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Return to the psychic experience Year 2012

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Well the debate is in Waywards 'court' now... Just need to wait for the 'gauntlet' to be picked up or 'kicked aside'. Lets see what happens...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Rook, I would LOVE to be watching you two debate, it's fun for me seeing debates and arguments. And Shinigami? No, I just said many. There are people I contacted that already knew this, and people here on the site that already know this. I'm just saying not a vast majority know it...
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)

I am so hoping for a good debate with Wayward on that thread... If it happens please follow along...

Our Spirit Guides and 'teachers' are great ways to learn OF things... But it takes research to learn ABOUT things (free lesson).


Great point... Research = knowledge, knowledge = power and understanding. I can... And shall go even better with Waywards permission on their story. If this debate happens it shall be very interesting indeed... Please stand by... 😁


Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
When you say "that many do not know of", are you saying that your little terms are within your own group? It seems a bit ludicrous that more would not know about it; usually, when regarding things of that nature, there is at least a few cultures who have incorporated it into their history. Thus, there would most likely be a bit of info about it.

The mere fact that there were pages full of links to RPG forums and video games, such as a Naruto one and one for the Sega, says a lot to me.

Kkthxbye. 😆 ❤
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Oh by the way, as I never said it before and Tiron said it's acceptable to tell, a deva is a rank of a nature/elemental spirit.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
So you honestly think something that many, and I MEAN many, don't know, would come up clear as day? Why don't you try find it by "psychic" means like Astral Projecting or Tarot Cards or something, if you don't believe us... And yup, 7 elements. I never believed it either until Tiron came along.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Interesting... When I searched for the term "Lighting Deva", there were numerous links to video games, one being from the Sega system, at one point it suggested "Lightning Dave", and it also brought up the Devas/Devis from Hinduism, which do not match up with what your version of this so called "Lightning Deva" is.

Also, I'm with Rook- 7 elements? Really now...

Sometimes, its best, for your own good, to look things that others say up, from time to time... Don't take things at face value... 😊 ❤
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Wow Ananda, you seem pretty opposed to me being taught by someone. I didn't just take it off his story, I learned from him, and that's how I'm developing my abilities -_-.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Oh sorry, I wrote that comment when I just woke up and was dazed. But yeah, if you haven't guessed it, Tiron [Lightning Deva Spirit guide] and WaywardElementalist taught me.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)

Ummm...That was I (me?) who asked what the 7 Elements were.

May I ask whom taught you this? Or which books this information came from? I am Curious about the origins of this information.

I've invited WaywardElementalist for an 'Open and Honest Debate' in the comments section of their O/P. I do so hope they takes me up on this... If this happens please read along.


AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
don't worry I researched it he is just parroting someone elses knowledge as usual. Wayward_elemental I think is the one who posted that story. I did it by tracing streams of thought. About the 7 elements, rook_dyin. Sorry everyone I have to do family stuff and won't be online for a while email me and I'l get back to you when my family allows it:) peace.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
Eh, the 7 elements are simple: Lightning, Dark, Light, Earth, fire, water, wind. There they are Dc.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
the elohim have been reveling things to me. I hesitate to post this but the webmaster can always delete them.

More sins of the United States. (I'm not big on history of this world so can you guys help me out, Do the seven original church of Christ still standing. My theory is that revelation in the christain bible has already happened but people just won't admit it, but I could be wrong. Do the lampstands still stand?)

THe US has through its actions allowed gates into the demon world to be opened and mass genocides to occur. It has failed in its duties. For example, the bombing of the cambodian border during vietnam allowed the khmer rouge (russian backed) to take control from the US backed government (from what I learned about communism it is just plain evil and has people "justified" in killing others in the name of making "etopia"
You've heard about afghanistan, iraq, israel.

Am I missing any? Like I said reading history saddens me and I like to avoid it.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
hey DC thanks for the advice. But actually my son started having a headache yesterday afternoon. Which I thought was just because he was tired (i'm a science teacher here, I don't fall for most things and NOT as gullible as most, well most of the time) I put him down for a nap at 1:30 pm at 5:30 pm when I posted it he just woke up and was still tired and wanted to go back to bed. Ok I panicked alittle and asked my guardian "what's going on" I got the answer that someone on this site was draining my sons energy. I'm sorry that made made.

Its ok now. Thanks for those of you who were concerned. We listened to some hymns in the car and he started singing and the headache went away "my god is an awesome god he reigns, from heaven to earth..." was the song.

