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Real Psychic Experiences

Feeling Someone Else's Emotions


While I was on holiday I could feel someone else's emotions. I didn't feel myself telling you the truth. I had someone else's feelings. It was like they put this feeling inside of me it was like they wanted to kill themselves. It felt like someone had took over my body in a way because I couldn't remember parts of that day. I couldn't stop crying, I just wasn't myself, it just wasn't me. I can't remember much, just that I wanted to kill myself. It was like someone was inside me as well. I did stop it from happening. I kind of pushed this thing out of the way. I would never kill myself, I wouldn't never do such thing. I was feeling some one emotions feelings, should I say. I was trapped.

Then I decided to go bed then sleep. I had a dream of something happening with the socket and that I was going to get electricity in my hand. I woke up and the dream came true, the story repeated from a dream to real life. I went over to get my phone out of the plug thing and the double socket broke and I went flying back and got this massive shock in my hand. It was tingly and hurt. I can't remember what happened, did I touch the wrong part and afterwards just was in shock. I lost my memory just that day, what I did on that day it was just blank. 3 hours later when my dad came back to the hotel I said to him why did you try killing me. I told him something bad was going to happen, I just had a bad feeling about that double socket right at the beginning.

While I told him the story nanna started laughing I really didn't think it was funny. It wasn't funny. I am still upset about it really. Why did she laugh? I told my nanna to say SORRY but she just carried on laughing. I could of died what if it was worse than what happened. I always remember her laughing. It's evil in a way.

What do you think? Thanks for reading


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Garuken (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-14)
Well I think I saw the future one more time, during a near death experience. I just don't understand it or really believe it. It doesn't make any sense in my head.
Garuken (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-14)
Hey Katie, your name wouldn't happen to be Katheryn Elizabeth Winston would it?

If not, I gotta say I have experienced feeling someone else's emotions, I even saw the future once in highschool. I went to school in my underwear, went threw the entire day, but there was a moment when I got made fun of. Two kids were talking about the real slim shady, which one of them was! It was dumb but I remembered the dream and went to school and the first four hours of that day were exactly like the dream. I mean word for word, action for action. My actions, other peoples actions, everything, all of it, right up until that slim Shady moment, when I stood up, asked if they had any questions, said good now be quiet and sat back down.

Life's funny that way, sometimes it show's you strange things. Never happened to me again. Though I do with varying regularity feel someone else's emotions. Sometimes they are really strong, sometimes they are faint, other times they aren't there. I had a pretty good week or two here about a month or so ago, no emotions other then my own.

Well an luckily whoever it is hasn't been horribly out of sorts lately, 2010 and 2011 were a bit of a nightmare. I think I almost went entirely nutty, more so 2011 then 2010 but a month or two or three in 2010 too.
ricki (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-16)
this has not happened to me, but I have something realy little simular I feel what others feel but its not to much out of my controle my own feeling are numb even at this moment but when I watch a movie or see some one have a feeling of either pain, saddness, happyness or anger I feel the same its only a little that I realise this but when I do I just remember that its not my feelings, iv been numb in my own feelings for about 4 or 5 years now and the only feelings I realy only feel, just a little bit is: pain, saddness and anger, those are mostly the only feelings that I feel on my own, but pain is mostly nothing for me iv gotten used to it and anger is just clear tortur becourse I get strangled of my own throut also when I'm sad I get strangled by my throut its kind of a stopping mecanism, and saddness is just as now I can't feel mostly for my self so I'm sad all the time also becourse I feel that when people that are looking at me are thinking freek and I'm not good with people so I can't be around them and tell them.
Betsy (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-12)
Hi Katie,

I too had a weird experience of someone else's feelings that I am trying to make sense of. There is this guy I met last fall, he is very special and very energetically powerful. But he lives far from me and while I consider him a friend I don't know him that well. The day after I met him I began having some new and unusual psychic experiences, beginning with a visit from my deceased mother, then seeing auras, feeling energy fields, experiencing complete transcendence via kundalini awakening, etc. I think I was always psychic but was not consciously aware of this power.

Anyway, a few months ago I sent him a link to a page where I had a bunch of inspirational quotes and ideas. He is extremely busy and I didn't know if he would have time to read it. A few hours after I emailed him the link, I felt like I was a beacon of profound joy, and I knew without a question that he was reading the page, and feeling joyous and I felt his joy as though it was my own. There was no mistaking that it was him (just as I knew that the spirit that visited me in the fall was my mothers), nor the infinite joy and happiness I felt. Does it mean anything if we feel another's emotions? Did this happen because we are two energetically sensitive people? Why did I feel his emotions? This is the only time I have experienced this (with him or with anyone).
ChrisWill (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-03)
It's so strange, you always put it down to just being good at reading people, but when it comes down to being able to tell a friend exactly what they're feeling and why, or a relative stranger for that matter, it's something different. I've always thought I was an Empath, though I've tried with Tarot Cards but never had too much success with foresight, But in the area of empathy I genuinely feel that I have something, be it one of the more humble gifts, I love it. 😁
LeeD (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-28)
Hi, I feel peoples emotions also, I can automatically tell when somebody walks into a room if they are happy or sad, I have also been able to tell if somebody is not telling me the truth, am I an empath of some sort

