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A Psychic Discovers Jesus


Many years ago I was a psychic, I really enjoyed communicating with familiar spirits. Several times people would ask me to hold a piece of cloth,jewelery,or just a piece of hair. Several times I would have an out of the body experiences in these meetings but one time I will not ever forget. I was asked to hold an engagement ring and tell every one what was going on that day because this lady said this was my moms ring, so we want to see how accurate you are. Well I went deep in to meditation in the spirit world and all of a sudden I realized it was very cold and I was on a huge ferry boat. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing because it was actually right there, to where I was there. I was on this large ferry boat and people were all around me dressed like it was in the 1940s. Than I heard over this huge speaker that this ship should be arriving in America with in 2 hours. Than I saw this man give this woman this ring and as I explained how they were dressed, the woman that owned the ring because her mother gave it to her before she passed away was so marveled off of just how accurate I was. But nobody knew that every time I went deeper in to this spiritual world the harder it was to come out of it and find reality. Well I knew I was losing my mind even though I was very accurate at this gift but I was going insane. I was going threw sever torment with just awful dreams. Well after 6 rehabs and 7 psychiatric wards nothing was helping me so I just gave up all help. Well when I asked God to take my life I saw Jesus Christ and he not only restored me mentally, but also emotionally, spiritually and restored my body back to health. I now am an author and a speaker. I will not ever forget this experience because I thought I knew what power was until I met Christ. Tim Thompson

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Mcarsonames (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Your story is amazing. I am only 21 now and I grew up never understanding god or believing in Jesus Christ. I was never baptized and I attended church a few times with my friend and her parents, it was very comforting and serene. My parents died when I was young. My dad when I was 8, my mom and grandma 3 months apart my first year of highschool and my grandpa passed a few months later. It was a tramatic time in my life that still effects me today. Anyways, one winter day I was over a friends house. The house was cold but there was a glass door that had sunlight shining through. I wanted to warm up so I placed the chair in the sunlight and I closed my eyes and started to feel an incredible sensation. It must have been the feeling of energy or enlightenment and I opened my eyes and Jesus Christ was standing in the doorway looking down at me. It was a film on the glass but it was beautiful, I saw every detail, the eyes, lips, nose, hair and cloth. I was amazed and finally understood that Jesus was a real person well angel or high spirit of light. I don't tell many this story for people thinking I'm crazy! But it feels appropriate to tell you my experience since you saw him too. I believe in god now, I always have had a feeling but now I feel like I am supposed to be here today. Maybe my parents and grandparents were supposed to die. It was their time and it was a part of a lesson that my little brother, older sisters and I were supposed to learn from.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
yeah its a protective thing until he gets more secure and more knowledge. I look at it as a phase of learning. I had to go through it myself. I was pretty narrowminded about things for a while too. Its based off of fear and insecurity and will eventually fade or the person will progress out of it naturally.

Teaching someone about the spirit world is like teaching someone how to swim, you can go slowly and teach them the steps and hold them while they learn, Or you can toss them in head first. My brothers tossed me in head first and I didn't like it much.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Just because he did not have any good experience with the psychic world does not mean he should just be so narrow minded about it.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
interesting comments. I don't know the cause for ALL insanity. However, if you do bad things then your natural shields will be weakened and the "spirits" or "shadows" will torment you which will appear to be insanity to the outside world, because you will be unable to escape from their prison.

I think people need help escaping from the things that torment them sometimes and most people don't recognize the cries for help because they choose to believe that the person is "happy" until they commit suicide. Then they realize that maybe they should have listened to the small cries for help or the fact mose people aren't "happy" all the time. The negative emotions bottled up have to be released eventually and is not healthy ot bottle it up. Energy and emotions should flow, but not too freely where you think you can do or say anything even if it hurts others. BALANCE.

I would love to hear more about prayers, healing, etc.

PathR and Rashidah, I'm not sure if the author of the post meant to sound so negative about ALL psychic experiences (at least I hope not) its just I'm not sure if he has had too many positive one. He did mention he's encounter with Jesus. Jesus healed people on the spirit and physical realm.

Generational curses can be carried in the DNA of families and is not due to babies or children's misdeeds but that of an ancestors. It is said that it only last for 3 generations. Solomon's descendents were cursed for his misdeeds. Its in the Bible.

