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wlk (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-18)
Hi Oracle,
I try contacting guardian, but fail. Instead someone knows me from past live are with me.

And I think I know 1 of my past live now. Eventhough I know few of them, but I could not communicate with them yet. However, maybe with their safeguard, psychic attack reduced to the minimal.

All these happened just recently.

I still feel being locked, and suffering terrible body-swollen, even after many workouts to get myself healthy, the situation would only get worse.

Is that my karma or due to any reasons?
Please help and advise if any, especially about my health. TQ
ChelseaDawn (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-17)

I need your help. Do you have an email address? Mine is albright.14 [at]

I feel like something has been trying to tell me something for weeks now. I feel like something HUGE is going to happen... And I'm not sure what. Also I feel like my gift is growing stronger- but I want it to get even stronger and progress and be at the heighth of my abilities. Any advice?
scorpio88 (3 stories) (34 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-16)
Thank you so much on the advise you gave me about contacting my guides. This site and all the people you have reached out to help are grateful. Its people like you, who reach out a helping hand that give people like me some hope. Thanks again. 😁
Lockmaker (2 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-13)
Dear Oracle101, thank you for your advice I was wondering if you would at all consider giving me your email address so I could ask more direct questions about what I am seeing. I believe it would be helpful to myself but understand completely if you cannot. Thank you for telling me about guides I plan on trying to contact them tonight.
scorpio88 (3 stories) (34 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-09)
Thanks for the comment, id love your help on how to contact my guides and hone in on these abilites I was gifted with.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-07)
A good psychic rarely asks for money (especially a large sum) to help others. I help people for free. Other psychics complain to me about this and insist I should charge, but after awhile I realized it is only because they fear competion since so many of them had told me immediately upon meeting me that I am much more psychic than them (but to me I figured if they can sense that about me then how can that be true? Is that logical?). (They also told me I would soon be teaching other psychics, which is what lead me to this website.)

So in answer to your question, in my own personal opinion I do not feel you should pay for spiritual help. Besides, most answers lay within all of us. Look within.

Good luck.

scorpio88 (3 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-01)
oracle if you could, please read my story I am just beginning to find myself, and my psychic ability. Any advice or comments would be extremely helpful. I'm sorry don't mean to bother you, just seems like you have "Been there, done that" and contain the knowledge to help.
Christineko (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-01)
Hi Oracle, I need your advice. I went to a temple recently and the medium there told me that I have my past life ex husband spirit with me. Well, I am sceptical about it as she said in order to apease the spirit, I need to perform a ritual that will cost me a huge sum of money. Should I proceed?
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-19)
In addition to,
I called upon archangel gabriel to be my spirit guide and after I prayed then I saw a white aura of a man.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-19)
I had tried to meditate in the past and it happened that I saw a white bright aura of a man having wings. He gave me a white white light ball of energy. I called my spirit guide and I wanted to see him but first I prayed to god to protect me against demons while I am meditating. Good day to you😊 ❀ πŸ˜‰
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
When you have visions, dreams, predictions, etc which do not seem to make sense at first always play detective.

-Write it down (this helps you expand on possibilities, and your Guides, who are here to assist you, will see what is troubling you and can step in to help if you ask them to.)

-Go on whatever information you have been given so far.

-Ask for more signs.

-Keep the radio on the news.

-Read the newspaper daily.

-Do not expect to solve it if you stay home. Sometimes you need to go outdoors so you can be sent messages.

-Write down in an appointment book daily where you plan to be tomorrow. (This helps your Guides send you messages according to your daily plans.)

-If it is a dream and you can access the same dream or same spirit more than once, ask to access them again.

(This is in reply to India's question.)

Ps. Dear all: The reason why I have not been on this blog website for several months is because my number of psychic dreams have increased to 5-10 per night, I have been working at trying to solve them all (and so have solved many of them!), and when I go out to solve them I end up with even more predictions as well as messages, and am sent to help even more people.

It has become a fulltime job (with no pay).

(So this is what it is like being a Psychic Detective! LOL!)

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 43 years
Always happy to help others
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-07)
Hi oracle101.I understand on what you had experienced because I too had encountered this kind of matter.What you had said about your dreams.I am also a dreamer like you but I did not noticed it until I discovered this site.Good day 😊
india (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-06)
Oracle- I need your help.

Recently I have been having more frequent precognitions, Some link together and others make no scence at all.

The one's that make no bother me for most of the day and I can't seem to make scence of the during the day.

Just wonder if you have any advise.

Kaly30 (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-28)
One more thing. I'm sorry for posting right on your page. I've been reading your responses on helping others. I'm new to this website and just could not figure out how to message you.
Kaly30 (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-28)
Hi Oracle,

I was wondering if you could help me understand a couple of things about myself. I've been having dreams about deceased loved one, family and non-family memebers, but all people I know. In these dreams they come to me and they are always entering through a doorway of some sort, whether if be in a house or a building. They conversate with me, cry with me and tell me they are doing okay or sometimes I feel they have a message they want me to relay to someone else.

On top of these dreams, I've been experiencing times, usually at night of some unknown presence in my room. One time, about two years ago, I saw an image of a tall man standing over my bed. I was scared as heck but I could sense that the image or the thing over my bed meant no harm to me but I could not make out what it wanted. I can sense it was a calm, thingy/spirit who wanted to say something to me though. This went on for a couple of days. I could not sleep at night, I would just cry to my husband and he would stay up until I fell asleep.

Another time, I dreamed about my late Grandmother. In my dreams she was standing next to my bed as I was sleeping. When my husband woke me up, I woke up but then when I turned the other way from where I was facing, she was sitting there again next to my bed just as in the dream, after screaming, she disappeared.

My dad is a shamen so he came and did some spiritual thing to clear bad spirits from me. Since then whenever I dream about deceased family or friends, my dad would always be in my dreams, waking me up from my dream within my dream (weird). (this was all 2 years ago).

Now recently, I've started dreaming again. This time, my dad isn't so much in these dreams. The weird thing is when I'm having a bad dream or dreaming about someone who has passed away, while dreaming I know that I am dreaming and I try to wake myself up as hard as I can. I do this by screaming for help, hoping my husband would hear me and wake me up. It's very difficult but after a long and stressful try, he eventually hears me and wakes me up. One night, he must have woken me up 3 times and each time, I would fall back to sleep and continue to same dream and I would scream my lungs out to get my husband to wake me up.

One night I must have been dreaming the same dream my husband was and when I woke up, he was calling out someone's name, relating to my dream. When I asked what he dreamed, he could not remember.

I went to go see a possibly, psychic medium and he told me that when I reach 40 I would become somewhat a psychic mediuam for healing people and that my guides have only visited me but they won't actually come to me til' then. The psychic medium also sai my guides are only here to help me, why am I mad at them for? I am now 31 years old.

Still being so scared in my own home and unable to sleep at night, I went to go seek another medium. This medium told me different, she told me she did not see me as a medium... But she wasn't speaking of the future... But then again, who knows.

What am I to believe? Most of the time I tell myself that I am crazy and that I think too much which probably led to the many odd dreams and the feeling that there are spirits around me. I feel so bad, I always apologize to my husband for being so crazy and that I know maybe it's all just in my head.

I am so confused, scared and dont't know what to do. I don't know why I'm getting these dreams, feeling so scared. What is happening to me. Can you confirm if I'm crazy of if something is actually happening here?
Maria216 (2 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-18)
Hi Oracle, I would like to hear a word from you regarding my story just published entitled "An Angel of Death or a Doppelganger"? I'm afraid of that entity and I think too it's negative. Please I need your help. Thanks.
Dagr (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-24)
Oh and as for your question about developing your mediumship in dreams, you already seem more active than normal in that regard. I would think making a concerted effort in your conscious day to day life to focus on how you could improve in your dreams would be of good help to you, and then just reminding yourself before you go to bed as well. Perhaps you could also try going to sleep wearing crystals that aid in dreaming and psychic ability, like amethyst.

Those are very unique sounding experiences. You should share more of them on this website.

Dagr (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-24)
Hello Oracle,

I wonder if you can comment on one of my experiences (one I was going to submit but the process is being disabled for now).

Some years ago I met a girl in a class of mine whom I really liked. The first time I saw her I felt a deep connection as the instructor introduced us and we looked into each others eyes.

Since we were both kind of shy and a little stand-offish, my feelings grew more from afar. I started experiencing what I would only call a deep quality of loving thoughts towards her, although we only remained friends.

Anyway, one evening I woke up in bed. I became aware of this small cloud of energy, like a swarm of electric bees. This gently entered my left leg as I lie in bed and proceeded to help pull me out of my body where I sat floating above the bed. Furthermore, I was taken (or went) above my city at night. I remember seeing freeway overpasses. Eventually I came in contact with this person whom I mentioned above. What I recall is being in a window that opened to a courtyard garden. Indirect sunlight (or white light) shone in and we sat embraced in an intimate warm encounter. Since that experience I never came in contact with this person again.

In more recent times I was visiting a psychic and mentioned her name, Sharaine. The psychic told me we had a deep spiritual connection and might again meet someday. My question is do you think it's possible to do anything to make that more likely? I believe that, if soul mates exist, that they do not always meet in a given lifetime.

Perhaps you also have thoughts on the astral travel itself. I was under the impression that it might have been a guide, but I never saw a discreet intelligent entity nor did I communicate with one. I suppose it could have been a ghost, spirit, or even an ectoplasmic sort of phenomenon.

Recently, too, I was doing some automatic writing. I felt open and in tune in this moment and started to feel like I connected (only vaguely) with this person's essence. Again, I sensed something in my left leg, as if it were an antenna, but this time it was more subtle. Have you or anyone ever heard of that?

