for the weekend to watch their pot bellied pig while they went away. I had a creepy feeling the entire time, like we were not alone. Strange things started happening at night after I put my kids to bed.

My boyfriend and I were watching television and I started to hear someone pace back and forth in the attic. It sounded like heavy footsteps as if someone were wearing boots. I know for a fact it was not the house settling. I lived in an old house growing up and am fully aware of those sounds. I could not concentrate on anything after that, especially since the door to the attic was right next to the chair I was sitting in.

The next night my friend came over to sit with us, which helped ease my mind for a while. While she was there, my youngest son woke up screaming at the top of his lungs and still to this day I do not know why. My boyfriend the same night swore up and down he saw a man standing next to the bed when he woke up in the middle of the night.

The next day I was so happy it was Sunday. My relative was coming home. The only thing I didn't know how to explain to my relative is why every single night light throughout his house was blown out, including his refrigerator light. He had night lights throughout the house for the pig.

A couple of years later, I had to go over to the house to feed the dogs and let them outside for the weekend. I didn't stay this time. My oldest son and I were in the back yard for a while and when I looked up at the attic window, I could actually see the blind moving up. My son also witnessed this.

The next day I brought my other son with me, who was also a teen. I didn't like to go alone. We went into the house so I could feed the dogs (he didn't have the pig anymore). I went to use the bathroom and my son went into one of the bedrooms. From the bedroom I heard my son yelling, "Mom! It's getting cold in here". Well, that freaked me out and we were out the door. Later that evening I came back with my oldest son again and we had to go back into the house. It was three minutes later and we heard noise, which sounded like an animal herd, coming from the attic steps. The dogs were barking crazily. Again, we took off out the door.

I called my mother when I got home and told her what had happened and that I hadn't even fed the dogs yet. She decided to go with me. My son also wanted to go, so we all went. We walked into the living room after I fed the dogs and it was peaceful, until ten minutes later. The loud sounds came from the attic steps again and all three of us took off for the front door. My mother begged me not to step foot into that house until our relative got home.

I do have occurrences, even when my relative is home, but nothing like I've experienced without him home. Just small things like being poked in my back or my leg being rubbed. I later told my relative about what has happened. He had informed me that other people visiting him had witnessed a few things. One lady was actually told to leave the house by this spirit. My relative stated he had only been poked a few times.

Like I said, I am not positive it is my uncle. I need to find a safe way to get this spirit to leave and pass on, especially if it is my uncle. My only fear is if it is not a nice spirit. Although, if it wasn't a nice spirit, wouldn't my relative be disturbed in a more significant way? I really need some help on what to do to get this spirit to move on and how I can keep myself safe from any attacks.

I also need to know how to relieve the fear when these things are happening. I do have psychic abilities, but I do not know how to control them. If anyone has ever dealt with this or has any ideas on what to do, I would greatly appreciate your advice. Thanks!

