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shortyj74 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-26)
A familiar spirit, imp, or familiar (from Middle English familiar, related to family) is an animal-shaped spirit who serves for witchery, a demon, or other magician-related subjects.

Familiars are evil. I suggest you guard yourself from such a being. A familiar is a port hole to hell and the demonic. Usually a familiar does not come into a persons life unless a person has at least dabbled in the occult or witchcraft. You should find a way to close that door that has already been opened to you.

You may have the misconception that you have control over this animal, but in reality it will at one point have control over you. This is a down wards spiral effect. Don't let your connection with darkness snuff out the light in your life.
Sev (4 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-09)
I see no reason why a fallen angel couldn't be someones guide. Afterall, them just being a fallen angel doesn't make them evil, it usually means they just fell from God's grace most likely over holding a difference in opinion to the ideals that God had. (God in my mind is akin to a bully, No offence to anyone by the way.)

I've had many encounters with fallen angels over the years and I have never come across a negative one, they all seemed to me as perfectly good souls who were just misunderstood. The majority of them were kind of sad and feeling immense guilt. I felt no fear, just sorrow for them.

This 'demon' of yours however does not sound particularly good. If you feel scared by it, then that isn't a good sign. I'd be weary if I were you. It might seem like it is there for you but it could be just trying to gain your trust so it can them turn your life upside down. I wouldn't go with everything I am saying here though as I don't know you personally and I obviously can't know the full extent of it all. But if you feel threatened it would be a good idea to try to get some kind of spiritual help, perhaps cleanse yourself of negative energy?

Good luck =]
Kidlet (21 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-06)

Yes I was controled by one my self too. It uses you to make others feel horrible and lose friends when you don't even know it. I had a dream last night to horrible dream. Me and one friend. Something was after us. And it got him. I got to the roof of a burnt down building. (Everything was burning) and blank. Never trust the demons even if they seem nice. Its like someone only wanting to be friends because you have money.
VendettaSiblings (guest)
14 years ago (2009-11-05)
Just saying. When you play with fire, even when you're not sure, you may get hurt. Why does it seem so nice? Because it can lie. Either way, we don't warn more than twice. We are not chastening you, but this isn't something to be dealt as in "oh well, I'm not sure, just curious" This, however, isn't our life. Do as you please.

Meowmix_Symphony (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2009-11-03)
I believe that everyone has guardian angels and spirit guides. I also believe that Satan wasn't truly evil, just out casted (no offense to anyone out there) for not following the right path. Along with those beliefs, guardian angels should have been from Satan to protect you. Fallen angels, "pure" angels are both still angels. While spirit guides are from God to guide you through life with the right decisions to create the best path for you, which could also be a form of "angels". Evil spirits are just confused, or truly evil by setting the wrong path. There is no true evil, because no one is born evil, it's the decisions that are made, probably because either you don't listen to the spirit guides due to trauma. Even skeptics probably listen to spirit guides, they just call it conscious. Well, this is just my belief, I don't want to offend anyone out there, but I just wanted to put that thought out there.
Unknowing (4 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-28)
As Legion said, I don't know if it Is a demon. I'm not looking for an answer to say it is okay to play with evil. I'm simpley confused on what it actually is. It's just a demon wouldn't seem so... Nice?

And I did do that on my dream. My dream was I was in a forest, walking towards a cabin-type house. I felt that stange presences and bushes started rustling. I got scared and ran to the cabin but before I got there I fell over and my hands started feeling like they were burning again. I looked and they were purple and this purple color started coursing over my entire body intill I was covered wtih it and my whole body felt like it was on fire.

I don't know what the dream meant though... I seemed fine until I ran out of fear, in the dream.
Legion (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
Again, he is not even sure if it is a demon. Guardians come in many forms maybe it is just something dark fallowing him around or maybe its something different all together. I would meditate on this dream you had on it maybe it will revil information on this thing you may of over looked.
allie01011993 (2 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
I agree with the VandettaSiblings,
Curiosity is what will get you going and going until you're all theirs. Wake up dude!
The demon is brainwashing you, they're excellent liars, it makes you intrigued, like you said. The difference between angels and demons (besides the obvious) is that demons lie, and they're pretty damn good at it. There not here to "protect" you, they're no angels, and they're here to take your soul. Just think of it this way, an angel does things out of good will, they feel good when they help, a demon on the other hand, well, what will he earn by "guarding" you and "protecting" you? Your trust, then your soul.