Thanks for your time,

Your comments or others welcome here or at [at]
Craig (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-21)
Hello Oracle, I'm presently letting go of childish emotions & feelings related to my first 20 years. The mind wasn't designed for the stuff I experienced during this period, mainly around rejection. The hurt little boy inside of me is sharing his painful experiences with the appropriate person. I feel I've done well in the last 12 months, back from the dead you could say. Due to this Depression, my life has been turned upside down in the last 12 months. I'm now in a position where I'm trusting in something (The Universe I suppose), it's a very spiritual feeling. I get the feeling that I need to trust in this belief as it will supply me with whatever I need to keep going. Does this make sense to you? Over a year ago I did ask for help to get me through this and it feels like someone is with me. I've had the odd vision in my mind, one of an older man followed by a symbol and another of a young girl. I read your information on contacting my spirit guides, I'll have a go at this. Reading through your posts give me a good vibe. I'm wondering whether you can sense anything for me? Like I said, I feel, all I need to do is stick with this trust, sometimes though, I'm not sure whether it's enough. I also have an interest in astral travel. I've heard NDE and other stories of people zooming through the Universe, I'd like to do that. I'm starting to get a feel for the Universe and it's makeup, I'd like to get out there and feel it! ❀
katia (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-14)
Oh and also, (I apologize again! For the second comment, just so much to say and it gets to be overwhelming and I forget, so again, I am sorry πŸ˜•) I never get hurt...ever. I don't even bruise and I'm not contstantly getting bumped, but when I do and expect a bruise, something, I don't get anything. I don't get cuts, I've never broken a bone. I just don't think this is normal...I've heard about healers being able to heal quickly and thought, perhaps that is what I am? Animals and babies are always drawn to me and people I barely know open up to me. I'm just curious because ifeel as I am, I just thought I should get a second opinion and I trust yours completely.
Thank you again
Katia ❀
katia (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-14)
Thank you so much oracle, your advice is helping me in more ways than you know.
I read one of your posts on how to contact your guide, and I did the one where you ask your guide for signs to give you and I couldn't really think of anything other than the moon, (which I am very very drawn to, since I was little, and to this day I'm not sure why) and he showed me a fair amount of them throughout the day. I even teased him saying he could do better, then a whole mess of crescent moons appeared; it was amazing. Thank you for that tip:] But after I saw the moons, I suddnely began feeling ill... And I started to burn up. I began to feel sick to my stomach and I knew it was something paranormal... Do you think I could have angered my guide by asking him to show me more signs? I didn't mean any harm by it, I promise you.
Aside from this, I have a question about angels, God. Ever since I can remember, I have remembered a dream I had, I think when I was a baby, of me in heaven. I was a baby in a bubble and I was looking down on earth. To my left, I could see Jesus on a huge gold thrown and to my right I could see different babies in the same type of bubble. Jesus was pointing to earth and the bubbles were going in the direction he was pointing. I somehow knew that they were babies gong to different mothers. Do you think this could have been an actual experience of mine? Like a memory? And what could it mean... If it was a memory, why was I able to see what happened? Is that why angels are trying to contact me?
Also, you mentionedthat I should practice using my abilites. Do you have any excercises I could use in order to do so? So far I'm certain of only two abilities, which are empathy and precognition. I'm not aware of any others but I've read peoples minds before and have attempted telekenesis with little success. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again oracle. So much. Your guidence has helped me very much.
Best wishes, Katia ❀
ladydi (2 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-13)
Hello Oracle
Thanks for commenting my story... I need more help its a very long story and I don't know where to start but I have a feeling you can be of great help. The reason I want to be more in touch with my abilities is because I know my dad is getting "worked on " as in witchcraft and its being done to him by his own sister. Me and my mom sense she knows about these abilities we have but she also knew we werent too in touch with them. We know shes going to find out that we talked about this together as a family. I think I know how I got my abilities. My mom told me that when she was giving birth to me she died for a couple of seconds. She told me she was walking and she saw me and that she heard a voice saying go back and that the instant she heard that she took a huge deep breath and she was back. After she told me she went to her friend who is psychic and he told her he already knew and that she had light in her and that I would too and each one of her kids would too, but that each kid would steal a little bit of power from her, I'm a little scared because shes had two friends that are psychic and they both have passed away. BUt I dreamt her friend but it was a long time ago she was just there as if she was watching me she never once spoke she was just watching me, I knew who she was even though I had never met her before and my mom never told me what she looked like my mom says she was trying to tell me something. I feel someone or something has been preventing us from them... Lately I have been having horrible dreams... I dream of the devil asking me to sign my soul over to him... What does this mean? He bribes me and tell me I can have anything I want this has happened twice already. Do you think someone is trying to scare me out of my abilities? And if they are what can I do about them
katia (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-13)
Oracle, hello again:]
I apologize for commenting a second time, it's just that I read a couple of your posts and got extremely excited:]
The passage that caught my attention the most was the one about contacting your Guide
Well as I mentioned in my previous comment, (which I'm not sure why I didn't put more detail, and again I apologize for that) I meditated yesterday, and I had... A vision? I'm not sure what to call it really but it felt like a dream... But more real and like I was in a daze
I was in a meadow-like place full of trees and flowers and the air was sweet. In front of me there was a bridge covered in green plants and at the other side there was a waterfall. I'm not sure now, but I think I saw my guide because I remember following someone across the bridge and through the waterfall. After, I found myself in a maze type of place in a mountain, following my guide. I see a light and get out of the maze to I think an even more beautiful place, where the grass seems greener and the water darker and richer. Right as I step out of the maze/cave type thing, there is a tree that is curved at the stump, kind of like creating a seat type thing, and then it crurves up and branches towards the sky. There, I sit on the tree frustrated that my guide ran from me. I then see him and we start to talk, and it is just as you said! I heard a voice that sounded like mine but I knew I wasn't saying the things he was saying! I'm sorry for the excitement, it's just nice to hear and see that I am not crazy and am not making things up:] well my guide told me that the angels and he were coming soon to make sure I did what I had to... What I was meant to do. He told me that everything would happen "all in good time". I also asked him if I really was different...special. I remember his words exactly, "Katia, look at yourself. What do you think?"
Anyways, I feel a sudden like...excitement/nervousness that something is going to happen... And soon. I'm not scared only curious to see what it is.
As far as my psychic abilities, I'm still not sure exactly what they are. I just now actually, realized I can control my dreams. Each night I ask myself a question, and each night I dream something new. Aside from that, the dΓ©jΓ  vu is constant, but sometimes it goes on hiatus. I believe I'm mostly precognative and empathic. The thing that bothers me is that I've taken those tests where you have to guess the card etc. And it almost never works:/ it makes me doubt myself and my abilities making me believe that I don't have any afterall, by I feel that I do.
Do you have any suggestions or any words of wisdom for me?
I see that you are extremely wise in the world of psychics and I honestly believe that you were sent to me:]
Thank you again for all of your help it means so so much to me
God bless
πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜•
katia (2 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-13)
Hello oracle101
I just wanted to thank you for your comment on my story
It's funny you mentioned that because coincidentally, I meditated yesterday and I think I saw my spirit guide...It's hard to explain... I guess I had a vision because we were in a beautiful place full of trees and waterfalls and I would ask him questions and he would, like you said, guide me and tell me what to do.
Thank you again so much
If you have any more advice or comments/concerns please feel free to contact me
bluehoodedmisery (4 stories) (42 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-13)
how do you use scrabble to communicate with your spirit guides? Do you pick out a certain amount of scrabble letters or pick out "Y" for yes, "N" for no, and "M" for maybe? I'm a little confused on that.

How can I have the ability to "hear" spirit guides? Do I have to be a medium or can I just be able to randomly hear people say my name who aren't even there? Because I have been having times where I think I hear someone saying something and no one around me has said anything.
bl_april (2 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-06)
Orcale, If you could spare a moment. I have a question... I would like to know how I would know if I was becomeing a medium? I have always seen and felt sprits. I am an Empath so I've felt them more often than I have seen them. They seem to follow me everywere I have moved. πŸ˜• Thank you for your time. April
bluehoodedmisery (4 stories) (42 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-19)
I am also wondering how I can get in contact with my angels/guides/helpers and learn shielding, meditation, and
Protection from evil spirits, etc.
bluehoodedmisery (4 stories) (42 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-19)
Oracle, I have some questions:

I have been hearing voices and sometimes sensing a presence near me. It has been happening a lot. Most of the time, the voice says my name. Could it be a spirit guide?

Also at night I have been seeing a dark orb-like object or a dark aura floating in a room I am in. What are they?

I also have experiences where I am thinking about something or someone and then I will have a dream about them. What is this? Am I able to control my dreams?

I was wondering if you can somehow get an ability from someone no matter if you know them or not? Like if you were next to them and they have a crystal or just being next to them? I'm an empath. I don't know if you can by feeling what they feel or if their abilities somehow intertwine with yours and strengthen yours and giving you other abilities.
Guessing1111 (33 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-25)
Oracle - I have a serious question. If you don't mind the few minutes. I'd be grateful.

My friends came over ready to adopt. Excited. They had one child and wanted another. Now the child was ready to adopt by the agency. But, something felt strange. I stopped and looked at the mom. She told me that she was pregnant a few weeks. The docs had told her, no more babies, many miscarriages. My husband, who doesn't like this stuff mostly, was out of town on business. I really care about these people. Old friends. I struggled but told them that I had three children, and liked having three. Two are fine also. But they were going to have this baby. So if they adopted they would have three. "It was their choice." Those were exact words. They went home and talked about it, to my surprise, and didn't adopt.

Well, their daughter was born nine months ago. I went to the hospital the next day. It was happy! But it seemed a little sad too. I felt like they should have had that third child. It felt unnatural in a way. It bothered me a little. They would have adopted. I believe in information and choice, but not sure that's always good.

I don't know that it is good, always knowing. I never ask to know or see or tell anything. This was out of the blue, like about everything. Can't seem to stop myself sometimes. The hubby doesn't love it. He won't even ask me anymore final ballgame scores. I'm not big into them. I just tell him who will win. That's bad enough I guess.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-25)
More on Fate and Destiny: Today I was out walking and when seeing a man I had a vision about him. I wondered if I was correct about the vision but also if it was okay to approach the man and tell him about the vision to prevent him from having the accident I had seen in the vision.