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mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-30)
Okay, heres another one. I know this is going to sound strange but several days ago I read a post about the 3:00am thing. Well, I was just thinking to myself then, I hope I don't never experience anything like that at that time. Well, anyway my 16year old the other night starts shaking me to wake me up, "mom, mom get up. Is my brother upstairs? There's something shaking our attic door". I told him it is probally the chinchillas to go to bed. I got a strange feeling and looked up at the clock and it was 3:05am. Well, looking up at the clock kind of gave me the chills so I did exactly what you had said to do before I even read your comment, I turned the t.v. On and then said a prayer for whatever it was to be gone. I chose not to investigate the situation, thought I'de rather not know. It could have possibly been the chinchillas but my son normally is use to their noise, not to mention, he ususally doesn't scare easily. I just thought that was kind of strange. Thanks for helping me. I truely appreciate it. You have been very helpful.
I'll talk to you soon.
banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-29)
Mystical! So many questions, and some of them I'd like answers to myself. Well, first, your grandmother is right, you will be causing trouble, but it's trouble your family will have to go through to reconcile yourselves to the suicide. Of course people don't want to talk about it. It hurts. I know because my uncle committed suicide too. And what to tell his son about it is definately a debate in my family. So far I think they've told him it was an accidental overdose. But it wasn't, he'd tried many times before and just finally succeeded. He took an awful lot of intervention to move on. And in the end, my mom said God did it for her, as a favor, not for him.
This brings me to another thought, being psychic runs in my family and clearly, since your son can see ghosts it runs in yours. I don't know, but I just had this weird thought that maybe you guys are experiencing a potergeist kind of thing. In which case, getting control of your energy is essential. And his too. Praying is a great idea, keep doing it together, but also try contacting your guides more directly. Before you try contacting anyone else. Work on it for as long as you need to.
About channeling (I almost died when someone told me that's what I was doing, I live in California where the kooks are legion) It started happening for real for me when I tried automatic writing on a murder case. It worked so well I couldn't believe it, and then after a while I didn't need the paper anymore. Though if you want my honest opinion, I think writing is safer in some ways, you can simply stop when you want to be done. And no, stopping isn't always easy for me. I can shut myself off from one person but then others come. Sometimes it scares me and makes me think that I'll go crazy if I keep it up. But I'm telling you, true evil is rarer than most people think. Some one mentioned Manson in another post, was it you? Now that guy is evil and yes, psychic as well. None of them believed it see, but he is. It's so obvious when you study it. It wasn't the only thing he did, but it was one of the things he did to enslave people. He did it by reinforcing things for them in their minds. And he knows it, hence, evil. Do you think people like that are in your house? Probably not, right. I'm thinking that if dead people are appearing in your house to you and your son it's really just because you have the ability to see or feel them and help them so they gather around. If you don't want them ask them to leave out loud or in your head and ask your guides to find other help for them. Just tell them politely you aren't up to it right now and they'll be directed elsewhere if they'd like to be, if not they're free to leave but they can't stay with you. Maybe they're faces are ugly because they're unhappy, it happens. Mainly because if they were happy they wouldn't be stuck here, if you see what I mean. It makes it hard to sort things out sometimes. So, if these things don't work, if saying no thanks won't make them go away, it's probably because you can't shut off. In an emergency, I suggest television. Recently I needed help shutting down and one of my guides told me to watch tv in no uncertain terms. So I rented some videos and very resolutely did nothing but tune out for two days. I think this happens to me when I get tired. Psychic work takes a lot of energy out of you and you need to sleep to get it back. If people are coming in your sleep and you don't want it, ask your guides to protect you before you go to bed.
I have one more suggestion for you. God is awfully big and sometimes it helps to consult with someone a little lower down. The Virgen Mary is good because it's officially her job to hear petitions and intercede on our behalf. Maybe it's just me, I live in a neighborhood where the Virgen of Guadalupe pretty much rules the roost, so she's easy for me to reach, there might be a local saint or something that could help you and be a little bit more accessible than the big G.
I don't know about the orbs, sorry, it's always suicides and murders for me. Lovely huh?

