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Iceepenguin (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-01)
Ok I noticed how most of your abilities started at the age of 13 or 14, mine started when I was either 7 or 8 years old. When the actual dream happens I will have no memory of it until it happens in real life like this one time:

I was eating dinner with my family and I dropped a chip and caught it in midair, and in my dream everything was excatly the same even the tv show that was a brand new programme out that day I'd seen it all before.

I got kinect a few days ago and while my brother was playing I had a déjà vu I remember seeing it all before in my dream a couple of years ago before kinect came out.

If anyone knows anything mail me: ross_Steele [at]
Anonymous1-3-6 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-28)
Hey Adam... Sorry I am not american, can make mistakes.
Same to me. Actually, that happened to me earlier, but I thought its okay and didn't worry. It happens not often. Actually I saw only bad things happening to me (like I fall down in the street or what etc.).
One day, when I saw a dream and it became true, so like in my dream, I realised - yes. That is a gift. I also have other gifts but it doesn't matter.
My dreams are not clear, not straight. I can see another person doing any action, or me. I usually see dreams connected to people around me, I mean I will be there when it happens or it happens to me.
When I realised it, I started to search for different information about that, and it became stronger. I could see any thing, it could be not really important or what, it became true. Now, when I am not immersed into it so much, I haven't seen any dreams like that for some months, actually, I haven't seen them a lot and regularly, only when I got immersed into it, it was some weeks, and that's all. And I usually remember that it was in my dream when it happens. But sometimes not.
now I can not see any dreams like that at all. I don't know what to do because I want to make it stonger.
I am not afraid of it and not tired of it, I heard some people are.
it's all I think
IPrayForTheDay (1 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-18)
Hello, um, my names Allen, or A.K... I'm 14. Well anyways I'ma cutt to the chase. One day I was laying in bed, and I ask got to see my future. Didn't happen for a while. Then like you (s), I seen random stuff in my dreams, small, everyday stuff. First one was in the back of my girlfrinds moms jeep. Then it came true, same words, same place, same night. Another was just recent. I had my hair cutt short, was long, looking in the mirror. About half-an-hour ago this happened. I'm experiencing the "Deja Vu" and I'm happy there's more out there. Maybe someone has more imformation about this? Because all these stories are alike, there's a dream, small things, then it comes true. I'm curious, please someone out there? -A.K.
Samuel_D-J (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
About deathtaker26. I have these to, and I dream them in my sleep. I see these in real life ranging from 1 day to 1 year. Except, when I try to change what I saw, it really changes. Should I not change what I saw? When I leave it alone, it stays exactly how I dreamed it. I'm only 13 so I'm not really knowledgeable about these things. 😕
lelouch (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-20)
HI my name is richard, and I have been getting these same dreams, and I can never remember them, but when it does happen, it comes in an instant. Like I dreamed an exact part of a fb conversation, it happened just like the dream, I would love to learn more.
JRush87 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-13)
reading all the comments about this I can see that most of you are young teens. I am 23 and have been able to see into the future through dreams since I was around 12. It is true that if you focus on this gift and try to strengthen you gift that you can make it happen more often. If I close my eyes and really focus on a certain person or event I can see what will happen, seconds later it happens. The first time this happened I was in 3rd grade and I was sitting in class, then out of no where I saw my father at the hospital, like I was sitting in there with him. When I got picked up from school hours later I found out that he broke ribs and was at the hospital. So just focus on your gift and it will develop into something you can control at will
CptCruiser (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
I see the future in my dreams to there unpredictable but it will always happen and when it happens I would pause for a moment to get my head together and I'm 13 this year. I think this thing is not a curse its a gift for us to see in to the future
Devin123 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-29)
Hey bro I have the same exact thing and I am 14. I have been having these dreams since I was about 12 and the weird thing is I can't remember them... I see the future in my dream but I always forget the dream, then when that scenario takes place I remember as if it were deja vu. I want to be able to understand this more. Not to control it but to be able to know why it happens and what's wrong with me to make it happen
Elizabeth_234 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-29)
Heey everyone,

My name is Lindsay. I noticed you all started getting these ability's around 13-14. Well I'm a 13 year old girl going into grade 9. And I'm going to be 14 in november. I think I'm starting to dream about the future. Just a few day's ago I was sitting with my cousin and and she was playig a game on her Ipod. And then I looked over, then looked up at her. And I told her 2 day's ago I had a dream about this moment. I always have dreams about going into grade 9, and each dream I've had about it I've experianced hurting my leg. And when I was at my soccer game. I broke my leg. And I'm going to be going into grade 8 with a huge cast on my leg and it's painful. All I want to know is did your guy's dreams start getting more clear as you got older? Mine aren't clear yet but their clear enough the when I'm living the moment that was in my dream I can point it out but it's kind of difficult.