So I did something new which I never had done before. I first asked the Universe (and my Guides) if it was alright to tell that man. I received "Yes" as the answer. So I approached the man and told him. He was extremely grateful, and he believed me because he said he used to know a man in school who had the "gift". Knowing it was alright to tell the man about the vision, preventing his accident, and receiving his gratitude, made it all worth it.

So to summarize, always ask your Guides, Angels, etc before telling someone about your vision, especially if it concerns that person who you wish to tell.

Always happy to help others. ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-24)
Yes we must all question whether it is okay to step in and make changes. Domino Effect, Paradox, Fate, Destiny, etc must all be considered before we stick our noses in and try to "help" someone. Sometimes we can even make the event happen when trying to stop it (such as shown in the movie "Premonition"). Would it have happened anyways, with or without our efforts? Did Fate intend on it to happen? What if we save a life but it disrupts something else and the outcome is even worse than one person dying? These are all healthy questions to ask ourselves, because the power we hold is great and anyone with such power must be careful with it.

Something to think about.

Oracle ❀
Guessing1111 (33 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-21)
I'm not great at this, really, a little lazy or scared maybe, but if I "focus" hard for a day or two on someone or something while I go about my work, then I dream usually. I don't do it a lot. I am here. I try to focus on here. Being torn between two realities is not easy.
Guessing1111 (33 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-21)
Oracle - I'm hesitant to write because you have gone further with this me. But a few times I've seen things in dreams, odd details of plane crashes, that kind of thing. Then a day or seven, they happened and the news showed my details. I felt really sad and unhappy that I didn't know enough to stop it.

After years, my only thought is that we are not suppose to stop or cure everything. It's just to let us know that we are seeing actual things. Proof. People are always going to pass away, in one way or another, sooner or later. A few bad things, I have prevented. Those were great. But, many things, couldn't do it. It's not my choice, I guess. I'm guessing. The places are divided for a reason, which I don't understand. Mostly, it's fun and interesting, but we have responsibilities here too. Balance. I like to think that we have angels. That's the best description of the others that I can find.
wlk (1 stories) (15 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-21)
Thank you Oracle101.

Currently the only protector (also the most positive energy sources) I got is from a small picture of a Buddha master. Which all negative energies would be cleared immediately with his presence. But (I am not really sure) his presence also seems like encouraging me to involve myself deeper in these "experiences". Same as some Buddhist practicing of "ignoring/never emphasizing on supernatural".

I do not know who is my guardian or guide, as I seen so many, but none could really help.
Not all spiritualists could be trusted, some cheated on me, some try to get benefits from me, some jealous after hearing my stories, etc.
I was warned to stop meditation, as weak body conditions, and no guide.
Hence I do not have any guide right now, except books and this website.

I could not find your guides on "connecting guide and guardian".

My life is a great challenge, and my stories here cover only 10%.
I do not know that I am a medium, until yours advices, but irregardless of what's an ability I have (which I also do not know), I have been practicing and helping others since small, even when I am in my worst situation. I though that's enough, but seem like I am wrong, as I still suffering in my living.

I need to earn for my living (for parent too), and not interested in earning for being a medium or monk, especially in Asia.

I had just taken up a night class for career, but my terrible energy conditions make me worry.

Please advise and thank you.
DarkBeauty (6 stories) (40 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-19)
Oracle I have some questions that another friend on this site told me you could answer. He said you were very helpful to him.
I would like to find my Spirit Guide, I just don't know how.
Also to rid shadow people. I don't want to see spirits or shadows. This one spirit, not a dark shadow, walked right through me then through the wall, that was back in 2002 I haven't see a white spirit since then. I was PO'd and frightened. Frightened by what I saw and PO'd because I felt like it did it on purpose. Couldn't he have walked around me!? I thought it was rude!
Lately have been able to know names and words before spoken, now this I wish I could develop...


I've only once heard a conversation between 2 known people and thought they were at the door. I looked around inside and outside...Nothing!...about 15 minutes later... There they were at the door...

I always hear the door and look...nothing...then hear the door within a minute or less and it's someone.
But that was the only time I HEARD THEIR VOICES IN MY HEAD... It was like having water in my ears... Like I switched a frequency in my ear and tuned in... I know that sounds crazy... That's why I'm hear...
I can't discuss this with anyone.

Also I can hear voices sometimes when there's a lot of water running, like full force... Bath or shower. Is that a skitzo thing... It's too many voices to understand anything but mummbling.

Since I was atleast 8yrs old or less I have a memmory of being someone else. I know that I am different and I'm sick of labeling myself as weird. I'm not weird but I am different...

In my family, going to church every Sunday and Ohhh my nephew (3 years older than me) I'm 35 he's an ordained minister among many other things. But he is the high spiritually ranked person to all in the fam... Of course I am the lesser... The one who can see shadows and spirits and hear things.
In my eyes he is NOT!
He is less enlightened because of less understanding. In my eyes he has accomplishded many worldly things and degree's but will be back - back to earth, for other reasons where there is no growth...
Please help me on the journey of mine.
My email addy is in my profile or you can add comment to the one story that I had posted...
Thank you in advance
wlk (1 stories) (15 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
please advise if any as my life being mess for long enough.

Have been looking for a mentor/guide/master for so many years but fail to really get helped. Worse, some took advantage and tried cheated on me.

Had looked for your topic on psychic attack but fail. Please advise how to get its. TQ
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-30)
Hi,I am also feeling others emotions. I also experienced like my power was being drained by someone who is near from where I am anywhere, any place. Whenever I met a psy vampire I felt sleepy, ived got headaches, I felt powerless but I learned from this site that if that happens to me again. I will just put a psy shield to protect my self from them.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-30)
hi there oracle. Let me first introduce myself to you. I am kris and I am already at 25 years of age. I think you are a real experienced and strong psychic that do have a good and kind heart. Can you teach me on how to open my third eye even more and how to develop my skills even more. Here is my yahoomail account you can mail me there so that I can have a communication with you. Here it is cabal_online28 [at] you and good day =) ❀ 😁
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-19)
I'm sorry I don't have much advice on controlling it as I go by my instincts and experiences.
But I would advise that you becareful when it comes to the killers you see. Sometimmes they can see and sense you too. And if it is a seriel killer that would be dangerous. I've been there myself. Sometimes we can get drawn into their minds.
But Good Luck, it is good that your using your ability as a medium to help others.
jadeofthegreendrag [at]
trh32 (4 stories) (21 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-17)
I've seem to noctice that you are very helpful with a list of abilities.
If you don't mind me asking can you help with "soul-readers"
I've heard you know how to contact your guides...
You care to elaborate
On that?

31CalmBeforeTheStorm13 (2 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-17)
hello oracle101. I'm david. I have been reading your posts and you seem very knowledgeable and good-hearted. As for me - at this stage in my journey I am on the tip of the mountain and ready to fall. I feel like I have been waiting forever to accept myself and trust myself. There are family members pushing me towards it and also spirits seem to want this. I can't take not commiting to it anymore. I want to give in and believe in myself and what I have, but I'm so scared of what this might mean. I feel like everything will unfold once I do this. I know that it will be ok, but I don't understand why I won't jump. Can you suggest any methods or processes that could help me come to terms with this? This might be a bit much, but thankyou for listening.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-06)
Seeker, as you said you are 15 years old. There is a reason why you do not have certain abilities, and why those abilities which you are allowed to have need further developing before you are allowed to use them. This is very common for psychics who are teenagers. In the spiritual world timing is everything. It is your Guides job to help you to develop your skills and only as you reach those levels. Patience is a necessity if you want them developed properly and perfected.

Have you followed the advice I posted on how to contact your Guides?

Oracle, Psychic and Medium for 42 years
SeeKer (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-02)
Okay...I saw where you posted a comment to someone on finding their guide. So thanks for that info.
But what exactly do you mean by "I'm seeking powers that I do not have"? Because what I mentioned was what I've experienced, and that's what I was curious about. I was wanting to know why I've had those experiences. And I stumbled upon this site where others have had similar experiences. So I asked you because I saw comments where you'd said that you have been a psychic medium for 42 years. But I've also posted a story on my profile and it has a little more detail about my experiences. And it lists a couple more of them.
Also, you said "On someone else's story you even posted that you would like to be able to astral project". I actually asked how to do it and what it was because I'd never heard of it before, so I was curious. But do you have to have that ability in order to be able to do that? Because it sort of sounded to me like you were sayin that I shouldn't because I don't have that ability? So more info, please.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-30)
Seeker, you are seeking powers you do not have. On someone else's story you even posted that you would like to be able to astral project. Instead try focusing on developing the abilities you DO have, rather than to want what was not given to you. Everything happens for a reason. Everyone has a special gift and for a reason. Learn what powers (abilities) you DO have, then learn how to contact your Guides so they can help you develop that ability, when and if they feel you are ready. You see, there is a reason for everything and there is also a time for everything. Timing is very important in the spiritual world.

Click on my name to read my other posts on how to contact your Guides. If you cannot find that particular post then ask me to post it again.

Oracle, Psychic Medium for 42 years
SeeKer (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-30)
Okay...I'm a beginner. I don't really have any idea how this "psychic" thing works or about Guides or any of that. But I am interested. I don't know if I have some sort of ability or if I could develop one but I'd like to...
I have had experiences though. I've saw figures/ spirits. And sometimes I feel a presence and it feels as though it's moving...Anyway, I've communicated with one of the figures and it scared my mother because she couldn't see or hear it. I've also had a dream about my dead grandma (she passed about 5 years ago) and the same night that I had this dream, my aunt dreamed of her dead mother. But during the dream, my grandma let me know that she was really concerned about my grandpa's health. Then about a week later (I hadn't spoke to or saw him in a few months), I found out that he'd gotten pretty sick.
Anyway, if you can help and give me some info about all of this, I would really appreciate it. My e-mail address is t_rah3 [at]
Thanks. =)
saoling (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-26)
Thank you very much for your response. I will use the info you have given me along with your past posts and give you an update soon. Once again, thank you. And if you know any medicine men or mediums in jersey, let me know:)
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-24)

I understand your concern. I will email you as soon as I am able to.

