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Comments for Sometimes I Don't Feel Human: Page 1

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Tiran (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-08)
Thank you all for your input. I am definitely going to do some reading to try to figure out some of this stuff. I think sometimes the lack of knowledge is a lot of times what makes things scarier. I am not sure I am brave enough to conciously astral project. It felt natraul to do as a child, but now I don't know how I would handle it.

I need to research to try to find some answers... Although I am sure that they will be hard to find.

Sagemaster, I have also found the wings to be very heavy at times. A lot of times they are achey like they need a good stretch too. I can't say I've ever talked to anyone else that has had these feelings though, so I'm interested to hear more about your wings.:)
sagemaster (24 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I see that you have experienced many things, but it always helps to be careful when dealing with this type of things. The wings sound cool, I also have them, they get heavy sometimes.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
You are definitely not alone. Being psychically active doesn't mean you aren't human, the steroetype that "humans don't have powers" leads some people to think "powers" make them inhuman. However, it is possible you aren't human. It's your soul that will show what kind of being you are, your body is just a body, there are many angels and demons and such that are humanly embodied.

Be careful with your practices, don't get involved in something until you can handle it. Be aware that something that feels fine might not be fine, so many times people perceive something as helpful, because it's something of interest, they think it's going to help them, but it actually ends up hurting them. Don't be scared of energy work, just take it at a safe pace, meditate, ground yourself out every time you practice, before and after. Find yourself and what path you will take.

You have the natural capability to become something that helps or hurts the world in ways that are more dangerous than politics and cold wars. Be wary of how you think, it can condemn you or make you the thing that brings you to be a hero.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Imagine if your parents would have been opened minded. What a controlled gifted person you'd be instead of feeling you might be nuts, trepid if you should continue and so on. I never had children myself but sometimes I take delight in how he or she would be under my tutelage. I was recently reading an article from Alison Dubois (the psychic who has the show Medium based on her) and how she has worked with her children from an early age and now what gifted remote viewers, psychics, and mediums they are! It's such a shame how ignorant and afraid our society is. But it is changing which is good. 100 years ago I'd be burned at the stake and now, I can have webpages like this and help open minded people take themselves to the next level.

You are right. Be careful what doors you open because it may not become closed again. Robert Monroe said this very thing (if you've not read his books, I highly recommend them). It was his work that got me into astral travel about 15 years ago. These things can be scary, but for the bravest, if you can overcome your fear, there are more unbelievable experiences that await! 'Mind boggling' would be words for starters. Why stay in earth kindergarten your whole life? Perhaps I'm just an adventurist and explorer by nature, but bigger aspects of this world and beyond awaits! Time travel, dimensions, aliens, higher planes of existence that make you cry with ecstasy, healing, and many other things await all of us, should we dare to explore.

I hope you make the most of your gifts so that you can, in turn, help more people eager to use their own invisible wings and fly.

Thanks for sharing!
As a post note, feel free to check out my advanced astral projection notes on my other site,, since you have the basics down.

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