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hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
16 years ago (2007-11-19)
so, overall, is it possible not to control, but influence it?

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
16 years ago (2007-11-16)
Has anyone ever tried pyrokinesis? I would like to learn more about that too...

Jess (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-12)
I had a very similar experience. One day when I was 8 or 9. It was the strangest thing, I was with a friend of mine, and every time I would try to make the wind blow, it would blow the trees around very hard. I did this many times that day. There was no doubt in my mind that the wind would blow when I told it to, and it would work every time without fail. I have never been able to do it again.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-12)
I know what you mean, but I don't know how to explain what I am about to say, but its not actual wind in itself its just the timing of the wind.

What I mean I can't control it when I'm angry is that when I AM angry it comes, and I can't stop that from coming because I'm angry inside. It might not show, but I am.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-11)

I can only advance or discontinue things... If the elements are not there... Then you cannot simply make them up... (Like when a hurricane is here you cannot make fire out of nowhere -.-)Unless you have practiced in qigong... And are highly trained to emit heat

as for chanting... I don't do that... I just visualize it and it happens

And I have to disagree with you about not being able to control it when you are angry, for anger is a secondary emotion meaning that you can control it. Some people have a harder time than others, but it is controlable.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-11)
aramasamara, Try making other objects warm or cold, you may have the same ability as me. Try make it START raining, your chakra probably leans towards water.
Aurora, you had to chant for a long time
Try making the rain start just by simply thinking about it.

aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-10)
hahhaa I cannot make things start out of no where, however I can make them grow or slow down. For starters I am extremely sensative to any climate/humidity, barometric change in the weather... So my headaches are usually worse. I can usually know what the weather will be like sometimes even a few days ahead in advance, by just paying attention to my body. Though I do not have the power to make it rain whenever I want. Ha-ha (Ironically I have a rain maker... But it's an heirloom) Though I do believe that I can make it rain harder or less... Just like over time I am able to make my body temp. Go up or down through regulating my thoughts. It's just conditioning of your body really.
Aurora (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-10)
This might sound a little stranger, but me and my friend might have made it rain before. We were both around 9 too, and my friend seriously believed she had powers. She had this journal of spells too. Anyways, she told me her aunt had told her how to make it rain. I thought she was crazy, but decided to try it anyways. First, we had to lay of the ground [outside] and chant something. I forget what it was though. We were outside for a few hours doing our chant, and after a while some clouds started to show up! Normally, that wouldn't be anything weird, but it was a really hot and clear day. It didn't look like there were any clouds anywhere or like any clouds would be coming soon. After a couple more hours, it started getting a bit colder. After another few hours, it was getting a lot more colder. I asked my friend if we could go inside for 10 minutes, because I was freezing. I felt like I was numb. After we went inside, she said we had to get really really warm. Of course, just being inside was warm. After we got warm, we went back outside. The whole sky was grey when we went back out. We did our "chanting" for another hour maybe, when we borh felt little sprinkles of water fall on us. We looked at the street, and you could see that it was raining. Lightly, but still raining. I was pretty creeped out and just wanted to go back inside, but my friend said we should stay outside to make it rain harder. After about 5 minutes it was really raining!
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-04)
thankyou scott and theDubi7.

TheDubi7, tell me more about pirokinesis, and my friend has had numerous occasion in which a candle would light/extinguish etc if she put her mind to it.
thedubi7 (5 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-30)
i believe its possible to control the wind because I can control fire (pyrokinesis). I can also control peoples dreams, predict the future, and talk to my cats and dog. I need some help the dream controlling thing only happens when I'm extremely angry and I have hurt people.
Scott (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-30)
I have had such experiences. When I am around a fire and the smoke is blowing in my face I can concentrate strongly and when I wave my hand the wind changes and the smoke goes away. Also I don't get mad often but when I do even if it is a clear sunny day the clouds will start to blow in and sometimes it will even start to rain. When this happens I can feel a strange feeling almost like I am very powerful or something. One day I was outside and it was starting to get stormy when I would twirl in a circle the wind would blow harder and when I would stop it would slack off. Then I put my hands into the air and concentrated the hardest I ever have and my body tensed up very much and then the rain came and it wasn't just like a sprinkle the bottom dropped out. I believe that this can really happen.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-28)
Malachi, exactly the same here! I don't really think its coincedance anymore.

Malachi (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-27)
Nothing goes fuzzy for me. But when I focus, and think about wind, the wind will blow rather strongly behind me.
It might just be coincidence.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-25)
So, overall, what is this?!
Anybody have ANY answers? I would really appreciate it.

Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-22)
yeah I came on here because I saw ghosts and I needed people's advice I got to the point where I had to sign up to this website because it was the only one that could help in a way.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-22)
Yeah, me too. Without most of the people on here I probably would have still been afraid of ghosts lol :D x
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)
can you tell that I write every single experience I go through on here. LOL I love this site. I love reading other people's stories and getting advice of them.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)

Haha! I've been through alot, but I can't be bothered to write it all in 😆 I am an empath, telepathic, I have premonitions and I can do remote viewing.

Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)
I guess you got a kind of gift 2 experiences put down in the Psychokinesis / Telekinesis category you have a nice gift there. You should share your other experiences with us that If you have been through anything else.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-21)
No problem, Realtome. Glad to be of help, really! Firefly, What are the names for controlling fire, earth ad water aswell?

realtome (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-19)
Finally the wind question answered after 4 years of wondering. Yes, I relax look at a tree in the distance usually up to a 1/4 mile and that trees branches and leaves will move slowly for the first 10 seconds or so and then build I have seenone tree look like a helocopter was right over it. Thank You for this outlet to find my question answered.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-18)
Thankyou firefly, that helps a lot! Explain more about these things, if you would.

Thanks again, Charlotte.
FireFly (4 stories) (35 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-18)
I read your article and I have to say that what you described sounds a lot like some things I have read. Like with the wind thing it could be Aerokinesis, or the thing with the radio and TV that could be Electrokinesis, the ability to control and produce electricity. I hope that helps. Oh and the thing with the candles, that could be either Aerokinesis, wind blowing out the candle or Pyrokinesis, because I've read that the first step in learning Pyrokinesis is putting out a flame. I hope that helps. 😁
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
Hi Solofox

That would make so much sense, as when I picture my chakra I got a tree (earth) blowing in the wind, that is how it appeared to me.

Thankyou, Charlotte.
SoloFox (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
you stated that you were confused about your abilities over water...

i think just about everyone would agree that all elements of the earth are connected on some level in one way or another.

what if instead of influencing the water itself, you are use some degree of control on the earth AROUND the water subconsciously?

afterall, the majority of the planet we are on is earth and water in a rough 70/30 ratio. And the water shaking might be the best way the naked eye can percieve it. Just some food for thought.

thank you for your response. I am currently doing research on many different aspects of the spirit and psychic world. Best of luck to you.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
Solofox, everyones chakra leans towards and element (I looked this up on the internet) And mine are Earth and Wind. They can be water, fire and electricity aswell. All you have to do is relax, and picture your energy. What ever your energy chakra looks closest to out of the elements, is the one you can manipulate. Most people have to develop on it before they can use it properly like ignite a flame, control the wind etc. I haven't yet learned about the Earth, but wind has come naturally to me.

hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
It is VERY hard, solofox. I meditate before I do it, I have to be in a relaxed state, then I just focus on making the flame colder and poof! And the water rippling thing I don't know either, because my chakra leans towards to different elements, wind and earth. It's not the wind making it ripple, because that would push the water to one side, it ripples as if it is being shaken, or I have dropped a stone in it or something. I don't know, because I'm not telekinetic in that aspect either.
I don't know why I make it fuzzy, either.

SoloFox (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
dear hotandcold.

as far as a radio is concerned, human beings are giant antenna's. If the reception gets WORSE with you around... Frankly I don't have a clue there. My interest is in your claim to make flame flicker/extinguish, and to make water ripple. Especially being able to do so at such an early age. I wonder if you wouldn't mind elaborating on this a little bit for me if you could. Your thought process, physical ascpects of it, and what not. I would very much apprectiate it.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
actually my mobile signal would go off for no reason so I understand and my light started flickering by itself last week without me touching it. My lamp is a touchable lamp and it goes different shades but when it was flickering it was on the same shade how can that be. My tv makes a horrible noise now like a buzzing noise it really annoying.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-17)
it happens I think you need some better signal or get someone to look at it for you.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-16)
Which is why it is really wierd that it happens, and I want a proper explanation for it.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-16)
Katie, it isn't possible to give my radio a bad signal, because it is DAB Digital, and linked to my sky tv thingy. My tv is also ske, so you can only do something to that connection if you climb to the roof and physically shake the ariel.
Kyte, we are opposites 😆
Kyte (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-16)
Thats funny when I touch my radio or get near it the reception increases, and its sounds so clearer than usual.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-16)
your radio goes fuzzy because it hasn't got no signal when you are right near it it happens all the time for everyone so that nothing I'm afraid. When I was a kid I knew if it was going to rain or be sunny. When I used to think of the sun it used to come out. When your a kid you believe anything.

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