Thanks for the conversation, it's been a really good learning experience for me. You have a lot of power there girl and you'll get it figured out, I promise.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-28)
Oh! I am working on getting things prepared. I've talked to my relative about getting a picture of my uncle. What fun I'm going to have. I have to talk to my grandmother about getting one. She already thinks I'm a little kooky about this. In her eyes, my uncle is not there. I've never told my entire family about me, especially my grandparents. My relative told her that I feel he's there and I don't know what else he has said. Ever since my uncle's death, she's had a difficult time. Understandable. My relative fears I'm going to let all heck loose. (Trying to find a nice way to put it). Something GlendaSC said in one of her statements kind of struck me. What was it? Um, something like God views cowards the same as thieves. That no living person or spirit will make her hide. I'm starting to think that the evil side wants to really scare me from doing good and from what God wants me to do. I was just telling Edmond yesterday that I had a dream a couple of months ago about a creepy ugly faced spirit hovering over my bed at the end and it kept making these horrible sounds and continued to stare at me. I kept thinking how I was going to protect my son. My son came to me a couple of days ago and told me he has seen this woman with an ugly face walking down our hall twice now. He's not sure if he was fully awake or not. But it sunk in to me pretty quickly. Have you ever been attacked like this? Well anyway, reading what Glenda had said had made me think that I need to stop straying from what I believe I need to be doing. Basically, I need to stop being a coward. Such harsh words. 😆 talk to you later
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-28)
I also have another question for you since you see spirits quite often. I saw Yellow-orange balls of light that move around speratically (sorry if spelling wrong) about or a little bigger than tennis balls. Actually, I was the first to see them, but they were not naked to the eye of my friends after I pointed them out. There were approximately 20 of them all weaving in and out of each other in the same area. The first time I saw them and tried to tell everyone they dissapeared. They were back several minutes later. Have you seen anything like this? I questioned this in another post, but so far no one knows. I was thinking orbs, but unsure of color. They were very bright and too big for lightening bugs. Thanks!
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
Thanks again. Another thing I had to ask you about communicating with him. I've talked to spirits (hear their voices) in dreams, but never awake. Well, I've talked to them, but out loud so to say. I've never channeled information. Didn't know how to do this. So I quess needless to say I can't hear them while awake. Well, I can't say that either. I don't know, it's confusing. It's like my predictions, I don't hear them, I just know them. The information just pops into my thoughts. It's there, but I don't no how it got there. It's like when my exboyfriend came to me after he died I talked to him out loud. After I talked to him outloud, I quess he was alright because I didn't feel him come around me anymore and the static phone calls and everything else stopped. Do you no what I mean? I was talking to someone else earlier about channeling. I quess channeling would also be talking to spirits while asleep and awake. When we are sleeping we are more open, is that right? I quess what I'm trying to say is, how do you know how to close something if you don't know how you opened it to begin with? Also, if I talk to him I would be channeling him? And where do the dangers exist in this? And how do you know how to control stopping the dangers? I hope I'm making sense to you. I hear it can be dangerous if you don't know what your doing, but how do you learn if you don't do it or aren't aware you're even doing it? I've heard my spirit guide while asleep as far as voice goes. I've heard my name being called many times when awake and no one was there. I know everyone's gifts are different and I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Sorry for so many questions and if I confused you. I really need to learn how to control and understand my energy. Thanks! 😊
banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
Hmm, that's a good question, I'm glad you asked. I believe I'm comfortable doing this because I've been trying to treat everything like a learning experience. It's really helped, also I was challenged by other psychics to practice and help people. For the record, I'm not always this open and on, I go for long periods of time when I do other things in my life and then when this jumps out at me I do it again. I don't usually have to go looking. And also I've learned to talk back to the rotters and to close my doors when I need to. You may not be so comfortable because you haven't gained control of your own energy. It's not hard once you get it, really. Your guides will show you if you ask. And it seriously helps to know the difference between true evil, and merely scary dead people. Once you get used to the dead people they aren't so scary, the evil ones will stay scary, not just mad, for instance. I worry sometimes, how much attention people pay to evil on this website, it's like other forms of popular culture, the evil is more fun to write about in the end and we kind of like being scared. But it's not the bulk of what's happening in the spirit world. Which is not to say it's not a legitimate concern and I've been having a hard time getting people to answer this question too. All I can say is stay away from them when you find them and call your guides. Try not to think about them. I recently contacted a serial killer who was alive and scarier than any dead person I've ever met. Yes, there are bad psychics out there and it's better to avoid them than to engage. And again, work on learning to close those doors.
