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Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Whitebuafflo, I'm done explaining things over and over when no one even tries to get what I say. You all would rather discredit me.

As for the rest of what you said, I presented myself in the way "evil" beings do while putting out sound logic to see if you all would push aside your perceptions, and look into your soul to see the reality of what was being typed out. Look into your souls. I've said it however many times, and yet most of you still base all you tell this site about me, on the perceptions of the parts of your mind which are so closely attached to your physical being. The mind is an extension of the soul, but only the soul is infalliable in truth.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
maverick, his girlfriend came back to him because the shadows went away...
Maverick_aj (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
If someone will be kind enough to explain what could be done, I'll get a heads up and maybe be able to add some input from my side as well.

Love is something very close to my heart so I'd be glad to help if I can...:)
Maverick_aj (1 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
Not sure if this is my place... But since I'm learning a lot constantly... Can someone please tell me what the final solution (s) to this story is/are?

Ive read the whole thing but I'm pretty sure I have lost my train of thought and understanding somewhere in the middle. No offence to anyone...please!

All I want to do is learn.:)
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
😆 😆 😆

That is a great one... Lol I really peed myself with that one.

Your missing posts are in the void:)) Try bringing them back... Lol
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
I did not insult you.
I brought only to this board what you yourself have been gracious enough to stoop to show us lowly people, throughout your time spent here.
I can read what you write, all over this site, YOU admitted to what I wrote PRIOR to my even writing it.
Read through all your posts.

For the last time-
I will no longer tolerate the obvious disdain that you print. If I perceive it to be in flaming someone, in being a childish temper tantrum, it will follow it's others.
I do not give a rip what you say about me here, or in your private e-mails. This SITE, and those who wish to have a good experience here, are what I DO care about.

This is NOT only for Shaolin. This applies to everyone. I have TRIED to talk you all down and now a different tactic is evidently needed.
If you feel you need to take this post personally, perhaps it is that inner voice telling you that this was MEANT for you, too.
Sorry, Martin.
Martin (129 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-01-26)
If anyone is wondering where your posts in this story have gone... They're in the void 😉 Had to clean up a bit. If you guys want to fight, have at it, just do it by email, this way, it's out of my hands.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
The moderators have no right to insult anyone. It was uncalled for and wrong, end of story.
Callie (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Lift your mind above the issues of perceptions - it's a moderator's job to see and make judgements on subject matter, regardless of the subject.

If a moderator feels you are acting a certain way, the proper response is, if you disagree, to take the issue above the moderator. They are am oderator for a reason: because they see things with clear eyes. This is all mundane talking here, not sixth chakra clear eyes, but plain old boring normal psychology clear eyes.

Let's try the real world. Like dealing with this through e-mails. And typing. There's a little button you can click to make comments, you know. You can do it ala acting like a real human being and not by threatening more hocus-pocus.

Seriously Shaolin, can't you get through a single discussion without pretending you're Eric Cartman in the South Park episode on psychics? Look out or I'll psychically wiggle my fingers at you and whisper 'boo' a few times?

Wow. I lost my temper but I won't erase it. The moderator of course has the right to do so, and I won't be foolish or egotistical enough to take it personally if they feel something I wrote is inappropriate.

This comment from Shaolin is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Ok. Listen up, Jerk. I am talking to YOU, Shaolin.

I have CONVERSED with you on ONE story.
In THIS story- all I have ever said directly TO you is to stop the blamed name calling, the superior astitude complex, the aires of descent to all who should happen to be blessed enough to breathe the same air you so graciously dispel, and to keep it above the freaking board.
WHAT is your Gol' durned issue with me?
It is OBVIOUS you are not trying to engage in an intelligent discussion or even debate. You make it clear that you are a silver tongued devil who can twist and turn dementions to your whimsical will and that words are your tapestry. And the Circle of Life is, indeed true, and factual in EVERY sense of whichever words you chose to mean whatever you chose at the time.
I will state again. I am not afraid of you, or any of the gaming minions that are trying to run this site. We do not want it. We do not need it. This world is too uncertain for us to have to deal with this HERE, as well as in our every day existences.

If you chose to engage in intelligent debate, thank you. We all appreciate it, and welcome it. But if you intend on letting every poor little grub of an excuse of human being such as ourselves grovel at your feet for the eternity of this site...
Ain't Doing it.

This is for all of you who are bent on making a mockery of the Creator given gifts that have been given. This is utterly ridiculous. I can not believe the...
One does NOT have to be a psychic to sense a deceiver.

******"...Online source for real psychic experiences." Not "online source for real Internet name calling."

THAT was ALL I said.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
MoonShine, you just gave me the warm fuzzies:)

You realized I wasn't kidding... Which tells me a great deal about your intuition. I am behind veils and illusions for a reason, I don't wish to be asked a million times a day about helping others with their grand schemes which in the end only help themselves. If you were selfish to the core, you would not have realized I was bluffing.

Dualities are two things that come together at a certain point, but are complete oppisites. Like the back and forths, we were out to prove each of our points, yet now we agree. It's a very very faint duality, but in it's roots, it's is a duality. I agree that was cryptic but I didn't want to say, oh you're going to agree with me, that would have looked bad.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Rich, when speaking absolute truth, an open mind is only good is you actually consider it, at least. I have no need to have an "open mind" I know what I know. I don't need to be taught here. I know this sounds arrogant, and yes I'm aware arrogance is presenting yourself in a way that is perceived as above everyone else, but, a very big but, in fact, it's a PERCEPTION. You guys are venturing into an area of life where there's an abundance to be found, as MoonShine has stated, so clearly, in one of his/her posts, don't get butthurt if you don't like what I say, take it or leave it/ Discussion and debate are tools or learning, but if all anyone ever does is bash me, you stick yourself in that rut. Why not quit pointing fingers at me, and starting looking into yourselves.