Until then, I do have the ability to pick out that which is not written so you need not write in great detail. Just write the basics (whatever you feel comfortable writing) and I will reply in the same way.

Also, for your own benefit do the following:

1. Write your dream out on paper.

2. As you write you will notice some things that you might not have before. Add those observations.

3. Then place it aside and go about your day.

4. At the end of the day read over the dream again and also your new observations about it.

5. See what else you can conclude about it.

6. Next do a reading with your Guides and ask them questions about the dream (one questions at a time, and one reading per question).

For tips on how to communicate with your Guides, or for other advice, click on my profile name to read my other posts.

Oracle ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-24)

I would be quite happy to answer your questions on here.

Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-24)
"Knowing" is an excellent movie for psychics.


Research your grandfather's past since it seems quite likely this relates to your abilities and attacks. It is also why he only recognized you that time you mentioned. (I was not close to a friend's grandmother, I barely knew her, but when she was dying in front of her entire family she reached out for my hand like a best friend and would not let go until a tear left my eye.)

When you were a young child you would have been protected more so because of your innocence.

Once you became a teen you would have naturally become more rebellious and this makes it difficult for our protectors (aka Angels or Guardians) to protect us. This would be why you experienced more attacks at that time in your life.

Now you are wiser and are capable of developing your abilities, your relationship with your Guides, and ways to protect yourself from psychic attacks.

Let me know if I can help further.

Oracle ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-24)
"Knowing" is an excellent movie for psychics.


Following my tips on how to communicate with your Guides should help you in your meditating. If they do not respond then they could possibly feel you are not ready. Timing is very important and they realize this fact.

Good luck.

Oracle ❀
saoling (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-20)
Hello Oracle. I am writing to you in search for some guidance. If you are willing to listen to my story or help me out, please contact me at jluangrath [at] or AIM SN: njlingling. Thank you for your time.
buddha13 (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-20)
Hi "Oracle"!

I have some questions and also insights for you. I believe I came to this website (quite randomly) so we can chat and share some things.

Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Abpopejoy [at]
KimBo (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-20)
Hey Oracle =)
My name is Kim and I'm 17. Ok, I really don't know how to start this so I guess I'll just start by saying that a couple of weird things have been happening the past three months and I've been reading through the website and you seem like a very nice person that is more than happy to help others and that's just what I really need right now.

I had a dream this morning that I normally wouldn't even bother thinking twice about. It was just regular like nightmare-ish and I have stuff like that all the time and they don't bother me, no big deal. But this one I had stuck out to me like it was really important and I couldn't just ignore it. It scared me so bad I woke up and just started balling and called my boyfriend and my mom and told them about it. I was really frightened but I have no Idea why.

I know this really doesn't make much since right now and you're probably wondering why I'm not just telling you the dream and the couple of things before it and I'm sorry. It's just that I would much rather talk to you in like emails. I would feel a lot better if it's just you I'm talking to and not other people giving their opinions and advice too. And that sounds really rude and I would appreciate anybody elses help and everything, it's just I'm scared right now and confused and would feel more secure if I could just talk to one person. And plus, they aren't letting stories be submitted anyways and I would like to get this out now, lol.

So Oracle, I'm wondering if you would please, please email me when you have the time. I don't know if you normally do that but I really am begging you. My email address is: Kim. Bo2010 [at]
I'm on almost daily and pretty much all day for the time being. I would really appreciate it if you could send me a message.
Thank you so much for reading.
I hope to hear from you soon =)
Nahlire (1 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-20)
Hi Oracle, thanks for your answer.
Though it seems you have missunderstod my message.
You said that you sensed I only wanted a confirmation of what I feel or know about myself which I don't.
It states early in my post that I already believe we have some psychic abilities, but we can only guess what they are and I'm not certain that it's the only thing we have.
I have no idea when it's going to develop and if I will have enough knowledge to understand it correct.
Thinking back I think I will look at my dreams as something none special (except from what I have written earlier) since I guess I'm just weird.
I keep that in mind what you wrote about guides and spirits in dreams.
I will continue to try to meditate as always even though I have failed for months now.

Another idea is to stop thinking about it all so it can knock me in the head when I the least suspect it. Would that be a better option for me? I'm really serious. 😐
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-19)
Tracytri, as soon as a psychic or medium tries to develop and use their abilities their Guides will try to make contact to assist. The bad news is that dark entities will also try to contact you to do the opposite. Evil sources do not want someone using their powers to do good and to help other souls. So this period of transformation and developing takes time, effort, perseverance, and confidence.

-Surround yourself with purity and goodness.

-Have the support of those who love you.

-Learn how to create shields of protection.

-Meditate and pray.

-Keep in constant contact with your Guides, Angels, God, etc.

-Never give up. The stronger you become, the weaker the darkness becomes (and vice versa).

Let me know if I can help further.

Oracle ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-19)

I sense that you only want me to tell you what you want to hear, a confirmation of what you already feel or know about yourself. You do not need this from me but from yourself. You see, deep down we all know the truth about ourselves, our destiny, our soul's purpose here, and our abilities. The same applies to your visitors. If they are your Guides, you will know. In your visions or dreams they will feel like old friends. You will also hear their thoughts as spoken words. Whereas with spirits you might feel afraid of them, uncertainty, and confusion as to their message or reason for contacting you.

I suggest trying to meditate or use tarots to receive messages from your Guides.

Let me know if I can help further.

Oracle ❀
Nahlire (1 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-15)
Hi Oracle

I think for the first time I have actually been able to find a person who can help me with some questions.
My sister and I believe we have some psychic abilities, which we only can guess what they are. Though I'm not certain if they are only those gifts we have.

My sister seems to know how others are feeling and often know when her best friend have a headache and we both somewhat can sense the future and we both have deja vΓΊ.
We both have had visits, by unfamiliar spirits and family.

I had once a dream come true when I was about 12-13 years old. It has been the only detailed true dream I've ever had so far.
My dreams are so crazy and messed up that I only understand 1-2%.
How it feels like anyway.
Though I sometimes get the feeling I have dreamed a certain dream before which I know I haven't because it doesn't fit in the time I was at. I hope you understand.
I dreamed once I was in my apartment (I have moved already now) that a child was standing next to me, about 5-8 years old, blond hair and blue eyes.
Looking into those eyes I saw knowledge, like he was older somehow and in that dream he was my son.
I have no kids and I am not in a relationship.
I have also dreamed about a teenager/young adult sitting in my couch and when I looked at him I knew he wasn't some character in my dream, he was more real! It really surprised me!
A friend of my sister told me he was some dreamguy, like spiritual guide but in this case only appears in dreams.
I want to meet him again and my "son"

Once I was sleeping in my couch I received some nasty visitors who was invincible and tried to choke my soul in my dream.
I barely managed to get up and away from the couch.
It has never happened to me before and it hasn't come back.
I think there was this guy (could only sense him) who appeared before (I think) this all happened and gave me electrical pushes. It was really unpleasant.
Could that have been a warning to stop sleeping in the couch or was "he" just rude?

All my ghostly visits have never spoken to me.
In my old home (I was a child) I got visit from a man who was around 50+ and tall. I knew all of that even though I didn't see him since I was under my blanket very afraid, he had just popped up from nowhere as I was deciding if I was going to get up to get a glass of water... I wonder who he was.

We have got some answers from my sister's friend but he's very vague and often reply that we should seek the answers ourselves.
I agree with him, but I really need some guidance!

He has said:
Keep track of your dreams,
You have no idea what powers you are possessing.
Both of you.

You are both reborn, you possess powers you
Cannot yet control, now you only have a mere amount of what you will be able to later on.
Your time will come.

As I told earlier, I don't understand my dreams!
Though I often have dreams where I can fly or have magic abilities (mostly Air).
My sister and I believe we inherited our gifts from our father.
I have tried several times for several months trying to see my past life.
I don't know where I'm doing right or wrong since I never succeed.

I think that clearly our abilities is not developed and I am having a particuliar hard time to understand anything.
I have read previous comments and this story and so I have received more knowledge regarding psychic experiences and such as contacting your own spiritual guide, which I will try.

I think you pretty much know the questions in this comment I'm asking.
I was wondering if you could do a small reading on me or could tell what it is that I have (and/or my sister) so I can read more about it.

If anyone else can help me as well is very much appreciated and feel free to ask me anything. I wish to use these gifts honestly and wisely.

Thanks for taking your time to read this and I am very much grateful for any answer given.

Fairykit [at]

Tracytri (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-12)
Hi Oracle,
I was just wondering if you can sense anything about my home and the uneasy feelings I have been having lately. I am so afraid at night I leave the lights on. It is as if as soon as I acknowledged my psychic abilities there is so much unseen chaos around me and my family. Help?
❀ Tracytri
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-03)
Yes it is important to seek advice from your Guides. Unlike people, they always have good intentions and their job is to protect you and guide you. Here are some tips on how to make contact with your Guides. (If you have any further questions do not hestitate to ask me. I am always happy to help others.)

To confirm that you have Guides (and that they are who they say they are) ask them for signs then be on the lookout for those signs. I asked for specific detailed signs which are not easily found anywhere and they shocked me everytime by sending me those exact signs, so make your requests a bit challenging (but not impossible) and they will comply. Do not be scared. Think of your Guides as friends, Angels, etc. Your job is to develop and use your gift and their job is to show you how. Just make certain you only use it for good purposes. Also make certain they are Guides, not bad entities, by only thinking your thoughts to them rather than speaking your requests outloud, and first pray for your top level Guides to come guide you, and verbally outloud banish all bad entities from around you telling them they are not welcome.

How to make first contact with Guides:

-First be relaxed and in a location where you feel most spiritual and protected.

