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Aurora1344 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
[at] magicmirror801 I see the same thing and right before I posted this it was 5:11
Aurora1344 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Ok ok thank gawd I'm not the only one! I always see 11 on clocks like something:11.I hear it has to do with 2012 or the number five. I have bein seeing this for over a year now please comment thanks! 😲 😲
AzKat65 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-25)
Well, its comforting to know that I'm not crazy after all. I have been seeing 11's for over a year, progessing with each passing day. Whenever I look at the clock, it's something:11. Addresses that I chance to look at end in 11. My new wifi number that I got 2 weeks ago ends in 911. The warehouse address I go to everyday for work ends in 811. The number 118 has been resurfacing sporadically throughout my life. That was my truck number over 10 years ago with the same company that I work for now, which has the address ending in 811, which is 118 backwards. I see 11's at least 5 times a day, everyday. I'll look at the oven timer to see how much longer the food needs to cook and its 99% of the time,?:11. My latest cd I bought has 118 minutes of music on it. When I look at the time on my computer, its?:11. I just realized my old phone number growing up, ended in 1113. I was doing geneology quite a few years ago and couldn't find anything on my grandfather who was raised in Brooklyn, NY, but something told me he went to a public school, PS 118. I never found anything on such a school and don't know if one exists, but its just a feeling I have. 911 is the most frequent that I see now. It started with triple digits a couple years ago beginning with 444. Now I see 555 at least twice a week and something lifechanging or surprising always follows. I still see triple digits all the time but have noticed I haven't seen 666 more than once. 888 is rare also, and 999. Its really bothering me now when I see 11 ending in something because I don't know what it means or how I'm supposed to react to it. Its scary and mysterious all at the same time! I don't understand what I'm supposed to do when I see this! Its ironic that I found everyone else having the same questions as me on a psychic site. People have told me that I'm psychic throughout my life but I don't think so because I can't read peoples minds. Lol. I did have an OBE once in my life, in 2002, while I was sleeping and was paralyzed upon waking up. I remember it like it was last night; feeling myself raise up like in an elevator, up to the ceiling, wondering why the ceiling fan blades weren't hurting my head because I was in the middle of them, looking down at my body still laying in bed asleep. I tried kicking my legs to get back down off the ceiling and could see my legs kicking in the bed while I still laid sleeping. I slowly descended, and felt like I was going down a floor in an elevator until I felt the bed underneath me. My eyes opened, I was scared and couldn't move a muscle for about 10 minutes. The clock showed I'd only been asleep for a half hour. When I could finally move, I got up and walked and my whole body felt the same as your foot when it falls asleep. All tingly and numb?!?! I also have premonitionary dreams lately. I dreamt a few months ago that a wall drawing I did on my exboyfriends bathroom wall had been washed away and when I asked him about it, he asked how I knew?...he had painted over it. A month ago I dreamt he was walking barefoot through his house and there was a rattlesnake under the chair in his front room. A couple weeks ago he told me about a baby rattlesnake in his house, in the same room that I saw, and yes, he was barefoot when he found it. A couple of nights ago I dreamt I was driving him somewhere in my car, passing by his house and saying it was going to be weird with him not living there anymore, since he had to move out. For what reason, I do not know and I won't know until later because I do not tell him my dreams beforehand and we are not communicative but every couple of months or so. Well, sorry to have dragged this out, but all these things have been bottled up inside me and I'm hoping someone out there will tell me what is going on with me and how I should deal with these sightings. Thank you for listening. ❤
Rain (4 stories) (191 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
The nubmer four and numbers related to it follow me. Ties in with 11:11 too. 4, 13, 16,44, 256 (four to fourth power) etc. I was freaked out when I found out my social security number added up to 44 lol. Now I notice it, but don't really read into it. (my full name consists of 16 letters ^_^)
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
I am glad I am not the only one seeing the number combinations for me it all started out a few years ago with a phone call from my younger brother. I never noticed it until he asked me if I was seeing 11:11 of course I said 'no.' He simply said he felt drawn to it and changed the subject rather quickly. A few days later I stopped at a light in glancing at a utility truck the last four digits of the phone number '1111.' I ignored it shortly thereafter started seeing it on clocks along with other number combinations. Called my brother and told him he gave me a name of a woman who has a book on this called Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue, and Lynnette Brown. The book gives info on all numbers and their meaning. She does have a website if you care to look.
Hope this helps
scotnick59 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
I too have experience way too many 11:11's, 2:22's et al for it all to be just a "coincidence".

Many people have had this phenomena happening to them recently and I don't exactly know what it is supposed to entail.

Some say that when it's 11:11 - Angels are watching over you.

Scott 😁
Betty (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-26)
Two years ago I began to see triple numbers - a lot!. So much so that it prompted me to do internet searches on the subject. There I discovered that many, many people worldwide are experiencing this too, and/or 11, 9:11, 11:11. YouTubes abound, many books have been published on the subject, and many websites are dedicated to it.

It's driving me NUTS I see 11's everywhere!