Rich, I'm not referring to you specifically in this, but who it does refer to, they know full well.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
shaolin, NOW we're getting somewhere! True, my abilities do revolve around my emotions, and also, I may add, my physical well being. Example: if I have a cold or flu, my senses are dulled, and so what I recieve is hampered. Therefore, I try to stay healthy, happy and maintain a positive attitude. Thank you. Dualities, not sure what you mean, could you please elaborate?
hippy (1 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
The constructive aspect of this conversation has been lost. Shaolin, I understand you are in pain. I will meditate for you. That pain is to be respected, but your immediate retaliation to others is leading to an empty response for future posts. Please reconsider a different route for expressing your feelings. Although you express the absolute truth, it seems to be destructive in others opinions of you when they themselves have open minds, contradicting the point of communicating on this website to begin with.

There is much wisdom here. Utilize it. Void being or not, confidence should never cloud your judgments of communication and how you can grow.

We are still all people in front of a keyboard, hoping to find information and discussion.

That is all I will say on this topic, I meant no offense, and hope that this conversation will find its constructive purpose eventually.

I wish you the best in your current situation Shaolin.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
well I should say He says his intentions are honorable, I not so foolish that I BELIEVE everything that is said to me. Only time and his action will tell...

Anyway, I'm leaving it all in God's and the moderators hands. You can reach me via email bye.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)

I never knew there were "sides" are you trying to start a war?

I was merely trying to keep the peace and show that his intentions were honorable though I personally would not use his methods. Name calling and pettiness are not needed on this site.

I don't agree with some of your thoughts and theories of the world, but I don't go around "discrediting" people, nor do I post things like: "You are not a trustworthy person to have any sort of conversation with"

That is called being judgemental and encouraging others not to trust or talk to me. I'm on the side of Truth, Peace and Love. Be judgemental is neither of those things, so I'm ok if people who don't value the same things I do DON'T warm up to me. I don't NEED everyone's approval, I only need God's.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
I'm not afraid of anything.

Fine, your psychic ability revovles around your emotional state. I guarantee you do much better if you're feeling positive than when feeling negative. No, that is not how everyone is, I have friends who's anger makes them stronger, but that shows how they go about their practices, very inappropriately.

I also suggest you accept dualities, they are ever present.

By the way, I know that's full of crap, your "if you don't prove me wrong you have to be wrong" attitude is a very hefty roadblock to learning.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Well, I'm a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them. So, if you had any info that could even be close, I would tell you. Of course, I don't expect you to believe that. And I knew that's what your excuse would be. You have nothing, my friend. Why would an e-mail make it any more believable? Put it out here, and let's have a go, shall we?

By the way, your assertation that the four of us are clueless can't be any more wrong. We're just cluing in everyone else. You have others running scared, afraid you may bind or blind them or some other such non-sense, but you've come across four individuals who refuse to be intimidated.

Put the information you say you have about me out here. What are you afraid of?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
I already know what you will do, you will tell me I'm wrong, yet I've already done this exact same thing with someone else, and I was right on. You failed, nice try though. Anything to discredit me.

I hope I've made it clear enough, if you believe or not, it doesn't change reality. Subtle lessons you still fail to learn, ones I put out again and again. You, rook, DC, and to a lesser extent, rashidah, don't catch onto them, yet I talk to three people, one of them being bbdeathspark, who catch onto them without me having to hold their hands. Are you willing to learn? It's the same four people that start this cycle every time, and none of the four of you have yet to present any clue you get it.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
No, I will not e-mail you. That is information that I don't intend to give out to a stranger. Now, you have my permission to divulge your findings, if any.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
I answered your challenge, I said email me, I will not put anyone's business on the site.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Hmm. Interesting. Two posts, and still no answer to my challenge. Or is that all I can expect? That there's someone sitting beside you who knows full well you were correct to the letter? Excuse me, but I'm not there. You could be alone on a bus in Egypt for all I know. I think you've proved my point.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Moonshine, I was not born in this or any universe or of any being, so whether you gain phenomenal powers by any means doesn't apply to me. Don't equate me with this universes rule sets, and you'll find I'm a lot easier to understand.

As well, I don't prove my points based on circular logic, I prove them by stating the facts, then giving examples which prove them.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Being incorrect happens, but trying to convince others lies are truths is a crime against nature. That and the chance to look inside of yourselves to your souls when your environments don't get through to you, is when I make the threats people so apparently dislike.

It's not being wrong that bothers me, if we are always right, what point in there in wanting to teach or learn. It's when you present your poisonous attitudes, and take what you all know full well to be me telling what's going on exactly as it is, even if no one cares for my wording, that I call you out on it. I don't mince words, and I'm sorry if you perceive what I say in the wrong way. Maybe ask what I mean when something is not clear, or ask why I mention binding or blinding so much. I answer people's questions and present help in one form or another when it's due, and I only mention anything anyone ever sees as something I "have no right to do" or "have no power over you with" when those attitudes show, and most of the time they show when my motives or claims as to what or who I am, not whether what I say is true. Whether or not you agree doesn't mean you're right or wrong, it's just your opinion. I've been around a long time, I have a lot of experience and ability under my belt. As well, you can't go into and out of the void. The void is a term used to name the nothing everything comes from. It's not a zone, not anything, it's the term nothing, get that piece of information through your heads, it's ridiculous to hear how many people think the void is an actual area you can go to. I'm going to reiterate that if you believe me or not, it doesn't change who I am or what I can do. If you want proof, email me. I will not put anyone's personal business out on this site.