I rry not to threaten anyone, but I DO believe in self defense. Peace to all and my blessings to this site.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
There seem to be more than a few personalities here that want to give others the impression that you have powers that can harm others if they don't follow your 'instructions' or they displease you in any way. Leaving veiled comments that suggest you've done something to another so all others need to be careful lest you turn your wrath on them. Example: [at] Amanda: Someone is messing with your son? Could you tell me what's happening, and maybe I could try and help you? [from]WaywardElementalist. There are many more of these examples I could quote but frankly, it's unnecessary. Now, I've seen some of you fall for these 'tricks' and it breaks my heart each time because I'm afraid someday you're going to ordered/asked/suggested to do something you would normally never even consider doing but, because you fear what this person might do or say to you or about you, you will go through with it and someone will get hurt or worse. This "claimed" power of 'telepathic suggestion'? That's a load if I've ever heard one! Advertisers use it all the time, it's referred to as 'subliminal messaging' and it's purpose is to make you believe you need their product or service. Wake up guys, think for yourself and don't put another human on a pedestal higher than your own. If something is too good to be true then it is probably best to steer clear of it. Threats are the cowards way, they are afraid of being found out.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
ok to futher back up MY reasoning for believing my dreams and what scaries the shiat out of me is because I'd rather NOT believe it and would prefer that it did NOT happen. So I'm hoping that I'm wrong but here is a link that a facebook muslim friend from Tusinia shared with me and how the US is judged by some people in the world:

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Ok I'm not sure what's going on here but I did read a couple of things in peoples comments that I feel the need to ask about.

And away we go...


If you have something to share or discuss, please do so, this immature attitude of 'I know something you don't know' is really irritating. Either put it out here in the open where it can be discussed or don't bring it up at all.


I've explained what my research into the word 'Avestan' reveled and it's posted... Where did you get your information from? Or does that tie into your statements like these...

"Because I hav a huge secret to tell but I can't say it openly and espescially to a human."

"please don't ask how I know about avestan or how I have come to believe him... And he isn't alive he is dead and lives in a seperate world apart from us and he doesn't reveal himself to humans..."

Well I am human and I am asking. I've explained what my research into the word 'Avestan' reveled and it's posted... Where did you get your information from?

Oh and I have to ask this as well... From the above quotes are we to surmise that you are not human... Or are you just very, VERY special?


7 Elements? Really? 7 Elements?

I know of 4 certain ones... The Basic 4; Earth, Air, Fire, Water... This equals 4. So... A 5th Element... A 5th Element (good movie by the way... 😁) I can 'wrap' my head around 'Love' being considered the '5th Element', but 7 Elements, 7? Please clue us all in as to what the other 2 Elements may be.


WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
[at] Amanda: Someone is messing with your son? Could you tell me what's happening, and maybe I could try and help you? If you don't wish to talk about it here, my e-mail is hidden_beacon [at]
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
another off topic thing: if any one is messing with my son please stop it NOW.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
[at] Monarch: No you are not alone. I know well what you are speaking of. Just wanted to let you know that.

My name gets thrown around a lot.:/
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
sorry he won't listen otherwise, my apologies to the page, I've been following his posts and he has given voices to things and beings that don't need voices. To cause confusion and more darkness in this world.

Again apologies.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Well this is going off topic now so I'll leave it with this comment: Raymond is not my spirit guide or anything, and he never will be, plus, I don't listen to demons, I deal with them. Thanks for your opinion though.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
bbdeathspark I posted on all your stories and I told you to check them. I just joined the page 5 days ago look at our karma points and think and please STOP listening to DEMONS!

Man Raymond must really love you, I would have let you go a long time ago. Believe whoever you want, you have powers, just right now is not the time for it. Learn about science and this material plane and some morality and perhaps when RAYMOND thinks you are ready. He, your guardian angel, will teach you things you know want to know.

STOP taking shortcuts.
Lyro (468 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
[at] AnandaHya I wouldn't mind speaking with you, but you're going off topic on this story a little, take it into E-mails. Thank you. Why don't you E-mail me though? I would like to talk to you a bit if I may.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
people misunderstand the use of prophecy. It is a warning, not written in stone. Have you heard the story of Jonah and the whale? He was a prophet who told the people to repent or God would destroy the city. Guess what? They DID and God did not destroy the city. So Jonah was mad and said that's why he I didn't want to go (he jumped into the sea so the ship he was on didn't get destroyed). Read it, its in the bible. If you think you are a prophet read the stories of prophets, they aren't all nice and rosy. They normally were labeled crazy. They said Jesus was possesed by demons because He could cast them out. What do you think they will call any of us? Trully, think before you speak, research, learn, and love one another.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Raymond wasn't my spirit guide. That was just some lost spirit, and since when did you post that comment on my story? And I'll have you know, no one controls lightning. You can only manipulate it, as you can only manipulate the 7 elements. If the elements weren't spirits, then we would control them. If you need help understanding that email WaywardElementalist -_-. And also, He's helping me develop my abilities, but thanks for the effort.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
in case you don't remember from your own static electrity ability to "control lightning" your words not mine:

"I then decided that no matter what I was afraid of, If I wanted to understand how to control it, I would have to have a spirit guardian. However, I didn't look at how to contact one on the website and I tried my own method. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. I then asked What is your name, and got the response Raymond. It was like an impulse, like the words gathering in my mind and forming. I asked if I had special powers and I saw yes. I then asked if I can control them and a bold No came. I tried asking more questions but I didn't feel any impulse. I then decided to go to bed."