I've thought about your uncle a lot today and he really is an amazing man in his own way. There are two kinds of suicides, the idiots who didn't consider their options and those who did consider and made a true choice about their lives and bodies. Your uncle really thought he was doing the right thing to end whatever bad thing was happening due to his brain injury. No one really knew how bad it was for him, I'm afraid, but he knew he was hurting people and more than that, he was willing to go to Hell to prevent it. Now that's a sacrifice. I think this is the message for his daughter, it wasn't her fault, he wanted to take the blame from her shoulders but it didn't work. It's so sad, but he gets it now and he's taken responsibility, which is not the same thing as blame. He hopes it can be worked out. Through you, basically. He promises to get help from the other side before trying to contact you again, he wants to be more gentle but is still dealing with the difference between his bad self and his true self. This is good, he's almost there.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
How are you so comfortable doing this? I've been trying to find the comfort level for years now. I deal better with spirits in my sleep and still there are times when I freeze. When my boyfriend died years ago, I didn't have much fear with him perhaps because I knew it was him and I was awake during this. My grandfather tried contacting my mother through me and again I just freaked out. I probally would be much better and helpful to others now if I didn't keep running from it so much. I'm starting to accept this at a certain degree. Do you ever ever fear not knowing truly if you are communicating with something evil that you actually think is good? This is the area I'm struggling in. I know to pray for protection but that sits back in my mind. I felt the evil in my dream during my surgery, but there's that deep set back feeling, what if I don't feel it next time. Of course, I keep getting the message to do and stop asking so many questions, but how do I learn by not asking. You know years ago I went to this church with a friend of mine (I believe I already wrote about this), and the preacher knew what my gift was. I again, after hearing what he said, I left and never went back to that church again. I didn't even say anything to him about anything, nor did my friend. I've actually been getting the pull to go see him now(the preacher) like I need to. I know it sounds crazy, but that feeling won't go away. My friend said she is going to go with me to see him again soon. I need to get this feeling out of my gut. I feel like I'm suppose to be doing something and I'm not doing it. It's very difficult to explain, but the signs I've been getting are like a slap in the face lately. Thank you again. Sorry for so many questions, but I need some serious help. Talking to someone who actually is living what I am living is very helpful.
banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
Oh hey, thanks for the info. Brain injuries make all the difference. I can see now what happened and it's already making it easier to keep him moving. Once I start, I can't stop it wouldn't be fair to abandon him on his journey. I think praying and meditating are always a good idea. Maybe the best thing you can do is pray to God to accept him. It's a terrible thing to be stuck inside a damaged mind. You may not have trouble with the house anymore. I'll be curious to know. Thanks.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
The one man that died in the house I do not know. He died of a heart attack I believe, in the bathroom. My uncle is the brother of my relative. I would say what type of relative to me that lives there but I'm being discreet because of him. And yes he did die tragically, it was planned. I also will not say how here. He did have a brain injury (motorcycle) before doing this. I feel he wants to tell me something about his daughter. I was close to her. She did not speak to him anymore before his death because of some other bad issues. I truly believe these issues wouldn't have resulted if he didn't have the head trauma. I know there are other things that need closure besides his suicide. I do know he fears going to hell. Before this happened, he told another relative of mine "goodbye. I'll see you in hell". No one thought anything of it because he did do and say some strange things because of his injury. I am not in anyway saying he is a bad man. I believe God is forgiving and very understanding. I am going to do as you recommended, but first I'm working on my meditations more throughout next month and I'm going to continue asking God to help my fears go away and help me grow stronger so that I am able to do what he has planned for me.
I appreciate your help and time you have given me. I will let you know what how it goes. Talk to you soon!
banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
hi, okay, I went back and read your post again and I'm trying to piece together your family, so let me see if I have this straight. Both men who died were your uncles, does this mean they were brothers? And presumably there is at least one more child on that side of the family, the one who is your parent. Plus the relative that lives in the house now. Ok, he's really not a problem, just confused, and he is the one who committed suicide, I asked and he said he didn't die in the house, it took a bit to get him to admit he killed himself but he's working on it and moving on slowly. It's harder for suicides because they have to come to terms with what they did. None the less, you are right about one thing, he just wanted your attention and you ran away. He has some kind of message for you and when he tries to give it to you, you get scared. I think meditating is a great idea, always. Meditate and call in your guides, first the ones you already have. Even if you don't know who they are they will always come and protect you. In fact, if you get through this and move up, your uncle can