And by the way I'm sorry your nanna laughed at you
angelwingfeathers (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-17)
hi to all! I also have the ability to feel what others feel and can't tell you how many times I have said, "I can feel what others feel to the point of pain for myself", and, "I wish I couldn't feel what others feel". Now though I realize it is a gift. My eyes also change color, but it is according to my mood, like deep green when happy, and grayish blue when sick or tired. Just sharing!
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-05)
hi Vampire_Angel I don't think that they think your crazy. It just they find this stuff different and they don't know much about it because they hardly go through any experiences like we do. I guess they do a nervous laugh because they don't want to know about this stuff only because there scared of it.
Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-02)
I agree... You shouldn't laugh at anything that someone expeiriences... Even if you don't believe it... It isn't right. That is one reason I found this site... This way, I can talk to people, and get advice without them thinking that I am crazy.
Alma (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-15)
Hey Katie,

You responded to my blog "People Can Literally Make Me Sick". Thank you so much. I'd rather be dizzy for 5 minutes than be sick for 8 hours a day! I went out and bought smokey quartz--it's used to diffuse negativity and anxiety. I am going to put it to use, today.


Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-25)
I guess people believe in what they believe in but everyone different but you never laugh at what people experience and believe in.
Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
I know exactly how you feel. This happens to me all the time. I was having the best time of my life, my friend was depressed, she came into the room, and that was the end of my fun. Lol. Your nanna probably laughed at you because, she dind't believe you. You are lucky to tune into your ability so easily. I took practice for me to get it to the point where they have to be in the same room as me. Don't block out this ability. Use it all the time. Who knows what you could do with it.
Katie (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-22)
hi this happened on holiday mostly every time I go on holiday I can feel other people's emotions and it seems I get bad luck on holiday. So where did I say that I go through it all the time?
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-21)
Ironically, empathy has probably been one of the hardest things for me to cope with because it... Comes with sooo many things, not just feeling emotions, but from that you get so much more than your bargained for. Though I have learned a great deal from it, and I am still trying to figure out this one emotion that is completely different from all the other emotions, it does something pretty amazing, but I am still working on targeting the points for this.
Katie (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-21)
Do you! How does it make you feel though? If you don't mind me asking. I couldn't cope with it that's the truth. I don't like going on holidays because of it! People look forward to holidays I don't so I try and relax in the sun to get a tan. Before this experience happened I heard a man in my mind telling me what to do.
abilicous (2 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-21)
Oh. That happens to me sometimes. Its called empathy. Its a cool gift, and I like it.
Katie (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-21)
Hi stone lingo that is a great gift you have there! Its good to get to a place at the right time if someone you know is in danger or trouble.

Ghost whisperer
My parents believe me and my friends and boyfriend. You get those few people who don't believe its there choice but I never really ask for there advice or anything. I now just say I don't care and don't want to know there opinions and what they think.
Katie (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
hi mixheritag3 yeah I understand I have seen spirits of my family members, people from my past life's and other people's loved one's. I have heard that people have spirit guides who are from past life's and just loved one's really. I have seen my grandad as a spirit and before that I was getting haunted by him that's what I thought cause he was always in my dreams in a graveyard. I would leave him every time and he never could get out of the graveyard it was like he was stuck. I just wish I could help the spirits who come to me really I just want some answers of them.
mixheritag3 (4 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2007-11-08)
THE paragraph about feeling someone elses emotions is may happen to be empathy, I have that too. I have the Empathy and clairsentience ability. It is very hard to seperate my feelings from another spirits or humans feeling. I also have premonitions and precognitions. 😁
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-05)
hi Stone Lingo that is a great gift you have there. That would be great to use. I have dreams of the future. 😊mostly bad things which are going to happen to someone I know so I get warned and told what will happen to them in my dreams. I have a story which I wrote what I go through it called dreams which come true in a bad way.
Stone Lingo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-04)
I usually see numbers, by 3,up to the number 5,but 1 is the best number to me. I feel someone else's emotions and vibes, negative and positive... Sometimes I can make people trip themselves or I can see when things are going bad for someone. I also know when I shouldn't be somewhere, at a certain place and time. I read people easily. I can track down someone close to me, sense if they're in trouble or know if they need me.
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-30)
I'm sorry your nanna laughed at you. 😒 Just because normal people don't have these abilties doesn't give them the right to make fun of those that do. Anyway, you obviously have a gift and I'd suggest you don't try to share it with your nanna until/unless she becomes more open-minded. And as for feeling things that aren't you own emotions, you're either being possessed by a ghost or it could be empathy or psychic energy left over by a ghost. I have a feeling you'll get more clues as to what it is in the near future.

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