-Next in your mind and outloud ask for all negative energies/entities to leave for they are not welcome. They need to be told this.

-Next pray innerly (not outloud). Ask to be protected from negative, bad, evil, or dark energies/entities/spirits.

-Once you feel at peace and protected, pray innerly to communicate with your Top Level Guides. Only those who guide you, care for you, protect you, and are of the white light.

-You will then hear some inner thoughts, which at first you might feel are only your own, but they will catch you off guard because you will know you yourself did not think that thought. Reply to it. Listen carefully. Ask it questions. Listen for answers.

-Now at this point you will wonder if you are crazy, and are imagining things, or making it up in your own mind. This is when you need to ask to be sent signs as an assurance that they do in fact exist. They do not mind doing this. They understand. Request a sign which is challenging and not so common so you will know for a fact that it is from them, but do not choose a sign that is impossible.

Be aware and watch for the signs.

Keep in mind that Guides do not always come forward until we know they exist, believe in them, and need them. Even then it might be against the rules for them to come forward. Others like to remain hidden and watch over us silently. Remember that Guides are on another level. They can make mistakes, be not so experienced as other ones, and might bend the rules and get in trouble for it. So be careful when making contact and making demands. They do have to answer to the highest power aka God.

Ways to communicate with your Guides:

-Rune Stones
-Asking for and reading signs

Guides or spirits?

It is very important to confirm that they are good entities which you are meant to help and not bad entities trying to attack or manipulate you. They can see you and hear your spoken word but not usually hear your thoughts so the first thing to do is to pray for your guides to protect you and advise you on what to do. As for the entities/spirits you must speak outloud to them to ensure that they hear you and tell them that you only welcome good spirits and ask all negative or bad energies/entities/spirits to leave. This is also important to do when using lettered cards, tarot cards, scrabble, etc to communicate with your top level Guides for advice and guidance. Always confirm you are speaking to them and not to entities/spirits until you are ready to do so.

Oracle, Psychic Medium for 42 years
Tracytri (1 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-21)
Hi-Oracle101,I am very intrigued by you. My empathic abilities are now becoming more intense and I am developing visions that seem either very profound or very trivial. I also am feeling like I am on the brink of something big spiritually. I feel compelled to ask you the significance of this. There is more here, I feel some strange connection here. I know this is vague, but I feel this is all you need.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-13)
Protecting a child from spirits:

Knowledge is power. In other words, the more your child knows and understands about his ability and yours, the less he will be afraid and the better he can protect himself from anything which makes him feel unsafe or threatening. Since children are more open to seeing and hearing spirits, and more accepting of them (until parents tell them otherwise), children also have the ability to know which spirits are trustworthy and which ones are not. So you need not judge these spirits around him yourself but simply ask your son. Together you and him will reach a shared understanding about who and what these spirits are, which ones are safe to converse with, and what their purpose is.

Also teach him about the power of prayer, and how to ask the higher power for protection.

Let me know if you need any more help on this subject or on any other.

❀ Oracle ❀
HMM (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-11)
Do you have any suggestions on how to keep "spirits" from trying to make contact with or showing themselves to your child? I'm not labeling myself as psychic or a medium or anything, but I have always seen weird things. Rarely in dreams, usually more like visual or audio hallucinations, or simply sensing a presence. I do not desire to open a door to any abilities I may have, but I don't block them out completely either. I leave the door shut, so to speak, but almost like when you leave a light on in the next room and can see it coming through under a shut door, I know it is still there... Or vice versa, when you can see the darkness under the door.

Without going into detail about myself, all I can say is there are "things" that are with me always. There are a lot of them. Some are "good" and some are not good, but I can't define them as evil or demonic. The things that are not good, are somewhat menacing at times. Others are curious, and some others I think feel comfortable around me, as though maybe I am accepting of them not being "good" and they know that and stay with me but do not really bother me. The only way I can describe the things that I feel are "not good" is that they are unstable and have no real purpose and are just passing time, but IDK. The ones that are "good" do not try to interact with me as much, and I make it known that I do not desire to make contact with them. The best way I can describe it is, they respect my wishes and wait, maybe for another time when I will be more responsive.

I have a three year old son and he has been very intuitive from the beginning. But it appears as though he can sense their presence and maybe see them too... And I believe that perhaps he has seen the "good" ones and even been scared. I want to know how I can help my son cope with things if he is seeing something. I don't really feel the things he sees when I'm around are what frightens him the most, that there are things staying with him as well. I fight with him on a nightly basis about sleeping in his room, he says the typical, "there's monsters in the closet," kind of thing. He has told me that they try to claw at his back and well there's more but its hard to seperate what he is experiencing and what he is making up. He seems to not want to talk about what really happens and is more comfortable making things up about the events, and then will tell me, "Im done talking about that now." Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-03)
If you have visions of spirits but cannot hear their voice so you become frustrated because you do not know what they want, but soon after you are now able to hear the spirits then this means that either the spirits have changed their contacting method so you can now hear them or your Guides have added to your ability so you can now hear spirits as well as see them. In other words, your request was answered. Now you have gained the ability to communicate fully with the spirits so you can learn who they are and what they want so you can help them. Learn to accept this gift and be thankful for it. Use it to help others.

Always happy to help.

❀ Oracle ❀
Bel (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-30)
Dear Oracle, I desperately needed your help.
I'm not sure where to start my whole story but anyway I'm 27 years old now, last year I started to have images, visions and sometimes pictures of spirits or persons which I didn't know why I suddenly got it one week before my uncle's death.
I was so afraid to go to sleep because everytime I close my eyes I could see them, some of them were quite scary, even though I could see them everynight but I didn't know what they want or actually what were they trying to tell me because I can't hear them. After few months I got used to it until recently I felt someone was touching me but everytime when I look around (of course) there was no one around me but I'm having less visions than before, I'm not sure if it's due to my new turquoise ring, the seller told me that the ring can help me to get rid of evil spirits, but if that's true then why am I still experiencing things like someone was standing right next to me but actually there's no one, just yesterday night, I was calling my dog to finish her dinner, after few times I suddenly heard a lady's voice said just leave her alone. That was so freaky, first I thought was my Mom talking to me then when I look around, my Mom was in her bedroom but that voice wasn't that clear, sounds like when you are listening to radio. Could you please give me some advice? Why am I having less visions but I can feel them touching me and now even hear them talking to me?
Many Thanks for your help.
Isabel πŸ˜•
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-14)
Avien/Rebecca, your Guides are helping you, and you seem to realize that this is their intention. So rather than to produce unneeded confusion, just be thankful and happy that they are helping you. Tell them that you appreciate their help, and make a point of listening to their warnings and messages.

Any other questions?

❀ Oracle ❀
AlphaMale (77 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-10)
Just anything about me.
Thank you.

Beta state is the waking state. In the state where you normally do your regular chores such as studying,workout, etc.
But you mentioned that you see them in your calmest state (Alpha or Theta state).
I normally see them also in theta. I normally see something in this state of mind for just a few seconds before I get fully awake. Not sure if its just hallucination.
Avien (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-09)

Technically I don't know what beta state of mind is but yes I do sometimes see them, it is when I am my most calmest state or randomly I see a person-spirit in full daylight when I am not even thinking about it.


I don't know why they are contacting me, it normally happens when I am about to do an action that I will regret later, like they will tell me ahead of timethat I will lose money sometimes when I touch the money. I didn't listen a few times and have so far lost over $100 at a time sometimes (they are in zipped up wallet and still dissapear). Or they will tell me that I will have to do something now because I won't be able to do it later or I should clean up my home because someone will come over today etc. They tell me some of the most random stuff, but it is always to help me in a good way.

So I don't really know why they can talk to me sometimes full sentences, but I can't talk back to them on a regular basis as they seem to answer some questions when ever I ask them it.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-09)
Alpha, certainly I will try to help you in anyway I can. What do you want to know?

Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-09)
Avien/Rebecca, having read your abilities I do have a question for you to assist me in helping you. With all your abilities and experience why do you wonder why your Guides are contacting you?

❀ Oracle ❀
AlphaMale (77 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hi rebecca, you mentioned that your third eye is open, and you can see spirits/ghost. Can you really see them while youre in the beta state of mind? πŸ˜‰
Avien (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-05)
hi Oracle,

My name is rebecca and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me learn more about my gifts.

I am not nearly as strong as you but I have had contact with my spirit guides before, and a lot of what you say makes sense about hem, although I am stuck wondering why they contact me. I have gotten to the point that if I ask them a q, I am usually replied with a phrase or word that ends up being true. Things of that nature happen about 3 times a week. It is so ordinary to me now I hardly notice I do it.

I have many questions and am wondering if I am doing the right thing right now.

Please email me (rschroyer09 [at] , I know you probably have a lot of requests and I'm sorry. But I really would like help. I am young being only 18 but I have had the overwhelming urge to find another person who expeirences the things I do.

-I have:
-asking a q and being answered (often right)
-seeing ghosts
-removing bad spirits from areas.
-sensing malignant prescences
-reading energies (I happen especilly to be good at contacting a spirit who is with another person and can see them through my 3rd eye very realistically)

Please help me and thankyou for your time.

(rschroyer09 [at]


academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-05)
Dear Oracle, I felt embarrased when I read your repost as I felt your implications for all were due to my "essay (!) " then I felt embarrassed a little for you.
I hadn't ever mentioned a doomsday, this is your illusion.
And 2012? What on earth inspired this, and what has it got to do with anything? Unless of course you are planning on entering the Psychic olympics. (touche!)
See you on the flip,
Lin πŸ€”
AlphaMale (77 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hey oracle, I have read your profile and you mentioned your abilities there right?