be a guide for you that is reliable and easy to call on. The next time you meditate, call a common ancestor with your uncle and ask them to help. The third time, call them all and invite your uncle in. Look at his picture while you do it and ask what he wants. If you hear words in your head in your own voice or some one else's just go with it and have a conversation. Let your inner dialogue flow. You could also try automatic writing. Just write down the conversation going on in your head. Don't be afraid to write down questions. Always try to record both sides as much as possible. And by all means, keep telling him he's good to go on. Keep asking him if he sees the light and sees the people waiting for him. He's trying really hard right now and could use your help. One word of caution, quite often what ghosts want to tell you or show you is how they died. This will not hurt you in anyway. But it is kind of icky. Sadly, if you're going to do this kind of work, it's something you'll have to get used to because it's usually the one thing holding them back. Especially suicides and murders as you might well understand. The good news is, if you experience this, they will almost always be ready to go right afterwards so don't forget to keep telling him to go to the light. And don't forget to keep telling him that your doing this because you're his family and you care about him. He thinks he's been forgotten. Assure him that he's not. Oh... Sorry, he stopped me and told me something I'm not comfortable sharing in public so just ask yourself this question and use the answer yourself. Do you know how and why he died? Ok, enough, I'm getting tired of dead people tonight and I still have work to do.
Just one more thing. You may wonder why I'm doing this; it's because I think if he's bumping around for you that means you are a very strong medium. And you know it's true. That's why you have more than one story on this website. Think about how you want to use this talent and think hard. Ask your guides what you're supposed to be doing with it. If you start moving people on, more will come to you. And you are so strong dear that some will be much more afraid of you than you are of them. Never forget that you are the one with the power. Without you they can't manifest. Which is the answer to your other question. He leaves your relative alone because they live together and when your relative is there, things are as they should be. He's afraid of his future there if you change the house. This will stop when he moves on completely and it won't hurt if you think of the house as being your family house collectively so that he feels included. Also, now, that I've met him I want to say that I'm sorry for the loss in your family, I think he was a fine man who made a mistake and we are all human and make mistakes. Grief can last a long time. I truly think he's going now, because I'm feeling so sad that he's gone all of a sudden. I wish you well then.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-22)
Thank you for your help also. I think that is a good idea to use his picture and put it on the wall. Could the events that are happening be because I have been ignoring him? Why doesn't he act out when my relative is there? Have you ever heard of anything like that? He'll mess with me with other relatives around, but not him. One more question. If there was something evil there, wouldn't it mess with the person whom lives there also? That's the question that really stays in my mind. I need to fiqure this out soon. I feel a pulling to do something about this, however, I'm going to continue to try to meditate more before I attempt this, just for a while. Thanks again.
banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
hi again. I hope you don't mind but I was standing in my kitchen and I took the liberty of trying to contact your uncle and I think I got him. He's pretty funny in his own way, but now I'm going to tell it to you just like it happened and you can decide what you think about it.
I tried to imagine the house you were talking about and first I heard the heavy boots above me and then I was at the bottom of some stairs so I yelled up (in my mind) "what do you want?" and he came to the top of the stairs and yelled back "I want to go home!" So I told him he could do that if he wanted to and he said "really?" I said "yes, your people are waiting for you" and he said "what people?" and I said "I don't know, I haven't met them..." He asked me where they were and I said I didn't know but he should look for the light, they would probably be there. For a second he seemed confused then he said something like "oh, there they are" like it was obvious all along. Then he asked me if he was in trouble for what he'd done and I told him he had to work that one out for himself and he got very calm and mellow all of a sudden and I got this picture of him all dressed up walking down the stairs with a suitcase and he went out the door and said goodbye and thanks. There are also a few things he wants you to do to make things right in the house. One is to sit with your family and talk about him and who he was so you can remember him and give him his proper place. Don't be afraid to talk about the suicide, he needs you, his family, to understand about it, or at least to give it a try. The other thing he wants is for you to find something, like a picture of him or something that belonged to him. If you can't find one of those things make something for him. Then go and put this thing somewhere special in the house and make this the place you go to think about him. Tell him this when you do it and always approach the house with love, like you are going to visit him just because he's your uncle and he's part of your family too. That's what he wants I think, to still be part of the family and not be the ghost up in the attic all alone. So go there and welcome him to your family, but also say goodbye and tell him you'll miss him but you're happy he's moving on. I hope this makes sense and is helpful to you, sorry if I butted in.

