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Real Psychic Experiences

My Silly And Cute Angel Experiences


These are some of the stuff I experienced with my guardian angels. A while back. In 2013, while they were trying to cheer me up when I had ptsd. Which I don't have ptsd anymore so yay! Completely healed. They have a funny sense of humor. Pft! I wrote this on another account I've just added more experiences to it.

So one night I had just gotten back from the psychic fair and a medium who goes by Beth Carpenter told me that I have seven or more guardian angels and that she told me they were cracking a joke about hitting me head with a hammer. Which made me realize the medium was real cause I hadn't told her I had talked about that someone should hit me in the head with a hammer because of my stubborn cheeky nature. One of my guardian angels she told me was named Sam or Samantha.

And so that night I dared my guardian angels times infinity to randomly appear and weird me out. So a little while later it was eleven at night. And I was walking to get the mail at night cause summer 2013 was hot. And I walked past a bench in my quiet apartment complex and there was an extremely tall buzz cut black haired guy and he was dressed in all white. A bright white long sleeve shirt extremely white long loose pants and extremely white shoes. It was as if this guy vomited out white. Flawless features he was sprawled out on the bench by the managers office his hands that were placed lazily on his stomach he was grinning as if he knew who I was. I pretended to ignore him. Then I heard a girls voice giggle a little away from him it sounded like a kid or preteen. But I didn't see any females anywhere. The parking lot was empty. Then I mentally thought really tall and bad. I was only at the mail boxes for less than a minute. And the same dude was now sitting all the way on the other side of the apartments close to my apartment I lived in he was sitting on a staircase lazily starring at his hands smirking.

Then I went inside and realized it was one of my guardian angels and the girls giggle was my girl Guardian Angel Sam. I just get this vibe.

Another time I had dared them again to appear and weird me out. But this time when I least expect it. And I walked to the mailbox one night 3 days later. And I heard guys talking and a figure dressed in all white like the skinny black haired guardian angel. Well this one has wild windswept hair all over the place. I call him crazy hair angel. He was a bit shorter than the black buzz cut angel. Anyway he started staring at me with a slight smirk and a playful glint in his eyes and walked backwards staring at me calmly. And he weird-ed me out. I sped walked away cause my guardian angel had weird-ed me out. Both guys dressed in white looked as of they knew me so yeah my guardian angels completed the dare twice.

Then another time I asked my guardian angels out loud if I could sing did edelweiss from the sound of music in my dreams. And I fell asleep and dream't I was standing in front of seven guardian angel singing sixteen going on seventeen and I ended it with 'I need someone older and wiser telling me what to do. I'll depend on you.' That was not what I wanted to sing. And then I heard a dude start singing behind me edelweiss. And I spun around and he was sitting on a throne. A little full of himself I'd say. I woke up and pouted.

Then another night I asked my guardian angels out loud if I could sing music of the night from phantom of the opera and I walked onto a white stage a bunch of people sat in the audience and I opened my mouth to sing and a muscular guy dressed in white walked onto the stage into my dream and started singing music of the night. And I glared at him. And I walk over an sat in the isle steps that were white and looked at my hands brooding and pouting. And the guy started the verse again as if trying to get my attention and I pretended to ignore him and kept glaring at my hands. And I heard someone sprinting towards me and I was lifted up and swung over the guys shoulder as he ran carrying me up the white marble steps in the theater. I cried out squealing playfully and giggling "hey!"

Last year my mom told me she had a dream where a bunch of male guys with flawless features had stolen my underwear as a prank and in her dream I got them back by putting a hole in their white boat.

The night after she told me the dream. I dreamt I was sitting in my parents car while they were driving and one of my guardian angels was sitting next to me and handed me a lacy burnt orange pair of underwear. I awoke the next morning like 'very funny guys.' so random.

Then another time I dreamt I danced playfully with three of them as they spun me around all smiling Goofily at me as they separately danced with me one by one. Then the scene changed and I walked into a room and they were all sitting on chairs together starring at me. And I didn't realize it was them and I started blabbing about how my guardian angel were interacting with me. And one of them started to look smug and said jokingly, "don't even start elizabeth" and then I fled from the room dramatically and ran down a mountain side and stood on a cliff like a Pocahontas cliff from the Disney cartoon and a single tear rolled down my cheek.