I predicted that a problem would arise because of a certain person, on a certain day, however I didn't mention the time. Now, I'm sitting right next to the person who knows full well I was correct to the letter.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Rook, you took the words right out of my mouth.

"Then the long process of discussion begins... The conversation that hopefully convinces these people that while psychic abilities truly exist they do not allow an individual 'phenomenal cosmic powers... (in an itty bitty living space...)."

Shaolin, I am not convinced about your claim. Take it as you will. In fact, I'm not convinced of the existance of any "void being". I do, however, believe there are "beings" who have been "in the void" and therefore return to this reality as enlightened "beings". Every voyage to the void brings further knowledge and understanding of the universe and the role we as miniscule amoebae play in the grand scheme of things. Knowledge and understanding, not phenomenal "powers."

Which brings me to my challenge. Tell me something about myself that only I would know, past or present, that hasn't been mentioned in any post, here or anywhere else. Only then will I believe you have the powers you claim.

Some clarification, so everyone understands: I'm not in any way trying to discount the psychic abilities that are present in a lot of you. I know these abilities exist. If anyone else is up for the challenge, be my guest.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)

Receiveing the 'promise' you speak of may be easier said than done and in the case that has unfolded here it seems that even though this individual stated...

""I promised I would never go against natural order"

That binding and blinding others... Whether it was their third eye or their auras or energies/ them what you will... Did just that. This person made a good point here and there, but as soon as one of his concepts was questioned it was all doom on you... I will Blind you... I will Bind you... How Dare you twist MY Words...blah...blah...blah. When there were Answers to questions these Answers were unclear or muddled and circular logic was used to try and prove their point.

I am Human, I have 'gifts' I was given and I wish to help others with these abilities or just good advice that I've learned over the years...I'm sorry if I CAN NOT except it when someone claiming to be anything other than 'human' begins talking...

That being said...

Spirits/Entities can and do posess people...Spirits/Entities can and do lie to people as well as offer help and aid. If what is being said seems to be misleading others then I will always stand up and question what is being said... Sometimes Great Truths are revieled, other times Grand Lies are uncovered, but I CAN NOT and WILL NOT sit by and let innocents be mislead by those un-truths. It is not in my Nature.

I was given my 'gifts' for a reason, and while those I help may never 'join' my Church, that is not my job, showing them that there are answers to their questions... That I feel is my purpose. The true lesson is... Seek help... Ask questions and research the answers you find... The Path to Enlightenment is different for each and every individual but no matter which Road is traveled the Truth always Shines forth to lead the way.


AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
ok for those of you who don't bother reading all the comments, I will outline it for you.

If you ever encounter a void being or someone claiming to be one, first thing you must get is a promise not to harm the world you live in or harm you if you can.

Shaolin, has stated "I promised I would never go against natural order"
And that he wants to help humans see beyond the veil of ignorance surrounding them.

I don't know if he is what he claims he is but everyone should respect each other so does it really matter since he has intentions are to help and not harm nature, thus HIS WORDS bind his powers preventing him from doing anything that would go against God's plan for this world (if he even had them to begin with, says the snide comments).

So whatever you think of me or him it DOES NOT MATTER. Sometimes words stand alone and the messanger is not that important.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Whitebuffalo, I espectyr poiion as amo, and that it s aganst your job to not speak up and try to get the "one up fests" and "i art more holy than thou" back and forths to stop. But in doing this, you try to inhibit me trying to prove myself correct in the apparent tidal waves of accusations I'm nothing more than fluff. If they don't believe me at all in the first place, if they don't think I have one ounce of ability or credibility in what I say, they will not even bother waiting to see what will happen, to them it's set in stone they will never be proved wrong. It's pointless to moderate that, they will only respect what you say because they figure it makes them look better, and if you just delete the posts, they will make more, or start spam emailing me with their crap.
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Please reread what I wrote. I was very specific this time about WHAT I was talking about.
As I have said numerous times in the past, AnandaHya, discussion and debate is FINE. The situation that I was talking about has not resumed since I made that post.
Thank you.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Ananda, I promised I would never go against natural order,it's why I don't just "poof this back into place" and "force this being to be proper again" its disrespectful and in the end, harmful to the ascension of beings. However corrupt this universe is, not every being was ever meant to know everything from the start, they'd have to have their own journeys of discovery, even though "evil" didn't exist back then. It's just that those journeys now involve shunning evil from their behaviors as well.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Some things that come to be are universes, some are beings, and some beings create universes, and other beings. Void beings just come to be, they are not from a universe, nor were they created by another being. I was not created by anything I just came to be. No, I was not created by the void, as the void is nothing, it's just called void or "nothingness" to be easier to reference.

Ananda, what you said has an ever so slight resemblence to my situation. My brother messed with my soul mate because he knew how deeply in love we are, and how much it hurts me, void or not, when love is defiled.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)

Shaolin and I are practicing our debating skills, we are discussing the nature and role of "void beings" in the universe and this world.