A spirit suggests is because that is how long people remember the ancestors deeds and how long the ghost is allowed to stay in this plane of existence to haunt its descendants. Another suggests its because of the seed of idol worshiping and poligamy that Solomon introduced to the Jewish people.

I don't know, you decide what you want to believe. Personally I try to live my life by following what God tells me to do and avoid the whole cursing issue to begin with.

However, if you feel like your family has a curse, you can pray to God and get it cured. Its called the transfer of negative karma through the bloodlines which can be nuetralized by good works and helping others and loving others as you love yourself. Because it has to be paid for one way or another, that is a universal spiritual law.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
You're not becoming detached from reality as a whole, just the physical side of it. When some people astral project for a long time, they can and sometimes do become more and more disassociated with physical reality. It's not insanity, just called that by doctors. Don't worry, just keep yourself focused on the physical if you want to reconnect with the whole of physical reality. It will take time, but you will find that you will be "sane" again.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Hi Tim: I haven't read everyone's comments but you are right there is dangers in the psychic world.

There is a very thin line between using your psychic abilities and becoming insane that you are no longer able to function in this world.

I personally only do it because it was requested of me as part of my spiritual gift of teaching. You can't teach what you don't know or don't use. So I'm trying to learn about it and how to say sane and Christian.

I've had visions where angels would walk with me and tell me about the world and others in it that I should give messages too. I think I was born an empath, the other abilities I was given on loan by the people I was sent to help. I hope you are well and I'm glad you found Christ. Now to read the comments.

Contact me if you feel so led. It would be nice to find someone who has had these experiences and also believes in Jesus.

I am who I am, you don't have to like it I will still wish you love, peace and light and hope that everyone will come into the light of Truth and make a stand for a better tommorrow. Night world.:)
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-20)
In prayers, yes you are evoking a god to help you, but it uses a lot of your own personal energies to do this.

So I believe that prayers are also proxy to Reiki healing, in that your own energies are used also.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-20)
Re Emily Rose Move I do believe this was a possession.
What I was to convey is that after working in the medical area for 25yrs.
All staff in Calif signed staff regarding liability and it stated, clergy.

In Emily Rose movie the woman was not a satanist/in the occult or drugs.

In US over 50 US Hospitals use Energy healing. In the UK "Reiki treatments" are given to patient of Cancer as well as other illnesses. All of Europe use Homeopathy and in England there is a Homeopathic Hospital. In US there is Healing Touch and Theraputic Touch which ministers to the dying in Hospice centers.

It has been proven with Data that
Healing and prayer have reduced pain, and healing time. Christianity believes and practices a type of proxy healing by sending prayers when the person is not present.

To say that the intuition, or seight, healing energy of healers is from demons/negative force because it is not from a specific religion and say that the devil can heal is not correct statement.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Well said Pathr.
Spirit guides are not demons. And even if they gave you bad advice, you should have had the sense not to listen to them.

The bible said to test all spirits. Did you do this?

Yes there are deceiving spirits out there. But you are forgetting that there are also good spirits out there too.

In life there is a balance. No need to go to the extreme and become judgmental.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-18)
timt I believe your heart is coming from personal experience and you are sincere.

Everyone should use protection. Proper instruction or no discipline can open to many forces. But this also includes Christians which I could give time/dates of people whom failed to discipline themself, or use protection and were worse than demons, destroying lives. Because they were ministers, their congration would not judge them, because they said they repented
The anointing would manifest so people followed blindly without trying the spirits or the evidence (fuit of the spirit).

The christian definition...
"Strongs concordance" defines = (owb) Familiar spirits
water skin bottle
necromancer, one who evokes the dead
ghost, spirit of a dead one
practice of necromancy

Now Jesus had Peter,James,John in a high Mtn (Scripture Matthew 17:4 they saw Moses and Elias.
Moses was dead and Elias was believed to be taken in a Chariot of fire to heaven.
So why did he show Moses whom was deceased? Plus Elias (aka:Elija) whom was not dead but ascended into heaven. Why did he bring him back to be viewed infront of the disciples?

This book is geared toward christian doctine and your experience will be helpful.

I would ask that everyone ask, understand, gain knowledge in what ever practice they endeavor. The time has come for people to "Question and not follow blindly".

I really wish you would answer Rashids questions if you used drugs. Because this does break down a person natural defenses, and hurt the energetic body as well as spiritually.