I had a dream again that I was walking into my hotel room after being out at the pool with my parents, and I was in my swim suit and I started to undress in the living room, and suddenly as I was now butt naked I heard a cough and I spun around and two male angels and samantha appeared standing before me, smiling. My eyes went wide and I started running out of the living room, down the hallway, totally nude, when I got to the bedroom door I heard samantha giggling and I hurried to open the door knob, it felt awkward with my butt hanging out in the open hallway. I entered the room and went into the bathroom and shut the door, and I got dressed in my dream and then I heard the samantha chatting happily with the two male looking angels outside the bathroom. And as I finished getting dressed in my dream I woke up.

Last year I was laying in bed on my side in 2014 and I started spacing out my eyes glazed over and I started having a flashback about The Devil Wears Prada movie and I kept seeing scenes of Meryl streep's character acting mean to Anne Hathaway's character. It was really annoying. I don't know why I was day dreaming about the irritating movie. I couldn't snap out of the daydream. Suddenly I heard a faint males voice in my room by my window and the voice was all like "hey!" then whoever he was whistled. Then I heard another "hey!" this time louder as if he was trying to snap me out of my flashback. I think it was one of my guardian angels.

Then one time I was laying in my bed and I heard a faint girls voice giggle. I knew it was my guardian angel Samantha.

Then last night I asked my guardian angels to please guard my door and protect me and please keep negative spirits and demons and physical humans out of my condo. And so I was sitting down stairs on my couch reading on my computer and I heard like two males giggling and I heard my screen outside my front door open and close and then I heard them giggling inside my condo by my entry way. There was no one outside I looked, I heard two nonphysical guys giggling in my condo by my front door. I knew it was some of my guardian angels messing around by my front door goofing off while they stood watch at my front door.

Now I'm not really a fan of basketball. I'm more of an American soccer fan, I really like the world cup. Anyways I was playing basketball I with a bunch of guys in my dream last night. I made a few shots and it all went into the net except once and I playfully rolled the basketball across my shoulder and down each of my arms back and forth. Anyways then Luke one of my guardian angels who is blond went into my dream and made a shot into the net.

Angels and archangels usually appear human like in my dreams and when they appear before me, but I can tell it's them. The energy they give off and stuff. I don't know they appear this way to me. Oh well.

(I can just picture an angel growing a huge mustache and hiding behind a stone pillar, and then a human woman skipping past the pillar and the angel jumping out and grabbing hold of her shoulder and the woman screams because of the huge furry thing on his face. And her running away and then the angel would lean against the pillar and grin then say playfully "i got her good!") I hope that never happens.

So yesterday I was really sad and depressed I felt alone, even though I never am. And I bought four venti carmel frappuccino's hoping to get a heart attack and die. I got out of the car and carrying the tray and suddenly one of the coffees fell onto the ground beside the car. I'm pretty sure it was one of my guardian angel trying to get my attention, they seem to stop me from dying all the time, like they always prevent me from ending it. Even my twin flame has in the past. I may not have physical friends, but my non physical friends are always looking out for me. I'm glad they stop me. I haven't had the best life. In fact most of it caused me trauma. But at least i'm being stopped from my silly attempts. I'm loved.

I was sitting on my couch in my new condo and I dared one of my guardian angels to appear to me. So about a moment later I started seeing glowing white energy in front of me and a outline of a tall blonde haired whitely dressed male angel was standing in the middle of my living room leaning down and grinning at me.

Then one night I had a dream I was in a room and feathers of many colors were flying all over the place. Some got stuck to my clothes. I tried to get them off, but no avail. The scene changed and I was walking around in the men's department in some clothing shop. I stood in front a shelf of colorful otherworldly shoes and the shoes started to sing. My mouth fell open in shock. The shoes stopped singing, and I heard several soft male voices giggling behind me. I turned around and five angels were hiding behind a large row of shelves. They were peeking at me playfully and smiling.