I think the world in Hebrew might be "elohim" don't jump down my throat those who have not read the Bible in HEBREW, because that is a hebrew word. Like the word Shaolin, it has been misunderstood and translated wrong.

Like the world things "shakti" and "shiva" are gods and some think they are spiritual energy. Stop and listen for a minute and look with your OWN spiritual eyes and you might be suprised.

I wonder if anyone understands this discussion?

Shaolin, I'm glad you don't seek to go against nature. Thank you for your time.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
oh shaolin, I was just giving voice to what might be whispered about you and giving you an opportunity to state for others what you believe.

I sense that you love her very much and it would be a perversion if you actually subjugated or forced her to do things against her will. Even worse if you physically abused her.

However, I like looking at the bright side of things and hope that you two are both strong, happy and working towards making a positive difference in this world.

I don't think human beings come into their full power until they find their soul mates in real life. However they should not obsess over it to and just let it all work out in good time. Its ok to be alone sometimes that is what you have to do.

I still would like to know what you call a void being though. I'm not sure if our definitions match.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Ananda, a lot of voids seek to mold the universes in their own views, seeing it as much more pleasurable to mess with the works of others than to just create a universe or universes themselves. I do not hate humans, if you could feel the love I have for every, "good" or "bad" you'd realize there's no way in hell or high water I'd harm anyone. I didn't even harm my brother when he tried to rip my soulmate from me and corrupt her presence here. My brother is a void, too, by the way. He's not a brother by birth, I just call him my brother since we were pretty much alike until he decided to start batting for the team that wants to defile naturality.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
ok that would work, if I trusted void beings. But I'll take WB advice and see if your actions and words prove me wrong. I hope so.

My experience with void beings have not always been positive. They have a tendency of be overly controlling and hate humans for the most part. The only being I've meet who wasn't was Jesus. So sorry if I'm somewhat skeptical. It's how I was taught and what's kept me sane for so long.

My suggestion for everyone is to keep it positive, there are enough people calling us crazy or stupid in the world. Do we really need it on this site?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Ananda, do you want the rpoof or not?

And no, it's not like that, honestly my soul mate is just like me, the issue at hand is we're misunderstood by those who don't know that what we say is the truth, and that we say it just as it is, we don't mince words because people don't want to hear it the way it is, or because it seems pushy or arrogant to those who don't know the truth. It's what we're here to correct, so for the time being I do expect to be questioned, asked for proof, and even said to be wrong. But in all of that, it is never acceptable to do any of that in the manner of veiled insults and accusations I'm trying to be negative. Wait and see, quit jumping to conclusions based on what little, or entire lack of, proof you have. Take the time to get your proof, it may take time, I'm not going to mess with positive progress because someone wants me to create things unnatural to this universe and bring htem here to see.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Ananda, before I leave, Shaolin's "girlfriend" or soulmate, is a void too -_-. She understands him, basically.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Whitebuffalo, I know this isn't on topic for the original issue, but that was resolved and I'd rather the debates about my credibility be posted in a topic that I posted instead of posted on someone elses topic, and interrupt the flow of trouble shooting. I ask that it be allowed to be discussed here for those reasons.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
anyone can twist people's words and thoughts, are you actually able to help anyone?

You are very controlling, it reminds me of the descriptions of the men who come after the women at the domestic violence shelter. I hope for the sake of your girlfriend that I am wrong.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Well, then next time just say you aren't going to get involved in the argument, don't make yourself look foolish like you did. I knew very well what you meant, but that doesn't mean everyone does, or will if they ever read it. If you want proof I'ma void being, and you;ve actually seen void beings, you'll be able to look at me and find out the truth. I know I don't look like a void being, I'm behind numerous veils and illusions, because every time someone sees me for what I am, they want me to help them with the latest scheme to get what they want, and it's never been helpful in every way. I'll take those walls down for you, email or post a date and time for me to do so, so I know you'll be looking.
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Peeps, let us try to keep to the topics at hand and stop the whole "this is to prove that this so and so is not what they claim to be". Actions speak louder than any words written. Just watch and wait.
But stop this pettiness, Please.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
no I don't want to touch it because I prefer not to fight with DC. I don't see it being beneficial, and I think that I said that in emails as well.

Bbdeath thinks a lot of things, he's 14, I just asked you questions to see if you could "prove" to adults you're statements.

If you want to be taken seriously and if you actually want to help and not cause fights and more confusion and illusions then already existant then you need to answer question asked to you instead of tossing a 14 year old in front of you and asking him to tell the world what you are.

I state quite clearly to all who want to know that DC post some useful things occasionally but likes to bully others including myself on occasions too. Its her personality. I don't think I'm all powerful and able to change that about her. I prefer to focus on the positive nature of people. That is NOT two faced.

I don't care what a person thinks they are or want to claim themselves to be. However when their words and actions cause harm to others and lead others to even more confusion then I make it my business to ask a few questions.

If you are man enough or "void being" enough then you will be able to answer them. I've meet "void beings" and YOU DO NOT APPEAR TO ME to be one. I could be mistaken. If so I apologize AFTER YOU PROVE IT.

If you are what you say you are, answer the questions posed to you. It should be simple for someone with your great powers to do.

I do not try to bully or manipulate others. Your statement to bbdeath was not kind or helpful to anyone except yourself.