Are you ready to listen yet?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
remember this post:

Raymond there you go the name of your true spirit guide, see that wasn't that hard. To get him to be nicer, try listening and stop acting like a spoiled brat.

To develop your abilities, try listening and not acting like a spoiled brat. Thank God he's protecting you from your own mistakes and lack of drive to actually learn what you are suppose to be doing with your life NOW.

So you are listening to "tiron" now?

It was in response to one of your stories. YOU gave me that name.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
I didn't say you spoke to demons O_O. All I said was that Tiron wanted you to talk to him, for an "example" as he calls it. I didn't mean to offend you -_-. And yes I can say the same, and lol, It's obvious "God" still loves me... Read my story >_>.
Lyro (468 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
To be honest, the year 2012 has just become an annoyance to me... I'm actually not worried about what may happen or not, and if it does, then I'll do something about it... If not, oh well. I'm a little tired of people wondering what all will happen, and trying to go down into detail into things. To be honest, no one can know exactly what will happen, so instead of wasting time trying to figure out something you can't know, start working and developing yourself to be prepared for the unknown. Instead of asking what will happen, just be ready for what may happen.

If I told you it was going to rain tomorrow, you would bring an umbrella. Right? But, if I told you it would rain sometime, you wouldn't worry about it, and would just have it ready for if you need it.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
bbdeathspark I don't speak to demons. You haven't listened to me don't try to set traps. Be skeptical, it doesn't bother me, you don't know me or my life. I have plenty of people who love me. Can you say the same? I hope so. Since you are still here I guess God still loves you. Therefore I will forgive you the insult. The emails I don't know, sounds like warnings to me but then why should you listen to me you haven't so far.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
o_o. You know, now that I'm seeing this I have to give Rashidah and the others props. I'm not insulting you when I say this Ananda, but boy, when I see your posts they look Idk...Outstanding? I NOW understand why everyone's skeptic. It's just that because things really happen to me I thought it would look normal, But I was wrong. I apologize Rashidah.

But anyways, on an unrelated note, What? Just...What? But anyways, IF all what your doing is Legit, Tiron [My spirit guide] wants to see if you can talk to him. O_o.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
crap. "nuclear war and evironmental diasters" 2012 crap I was hoping we had more time to change it then that.

Anyway yes I'm getting the same message. But like I said I was hoping for more time. Here is the rest of it: the reason why it will happen:

The council of Elohim have judged and found the US wanting. It has condemned this nation unless its people repent for the various crimes against other and its refusal to repent or even acknowledge its sins: giving money to put the Taliban into power for US interest to displace the Russian backed powers in Afghanistan.

If the US will not make ammends: nuclear war and environmental disaster. 2012 crap... Perhaps we can convince the world to give us more time. I really love this nation.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
i don;t know what you mean by the "illuminti" but do you believe it when the bible says "You are gods (elohim)?"

Oh if you want to know the basis for my previous comment I had a dream when I was about 16 years old that I went to a club where the was a lot of dancing, and to get into the VIP room you had to have a pass that some how used the word "god" in your name. I used to go by the name Wlfgdss because I had a black dog protect me as I traveled in the dream world. I always wanted a dog, but my family couldn't afford one so my mom said no. Now I'm married with to kids and my husband was upset when I brought a little black puppy from the pet store home. But she looked just like the one in my dream ans was a rescue dog and would not be there if I waited. She was so scared she would only sit and wimper, but now she is growing into her own powers and protect me from spirits unseen in my human form. Blessings to all. Oh for the CHristains out there, I'm christian too so here is a Bible verse I bet you heard misinterperted alot:

Psalm 82

God stands in the congreation of the mighty
He judges among the gods (elohim)
How long will you judge unjustly,
And show partiallity to the wicked?
Selah (name of one of the elohim, one of the elohim translated as "peace')

Defend the poor and fatherless;
Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the por and needy
Free them from the hand of the wicked.

(see there is more to the Bible than the darkness will let you see, tell the shadows to go away and look for yourself or will you give your life into the hands of your older brothers and sisters? If they are of light you will be fine but they are not, then tremble)