Can you say something about me?
Please email me at st3uriel [at]

Thank you. 😁
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-04)
Dear All, rather than to fear a "Doomsday" consider that the world will just be going through changes as it always has. Life's balance, karma, Mother Nature's wrath, whatever you want to call it. The Earth and life WILL continue, with or without us. If you want to be prepared for an emergency then yes do as Lin does and pack your car trunk (or a knapsack as I have always done) full of blankets, canned foods, first-aid, and water. It never hurts to be prepared. But I do not feel the "end is near". 2012 is the beginning, not the end. Perhaps a beginning of a more spiritual world rather than a materialistic one. It is the reason why so many of us have noticed an increase in our spiritual abilities.

academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-03)
Further on 1 and 3s

131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133 - These signs indicate a Cosmic 'Yes!' - these thoughts are on your path.
Luv Lin x
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-03)
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
Oooops the ads which I mentioned are now back at psychic stuff! Curious...
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
I find it strange that the ads at the top left of the page " sponsored by google " are all about human rights and civil rights on the page of this story, most other stories have psychic ads/ links... Curious!

Anyway, I am glad you think my interpretation made some sense, Oracle.
For a change, I am glad to have helped you!
I am also very pleased that you have realised your calling and a blog! What a simple way to reach many, you must admit, these people do listen to you, don't they? Justifiably so, it must have taken you many years of research... I must work harder and try and keep up!

Your questions, if I am relaying them to the correct topics made me smile... YOU are the Oracle! "Advice on this one..." Being aligned to the "what do we do now?" question... Well, for you personally your blog and dedication to informing people about what you know most of is fantastic and will be of spiritual aid to many. The answer you gave below your dream regarding psychic attack touched on what I fear many people are missing from the whole psychic/ spiritual journey they are discovering themselves on. More and more individuals embarking on an intense personal, self discovery, dipping more and more into the possibilities of answers lying elsewhere than upon earthly solutions. Unfortunately, there is an elaborate realisation being hidden from them which, if they knew, would only aid them further with their discoveries, and is purposefully kept hidden for this very reason.

It is never simple to explain these hidden realisations, as there are so many of them, each one as alarming as the next, and unfortunately, as psychics, mediums and sΓ©ances were frowned upon and feared back ten/ fifteen years ago, the theorists who have tied together the shrapnels of information which they have managed to gleen and ultimately expose are indeed frowned upon as mediums once were, it's a vicious circle where society needs a scapegoat and the witch trials continue.

Many of you have stated a concern over having noticed that the world is out of balance lately and a much greater increase in dark energy. Indeed there does seem to be such a change. It is even mentioned in last year's season of the TV series "Ghost Whisperer".

With this theory of the dark energies which you believe are rising paramount it should also be noted that the opposite is also applicable, I mean that there is a large spiritual shift and awakening to self discovery by many, all in search of the truth.
Now if you are Spiritual, which I presume you are, (I know it is wrong of me to presume so, however) you must be aware that the truth lies somewhere within oneself. Ie; I am, You are the ultimate Source, this is the most difficult realisation to make as you may appreciate and the explanations of this are vast and again varied.
On topic, You must be familiar with lightworkers? I am not personally promoting their way of focusing as I tend to be put off by all their " love and light "
I think there may be slightly too much pretentious good thoughts and not enough action and help and constructive advice for others, it seems quite a closed camp of oneness, (where one is concerned too much with self) too much so to be really of any value, if you know what I mean.
A step closer to the source is being without ego, I think too many " light beings " are too self centred to realise their own ego is that light which is blinding them, therefore I clarify again - as I have to Anne V in the past - that there is no happy medium when it comes to combining the necessary two trains of thought, the baddies (ie; the theorists and their inspired and prophetic discoveries, revelations and bizarre supporting evidence) (and I only call them the baddies as it is these people who expose the real controlling forces, ie; the baddies to us.) and the light bearers and their over indulgent love scenarios that are commonly and to me blindingly apparently linked and as yet not tied together comprehensively. Someone needs to do this, tie the both together I mean with some constructive and comprehendible outcome. A lot of people get on soap boxes with futile exposes and not an ounce of what to do now comes from it... And to be quite honest, I don't really know what to do now either!
I will take Anne Vs advice though and my new years resolution is to gather an emergency survival kit which will live in the boot (you call it trunk I think) of my car with rations and water etc, and I will also relish in hope. Hope that this man made life can bear the brunt of mans spoils and that things don't ever really go that bad. Wishful thinking perhaps, but my ego is not yet ready to let go of my material conquests. I worked hard to get where I am and would reluctantly leave my earths values and achievements for looters and rioters. You have prophetic dreams, I have more and more realisations. This year, although materially looking good personally; gas bill down, electric manageable, picking up a limited edition unbeknownst to the seller, and more fateful surprises within the first 2 days of 2009 I can't shake this feeling of the proverbial shiat hitting the fan, big style! As I said though, hope is divine and positive mental attitudes, (especially combined with others which are the same) can relinquish grand outcomes.

Hmm, wanted to inform you about the Mayans sixth day and to encourage you that the relevance of the darker times now becoming less is very apparant, and if you follow this link it may seem surprising that your numbers 1 and 3 come in again; How ironic, mind you, there is no such thing as coincidence, let's say instead, how synchronistic!


" In order to continue to the next growth stage in this fantastic journey, we must not only incorporate ancient wisdom by performing sacred ceremonies and rituals, but also tune into our instinctual knowledge. As the number of choices we are called upon to make increase, let our intuition guide us along the ascending path. Consciously choose to take the high road - be positive, loving and compassionate - choose love over fear or anger.
The Fifth Night saw the beginning of the end of dominance. Dominance on every level is beginning to fall away: dominance of governments, religions, corporations, individuals, ego. Each individual will begin to realize their own worth as dominance falls away. Each will feel their own purpose, their own responsibility, and begin to realize their full potential as loving human beings. "
We can draw from this that we are entering the times of conjuncture with that which has only been accessible through our minds and self belief and personal motivation before now- that higher level of consciousness and a more ethereal understanding.

It indicates the demise of the infrastructure which is our binds to everyday torment and trivialities and toward the uprising of a self dependable (if needs be) society.
(I think a community dependant society would be a more productive one and fathomably more conducive to the state of individuals ideals, however how society and the pragmatic doctrine has suggested humans behave at such times has historically been illustrated, and for example, as in William Goldings, Lord of the flies, societies which are forced together are under even more torment and turmoil than can be honestly anticipated, and hitherto have failed mercilessly.) Maybe this is where the lightworkers self self self mode comes into play?!

It may be evident that I can talk myself in circles without actually hitting the key topics required. If you've never been here, check out this forum link, interesting debates and coverage of heaps of topics, also the home of the main guru to expose government and world cover ups. Without sounding too mentalist, I feel that spirituality will heal all this earths misdoings.

(and I wish you would mail me your addy so I don't keep monoplising these posts!)

Lin x
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
To All, at everyone's request I will be creating a blog this week where I will be writing about my daily prophetic dreams and where I can advise others and answer questions. I see now that the time has come. I will try my very best to help all of you in whatever way I can.

❀ Oracle ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
Any advice on this one?

Or are they using that in explosive devices and because of my heart condition the soldiers knew to send me this dream hoping I would know what it meant?
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
Lin, thank you so much for the research you did on this. I believe you have solved it! Somehow the soldiers must have picked up on my heart condition (I almost died at birth and ended up with a lifetime of tachycardias but I know how to control my heart so it returns to normal rythym.)

This is shocking. So do you mean that the soldiers knew I was in the dream and when they yelled it out I misunderstood and thought they were referring to the effects of the explosive device?
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
Brittany, the sparkle would be energy that either a spirit or a Guide is using to make contact with you. They can travel through water and electricity and so will often use those means to come forward and show themselves. It requires less energy than to develop in complete form, such as human form. They can also possess a small animal such as a bird, cat, butterfly, dragonfly, and if need be will use a person to pass on a message. Whatever it takes to reach you. One of my Guides likes to use the radio. I leave it on the same station but keep it off until my Guide tells me to turn it on to hear a message within a song.

As for the orbs in pictures, the same often happens when people take pictures of me. It simply is energy, spirits, and Guides who surround us but are unseen by the naked eye. Ghosthunters say it happens more with film cameras but I find it happens to me with digital just as much.


Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
JustLearning, thank you for your comments. I agree with how you say I am like a mini radar. A psychic reader friend of mine refers to it in a similar manner saying that I am a satellite. It must have something to do with my magnetic ability also. I think when the newly dead are seeking out "The Light" they somehow come across me and I pick up the details on their final moments before death. I agree that sometimes there might not be anything I can do to prevent their death but I know I am given the information for a reason. If I cannot stop their death at least I can try to solve the crime and in doing so help their soul move on.

Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
How to contact your Guides:

First confirm that you have Guides (and that they are who they say they are) by asking them for signs then be on the lookout for those signs. I asked for specific detailed signs which are not easily found anywhere and they shocked me everytime by sending me those exact signs, so make your requests a bit challenging (but not impossible) and they will comply. Do not be scared. Think of your Guides as friends, Angels, etc. Your job is to develop and use your gift and their job is to show you how. Just make certain you only use it for good purposes. Also make certain they are Guides, not bad entities, by only thinking your thoughts to them rather than speaking your requests outloud, and first pray for your top level Guides to come guide you, and verbally outloud banish all bad entities from around you telling them they are not welcome.

How to make first contact with Guides:

-First be relaxed and in a location where you feel most spiritual and protected.
-Next in your mind and outloud ask for all negative energies/entities to leave for they are not welcome. They need to be told this.
-Next pray innerly (not outloud). Ask to be protected from negative, bad, evil, or dark energies/entities/spirits.
-Once you feel at peace and protected, pray innerly to communicate with your Top Level Guides. Only those who guide you, care for you, protect you, and are of the white light.
-You will then hear some inner thoughts, which at first you might feel are only your own, but they will catch you off guard because you will know you yourself did not think that thought. Reply to it. Listen carefully. Ask it questions. Listen for answers.
-Now at this point you will wonder if you are crazy, and are imagining things, or making it up in your own mind. This is when you need to ask to be sent signs as an assurance that they do in fact exist. They do not mind doing this. They understand. Request a sign which is challenging and not so common so you will know for a fact that it is from them, but do not choose a sign that is impossible.
Be aware and watch for the signs.