Then... I was arrested and put in jail on 11/11/09.

The night before I was to go to court for this offense, I drug out some old paperwork from a previous run-in with the law - and was astonished to find I had been convicted of the very same crime - committed 11 years ago on 1/11/99! I was drunk driving. I had my last drink ever on 11/11/09 and that's going great btw. However, I still see 11's everywhere.

It could be a warning that we and this planet are now in its 11th hour, and it's time to get right with God. A humongous 61 MILE long chunk of polar ice just broke off today.

It could be a message from our guardian angels that trouble is ahead, or the apocalypse (a Greek word which literally means Prophesy or Revelation) is near.

It could be Revelation as in the Bible which isn't good.

Maybe it's a good apocalypse/revelation such as a huge medical breakthrough, or a new, renewable clean energy source, the new Messiah, ascention to a higher plane of existence. God.

Is it a wake-up call to Lightworkers to ready the masses for ascention to a higher plane of consciousness? The concept of 'ascention' sounds great, and if it's true, well then isn't it nice to have been chosen to receive the signs?

However, some people say that it this is demonic. That Satan, the Great Deceiver, is also known as the 'Angel of Light.' It could be him and his minions deceiving us. Could be a warning that the anti-Christ is among us.

All I know is none of this is coincidence. It happens far too often to me - and apparently many other people, to be random. There's got to be something behind it.

Most recently, at 2:22 a.m. On 2/22/10 I awoke with a start from a nightmare which I don't remember. When I experience things such as this and 11's, it doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling at all. It's scary, confusing, and maddening.

I just wish I knew for sure what it really is.
12astile (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-10)
I don't want to look like I repeating everything everyone is say, but everthing I just read from all the comments is happening to me as well, I really don't thing where all crazy,

Maybe where just all special in some way, and this is some kind of spiritual awakening,

Check out my youtube channel and add me, I have a lot of cool video that I started watching before I started seeing all of these numbers 😉
Brandon840 (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-10)
I have been experiencing the numbers 1111, 111, 222, 2222, 151, 1155, 1212, 911, and 555 I see them almost everyday now for almost 2 weeks constantly! What really creeps me out, almost every morning I almost get paralyzed by (evil spirits) I believe. I had got paralyzed before a couple times. I had a few dreams that a demon has dragged me around my own house and than I wake up with a evil presence and then see the number 555 am, I researched that number up, 333 and 555 is a demonic number too. I don't know if I am in contact with Demons and Angels? That's what's really bugging me lately past 2 weeks. 😢
jabi530 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
I see 11 recently too. Then I also noticed things in my past that have 11. My childhood address was 1111. I was hired on 6-11. The address of my job is 2211. My last hearing day was 11/11. My surgery to get my hearing back 4-11. The day my cochlear got turned on 5-11. I see 11 all the time. I also have a daughter who keeps seeing orbs and the 11s started when she told me about it. Now I am also getting 22. My husbands brother who died his birthday was 11/22. What does this mean it is driving me crazy.
glory_b (1 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-02)
I also have been seeing 11's everywhere. Instinctually I felt it was something on a spiritual plane trying to get my attention. At first I didn't really know what it was trying to communicate, but after praying about it alot, I just felt that it was a warning of somekind and that I should be aware of my surroundings and what was going on around me, spiritually and otherwise. It's been happening for a little over 2 years now, and came to a peak this last summer. I can't say too much because it's still sort of going on and I'm afraid the people involved might read this, but I will say there was definitely a battle going on and I would have been blind-sided if I hadn't heeded the warnings and signs. I feel like this battle was on a spiritual plane as well as on this physical plane. Something was moving me toward a new consciousness and new beginnings. Everything has changed for me since this summer from my job, to my residence, to my lifestyle, and also my relationship status. I'm still seeing the 11's, but it's not as often now as it was this summer, and it doesn't feel as urgent.

Remember, Matthew 7:7-8 says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

God talks to us, not always as he did in the old testament with a voice like thunder, but in a gentle whisper, and in small things that capture our attention if we are open to it.

I believe that these 11's we are seeing are a message, and we just need to be open to hearing what it is saying.
MagicMirror801 (1 stories) (57 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-27)
omg I see 11:11 all the time, too! Even 2:11, 3:11, 7:11, etc. Read my story... Do the same things happen to you that happen to me? Because I see 11:11 alot, too!
daddysgirl00 (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
I to have the 11:11 pop up a lot or I get the nov 11 pop up a lot even in a dream. I don't know what it is yet but when I do I will let you know, I do feel that YVE72 is right on with her advice so I will take it.