..."I said "You are elohim" and all of your are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men. And fall like one of the princes."
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Wow. Getting some creepy emails now -_-. I wonder if someone here is setting me up or something.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
O_O. Ok... So I'm guessing that means I should email you now... Well sure then.
brainboy (14 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
please don't ask how I know about avestan or how I have come to believe him... And he isn't alive he is dead and lives in a seperate world apart from us and he doesn't reveal himself to humans that's why no one has heard of him except for a few... But I'm right now more concerned on a "vision" that focuses on me and some of my friends which for some reason has to deal with bbdeathspark's knowledge on 2012
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
[Ignoring Rashidah] ANYWAYS, the point is, we all have some general idean which some see good as an awakening, but that may not be the only thing that's happening. And on a related note I'm trying to figure this out, is the Illuminati real? I hear that associated with 2012 so much so, and reptillians, I HAVE to ask.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
hi everybody. I don't know about 2012. I have enough trouble figure out what to do today much less when I'm shown my own future next week. When I was a teenager I was told qualities to look for on who I would be allowed to marry (my first boyfriend who I was told was not for me was struck by lightening in high school, but I didn't make the connection to myself at the time. There still might not be one, but it did coincide with my warning dream, so I'm kind of freaked out) I was shown dreams of my children past lives before they were even born or I had even meet my husband. I've seen my past and some of my future and that scares and is enough for me, but I'll ask about this year and tell you the response I get, note however I might be lied to. My older brother and sister in heaven like to do that, they think its funny and a joke, but anyways. I just wanted to bless the site and tell you I'm working on finding out universal laws for the spirit realm. Email me if you would like to help me. One that most who have any REAL ability will agree one is the golden rule or the rule of Karma:

Do unto other as you would have done onto you because it will come back to you in one way or another.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
'Rashidah and other people might just come in and this might turn into another argument.'

Please refrain from posting my name in these discussions of yours.

I do not see you as an eligible psychic that senses anything.

If you want to make guesses on what will happen in 2012 that is your problem. Most people here judging by your low karma points, do not take any mind of you on this site.


And oh yeah, for those who want to jump on my back about my last post. Do not waste your time because I would not pay you all any mind either. 😐
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Yup, I guess your right Robert, because Russia could end up launching bombs, or all sorts of things. But still, who's Avestan
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)

This is a new 2012 twist. The Ghost King Avestan and his Army of Ghosts? Wow...

May I ask whom told you that your are a necromancer and just what 'abilities' do you have as one?

Actually, I can't go that route on this...

First after just a very short amount of research I found that Avestan relates to a couple of things... And none of them seem to indicate a person (being) Living or Dead...

Avestan: 1) an East Iranian language known only from its use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture. 1a) an Iranian language in which the earliest Zoroastrian hymns were orally transmitted since 1500 BCE. 2) an alphabet created in the 3rd century AD to write the now extinct Avestan language.

Zoroastrian: (Zoroasstrianism) The religious system founded by Zoroaster and set forth in the Avesta, teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness. (Dates back as far as 1500 BCE and used as an alphabet created in the 3rd century AD to write the now extinct Avestan language.)

So I'm not sure where you find this 'Ghost King'...unless The Witch King from LOTR changed his name... Or perhaps it's the King that hides with-in the Paths of the Dead. Which is it?

I do not mean to bash, or sound argumentive (which I have no doubt this does) But please... Please don't waste the OP's space by presenting things like this... Wait for the Boards to open after the Holiday break, post your 'ideas' (in story form) and let's debate it then and there.


Lyro (468 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
You know Brandon, no one knows exactly what will happen in 2012, there are a lot of factors that depended on what people will do or think. I could go change the world by taking myself out out of it if I wanted to, or go outside and change it another way, but it all depends on factors that can't be predicted. So you have a general idea of one thing that may happen, not the exact what will happen, written in stone, kind of thing. So start saying that you have an idea, not that you know what will happen, because you can't be sure. Nothing is 100% certain.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
Uhm, sure. Ill email you then... O_o. Is it about 2012? That would be interesting.
brainboy (14 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
shoot! Because I hav a huge secret to tell but I can't say it openly and espescially to a human... But I can still say it in private so would you mind if we traded stories (or secrets) you can email me at badbrothersbrian [at] and by the way I'm 12
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
Uhm, Well I wouldn't call myself special, But I do have a lot more abilities than a lot of normal 13 year olds.
brainboy (14 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
and bbdeathspark by the way I have a quick question... Are you a starchild
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
Actually, That's not what happens in 2012. I would post it here but for 2 reasons:
1. I don't know if I'm allowed to yet, I'll ask... Plus I doubt Eric wants me to anyways [Not that I care ^_^].

2. Rashidah and other people might just come in and this might turn into another argument.

But trust me, we could only WISH that what you said below would happen. I'd take that over what happens anyday -_-. But, if you really want to know email either hidden_beacon [at] or me at bbdeathspark2 [at]
brainboy (14 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-21)
ive heard the weirdest story about 2012 from someone everyone would believe to be a lie... I spoke with the ghost king Avestan and he said that we (humans) have been killing his people (after they invade bodies and take control and we kill them while they are still in the body by killing the person) and he said that in 2012 he will unleash his army of ghosts to end all of humanity and to take over the world... Scariest thing is that he is telling the truth... I have been seeing spirits for 1 year and I have learned that I'm a necromancer and that's why spirits don't hurt me, instead they help me, but the one thing I have noticed is that they have been forced to not hurt anyone (its only demons and ghouls that do that) and I have seen and felt their supressed rage and anger... But this is all a shaky opinion on my part
joyy (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-15)
I honor the Divine Majesty in all Heaven Creators on this site:)

I sleep with my amethyst crystals that had a story to share on 2012. I am quite open to the crystal principles - even if in divine time we will materialize anything needed by advanced science.