Keep in mind that Guides do not always come forward until we know they exist, believe in them, and need them. Even then it might be against the rules for them to come forward. Others like to remain hidden and watch over us silently. Remember that Guides are on another level. They can make mistakes, be not so experienced as other ones, and might bend the rules and get in trouble for it. So be careful when making contact and making demands. They do have to answer to the highest power aka God.

Ways to communicate with your Guides:

-Rune Stones
-Asking for and reading signs

Guides or spirits?

It is very important to confirm that they are good entities which you are meant to help and not bad entities trying to attack or manipulate you. They can see you and hear your spoken word but not usually hear your thoughts so the first thing to do is to pray for your guides to protect you and advise you on what to do. As for the entities/spirits you must speak outloud to them to ensure that they hear you and tell them that you only welcome good spirits and ask all negative or bad energies/entities/spirits to leave. This is also important to do when using lettered cards, tarot cards, scrabble, etc to communicate with your top level Guides for advice and guidance. Always confirm you are speaking to them and not to entities/spirits until you are ready to do so.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-02)
Summer, here is advice on how to contact your Guides. Once you have made contact you can then learn how to communicate back and forth and once this is established you can ask them for help in your dreams. My Guides now enter my dreams with me and help me obtain helpful information within the dream. They will only do this at your request. In my next comment is the information on Guides. Let me know if you need more or if you have other questions.

Summer (1 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-30)
I have had many dreams of places where I end up going in the future, and have had other precognitive dreams as well. I would like to be able to develope and use this to help people. I think I have had dreams about people that have crossed over that were giving me messages, but I don't know why they were giving me messages and I don't know what I should do with the information. Once I tried to find information about a person who gave me their name, but I couldn't find anything. I would like to know how to find out about my guides, and how to feel their presence. I have a spiritual teacher, and she is helping me, but she doesn't know about the dreams because she doesn't get them. I would be very grateful for any guidance. 😳
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-29)
"They are using Arfibulator!"
There is such thing as "refibulator" but there is nothing online about that word.
Thinking on paper here, bear with me Oracle.
Defibrillation is the definitive treatment for the life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillation consists of delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the affected heart with a device called a defibrillator. This depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the arrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the body's natural pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart.
Defibrillators can be external, transvenous, or implanted, depending on the type of device used. Some external units, known as automated external defibrillators (AEDs), automate the diagnosis of treatable rhythms, meaning that lay responders or bystanders are able to use them successfully with little, or in some cases no, training.
Argon (pronounced /ˈɑrgɒn/) is a chemical element designated by the symbol Ar.

Http:// (satellite)

Images from three of the successful missions returned the first images of Antarctica from space. [1]

When I first heard you mention an arfibulator or arfibrillator I didn't feel it was the name for the explosives. A few weeks ago (16th Dec 08) it was brought to my attention that a rumour had escaped that paramedics in England were to start carrying radiation kits I wonder what else needs to be in these kits?


I think you have just put a name to them my friend!


Link to testing in the UK.

The no 3

And for the person asking about 333, the message is..."The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you." Some Ascended Masters are Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda. Quote from YVE72.

3 is your immediate future 3 is charitable and sympathetic there is a need to trust own instincts and 3 indicates that there may be a need to be self sacrificing in some way, three is ambitious but not rash with decision making. 3 is capable of overcoming obstacles.
Summary; Accomplishment, recognition and the realisation of ambitions are evident.
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-29)
Hi Oracle,
I think you have obviously been sent signs and your intellect is such that you have searched confirmation of this physically. I think the confusion lies (as it does with a lot of us) in what to do now.
There are various avenues of thought with solutions regarding the next step. Anne V has it tied up very nicely for her and her immediate families needs, but with these messages coming so clearly to you, I envision your soul as the type to deal with the bigger picture.

Lets break this down. The soldiers who are in Afghanistan as you correctly decided, don't want to be there, We don't want them to be there, It is apparant that the force governing them actually DO. These "Governing forces" would create a war in a bin liner if it eased their actions and aided their control over their civilian population aswell as their soldiers, for a long time now it has been debatable whether the war (?) in Afghanastan deserves forces from your/ our armies even there. But we know that.

The signs are a warning to you and to your higher being, the one which people listen to and believe. It is apparant that since you have arrived at this site, you have aquired peoples trust and respect and a whole heap of people are waiting for your next snippet and what your next suggestion might be. With this influence upon people it is a very easy step to alert/ wake up hundreds with one swift voice. I think you are being made aware of a looming problem, which I am (and actually lots of others,) of the opinion will begin in 2009. Not so very far away now. And not many prepared.
I think you are being asked to alert people about this and to warn people in advance that they may prepare themselves for their future.

I can't really get too explicit/ graphic with details on the response forum, for fear of scaremongering or alarming some, so giz a nudge on my e mail for relevant links and advice on what you can do. YOU it seems have a voice and the knowledge to prompt people to listen whether you take this as an alert for us all, and explain it to those still asleep in the words of a two year old...I've been trying to do this for a circle of my friends for months and it's not easy!... Or purely for yourself and your family, it's your choice now.
The dream zone has been awfully busy this week, all over the world, There's an awful lot of people having very lucid, prophetic and intrusive dreamstates at present, your planet and moon theory is interesting and I concluded similarly with the solstice explanation, however that was only up to the 23rd Dec... Something is very busy out there.
Hope this helps some way.
(crafty smirk, now he'll have to e mail me and I can get my dream interpreted, actually! You would be proud, over three days I've achieved the answers myself. So seriously, THANKS for the delay in getting back, it made ME work!)
Luv Lin x

πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
JustLearning (16 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-29)
They are they. I don't understand them either, but my people are nice. Some probably are not. I have seen a few. Communication is confusing. It's hard. Reading is really tough and I'm a reader. Really I'm a science and logic person so I have problems believing anything, but I'm older and tired of not acknowledging odd stuff. Others around me do it much easier. I don't know what it matters except personally - it does help. You can't stop world changing events. They will happen, and you see a little probably. They are suppose to happen I figure. I'm just a country girl. But in life, you can see stuff which is protective and helpful, just don't let is freak or bug you. I figure it's like eating or drinking, natural. I love animals and plants too. Recycling is probably good too, but I have problems seeing the big, fuel using trucks that pick up that stuff. Not sure it's worth the trouble. Maybe I'm lazy.
JustLearning (16 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-29)
Oracle - Perhaps you need to rest. Step back. You are like a mini-radar dish perhaps. It sounds funny, weird maybe, but it happens. Relax someway. Just because we can do it - does it mean we have to or should. Ask yourself that sometimes. I think the best things in life are happy and content and satisfied. We are here. Find those and let the other stuff fit in, and if not, ignore it. My two cents.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-28)
Please help give me some advice on this. I really do not know what they want from me or what I am supposed to do next. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.

❀ Oracle ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-26)
Help needed!

Dream: Dec 4/08:

Soldiers in open jeeps as well as soldiers walking ahead of them. They are heading down a road in a row following each other single file. It is dark but there seems to be street lights near lighting the way. They are passing by a shrub area. Other soldiers are hiding behind the shrubs. They throw what seems to be grenades at the men in the vehicles. The grenades explode. They are shocked. (I get the impression that it was only supposed to a test run. The grenades were not supposed to explode?) I see the... Of 2 or 3 men in the jeep... (Not typical of grenades?) The men who were not hit are in shock over this and are yelling "They are using Arfibulator!" (I get the impression that it is a new type of explosive.) I awake.

Update: Dec 5/08:

At 2:50pm News Radio 1130 mentioned that 3 Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan were killed today when their "armoured vehicle" was hit by a "massive bomb".

Today's newspaper said that their "armoured vehicle rolled over an improvised explosive device (IED) west of Kandahar.

The newspaper also stated that as well as these three killed there was also another seperate incident in Kandahar in which two other Canadian soldiers were seriously injured when a bomb went off near their foot patrol.

This afternoon my Guide asked me to watch an episode of the TV series Ghost Whisperer which I have already seen in November titled "Haunted Hero" (Season 3, Disc 1) (3:1). It is about American soldiers getting killed in the Middle East. I did not want to watch it again because I detest war and fighting but I understood that there must be a message for me in this episode so I watched it again. Nothing in particular stood out other than the armoured vehicles.

Online I researched the word Arfibulator but there seems to be no such word. There is such thing as "refibulator" but there is nothing online about that word.

So on psy-exp I posted about this and asked anyone if they knew the word, but they did not.

Update: Dec 13/08:

Today's newspaper mentioned that today three more Canadian soldiers (Hamilton, Jones, and Curwin all from New Brunswick) were killed on the same highway in Afghanistan as the other three soldiers from Dec 5 (Diplaros, McLaren, and Wilson all from Ontario). The same weapon "improvised explosive device" (IED) detonated near their armoured vehicle during patrol just west of Kandahar. They had been investigating reports of a bomb being planted along highway 1 near Senjaray Village.

Update: Dec 22/08:

Today I was sitting alone at a table in a coffee shop. A woman sat down at my table and faced me. Only as she was already sitting down did she ask me if she could sit at my table (this always happens to me). She had placed a newspaper down on the table. It was a newspaper from UK. I was shocked by the headlines. It read that 3 marines just got killed in Afghanistan (today? Yesterday?). I said to her how strange it was since it seems to keep happening in sets of "3". I explained that twice recently 3 soldiers were killed so it is now 3+3+3. I expressed my disapproval in war. She said her son is in Afghanistan. I asked her to find out from him what Arfibulator means.

Later I met a spiritualist who asked me why she is recently drawn to the number 3 and 31.