Bbdeath, I never thought he was eric, I don't even KNOW eric so what does that matter?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
ok I'm not even going to touch that last post by shaolin.

Bbdeath don't reply to his challenge, no matter what you say, I'll still be skeptical of his "void being"ness and you'd just get yourself in trouble

Shaolin, I'm trying my best to understand you and figure out what YOUR motives are, but I guess I'll just have to watch and see by your other post and actions if you REALLY want to help others or just Manipulate them?

Hope your girlfriend is well, she must be a very wonderful, patient and humble individual to balance you out. Blessed be.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
bbdeath, you can't help others unless you first help yourself to see the truth.

I just want to know if he is telling me the truth when he says he's a void being.

Only people distracted from helping others are the ones who chose to read this stream of thought. There are 5000 more to read instead. Here let me help and post on the ones I haven't yet and this will be off the comment screen...
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Most of Eastern religions are not obsessed with creation and history as with what is happening in the present world and how we interact with each other NOW.

Rook, you must have been typing really fast because I think you mean "false prophets" not 'false profits' though money is some people's God so I can't be sure.

Any way if he truly is what he calls a "void being" in my understanding of it he should be able to demonstrate the follow basic qualities:

1. Ability to clearly see through what Rookdyin refers to as "the veil"

2. Ability to create life from nothing/void

3. Ability beyond that of an ordinary (or not so ordinary) human being (note I claim humanity so Shaolin would have to show that he can do things I am not able to or my friend who also claim humanity are not able to and we are unique group of individuals so I will find it interesting if he is able to. I think all the abilities listed on this site are quite human and wonderful)

Shaolin, do you still claim to be a void being and not human?

Because if you are not what you claim to be, then I would worry if I were you. Void beings exist and don't like being mocked.

Like I said, I'm human and have minimal influence over others, I protect myself and those who ask for my help. I know you didn't really ask for my input but since you state you want to help others see the "truth" and see past the illusions of this world.

I wanted to clear up the image of what you are actually telling us you are. What are your abilities? How do you use them to benefit others? Why are you in this world? How do you view others that are not "void beings"?
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)

This is an interesting point you bring up and yet I feel the need to mention that the ones who believe they have 'fantastic powers' only need to be protected from themselves (most of the time) and the spread of 'mis-information needs to be pointed out/questioned in such a way that the 'absurdity' of their claims is 'brought to light.

There is no 'shutting down' of their 'abilities' against their will, for (very often) there are no abilities there to begin with.

Then the long process of discussion begins... The conversation that hopefully convinces these people that while psychic abilities truly exist they do not allow an individual 'phenomenal cosmic powers... (in an itty bitty living space...).

Time and again, in many different religions and philosophical circles we are warned about 'false profits' and or disinformation.

Research and study need to be encouraged, just because it sounds 'cool' does not make it true.

Thank you Anandha... You have a very good point, and there are many cultures in the middle to far east that I need to study so that I may have a better understanding of where people from these cultures are 'coming from'. (hope your son is ok)


Callie (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
oops too fast!:) add on -- especially since the sudden fluctuations in her behavior seem to be 'binding like' but coming from not immediately obvious directions at first, then to apparently be coming from something rather powerful. Just smacks of threefold law. It in action may not always be perceivable as 'just or 'fair' (very rarely feels that way if something is done that feels so right that one doesn't think it should have a consequence because it is 'done for goodness') but laws being what they are tend to be blind to individual circumstances behind actions.
Callie (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Truth. Still don't mean you will not have to face the music for what you have done was my point, whether you feel justified or not. That was my whole point and from reading through this it seemed oddly missing that what could have happened could have been one of these 'unavoidable repercussions' to what had been done.
Shashiel (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
[at] Callie That's true... However, if that person would cause harm to other people, or themselves, then it may be better to have it happen. Think about it, you have some hot-shots that think they can do anything, and may end up getting themselves killed for doing something stupid. Maybe it could be a way to help keep them safe... Just a thought.
Callie (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
This has been popping to the top so I read it. >.>

You mentioned this: "We've made a lot of enemies considering we shut down those who try to use psychic means to harm others"

Threefold Law doesn't wait until a next life to bite humanity in the toosh. (whether you feel its right or not, whether they're being a jerk or not, etc, binding another being against their Will = harm done)

Just a thought.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
Cambodian culture has a rich store of stories not translated into English about Shaolin monks their martial arts style, etc.

How from your perspectives do you explain the recent events such as WWII and other mass genocides?

In the spiritual plane how are these things viewed by the beings that live there?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
shaolin, you still haven't convinced me that you are one of these beings. Can I ask some questions and conduct a test?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
this looks to be a huge misunderstanding.

I thank rook and shini in helping got Shaolin to define what intelligent masses versus beings are. That actually makes sense to me

Shaolin you concept of void beings sound like some text I've read in eastern religions and philosophy, which moonshine the video games are based off of. I don't have the links and books to give either of you right now, but when I find a good English translation with what may appear to match Shaolin's definition of void beings, I will post it.

IF you look at the philosophy and folktales or beliefs behind popular culture you will find things that are based on our human shared spiritual experience. That is what builds connections and allows us to communicate with each other. Each country has a different spiritual and emotional landscape and set of terms or words to describe that experience. At least that is what I've observed.