Hope I get some anserws/replys.
lillouie08 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-29)
Hi my name is luis I'm from texas when I was 11 or 12 I had my first experience when I dreamed I saw in the middle of my dreams a quick picture of something random and like one or two days later that exact same thing that I saw in the picture happen like my very first experience was me seeing my classmates walking out of the school door to go play outside and that same thing happen the next day and since then it developed to a small clip and then a small clip with actual sound until it turned into a 30 second prediction I could actually see what was going to happen before it happen and now I wonder how I can trigger my abilities cause it seems that I have kind of lost it so I would love to be able to control it and be able to recooperate it
cool_dude (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-05)
Uh yeah I'm 14 and I've been having these "realistic" dreams since I was maybe 12 or 13 but probably the most recent one I've had was just a normal UPS van pulling up next to my house and dropping of a package, that's probably not a really good dream but its still kind of wierd and I was just wondering if possibly there was a way to control if maybe?

And there was this other dream where my friend that hasnt texted me or called for a week and out of the blue texts me and says "Hey what you doing, I'm coming over" and I just said "Ok" then the next day, when I woke up, at like 2 or 3 o'clock I got a text and sure enough it was my friend saying the exact same thing.
nadia14166 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-31)
I've been having these dreams for a while now. I am 22 now my first realistic dream occurred when I was 13-14 as well. Most of the time when I sleep I don't dream I see just black and on rare occasion I have one of the dreams. There are a few I can remember.

1) I was traveling with my family in France (by car) and we stopped at a hotel for the night. During the night in my dream I saw our car in the car park. It was night as well, and a 3 guys were trying to break into our car and steal it. In the morning when I was having breakfast with my parents I told my dad about this dream and he went to check on the car. It was gone... The police found it later and it was broken into and damaged quite bad.

2) My dad, mum and me were meant to show the city to some visitors, so we were supposed to drive to their hotel to pick them up. Before leaving the whole morning I kept saying we shouldn't go, and that something bad was going to happen... My parents didn't believe me and we went anyhow. Result was we were in a car crash because of a drunk driver.

3) In this dream I saw myself standing in school talking to me best friend and I looked at the stairs and saw a guy in a green sweater coming down it. A few months later the exact thing happened, when my friend said the same sentence and I looked at the stairs, and there was the guy in the green.

4) I was coming home with my mum and waiting for the bus at a bus stop. There was a woman standing a few meters away and I kept looking at her for some reason. Something made me feel uneasy and I didn't like her and couldn't explain why. I told my mum this. When we got on the bus turned out that woman had a mental disorder and she went crazy on my mum for no reason. The driver of the bus knew her and later told us about the disorder.

5) A few days ago I found my diary I kept when I was a lot younger, and I discovered I recorded a dream I saw in there. I completely forgot about it but when I read it I knew it had come true literally a month before that. I always had short brown hair and in this dream I was standing in the middle of a dark room, talking on a cellphone, my hair was black and long with a full fringe... I was upset about something. I have that exact haircut and color now... And one month ago I dumped my ex boyfriend over the phone in exactly that room.

6) This one happens a lot. I dream of a clock and seeing a specific time, usually morning and then when I wake up and look at the time its the exact same time from my dream. This happens a few hours before it comes true.

7) My latest dream is what brought me here as it freaked me out. I haven't been having these dreams for a while and this shocked me. I was in the front passenger seat of a car. A girl I knew back from school was driving. It was an English car, right side steering wheel. We were chatting and driving towards a bridge... Then all o a sudden when we were a few meters away from the entrance of the tunnel a white car that was to the right of us lost control and drove onto our lane crashing in the car in front of us and the side of the tunnel. We crashed into them and someone else crashed into us. Then my vision went blank like on TV when you see the black/grey noise pattern. My last thought before I woke up was 'I hope she survived'.

So that's it so far... This last one really scared me. I'm not sure what to make of it, I know its a realistic dream just like the others I've had that came true.: (

All I know is I can't control it, it happens randomly.

Email me on nivanova14166 [at] if you would like to discuss this or ask anything.
amnesya29 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
notice that almost everybody commenting is about 13. Or that's when the abilitys took place
amnesya29 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
hey adam, my name is john. I've also developed these abilites, the same future telling dreams that come true. I was thirteen when this started. I was scared at first, not knowing what to do. I'm fifteen now and the ability is growing. Normally I used to only be able to tell the future or remember the dream as it was happaning or a few mimites before. Now, I can tell a few days before. I now can see the future without dreaming at night. I just daydream. I don't have to completley go to sleep. For you, you need to get into lucid dreaming. With lucid dreaming, I was able to make sence of my dream a lot better, the dream was clearer, and I could tell the future sooner befor it happened. This gose for everybody that reads this. Email me at amnesya29 [at] if I can help anybody strugling with this ability. A piece of advice, don't get caught up in this to much. It will happen when it wants to.
Guyon (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-16)
Hi adam, my name is Guyon and I'm 16 years old.

I red your letter about you having dreams about seeing the future in your dreams. I might be able to help you a bit, and you might be able to help me.

I have these dreams as well since my fourth, the things I saw mostly came out a year later, sometimes the next day. Mostly I don't dream, when I dream it are only dreams like this. Sometimes I could see time in my dreams, for instance: in my dream I'm looking to the clock, and it says 16:13 and the phone rings and it's my dad's boss. 1 year later is see this happening, and everything is saw happened exactly the same as in my dream, the time was also exacly the same. Though sometimes it's not so clear, sometimes I don't see time or anything. Everytime this happens I get like goose-bumps and a cold shiver on my back.