Dream: Dec 23/08:

A woman goes into a public washroom at a park. She finds two of the stalls at the end both have plugged toilets so she goes into the third stall from the end. It too is plugged so she uses a plunger to unplug it but strangely enough she has placed the toilet outside of the stall door and unplunges the toilet there. Next she goes up to the bathroom counter to wash up. She looks into the mirror closest to the entrance door. She examines her teeth. She looks homeless. I feel her devastation so I wake. (This dream does not seem to relate to anything at all but eventually it becomes clear as to why I was shown this dream.)

Update: Dec 25/08:

Today in a movie I watched (Bedtimes Stories) I noticed a car license plate ended in 333. I keep seeing the number 3 and also 333 everywhere I go recently. So I decided to research what 333 might mean. In a numerology book I found out that 3 means Personal Creativity but also Action, Forcefulness, Initiative, and Service. This sounds a lot like the Army. Plus, the number 3 is the number for the planet Mars, which was named after the God of WAR! On a spiritual note, the number 3 is also symbolic of God and the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Mother (aka Holy Spirit).

Update: Dec 26/08:

This morning I looked up the number 3 in my Hermetic Tarot Book. Although 3 seems to relate a lot to war, on a happy note the number 3 also means "Service to people via peaceful means". But alas the 3 of Swords means "Mistake, Error, and Deceit".

This afternoon I went for a walk in the snow and I ended up near the public washrooms at a park. Ironically they are the same washrooms from my dream on Dec 23. So deciding to investigate my dream I went up to the washrooms. I expected to find the entrance door locked but to my surprise I found it unlocked. I went in cautiously but no one seemed to be inside. To be on the safe side I looked under each bathroom stall. No one was inside. Curiously I looked at the toilets at the end. None were plugged like they had been in my dream, but outside the door to the third stall from the end there was a large round drain in case of a flood or overflow from the toilets. It was exactly where she had been plungering the toilet in my dream. Now it made sense why in the dream she had the toilet outside of the stall door. She had not been plungering the toilet but the drain in the floor. So next I looked over at the mirrors. The one closest to the entrance door, which she had used in my dream, had a sticker on it. I walked over to the mirror and read the sticker. It was a "No More War" activist sticker asking the government to get the Canadian soldiers out of Afghanistan. Now I realized why I had the strange dream about the homeless woman. It was not about meeting her at all but about me being shown this sticker. The dead soldiers apparently want all soldiers to be taken out of Afghanistan. They do not want to see anymore killed.

What should I do?

(Brittany: I noticed the last comment you gave me on Dec 24 you signed it with a number 3 before your name. What made you do that?)
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-23)
Brittany and ALL, see my recent post titled Psychic Attack. The anger or negative energy you are feeling might be holiday stress but I doubt it. As we all develop in our abilities, and especially if you help others, you will experience more and more negative energy and dark entities which try to weaken you. Try to take it as a compliment that you are such a threat to them. Let it empower you more rather than break your spirit. Eventually you will overcome such minor nuisance dark entities and you will know how to protect yourself from them on a regular daily basis, like having to brushing your teeth in the morning. 😁
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-23)
Advice on Psychic Attack:

Many of you have stated a concern over having noticed that the world is out of balance lately and a much greater increase in dark energy. Indeed there does seem to be such a change. It is even mentioned in last year's season of the TV series "Ghost Whisperer".

What are the causes of this spiritual change around us?

I feel it might be from not one but many causes. Such as, apparently the Moon is now closer to Earth than it has ever been in over 1000 years. Although it makes me wonder why when I looked up at the sky last night that I would see Venus enormous in size (thus closer to Earth).

How do these planetary changes effect us?

A few years ago we had a very rare planet alignment. Before I realized it was happening I had an unusual pressing urge to collect round pebbles and rocks. It continued for several weeks until I had quite a rock collection. My friends teased me about this strange new habit, and I did not realize why I was doing it, but soon we all realized why. The news began to inform the public of a very rare planet alignment. So we began to watch the sky and sure enough there they were, the five planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn could be seen clearly in the sky and they were aligned almost in a perfectly straight line. Evidently this rare event had effected me in a strange way, and it must have had an usual impact on others as well.

As you know the Moon is also extremely powerful because of it's magnetic pull. It is why the police issue more police cars out on night of the Full Moon, because they are well aware that there are more crimes, fights, and accidents on nights of Full Moon. Women become more moody (which comes from the word Moon), and men become more aggressive and violent. Even the hospitals and mental institutions know the power that the Moon has on people. The fact that the Moon is now closer to Earth more than it has ever been in over 1000 years, explains why there have been more accidents and murders this month.

Yesterday I talked to friends of mine who know a lot about the power of gemstones, rocks, and crystals and how they have an impact on our energy. They had talked to a shaman earlier in the day and the shaman had warned that a protective veil which protects the Earth from dark energy have become too thin and so recently more and more dark entities have been able to filter through that thinning veil, and because of this we now need more protection, especially those like ourselves who are psychic, mediums, or spiritually sensitive in other ways.

How do we protect ourselves from this?

There are many ways to protect us from evil spirits, dark entities, demons, and negative energy. I have experimented which several different protective shields and have found that some work better for me than others. You need to do the same; try many different forms of protections and find which ones work best for you.

Here are a few of the more common methods of protection:

-Surrounding Dome of White Light
-Circle of Golden Light
-Amulets, Talismans
-Clear Crystal
-Gemstones which protect (Black Tourmaline, Blue Kyanite, Tiger Iron, Tiger Eye, Hematite, etc. You will find there are discrepancies and contradictions at to which gemstones give protection and which enhance or increase powers and abilities.)
-Burn Sage
-Scatter Salt
-Hang or scatter Cedar Needles
-Protective Spells
-Guardian Angel (s)
-Protective Guide (s)

Do research into these items and others then try each one and find the one which makes you feel most protected.

Remember that the power is within you more than in any object but sometimes using these items help re-assure us and remind us that we are protected.

Psychic Attack can also be decreased by looking after your health. Inner stress can eventually effect the physical body, and a weak body makes you more accessible to dark energy. It is common for most psychics to have their health attacked by evil entities in an effort to weaken them and even as a means to possess them so they can decrease (or access and gain) the psychic's powers. The most common ailments of psychics seem to be colds, headaches, lung, and heart problems. So you should be prepared by always being in the best of health. Be strong bodied as well as strong minded. Learn what helps you to relax and do those things. For example, nature walks, bathes, yoga, dance, meditating, reading, etc. Whatever you know works best for you. If nothing works then it is time to consider you might be experiencing a much stronger form of psychic attack and so you might require the help of other spiritualists to rid of whatever is attacking your body.


-Look after yourself.
-Avoid using any portal tools which may open portals to negative energies/spirits (such as Ouiji Boards, and using Tarot without protection and without first seeking out your Guides).
-Avoid associating with people who dabble in black magic, voodoo, vampirism, and other such interests.
-Do not read books or watch movies that are about evil, darkness, gore, horror, etc. This will attract dark entities.
-Read up on ways to protect yourself from psychic attack.

Books to read:

-Practical Guide to Psychic Self-Defense & Well-Being (Denning & Phillips)
-Discover Your Psychic Powers; Chapter 24: Using Your Psychic Defences (Tara Ward)
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-23)
Helene, I will try to help in anyway I can. You wrote that your dreams have become stronger since someone/something in your house is teasing you and your brother. It most likely is something negative if it is teasing you both. Spirits which know they are dead and do not wish to leave this life sometimes like to stick around to have fun toying with people. It gives them a sense of power which they may have lacked in their life. You want to learn how to protect yourself more. I will post that information next so paste my next post in your notes somewhere where you can study it and refer to it when needed. (I welcome everyone here to keep it also to aid them.)

I have your email address and will email you as you requested (and others who have asked also) asap. In the meantime I am happy to help you here as much as I can.

Find comfort here with people like yourself. No one here will tease you.

❀ Oracle ❀
Leentjehk (1 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-23)
Hey there Oracle,

Since two years I've been having dreams about all kinds of stuff. Until a month or so these were very rare and nothing scary at all. Now, I have dreams like little clips of film and they are getting worse. First it was a very blurry (like I could see something yellow in front of my eyes) but now they have gotten a whole lot more precise. The thing is; all my dreams that looked like a bit of reality (I've also dreamed of flying cows πŸ˜†) have come true. The thing is: I really don't remember my dreams very good, only little fragments or even when they have already come true (dΓ©ja-vu). I have read all of your tips above, but I'm scared of what I might remember, because my dreams got stronger because someone or something is in our house. He or she teases me and my brother and I try to thoughen up but it's nice to cn talk to someone even if it is the hoidays and I can't post stories.

I also have a lot more to ask you. Could I please contact you in another way than here?

Greeds, Helene ❀
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-19)
Dear forgetful, do not worry. It seems your Guide is trying very hard to help you develop your psychic ability. If you get a good feeling from that Guide, feel safe, and know he is there to help you then that is indeed your Guide. Follow his lead and when you are concerned ask for his help. Guides almost always come when they are needed, even if they are busy they will appear for a few minutes if you call on them. Ask him if he wants you to use any methods or tools to better communicate with you, such as Tarot, Rune Stones, or word cards.

If you ever have a serious problem with your Guide always pray to the highest power (aka God) and it will be dealt with. Either your Guide will improve or you will be sent another Guide.

Also read my other comments on this subject of Guides and related topics.

Click on my profile name and you will find links to other questions I have answered.

Let me know if you have any other questions. I am always happy to help.

Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-19)
Brittany, This is great news! I am happy for you. You can continue to ask for more signs for further confirmation. They understand as long as you have trust and faith but occasionally need assurance. Next time think it silently to them rather than writing it down. See if they can hear your thoughts. Some Guides are learning just as we are. Like the psychic in the movie "White Noise" explained, we work long and hard to develop our relationships with our Guides. It is a growing and learning process, and as you saw it feels great as it develops. Good luck!

❀ Always happy to help ❀
forgetfulkiri (4 posts)
15 years ago (2008-12-18)
I feel Obama too, its not as bright as it looks. We are heading up up and up, but when we crash this ones going to hurt isn't it? I just feel scattered images.

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