I love 2012:) I think it will be a great year of advances in our planetary consciousness.

For me, the physical world is exactly like an astral world where anything you imagine comes about. The only difference is the fact that there are billions of other dreamers besides you, so it turns differently than what you wish sometimes.

My perception is that we are the Master Co-Creators of Heaven on Earth and the transition that some believe 2012 or even the whole 21st century to represent can be done in grace without any major cataclysm or even conflict. Our kind thoughts of Love-Praise-Gratitude-Compassion are so mighty, that they can prevent continents from moving, wars from starting.

Like many others, I believe in the Universal Divine Self in each human, self who can create not only new earths, but even new galaxies.


So, as millions of others, I think 2012 is what we dream it to be. Simply because some entities told us by telepathic visions that something might happen - it doesn't mean it will. It just means that we have been privileged to see some possible timelines maybe and that there could be some work ahead of us to realize our Universal Light Creative powers - so as to avert these timelines of lesser grace.


So, as we each use our own ways to connect with Goodness - we can dream this Infinitely Beautiful 2012-2112 period when planetary miracles happen, great advances in world peace, lifespan increase, neuroscience, psychic science, trans-linguistic telepathic communication, moneyless society seeds, inter-dimensional physics, etc

We are needed by the Earth, according to many NDEs, she evolves through us. We are ascending and shapeshifting her body by the New Earth Bodies we will build, just like in individual ascension tiny 'Love' particles (unknown to science) build our LightBodies by advanced Divine Play. The inter-dimensional physical cities are emerging in the astral.


We can dream Positive Things and Manifest that Wondrous New World of Kindness and Peace.:)

centy2010 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Here is my comment:

I've 2 special dreams to mention.
Not specially related to 2012.

The first: A big nuclear explosion. Then a metro underground flooded with water from a river. Then I see myself after the events trying to give energy to wounded people with my hands.

The Second: I see myself as a burning bouddha in a big machine. Then my fire is exploding and the big machine explode. Then I see myself again in the same position as before the explosion.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-12)
I do believe in all of your comments from aliens to dream vision about 2012 for I too had some experiences regarding this topic. In the past I had read an article about napoleon bonaparte in the newspaper. It was written that when he was a child, he was abducted by aliens and planted a microchip in his head. That explains why he used many different great war strategies and tactics and won many wars and successfully dominated italy. I think he was being brainwashed by these aliens. I had also a dream vision of people living underwater with the help of alien technologies. Thier home was like atlantis.
akshayjauhari (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-12)
listen guys, I will tell you that these experiences are not bad and 2012 is not bad at all. Its just a shift of ages from pisces to aquarius in a cyclic time. Remember when ages change dimensions also change. Time and space are related. So if you say hills are safer places to stay then you people are definitely on the wrong track because where there are hills once there was water. Currently we are passing decending age and very soon we will enter ascending age. We will once again find the hidden knowledge and answers to all those questions which science has failed to give us and remember our ancestors had this knowledge which was lost in decending age. Akshayjauhari [at]
Dragonsnack (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-03-24)
the war is not going to kill us it is going to be after the war every one will be all good and then like a real world war is will just be pure killing of everyone and family vs. Family friend vs. Friend it will be the end. 😆
Paula8Balance (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-27)
I Read a lot about the things on the topic of 2012. My Mother has seen things others would dismiss but I know they are real. I Have seen UFOs Before and I tried finding out what they were and what where the beings. I Read on many accounts that if you feel the being is not good or you get frightened a lot by them being near you that they are EVIL. A Book told me they were demons. The Fallen ones. And they must be here until they are dealt with by a higher power. I Used to have lots of videos of them on youtube and the like until I found out what they were and that if I kept researching it I would be going down the wrong road. So I stopped completely and am proud to have done so. I Had a dream. This morning october 27 about 6 am. I Woke up with a feeling of dread and wanting to protect my family. I Dreamt they mark people and People are Fighting back wich is good. Having light and prayer (regardless the religion) helps alot. The Feeling of Wanting to live on a mountain and farm has been on my mind for a LONG TIME! Thinking of ireland or another mountain filled terrain and farming and living off the land to survive is what I feel deep in my heart now. It's almost a longing which I can't escape. I Keep reading of these things and I wonder what will happen. Hope fills me when I read these stories and accounts of people waking up and knowing that there is something happening. I am very glad I am not alone. 😊
Have been reading the Fatima Prophecy and it says to meditate and raise my spiritual level because the earth is changing and the polarity is causing people to get off "balance" as it were. Lots of crazy times because of this. It said in the book that a time will come when the earth will shake for hours on end. Shaking the core of the planet and many will fall to the ground and pray. I Pray we survive this. Sometimes I wish this were never to happen. Just be a big laugh like 2000 y2k thing. And the reports of 2012 and the solar flares and the alignment of the center of the universe and the cycles of water, air, ice and fire coming around again. The destruction by fire (sun) supposedly is coming. And I hope and pray we will all make it.
Go With God and with the light.
For we are all one and we are awakening like a string of lights. May our light guide us to safety.
Lots of ❤.
rainwaterlori86 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-17)
its relieving to know that so many other people are getting the same feelings, I too am now suddenly wanting to grow my own food and get to higher ground, I am not running away from the 'presence's I feel anymore, I have now seen a ufo, for the first time and I'm starting to wonder what is going on? Also how amazing it is, that its not just me, I have been worried I have been obsessing a little too much! 😉
jacindablue (5 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-23)
you are not alone 3 years ago I prayed to God and asked 3 questions, 2 of the questions were who am I and what am I suppose to do. One of the dreams I went down into a basement protecting people from a dark matter. When I came above ground the streets were deserted. I left my loved ones behind and I was no longer "human" I was a spirit/earth angel still in my body. I was walking with some earth angels towards a park. And I stopped to ask a pretend fortune teller on an empty street what my "fortune" was and she scuffed and said "you don't have one, but if you don't start using your powers soon you'll just be another person paying..." I woke up thinking "what powers?" I met everyone in the dream within a year. I figured it was going to be the year 2012 before I knew about 2012 and some of my psychic gifts. Some numbers that keep recurring in my life keeps leading me to that year. Second dream I was "giving away" my future child to a spanish family that wasn't very nice and my child begged me to keep him. I also dreamnt that troops in puerto rico was attacking cuba. And a recent one was a guy disguised as someone nice in all white linen clothes struck the son of God in the chest with 4 arrows with a bow and arrow. That freaked me out... Until I realized that I could fly. I am not sure what they all mean. But I definitley dreamnt of a major war, an attack, seville spain, cuba american troops, angels, disguises, powers, love and soulmates... Does any of this sound familiar?
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-23)
Hey TaylorHatesLove