Does your book answer questions that you used protection and why did you friends surrender to horrible things and not stop. What weaknesses were in their own fabric as human beings. Scripture says) in one Gospel Satan commeth and found no place in JC.

I also agree with Vovoom there are many causes for Mental illness. Many Doctors would say Christianity has Voodoo in place of medicine. Discouraging people from not using medicine. As a Parishioner/Minister would be negligent and possibly punishable in court.
Just view the true movie:Emily Rose

Many things for people to ask and not just walk in fear
Vavoom (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-18)
timt, are you sure you want to wrap all mental illness in that package? I mean only that there are mental illnesses that are caused by hormonal imbalances and then others that are caused by traumatic experiences such as those who suffer from battle fatigue (ptsd) and still others that are there at birth like autism to name just one of many. You can't honestly believe an infant born with autism has been dabbling in the demonic or suffers from a generational curse. I have a problem with that theory. For one it puts blame on an innocent for something they could not possibly have any power over and secondly it completely dismisses the years of medical and scientific research proving otherwise. I am not saying anything against your beliefs as I myself have attended church my entire life. But there are proven causes for some of these illnesses that just cannot be ignored. I do however see how some can be traced as you say to dabbling in the dark arts as some people are not strong enough or go unprotected and open to attack. But there are others who move across and back with ease, suffering little or none of the after effects. So wrapping them all together in one package is, to me unrealistic and unfair.
ipromisedthesky (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-17)
I'm a Spiritualist I believe in God, angels, Satan, demons but I believe Jesus is a prophet not the messiah. Spiritual realm is reality to a degree. It's another world, so I understand how hard it must be to come back. But the gift you had was traveling back into people's pasts. Spiritual realms are different, there's different worlds out there besides our own. I've been in a few. Met some real people from there and some here. And as hard as it is to get out of them, once you are ready or done with why you came there or something else you will come out naturally. It's all about balance. I believe you were healed by Jesus since he had the ability to, it's just sometimes the drugs people try to give us are what makes us go even more insane. Being psychic in spiritual sense is not being insane, it's just people don't believe in this kind of works. Demons, Angels, and Spirits are three different entities. So are souls, Satan, and all that other jazz. Spiritualism is mostly about balance, there's people that try to go beyond it and get mixed up with the wrong things having things go after them. That's why you have to protect yourself. I'm pretty sane, I have friends that are Satanists and Demonologists but they know not to get me involved into it. I only share who I am and what I am with people I trust, or sense that I can trust.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-17)
I find this is very sad to hear.

I ask again, what made you end up in rehab? Was it the spirit world or drugs?

I am very deep into the occult, but yet I am very sane. Life is strange isn't it. 😕
timt (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-17)
Rashidah,I wrote a book called A PSYCHIC DISCOVERS JESUS, because many people who dive in to the spirit world don't realize there could be sever consequences to things. I have known sevweral people who went to far and ended up going insane, so to answer your question yes I do blame the spirit world for many mental illnesses. Several people I know in the occult will tell youthis does happen allot
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-17)
I am glad that you did not answer my questions.

I got the idea where this story is going anyways.

timt (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-16)
vavoom,to answer your question I went threw all this. I am now warning people world wide that when you open yourself to spirits youdont know what you could be getting in to. I had friends take their life or commit a horrible thing because they were told to by a demonic power. So where ever I go I point out that all mental illnesses if you search it out can be traced to some type of a demonic power or generational curse. OHREALLY thanks for the words of encouragement.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-16)
The spirit world IS reality.

By chance are you blaming the spirit world for your mental illnesses?

Mental illnesses can have physical causes of it also. As a matter of fact, most of the causes of mental illnesses are of physical and emotional natures.

When you said that you were in rehab, did you mean that you develop addictions for substances?
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-16)
Hey Vavoom could I email you? I sense something in your energy that relates to my own... Which is oddly strange.
Vavoom (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-16)
Thank you Tim, I believe this is an important story. I'm wondering if you're telling this as a cautionary tale or maybe just reaching out to let others who may be going through a similar situation, know that there is hope and not to give up? Either way, I liked the story and I thank you for sharing it. 😊 ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-16)
Awesome Tim, never stop and never yield. You know what the truth is now. Do all that you can do and let God do the rest in helping these deceived and misguiuded people

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