Gotta go my son just walked into a wall...
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
First, I am sorry I did not catch this last night before I clicked off of OTHER sites and my computer took a nap.
Can we PLEASE keep this ALL to discussion, Folks?
The straight up... *sigh*
First, I am not pointing out ANYONE here (would not want to go through all of THAT again), but please remember this is not a site for FIGHTS, all that will happen is, eventually this will all implode.
And I am sorry, I DID NOT delete any of those past posts (you know who you are, and you know what I am referring to).
Guys? Let us keep this a site where people WISH to learn about things, OK?
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
I'm not shoving anything in your face. You asked me to provide you with examples of where "void beings" are depicted in video games and anime. I merely obliged your request, which, I might add, you were unable to do for me. I never said I doubted the possibility, only that the information that is available at this time contradicts everything about your "truth". And I'm not one of these 13 year olds that you can convince and sway because YOU say so. Believe what you will, and don't get your panties in a bunch when someone questions your belief, or asks for the source of your information.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-23)
I love that duality you just presented. You want to talk about finding the truth? Well figure this, there's also about a million and a half depictions of mediums, and elementalists, in leisure media, yet... Yet... They aren't called out because those concepts are widely known throughout the psychic groups. I honestly don't see why you're shoving the anime card in my face when, as I said, a lot of leisure media has depictions of exxagerations of psychic abilities. You know, many people explain how the "god of the universe" just came to be, then created this universe, yet it's apparently absurd that someone else couldn't have come the same way?
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Also, if anyone's interested, here's a link that explains the meaning of "shaolin":

Http:// › China Travel
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)

Ok... I can 'wrap' my brain around that concept... I can 'see' that point of view...

Have you had the chance to read all of the comments... From my 'story' to the crossover here? I ask because I would like to hear your interpretation of the entire 'conversation' between Shaolin and I.


Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
I believe Shaolin combines Intelligent Masses with Intelligent Nature as a synonym, because when you think about it, nature has many different aspects, which could make it plural.

That's the way I see that particular subject, any way. Hopefully I'm getting somewhere.

Au revior. 😊 ❤
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)

Do you really think that answers my question?

You say you have all theses answers, answers you are willing to share, but all I've seen is empty rhetoric and circle talking...

You still didn't answer my latest questions...

"If I understand this, you are drawing a difference between Masses in the universal fabric and those that function on their own...doesn't this negate the interconnectedness of it all?

Or can you explain how that works?


moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)



This last link is from a very talented writer, however it is fictional.

This is only a small sample of the discriptions I've come across. Twice, I said I intended no disrespect to you, and you spit in my face. Didn't I read a post of yours recently that admonished those not seeking "truth and knowledge"? You actually threatened to strike blind those people who didn't want to LEARN? Are you telling me that yours is the ONLY truth?

Tell you what, you KEEP your hypocrisy, and I'll keep searching for the "truth". Okay?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Intlligent nature, intelligent masses, tomatoes, tomahtoes. I hope that clears it up.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Do tell what video games and anime, and whatever media all around this world, ever once depicts a void being? Please tell me, because the "i can't believe you until I see documentation that's not from fantasy worlds" doesn't provide any respect for my being at all. Now, if you want proof, bring your void cam and get the hot ladies to come out and put on a nice show.

Wait, it doesn't work like that. Anime itself is honestly an exxagerated depiction of elemental energy working, spiritual mediating, and a noticeable recurrence of people bursting beams of energy out of their hands, which would require the energy of at least a partial star. So all this anime reference should be acknowledged as nothing more than people being unable to express their disagreement, but instead have to rely on childish remarks to try to make yourself seem smart, and someone else seem fluffish. Seriously, ask me for proof, don't just harp on the fact you have none and that makes me unbelievable in your eyes. Have faith.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
The reason I said what I did was to point out the fact that and honest and open question was asked a couple of days ago and seemed to be completely ignored...

With all the other 'posting' that has gone on it seemed to me that perhaps your time was completely occupied here and that you would rather 'kibitz' back and forth and I thought you mayhap have forgotten my question.

"Intelligent masses that function on their own are called beings, intelligent masses that are part of the universal fabric are not"

I may need more... Because I thought we were discussing Intelligent Nature... Not Intelligent Masses... Putting that aside however...

If I understand you are drawing a difference between Masses in the universal fabric and those that function on their own...doesn't this negate the interconnectedness of it all?

Or can you explain how that works?


moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
shaolin, I mean no disrespect, but I can NOT accept the words of another as the truth. I also pride myself in being a seeker of knowledge. I do NOT believe everything a person says, merely because they want me to. I need to see documentation of claims. I need to witness these claims with my own eyes, ears or psyche. So you see, to me, what you're claiming about the existance of "void beings" means no more to me than if you were to tell me you've contracted the T-virus from Resident Evil. Again, I mean no disrespect. And actually, I don't know of any way you could prove your point besides information from sources other than video games, as that information is non-existant. 😊
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Bah, 50 character limit...

Intelligent masses that function on their own are called beings, intelligent masses that are part of the universal fabric are not. If you nee more, I'll be glad to give it.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Sorry Shoalin didn't realize that this managed to get posted on your 'story'. But please could you answer the question?


Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
First off, I realized I didn't answer that point, but alas, I have a real life, too.

Intelligent masses that function on their own are called beings, intelligent masses that are part of the universal fabric are not. If you nee more, I'll be glad to give it.

By the way, poking and prodding at the point I didn't answer the question, trying to make me look like a dunce, isn't a very nice way of approaching anyone... Food for thought.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
To the O/P...sorry, gotta do this...