Did you see in your dream that Russia vs. Americans go to war. And is there a really weird big mall near. The town never turns sunny and hot but is always breezy and cool. IF yes.
Do you remember what that town was called?
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-16)
What I've seen in my state that I live in, the car going wrong way on freeway accident, the train accident with teens, and the bridge burning is only the beginning.
There's more to come. It worries me that the Psychics are not ready.
TaylorHatesLove (11 stories) (93 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-16)
I have been having a few dreams about people speaking Spanish going to war with Americans and many people getting killed and injured.

One of the dreams, the Spanish went to war with the Germans and it was like another holocaust.

I don't know what this means.

Taylor ❤
anonymous (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-16)
I've been having dreams that involved dec 2012, One had stars falling from the sky, And the other I was at school and then something hit the earth, and everything caught fire (like the judgement day in terminator).
tanner770 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-23)
im only 15 but in decemeber I had a dream. I was in a lower level (a basement) people were yelling its time. I ran up stairs and outside on a deck. For a minute it was quiet. The thing that was suppost to happened didnt. Then when we were breathing relieve and big thing covered the sky. Then it got hot and I woke up sweating and crying. 😕 I don't know what it ment but on the caladur b4 I ran out side it said dec 2012!
Frostprincess777 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-04)
lol... Yeah this past year I've been having dreams like that, and I think about them everyday
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-14)
In that vision your seeing that's Jesus not God. I had the same vision some years ago when I was attending a church service with a friend of mine. Except I saw more than you did. But am not allowed to say.
For this was suppose to be for my eyes to see as a warning of what I must do
But I guess I might have saw more because of the sermon the pastor was speaking and than he spoke in tongues later in his sermon.
seer_of_shadow (5 stories) (63 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-06)
As for a battle in 2012, me and my friend's visions could help. I would think nothing of this but the fact that we both saw almost EXACTLY the same thing worries me.

It was on a clear grassy plain with a few hills here and there. There's a tree of to the right in the distance, and a fire to the left. I'm standing in the front line of what seems to be an army dressed in total white. A few people down from me is someone several feet taller than everyone else with a crown and is slightly shining. (I'm assuming God) then across the plain is an army garbed in black and red. I can't see anybody in detail. Some people are wielding weapons but I'm not. That's when it stops. I don't see anything after that.
flute63 (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-16)

I too have had increasing awareness - being able to think of people and then do or say or phone and they say how did you know I was thinking or talking about this. It's scary but I have a sense of calm and purpose about this. I have a recurrent urge to move house to higher land - ideally where I can have a small holding and start growing our own food and more ever the need to have fresh water.