Seriously, trust everyone here who's telling you to leave it, they're telling you for a reason not just to ruin your fun with evil. Most of these people have had experience with evil, and you seem young so this might be your first experience. But I mean, if you want, go ahead and speak to it, in the end, it's your soul not mine, and we all tried to warn you, but you keep questioning us as if you're expecting someone to tell you it's fine to speak to evil...
VendettaSiblings (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)

One thing that we'd like to make clear. There are no such things are "demon guardians" evil is evil and it stays evil. Sorry to break it to you, but you're being lied to. This... Demonic being, alike any other, is intriguing and interesting, and makes you curious about it. Remember what they say; Curiousity killed the cat. The reason your girlfriend's hand burned was simple. She has been touched by evil, and it made a bond. We are sure that this thing of yours is up to no good. Believe it or not, demons are very good liars. Don't let yourself fall for what it says. Don't believe it. And stay away from it while you find out more information.

-Vendetta Siblings
Unknowing (4 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
[at] Legion

If it is a demon then why is it telling me it's my guardian?

Also, I had a dream last night about it... (Since for awhile I've left it alone)
Legion (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
Well I have to agree with the others if it is a demon you need to make it leave you alone. But if your not sure then research is what you need to do.
Unknowing (4 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
[at] Legion

No I haven't been in any darkarts at anytime of my life. I don't mess with that kind of stuff, since I get a feeling it's quite dangerous. I don't think it's a dead family member.
blueangel777 (2 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
demons want your souls only, they like negitive energy. They preay weak souls. And demons are dark forces and evil, you sould go to a priest to help you get rid of demons. Prayer helps sheilds you from demons. But if I were you get italian horn in gold pure gold. It protects you from evil spirits. But stay away from dark crafts. But the more positive energy you have they are less to take your soul. So don't listen to demons listen to god and his angels. Good luck
allie01011993 (2 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
If I were you, I'd get away from demons. They seem all nice and cool but do you really think he's with you because he likes you? Oh no, they want your soul, that's the only thing they want, more souls and power. I have had my own experience with a demon last year, it wasn't as interesting as yours though, but still. I was lost, I suddenly turned into such a sour person, I thought I was better than everyone else, I also felt "unwanted", as if everyone hated me. It was very weird. I knew something was wrong with me, that I wasn't like that but I couldn't say no to this power I felt running through my blood, I suddenly became interested in the dark side. Demons aren't your friends, all they want is your soul.
That demon almost got mine, thank God my Grandmother is psychic so she helped me get rid of him for me, then I slowly turned back to normal. So as I said, I'm telling you, don't get near them. Why do you think they're demons in the first place? Ask for God's help and no one else. I know it seems like I'm exagerating but I know what I'm talking about, the last thing I want is to have a demon own my soul, and so should you. And you shouldn't feel "intrigued" by it either, get rid of those thoughts and tell it to leave, that you're not interested and you will not do anything it tells you to do.
Vladimir (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
This is very interesting. Prayer will keep demons away one time at church I got attacked by satin himself prayer is why I was unharmed
Legion (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
Hmmmm, interesting I have heard of many cases of this but each one is always different. In this one it seems this being has put a tracker onto an animal. Odd seeing most beings do not mess with animals. But as for your had buring when your Friend touched you, maybe this is a demon and with it being in contact with you its energy rub off onto you and when she touched you her more positive energy removed the negitive energy leaving a burning feeling. To answer your next question I have to ask, have you been doing any dark arts, or anyone you know that is around you. I dought it to be demonic myself because it is not demons nature to act this way towards humans (as in so peaceful) but maybe it could be the spirit of a dead family member or it could just be some type of guardian. There are many forms of guardians maybe this one is just yours. And if you believe it to be demonic and it is saying it is your guardian you should consult a priest like Epoy1984 said.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-26)
You should ask for a priest to leave demons around you. Prayer is another powerful way to fight over demons. I think there is no such things as a guardian angel that became a fallen one. Each one of us have guardian angel and a demon on us. But I sometimes my guardian angel to protect me against his/her counterpart.

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