Sense you would rather 'stir' this pot of 'heated debate' I'll bring my question to you... It seems you have forgotten I asked this... Or maybe you have no 'answer'

To remind you of what was said on my thread I'll quote you...

"In your mention of the flow of spirits to the physical and back, across the void, take the part about it being a being they come from and go back to, to being a natural forming complexity of yes, intelligent nature."

I then asked you... (quoting myself...)

"Can you define... "intelligent nature" in more detail?

To me intelligent nature would denote some type of thinking 'being'...from the smallest creature with the instinct to survive all the way up to... Well mankind and...beyond. So please could you define what you mean?"

Sense I've asked this you have done nothing but poke, prod... Speak in 'riddles...put words in others mouths and completely ignore a very valid and honestly asked question and yet you 'say' you are here to help others and to tell the truth...

Come on let's play... Answer my question...


Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
No archives on void beings doesn't mean they don't exist. To humans, North America didn't exist until it was discovered. I have no links to give you, possibly just for now, but if this remains so, just remember, the proof is in the pudding, you can ask me whatever you like to get the proof you need to trust me so I can help you.
moonshine (123 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
shaolin, I'm sorry to post this on your story, as it may seem off-topic, but since you say this problem has been resolved, I see no reason NOT to.

I can't seem to find any information on the WWW concerning "void beings" other than those that have to do with video games. I've seen in your posts that you pride yourself on researching and confirming the knowledge you instinctively harbor, so I was wondering if you could provide a link or three where I could go to find out the information. I'm sorry, I just can't take your word for it. ❤
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
First off, my soul mate realizes the truth must be told as it is, no matter how many don't want to hear it as it is. She knows what I am how strong I am, for she is the same. Second, void beings are beings who did not come from a universe, though some void beings have been created by others. I came to be, I was not created.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
I'm glad it worked out for you and your soulmate. She obviously has more patience and much love for you to stay despite your arrogance. I will follow the advice of the Tibetian monks when we were taught the art of debate: do not engage in debate with people who refuse to admit that the sky is blue. I hope you have fun in this life.

What exactly are "void beings"? How do you delienate the rest of the world? Why is there ignorance and suffering in the world? How do you plan to "help" with those problems?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
Anyone of this universe would be bound by it's laws, and be subject to it's balance, and it's own ways of nudging beings back on the right path. I have my soulmate back, and yet I'm still saying what I am, stop and think for a minute, if I was poisonous to her, I would not be able to be with her... If I was of this universe, and by natural line of logic in this case, human. Why not believe I'm as strong as I say I am? I can be humanly embodied, and not be human. Yes, I made myself human, but I undid that shortly after posting this topic.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
There's another fatal flaw in what you said... The fact that I am a void being, I came to be I was not created, thus I am all I ever say I am, I can do whatever I make myself capable of, I'm one of many void beings who are the same way, we are unbeatable. My plight with my soulmate came when my brother, one such void being, attacked her in the time I was trying to live life as a human, until a certain time came when everything is supposed to come into place. Because of him that wasn't an option.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-22)
I'm going to prove you wrong with one statment: we have been seeing each other for a few days now.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-21)
you are too arrogrant, in another post you stated that you are never wrong. That might have been true in a past life, but you're human and you're in this world, humans are often very wrong.

Unless she is physically harmed by the other prescence I would say it is protecting her from you. You need to meditate and re evaluate your abilities and knowledge based on this life and your personal experiences NOW.

I remember a past life where I was granted the honor of experiencing what it was like to "always be right" and "know everything" but that is the past. We are in the present, and I do not know everything. The human brain can not hold the knowledge of the universe. It is not designed to do so. While in this body only partial knowledge is possible. So even if you are able to project your spirit and find answers. This human body and earthly plane can only contain partial knowledge. It is rules and restrictions so the cancer may not spread to the other higher realms and worlds. Earth is but one organ and many beings argue that it is not vital and should be destroyed.

I do not know your personal situation or the nature of your soulmate, but from your attitude of "all knowingness" and other comments. Well let me put it this way, if my husband tried it on me, even though I know we are soulmates many lifetimes over, I would be forced to leave him and live life alone.

I refused to be controlled by any entity, even if is my other half if it goes contrary to the good of the world or universe.

Just meditate and do some soul searching, right yourself with the universe, guard her pyschically, send her some good friends and protectors and wait for her to come to you. If you trully are meant to be together in this life, then it will happen. Best wishes and may the Light of Truth shine brightly in your life and chase the shadows of lies and deception from all dusty corners.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-19)
The beings are dealt with, they are no longer trouble, but shes still yet to recover, she was corrupted a great deal. We will be together in time.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Then your spirit guide isn't so helpful to me personally, I know she can be helped, but the angel needs to be unable to mess with her.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
She can;t be helped now, According to my spirit guide. But don't worry. Everything works out.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
And you can also tell your spirit guide to let go of whatever agenda they and whoever else have about getting their version. Don't mess with her... Even if all they do is sit and wait, if they want to help, they need to help, if not then they can stay the hell out of my way,
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Well, there's a fallen angel messing with her, and the only reason I'm weak is because before I realized who I am mental blocks were put in place so I never realized what I could do until recently, and I'm still having problems actually doing it. Shes just as strong as I am, she just didn't realize herself very much, not enough to bring her to even my level of coherency.