The really weird thing is that I come from a very logical scientific background which would have pushed me in previous years to think this is all BS - but deep down I know it is for real. Although I haven't had direct messages, I also have a strong feeling that the south of England will go with large numbers of deaths and civil war particularly against muslims. There will be islands in GB and the safest places are in the hills.
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-16)
To akshayjauhari

I don't want to sound weird, but I'm glad your alive with us.
Thanks for the warning, jadeofthegreendrag [at]
akshayjauhari (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-16)
Hi until now I didn't believe this but and I hvnt told any 1 in my family as they already called me crazy from my chidhood, but m little different from normal ppl. Once I got a vision phone ringin and wen I woke after xactly 30 sec my cell fone rang. These visions got deeper and deeper. NOW I know if trust me not whole but half of the world will die in 2012 and london will be washed away first, I havseen thames river rising very high. I stay atindia but my fellow buddies neva believed me dey call me just insane. I also com to knowhow the person is from his eyes, this is a gift to me from god. AND trust me som force is protectin me as I already suffered kidney disorders, apendix, TBand so many pains but still m alive. I was born amidnight 12. 00 am and was hospitalised for 2 years at age of 3 and now I knowhat saved mebcoz my visions somthin paranormal started atthe age of 5. As for now m 23 and I ha much paranormal knowledge whic normal beings lack and I keep my secrets to myself as india is very orthodox.

2012 is a year to eradicate wrong beliefs, bad guys, criminals, corrupt officials and individuals, wrong customs and traditions, false sacrifices, false gods, evils and darker side of living beings. Remember time is cyclic and it repeats itself after some specific period. VEY soon you will see time compressing from 24hrs a day to 16 or 14hrs a day also climate is about to change and when sun will be in galactic alignment on 21st dec 2012 there will be a shocwave coming from the centre of the galaxy and eventually hit all the planets in our solar system. Hope so someone save you.
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-06)
I don't know where you got your info but that worries me. You got some mix-ups and some rights there. I really doubt that those sites would have this
Info jadeofthegreendrag [at]
lost999 (1 stories) (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-03-02)
OK! From what I have lean about 2012-2015, years now Is that the USA Governments is the one who is working towards the total destruction of this whole wold.

By opening a vortex in the universe to bring in some forth and fifth dimensional aliens in our world and when they come into our world they are coming here to eat us.

Because 95% of the world leaders are aliens
Or lizards yes you read it right big GIECOS.

And what the USA Government is doing about this?...they are taking selected people to the moon and mars to live and the rest they are taking them in there underground cities and most of these underground cities are bigger than New York City... You laugh?...Me to...LOL...but its still the truth.

Now when they open this vortex the whole world will be affected we will have hurricanes at about 1500 miles per hour, we will get earthquakes about 12. 5 on the scale.

Here is some news flash for you... Do you know why the clock start to count from seconds and not first?

It's because these aliens who rule this wold came here second and not first... And this is why they teach everyone to say its 60 seconds in a minute and not 120 first in a minute... You laugh again? Me to LOL... But it's still the truth!

2012-2015 is the big day for the indigo kids, or star kids or what ever name people called them, its for this day why they came to earth... Have you seen the TV show Heroes? Well the next time you see Heroes change the name from Heroes to star kids.

And the rest of us who have nothing to do to help Mother Earth it's best we stand behind the backs of the true Psychics, Light Workers,Mediums,and all the rest... Because there job is to join with all the BEINGS that came here with a lot greater knowledge than these LIZARDS and ALIENS form millions of light years away to help us save Mother Earth.

Now before you called me crazy research it on Google, My Space, and You Tube... Then you can called me crazy.
RareBreed (2 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-19)
I have had a great deal of insights pertaining to 2012. When I was 18, I had dreams about 2012 before even knowing what it was. I met my husband because of those dreams and oddly enough he told me what 2012 was all about. Everything I have experienced since I was little is leading up to that point. I have things to share but can only share with a select few knowledge seekers that have the awareness to take what I am saying as important as it should be regarded.

If you're interested, let me know.
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-14)
I've been seeing visions for "psychics" rising to fight since I was 12.
I'm pretty certain there's going to be some type of battle whether we like it or not.

And I've been remembering this bitty vision poem since I was a kid that I heard from these spirits. I thought it was kind of funny. Until I grew older and recognized some of the words.

Psychics to rise.
Sages to warn.
Angels to hurry.
Demons to burn.

Innocents to help.
Heroes to learn.
Teachers to fasten, sow and observe.
They will help, Them will listen, The Others will pick, The kin will message,
Scurry, scurry, kindreds, guardians, and avatars, you will hurry.
There is too much for Us to listen.
You will be are eyes, are ears, are minds to vision/fission
For We will look out for the past, present, enlisted. Too much to do. Too much to say.
So we will shorten it are own way.

