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Comments for The Path To Awareness: Auras And Vibrations: Page 1

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Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
To Kraken, People have benn using auras to diagnose illnesses for centuries already. And, in case you haven't noticed this is a great forum to discuss about pyschic phenonomon. It's safe and their are all like people here. No disrespect intended by my comment to you. It's just that when you have something great why mess with it?
To Anne, Great words & advice.
To Alex, You would be a great Healing Touch practictoner. You should get certified as one.
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
IM extremly Intrested in useing auras to diagnois illness, I think it will revolutionize the world, we just need to get started
kraken (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
Check out Deb KAtz I found her book very useful. I know I shouldn't but I use Aura to win the lottery sometimes That and diagnois my friends ailments. Spirtual jouneys... If either of you have a facebook I'm trying to start a group so let me know if your intrested this will make communication much easier... You might not trust me so ill give you my name so you can scope me out
Eddie Howe new york
alexandriabee (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-19)
Thank you, Anne. I truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to this. I certainly will look into the book, and get my hands on it <3
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-19)

At 21 it's hard to establish enough of a personal history to know if there is truly a planetary acceleration happening or a personal one, whereas if you were, say, 50, you could have a clear trend to look at. One can say though, regardless of hypothetical futures, records are being broken all over this world and the energy is palatably different. Anomalous happenings are everywhere.

I think the food for thought is, if you will, is the same for a person who can see auras or a person who cannot. Change is constant. You, others, and this world is always changing. Whether slow or fast, we evolve as souls. As we grow more spiritual in awareness and purpose, we move away from service to self to service to others. We may be helped along in that path if the frequencies around us are changing. Not necessarily now, but I would find it quite believable that in the future you use these abilities to help other people. The ability to perceive illness in others means that you can preemptively help them.

I rarely make book recommendations but one I applaud ten times over, especially for people like you, is a book called Hands of Healing Light by Barbara Brennan (she too has your ability and is an amazing healer). You can probably get this for free at a library but with your ability, you could really take yourself to the next level, should you find this your calling. We aren't just born with gifts for no reason. They lay in waiting while we mature and later in life, potentially blossom into something extraordinary. Even if we ignore them, things fall into place and keep pushing us. Like even you said, you started to ignore them because they became mundane but then they morphed which will force your own morphing. And if you ignore these, then something else will happen. It all plays out as it should.

It doesn't matter why you are perceiving more aggressive energies. What matters is that you can. You have already said it is all intertwined. That means you are intertwined with others. In the end, helping others is helping yourself.

Thanks for sharing such a fascinating account of your life.

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