Thanks and love and happiness!
DaniBaby22 (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
I know Lisa lol, kind of crazy isn't it! Glad we met too! Xx
I will be on chat today so when your there let me know, if I'm not on email me and il come on, because sometimes the chat room logs you out if your not talking for longer than 15 mins! I have emailed you already today! Couldnt wait hehe
IF we are correct about my pregnancy, and it lasts 40 weeks, guess when she will be born... Yep you guessed it 11th June! Talk soon! God Bless Dani xx
lisamarie (25 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
well danibabe, I am so glad to have met you, it feels like we have a kindred thing going on. The numbers, everything will be fine my dear don't you fear xxxxxx congrats honey xxx speak soon 😁
lisamarie (25 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
I forgot to say that these dreams are very very reoccuring sometimes for up to three weeks and then they change into another reocurring night terror. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what that means. Its a little frightening that it could be my loved ones coming to get me and I was just feeling the anticipation of the death itself. Thankyou its another way of looking at a rather awful experience. Xxxx you have been of great help and advice to me
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Well I always thought that very young children had "night terrors". It is also thought that night terrors were vivid past life dreams of their final moments of death.

I think your night terror/dream is a combination of re-experiencing your feelings of panic at or just before death AND the sight of angels and spirits of loved ones coming to retrieve you.

But this is just my opinion.
lisamarie (25 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
so when you say angels are the thingys that I see in my night terrors, why would I be so petrified. I am absolutely freaking out screaching scared when this happens. I know that something is trying to contact me but at the time I am toooo frightened to recognise it.
Psy_Psy (4 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Oh wow. Well, if you're seeing 11 in your dreams, here's what it stands for:

Eleven stands for intuition, mastery in a particular domain, spirituality, enlightenment, and capacity to achieve. It is symbolic of your creativity and visions.

Hope that helps maybe a tad.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
lisamarie... The orbs of light/energy are angels. Some may say they are spirits. I get them a lot in photography.
lisamarie (25 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
okay so 11 really does mean something, can someone please try and explain it to me... I have been with my fiance 11 years and see 11 absolutely everywhere. Also I started having these night terrors when I was 11 and they were sphere shaped light looking objects coming toward me. Please explain, confused as to why?
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
DaniBaby22...I will say this and then leave the subject alone so I'm not nagging.

It's not an obsession. Your soul is remembering and wants balance with your mind. 11's will continue to appear until you acknowledge that you see the wake-up call and its purpose. This advice worked for me.

Everybody else...I'm really curious to know how many psychics on this board see 11's.

Peace & blessings. 😊
DaniBaby22 (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Hi Krissy...
Its really strange because I have this thing about the number 11 too! I don't always see it like you but I have this thing about the number 11 since I can remember and never known why! I was drawn to your story because I'm am somewhat obssessed with the number 11 and reading your comments from YVE72 and Constancy has given me some insight on the number 11, maybe it was also a sign to me, like a reminder, also my boyfriend has a gift to and I know he also has this thing about the number 11. I guess we all get signs in differnet ways, if anyone knows why I have some sort of obssession with this number, please help
Thanks, god bless
Dani x
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Hello to all who have been sending their
Psychic experiences to this forum. I have been reading many of your entries and am always amazed in how many different ways we all experience the psychic world!

I have been asking you to check "The Agony of Psychism" under "" and now also under "" which are my psychic experiences, yes, but mainly they are dictations coming from my SOUL, my two daughters SOULS, my son's SOUL, and a good psychic friend of theirs. These FIVE have brought much knowledge to me and wanted me to share this with as many as possible. I thought that this forum is just marvelous for that, and I have handed you the manuscript free of charge, until now!

I was asked by my psychic group, the group of FIVE, that I would have to advertise the manuscript more, and that could be done via "", but everyone has to now pay $12.50, otherwise this wouldn't have been possible. This is the lowest price I was permitted! And I know its affordable, therefore, I agreed. Those of you who received the manuscript (unedited though) free of charge, GOOD FOR YOU! Its been with you now since half a year, and I am sure that those who wanted it have got it.

If you have any questions, you can always
Reach me here.
May God bless you all. We are looking at
A very insecure future and many of us have difficult dreams and visions to prepare us! We need all the help we can get from the psychic world which KNOWS what is ahead and is steadily warning us.

Take care!
Constancy (Erika)
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Hello, Krissy,
My name is Erika. I just read your story and I am agreeing with YVE72 that you are looking at a "wake-up-call" for your SOUL though, and also for yourself! Your SOUL chose a specific duty before it incarnated and became YOU! You should listen closely to what you perceive which is extra-ordinary, like your visions of 11. There are many like you whose souls are being nudged to work through their persons (like through you) in order to aid others in these changing times!
Your SOUL is certainly trying to get your attention by steadfastly showing you 11.
It will continue sending you more information, and one day you will KNOW what
Is expected of you!

Best wishes and may GOD bless you!
Constancy (Erika)
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Hi Krissy...
11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers. You are not alone because millions of people see the message. You are being reminded of the duty you choose before you came into this current life.

There is a consciousness shift going on in the world now. Psychic abilities are being awakened in many. Earth's vibration level is being raised. It is duty of lightworkers to help, but we all have the free will to ignore it. The next time you see 11:11 ask what you are supposed to help. Wait patiently for your answer.

You can find 1111 websites. My advice, get into spiritual and universal studies. Good luck.

Peace & blessings. 😊

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