This morning I was laying in bed. I felt someone brush the side of my face lovingly and I began to see white sparks and white glows flashing in various parts of the room. I turned my head towards the wall because I saw movement and there was an angel standing against my wall with his wings down clad in silver armor. They usually don't appear to me with wings.

So I fell back asleep early one the morning. In my dreams I walked downstairs and my front door was cracked open. I shut it and went back up stairs. I heard the door open again and I walked down stairs and shut the door again as I walked up stairs I noticed my bedroom door open and there standing in my room was an angel dressed in white with blonde hair. I noticed he had decorated my room romantically. There was bits of mistletoe tied up around various parts of my room attached to red ribbons. I stared at him, "I'm in love with you" he said. I was speechless and walked over to my bed and lay down on my side facing the window. I felt him crawl behind me and he wrapped his arms around me.

Then one time in my dreams guardian angel Luke appeared to me in my dreams, I was crying. My mom had been cold towards me the day before. He walked up the hill, through some pine trees, and sat down in a ditch with me on the side of the road. And he opened his arms and said, "come here." And I crawled over to him and sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me hugging me. Then I woke up.

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ARYA (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-04)
According to a psychic in boulder Colorado, the Archangel of love Sophia is my nanny. I've noticed that I have a swarm of angels of love around me. Because guy's seem to flock to me and I can't even do anything about it. Sophia is being playful and is sending me tons of admirers. I am literally showered with love. Last night I was asking Sophia for lots of romance and I was being melodratic and silly. I know for a fact she sent me my soulmate Thomas and my twin flame Aaradon in spirit. But also they're are guys here on earth physically that literally start blabbing away to me and flirting. I find it so endearing and cute. I'm in love with love. I started ranting last night for angels to appear to me and tell me what i'm supposed to do with my love life. I was getting really frusterated. I wanted romance so badly. I was being really silly and passionately dorky. And then after eating sesame shimp and crispy duck in my dark living room that was lit with many candles. I walked upstairs and lay on my bed. I started complaining that I wanted romance and if Sophia wouldn't send me love I would be forever depressed. Then suddenly I felt a angelic presence whisper in my ear, "Sophia's laughing at you."