banshee (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
hi, I've had a lot of experience with suicides and I don't think you have to leave behind this house. The first thing is, yes, they do communicate with you because you're psychic. The second thing is, you can control it. Some spirits are stronger than others though and you may need help depending on what you decide to do. The first and most easy thing you can do is try to send him on the easy way. Just think about him in your mind and imagine you're having a conversation. Tell him he's dead and he's free to move on if he wants to. Really. Just keep saying it in your head or out loud if you want and see what happens. Sometimes that's all it takes. Sometimes not. It maybe that he'll become more peaceful just because you made contact and that calmed him down. You might find he answers you by changing the feeling in the room or he may answer directly into your head by having dialogue with you in your own voice. Just go with it and ask if he wants to stay or go. If he wants to stay, tell him he has to be good and if he wants to go tell him again that all he has to do is leave, people are waiting for him. Tell him to look for them so it occurs to him that they're there and he'll be able to see them. If he puts up a fuss, keep trying and practice meditating and withdrawing your energy from him so you keep it on your terms. If you can send him over or come to terms with him you will have improved your psychic skills and proved to yourself that you can do it. Don't be afraid of him, he's only dead. Ask for your spirit guides to help you even if you don't know who they are and you don't keep in touch with them. I feel strongly that you can move up to the next level if you deal with this. Let him know you care about him and you want to help him, please, try that first you might find that he'll be helpful to you later. I've had several spirits mess with me as you say and they're kind of like guard dogs in some ways, if you hold still they'll bark and run at you but they won't attack they just sort of bounce off and then calm down and then you can get to business. Find out what things he liked, what made him happy and remind him of them. Sending the dead back can be a positive and loving experience especially if you are a relative. Don't worry about Demons or the dark side until you have a reason to. Really, he just sounds dead to me, no problem, take a couple friends for support and you should be ok. Don't forget the spirit guides, ancestors, God, or whomever you are comfortable calling in from the other side, that's important. Good luck allright, you have the power, none of us are weak or we wouldn't be able to do it.

mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
edmund,psychiczaco and everyone,
thank you for the information. I've dealt with spirits before, but this one makes me really nervous. I probally have these feelings because of its persistance in letting me know it's there. So let's say I skip the prayer for now and move onto evp or pictures. I'm guessing that it will know what I'm up to with this also? With this spirit, what I'm really confused with is why it doesn't mess with me as bad when my relative (whom resides there) is home. Also, I wanted to know if I do stir some things up over there, is my relative going to have any problems? I think before I get into this I'm going to have to learn protection prayers and go back into the house several times and try to block my fear. I hear they feed off fear also. Is that true?
Again, I want to thank you all for your help. When I finally fiqure out what I'm going to do, I'll let you all know how it goes. Talk to you later.
psychiczako (1 stories) (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
all you need to do is find out why it's still held here. You should get some crucifixes and holy water(in case it's a demon) if not the items won't harm it. Bring some kind of recorder and ask it questions(leave 5 minute between each question) and later playback the recording and you'll probably hear the ghost! If that doesn't work tell me and I'll try to help! Good luck! 😊
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
aramasamara... I understand and you are correct it is terrifying and most don't talk about it for years if at all.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-18)
Edmund I have, it is rare, and when I was younger I refused to tell anyone... It was terrifying... Even if that sounds funny. Sometimes I still really don't like to talk about it.
warriorforthelord (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
edmund, you are correct... You must pray for them to pass over to peace. Pray for them to go to the light and allow it to engulf them.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
Hi I think the spirit is getting angry because it thinks your disturbing it and it thinks that its his/her house. I have been through this in my house but I wouldn't say they are really nasty evil things but they are friendly in a way. I don't think that they understand. I guess that its a haunted place and haunted houses don't need to be old. The house I'm living in his only 15 years old but it has loads of history to it. It used to be a mine round here and people died. I have seen loved one's and other people's loved one's and spirits from my dreams. It can be frightening but stand up to it. Be confident and don't ever let them win. I dream of the spirit world and the spirits from it visit me in real life in the house. I hear and feel things from things I can't even see. 😊
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
hollinor... Malevolent is the hardest to get rid of I don't know of very many who have and what they go through... A good example is in the book Haunted its about the Smurl family that lived nearby. I kind of have the opposite effect with plain old ghosts they tend of go into hiding when I'm in their house.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
I used to think it was the place, until every place I've moved has had something going on, LOL! 😆 I don't know which of us they are drawn to. Although, before I move in, I make sure whatever "presence" is in the house is not malevolent, that makes all the difference. The house we stay in now, we've only been there a month and a half and everything is already going full tilt! I only feel frightened in the sense that I don't want to see anything. I don't feel like something is out to get me. But I definitely know that they want me to be aware of their presence. I say "they" because I think it's more than one.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
mystical2... Well that's some pretty heavy duty stuff that is happening in the house and if you start to pray for your Uncle to move into the light and until he moves into the light the others in the house may well take it out on you if you are there. On the other hand if everything in the house remains the same... It sure isn't going to be a pleasent experience living there. I think that praying for your Uncle will surround him in light and help him to cross over. Then it will be safer. I would try it after a length of time praying... A month or so then go in the house with someone. It might be the only way to know is to go there with someone once in a while and see the reaction that you get. But I would have some discussions with your psychic friend who is guiding you on the best way to approach this so that you and the kids are safe as possible when you do move in.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
When you say not to go back into the house, do you mean forever? I'm suppose to inherit this house adventually. I've had abilities since I've been a child. I've seen many things, however, I'm still full of questions. I just found this site. Thank God! I've started asking for guidance last year (and yes, I don't know what took me so long) and I finally met a woman whom also has an ability, for the first time. She came into my life only 2 months after I asked for help. She has guided me through some things I've never had help with before, but all our experiences differ in some way. I believe I was attacked during my surgery years ago (that will be in my next story soon to be on here). So, are you saying even if I hire someone to pray and bless the house, it may go to greater lengths to mess with me when I enter his home?
Thank you so much for your help!
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-17)
mystical2... If you have psychic abilities the spirit world knows it. The evil or dark side of the spirit world can sense it even better because their nature is to exploit you in any way possible. People who commit suicide and who don't go into the light will tend to attract negative forces... They are also being exploited. The only way that I know of in your situation to help your Uncle to move on is to pray for him you won't be able to reason with him directly because I believe he is being exploited by evil and you won't be able to seperate the two... In fact most of the time they will mimick your Uncle. Now if you decide to go the prayer route either your praying for him or you have some one else doing it for you don't go back into the house because if I'm correct and you start this prayer process as I call it all hell will break loose if you are there... Again the evil/dark forces will know what your up to and will get their point across. !

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