As well, we share the mission of helping humanity, and I have been told many times, reassured many times, that god is not stopping us being together.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
From my spirit guide: It's ok, she'll be alright. You are way too weak to free her now, but when the time comes, and we get our full version (He never wanted me to say when) she will be free.
light20 (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
divine teacher

I see how much you care about her. That's amazing.:)

If I were you, I would just focus on being the most angelic being I can be.

When time is right, she'll come back to you, if it's meant to happen this life.


The great spirit is the greatest soul mate for any soul.:)

I wouldn't worry much about it, think about it this way: every 4 seconds a kid under 5 dies of starvation, while we spend 100 times more on weapons than on trying to feed those starving.

When you become pre-occupied with higher goals and with helping others suffering more than her, you attract higher power spirits who will then eventually remove the obstacles from her path.

Your best path could be to be alone this life, so just try to let go and let infinite intelligence take over.

Soul desire for being with a soul is not always divine will.:)

God may have a different plan that will make you two happier next life. If you love her, you let God make her happy, if God thinks she needs be without you this life to attain highest happiness next life.

Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-26)
To my perceptions, she's free... However reliable I still am. I hope I am right, she's my love and my life. I removed the telepathic constructs and such, at least that's what I see.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
If you still need help I'm free to help whenever just email me!
Drew (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
1) everything is attracted by you
2) call you spirt guides back, they can only help, and they knowingly help you, accpting the danger.
3) patience
4) if you are in life threatening danger you have to options, fight back, or flee.
5) I have also found that no matter how dark or unballenced an entity, if you COMMAND it to be gone, and you COMMAND it to leave you alone, it will. It might be scarry as hell but it will work.

God bless with all of your troubles...;
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
Your frustration is giving the darkside power. Rather than to push and force the situation, instead release and let go and let your Guides and hers handle it from here on in.

There is a reason for everything.

Have faith, trust, and patience.

Oracle101, Psychic and Medium for 44 years

Always happy to help others.

For more advice on this subject and others click on my profile name to read my stories and other posts.

If you want advice from me please post your own story then post a short request on mine asking for advice. I will then post my reply on your own story page.
GingerKid (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
I don't mean to intrude, but it feels to me it's a curse. Someone close to her has messed around with spells and put this on her. You need to leave her be for a bit however. A restraining order would ruin your chances.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
What I meant from my other post about calling the enity to you was to banish it on your side.

It is possible that we are coming off from the wrong side. If this is a "battle" between you and the enity maybe you need to face it. Try to figure out what you might have done in a past life to anger it. Find the solution them go after it.
RiteFate (2 stories) (61 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-09)
Shoalin, I am somewhat perplexed as your situation mirrors a lot of what I have been through in the past year. I might be able to help as I have been through this... But first you must explain Why you have chosen your screen name as "shoalin?"

You can respond here and also at my emAil hazelflame1 [at]
Explainz (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
You mentioned she was freed for some time. How was that done? I would think you could repeat (if possible) what had been done at the time. If you can do that even for a short time, and then during that time--get the message across that you are having to fight, and how you are fighting...well, it may be worth a shot.

Be careful though. The law isn't on your side, and a restraining order would really hurt your chances.

Back off as you need to. It will be hard, but be patient. If you know anyone who can enter her mind telepathically, they may be of assistance, but I sense danger when I mention that; I think their may be shields or barriers up guarding against that. It would need to be someone with power, or you may need to lend them power. (again, if possible.) If they do so, they cannot be forceful, only guiding. I do not think force will work, something about the situation suggests you must be subtle to me.

I'm sorry I cannot be of great assistance, I am still trying to develop, personally. But I too am learning to better trust instincts.:)
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
heres a website that might help you but seeing as to the fact that she won't get near you it may be hard.

sar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
Do you know if she ever played around with spells or other such things, if so who taught her them and did she have any negative experencies with them?
sagemaster (24 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I say that you have to do 2 things here, be ready to face the shadows. Also she might be your soulmate, and you both might feel a strong bond with each other, but if she doesn't remmenber, there will always be doubt. I suggest that you take it slowly to gain her trust, slowly make her remmenber why she likes you, the grip of the shadows will get weaker, then set her free. Keep protecting her for the time being.

Best of wishes,
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Taffy, this is not a mere matter of "bad emotions" shes being controlled, plain and simple, I don't know how many times I have said it. This is not coming from shadows, this is coming from at least one sentient, strong being. Purifying myself and my surroundings will do nothing but give them fresh ground to work with, I'm not under any control, she is. Cleansing her and her surroundings won't work either, shes not being corrupted, just controlled, shes still the same, shes just not being allowed to be herself, shes brainwashed and made to live a life that I know for fact contradicts every one of her values and every bit of her self respect. Telepathis, empathic, whatever tactics, its control, no doubts there, and its far too complex to be from shadows, which are products off emotional letoff or uncontrolled manifestations of desires.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I don't think that this is the best thing for you but you might be able to call the shadow people to you then dispel them from you. If you try this then upon getting rid of them you must be confident and have no fear. Try to have no negative emotions surronding you. Try cleasening yourself as well as your room or wherever you are doing this. Purify everything that you can.

Be bold, confident, and remember your love and life that you can have.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I don't have spirit guides for one, I told them to leave me so they don't get hurt. And two itd be a good idea to find what being is doing this, and so far, I have failed to find them.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Have you thought about meditating and asking your spirit guides for help? They might be able to tell you what to do or be able to dispell of the shadow.

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