I also recently told this to 2 best friends of me. 1 of them also had the same thing, that was really suprising to me. What was even weirder is the way I met him: it was on an online mmorpg game, called Runescape. I never talked there much, since I was a kid and kind of scared. 1 time is saw someone of my country in a distant location of the game. I was higher lvl so I was saying he was bad in this game, though I almost right away said that I'm sorry. And in that time I was someone who didn't see sorry fast. And that game is really big so the chances of meeting someone there are small. Yet I met him and we became best friends over 6 years. Recently I found out he also was bullied, just like me. Also like me he had had a bad youth. What I think is that this means something, cause just recently I became really good friends with him, and also from a moment before that my life was starting to get better:).

Because of all this, I think there's a reason that at that moment I met him, and told him anout my dreams. I think something big is about to happen, I don't know what exacly. Though I know this doesn't have to be a bad thing, it could also be good. For instance, in my dream I see somthing that I don't want to happen, and that looks bad than. But when it starts becoming reality after some time, it is a good thing for me or someone I know.

I also think were getting these dreams because it's the meaning we have to believe in it and not doubt about if seeing something is real. I don't know why we should believe in it exacly. Probably because something's about to happen.

I just got 1 last thing to ask, this might be a very weird question. But since I was born I got this red sign on my left arm, it could mean nothing, but I don't know. So I'm asking anyway. I'll describe this sign to you: It llok like a small knife, a kinf of small army knife, and there's a drop of blood falling of it. This kind off sign couloured red on my skinand the blood drup and knife are appart of each other. So here's my question: do you have something like that to on your left or right arm, or where ever on your body? I know this is weird, but if you answer this I might be able to find out more. If possible I show you a picture.

I really need some help here, I think you too:). Sorry about the bad grammar and English, it's beacause I can't speak english very well, I'm from holland.

Thanks for reading this:). I'm looking forward to an answer.

PS: If you want to react on my add, please email to: guyonwestdorp [at]
deathtaker26 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
sorry sarah I don't think you realy can realate hi I'm Dylan I recently joined in hoping to fine an answer to my problem you my friend have the same experiances I do except most of the time I can't remeber the dreamuntil about 5 minuets or so before the event is happenning most of the time its little things as much as I try to change it by changeing the next things I say but no matter what it always ends up like my dreams I wish to know how I can triggers this abitlity but as I get older,,,,som times I have even when not asleep my friends think its anoying that I say "deja vu"
sjkcjmak (1 stories) (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-11)
Hi Adam,
My name is Sarah and I am 13 and I can totally relate to what is happening 😁, once my friends heard about what I said they were like what ever but I have never been able to prove to them... Its hard for me to tell when its going to happen because the dates range and I usually see the future like two weeks before... And I never get to see the time or date of when it will happen... I want to make my visions stronger and try to control them and not confuse them with my dream... How are you cooping with this? 😕
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-11)
p.s. Wouldn't mind a mentor or teacher myself. People are just busy and it's hard over the internet to do that kind of thing.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-10)
Ty Adam. That is flattering. These gifts are so individualistic, I don't know if "mentoring" is possible. Usually people have a mix. May take years to see the others, but they will be there. Were for me anyway. Relax. Work hard and stay open. Notice the small things. Work hard in school because learning in other areas will help you here too I think. You have to know things to understand the sequences, if that makes any sense. Stay away from the bad stuff. From my experience, you will get challenged, even tested harder. It's like you wear a sign saying, "I dare you to try..." Listen to your own instincts. Mostly, it's fun being sensitive. My sense of humor can be a little sensitive too. I keep a reign on it. Hope this helps you. Have a good life.
Dont_Wake_Me_Up (1 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-10)
I know what you're talking about. I'm around the same age as you and I've been having the same types of dreams and also what to know how to develop them.
AdamManning (1 stories) (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-08)
Yes I think that helps a little. Thank you.
im also looking for like a mentor or someone that can help develop these things better.

Thanks Again GlendaSc! 😆
piggiehandcuffs (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-08)
Adam, I have the same things happen. I'm trying to learn about it too so I can use it and understand it better.

Two nights ago I had a dream that I was screaming but no one would listen to me. Yesterday I checked up on my immigration status online to find out my papers got pushed back again. I tried calling up the government, but no one was there...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-07)
You are not imagining or nuts. It does exist. Just don't let it control you. You are flesh. That otherworld is whispering, feelings, and shadows. Be firm and take control. Good luck to you.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-07)
Adam, as an older person I feel a bit responsible, so reservered maybe a little. I know youth is restless. I've always been this way too. Since I was two. Life here beckons, don't get too lost in that otherworld. That's my advice. It's real. Be sensitive to it to save your bacon, but go for this life, education, love, children, all that stuff. Listen to that otherword though and protect yourself. Care for others. Does that help at all?

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