ARYA (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-01)
if you didn't know the words clown's and purple pants always appears on here every April first. This happened to me a year ago.
EthralHeart (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-20)
This morning I was laying in bed hiding under my four blankets and I felt tapped on the butt, "get up now!" a male voice said. I looked at the time on my cell phone. It was 11:35 am. I ignored this male voice and tried to go back to sleep. My blanket was really warm. I was comfy, "get up Elizabeth an feed your dog you lazy woman!" this male voice said seriously. I realized I hadn't fed my dog yet. I walked downstairs and fed her. As I sat waiting for my little puppy to eat all her food. Poor puppy wuppy! Sad day for puppy wuppy... I held my head in shame. I mentally thought in my head, "Stinky male." I heard a male respond next to me, "stinky Elizabeth" he said back. "stinky male angel" I said obnoxiously. "stinky Elizabeth" I heard this male voice say back amused. "why are you copying what I'm saying" I huffed. "next time feed you dog Elizabeth" he said seriously. "I didn't mean to not feed her you know. I was sleepy" I said childishly. "your being unfair to your dog" he said sounding annoyed. "I don't need any info from the peanut gallery" I said so totally immature. "stinky male" I muttered under my breath. "stinky Elizabeth" he resorted. "stop that" I grumbled. "I could do this all day Elizabeth, you on the other hand will probably just sleep" he said like the pain in the butt he is or maybe I'm the pain... Oh whatever! "oh haha so funny" I growled sarcastically. "Wasn't trying to be" he snorted. I have a strange friendship with my guardian angels. This is the same angel that told me in a dream, "don't even start Elizabeth." which led to me running out of the room, down a mountain side and onto the edge of Pocahontas style cliff with a singe tear falling down my cheek. I can be melodramatic. One of the angels watching over me is like cookie monster and his cookies, well let's just say he's very sarcastic. Except he doesn't eat me like I were a cookie. I'm not yummy, sad...
EthralHeart (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-20)
This morning I was laying in bed hiding under my four blankets and I felt tapped on the butt, "get up now!" a male voice said. I looked at the time on my cell phone. It was 11:35 am. I ignored this male voice and tried to go back to sleep. My blanket was really warm. I was comfy, "get up Elizabeth an feed you dog you lazy woman!" this male voice said seriously. I realized I hadn't fed my dog yet. I walked downstairs and fed her. As I sat waiting for my little puppy to eat all her food. I mentally thought in my head, "Stinky male." I heard a male respond next to me, "stinky Elizabeth" he said back. "stinky male angel" I said obnoxiously. "stinky Elizabeth" I heard this male voice say back amused. "why are you copying what I'm saying" I huffed. "next time feed you dog Elizabeth" he said seriously. "I didn't mean to not feed her you know. I was sleepy" I said childishly. "your being unfair to your dog" he said sounding annoyed. "I don't need any info from the peanut gallery" I said so totally immature. "stinky male" I muttered under my breath. "stinky Elizabeth" he resorted. "stop that" I grumbled. "I could do this all day Elizabeth, you on the other hand will probably just sleep" he said like the pain in the butt he is or maybe I'm the pain... Oh whatever! "oh haha so funny" I growled sarcastically. "Wasn't trying to be" he snorted. I have a strange friendship with my guardian angels. This is the same angel that told me, "don't even start Elizabeth." which led to me running out of the room, down a mountain side and onto the edge of Pocahontas style cliff with a singe tear falling down my cheek. I can be melodramatic. One of the angels watching over me is like cookie monster and his cookies, well let's just say he's very sarcastic. Except he doesn't eat me like I were a cookie. I'm not yummy, sad...
EthralHeart (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-16)
So two psychics have told me two similar things. One said I have a bunch of peeping tom's in the nonphysical around me. The other said I have a bunch of admirers surrounding me who like to flirt with me. So I recently had an experience where an angel of light came into my dream and told me he was in love with me. Which I wrote in this story above. It isn't that weird because I'm actually an incarnated angel. Several psychics have confirmed I am one after I was constantly told I'm an angel in my dreams by angels. So I don't see it from a religious stand point, because love is love. Incarnated angels were sent here to help people feel loved and heal. Anyway this is what I'm trying to figure out. Who this angel is that told me he's in love with me. He didn't give off 'hey! Look at me I'm creepy' vibe at all. He felt like a really bright loving energy. I have absolutely no clue who this angel is. Incarnated angels memories are usually erased when they incarnate to live in the physical to blend in with humanity. I'm just trying to figure out who the heck this angel is. He won't tell me his name. I think he's scared I'll reject him. Angels can get scared too. Well maybe I'll find out someday. Oh well. Still curious though. This below is the dream experience I had with the said angel.

- ('So I fell back asleep early one the morning. In my dreams I walked downstairs and my front door was cracked open. I shut it and went back up stairs. I heard the door open again and I walked down stairs and shut the door again as I walked up stairs I noticed my bedroom door open and there standing in my room was an angel dressed in white with blonde hair. I noticed he had decorated my room romantically. There was bits of mistletoe tied up around various parts of my room attached to red ribbons. I stared at him, "I'm in love with you" he said. I was speechless and walked over to my bed and lay down on my side facing the window. I felt him crawl behind me and he wrapped his arms around me.') -
EthralHeart (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Aw thank you! I'm clairvoyant and clairaudient. I don't always see them but they do appear to me quite often. They always know how to make me laugh from their humor and silly antics. I spent time bonding with my guardian angels and I started off Daring them times infinity to appear to me so I can see them. It became a sort of game and they always surprised me when they did it. That's how I bonded with them. 😊 😁
Alexandria980 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Wow I've never seen my guardian angel before and if I have, they're usually just blue figures. I think that's amazing how you actually see and talk to them 😲 😊

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