There's the Black, There's the White, The Sacrifice, and Chaos. And now there's a deal made by the Son and the Devil.
Hurry, Hurry, There's too much to do. Too much to listen. Now there has to be a Prophet, and a Dreamer.
An Angel of Death, a Guardian of Light.
A Board of time unlike the Divine. Between the Light and the Night. The Immortals will remember their duty. There's where they'll fight. To Collect the "pieces" to victory, until its necessary.
Now we need a Leader.
Now there's a BlackSoul, a Pure Soul, and a Guardian of Hope. Now In-between we need the Daughter of Faith to balance the two only We can imagaine.
Hurry, scurry, hurry, Scurry,
There's so much to do.
The Fates are waiting.
PUll the needle through the thread, cut, snip, paste. The Judge is waiting. PULL the thread through the needle, pull, cut, snip.
Hurry, scurry, Hurry, Scurry
For Us the Future is waiting.
rmo (1 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-10)
Ok... I think that it will be no war... And beside that, the global warming won't kill us...we're not as stupid as we thought we are, and I'm sure the scientists will create a modality to stop this. Yesterday I had a premonition... I'm a psychic... And I saw me standing in front of a person who was trying to ascend to another level, to go in a spiritual world... Some kind of astral... For all the psychics out here, I think you know what astral means. I think that is going to happen in 2012... We're going to ascend... To an higher level of existence. We will live, as an energy form. Nostradamus predicted that the material world will crash... Yeah I agree with that, but only our material body will die... We will still live... For your know I'm atheist, I don't believe in any god or entity.
Poko666 (1 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-27)
I'm new to trying to tap into my ability, but today I just had a thought (premonition if you will) of psychic's having to rise to the aid of something, that people will see us for who and what we are and yes it was to do with something bad, but I felt like it wouldn't be the end.
Foreverdifferent09 (10 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-27)
I can't see anything past 2012, by see I hope you understand what I mean. I can't "see" myself at 2012 I thought I would die then but now I have different feelings that I would be teh only one dead.
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-02)
Hello Monarch...
Who can honestly say that the world will or will not end in 2012, the place could go up tomorrow with the amount of faffing around scientists, politicians etc take it upon themselves to do with our world, climate and lives.
What is known, and it would seem by a growing many (now) rather than an enlightened few, is that what you say about..."It is fundamental that we discover our inner beings and seek truth from within. All knowing is within us, we can turn this reality on and change our world " is categorically correct and you may notice that I have removed the question mark from your quote, this shouldn't still be a question to you, who has had such an ability (albeit somewhat shelved temporarily) for such a long time, one must believe, centre and focus in atuning oneself to the higher source and bring in atonement within your life and into your personal circles, only then will the transit period be visible and your path lighted up from above... (sheesh... Really don't know where that came from,) however, various readings are available which touch upon the training you can initiate to advance your " chance " in the 2012 period, try - if you haven't already - The Celestine Phrophecies, there are more, but hey give me a nudge if I'm like trying to teach my granny how to suck eggs! (inuendo)
I do get a little frustrated in trying to explain myself properly I would compose a story to explain, but they're not taking submissions...
Ho hum
Peace. See you on the flip!
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
I Have seen the girl...
Shes coming shes coming, always saying this repeatedly, I believe that the girl is sitting/standing next to the bridge, and all I can see now is flashes of 2012 2012...

The water is silvery blue, and there is a small fire somewhere in the distance, I want to know if anyone else has had an experiance like this... Its starting to creep me out...

Also, If this is the case of 2012, maybe its the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT, not the end end of the world...

Vampire_Angel (8 stories) (123 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
My friend Jane and I believe strongly in the psychic abilities, and both have them. She is very good at this type of thing. We are both convinced that there will be a great depression, like the one in the 20's again around the year 2012. The world won't end. People's lives my not be as great as they once were, but the world is not going to end. I wish that I could tell you I do this stuff to, and can tell. But all my psychic dreams, I forget until they happen or I just can't tell that they are predicting a future event. Still there are others out there that do this.
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
Okay aramasamara,
I hadn't read your whole comment so I didn't see the laughing icon or any thing, I guess you weren't trying to be that mean so I'm sorry about my last post. 😁
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
I HATE the movies because of the dumb role plays they do! And Just because I was kidding when I said that, you didn't need to tell the whole world your thoughts! 😠
Martin (129 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
The "apocalypse" has been predicted to happen any time now since it was written, and even at the time, people thought it meant pretty soon soon, possibly in their lifetime. It's been 2000 years now of countless failed predictions in that regard. People need this "self-importance" that they live in the most important period of human history.

Life is not like in the movies. It's when you get rid of that need for self-importance, glorious destinies, hero roles, mister save the day with magical powers against mythical creatures, and might I add, conspiracies, that you actually start living.

I'd listen to aramasamara, she's very wise, beyond her years. Having actual challenges in life can do that to a person. It shatters your illusions.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
no the world is just going to change and people say it become better. Some things happening in the media in that year something big and exciting. I forgot what it was though lol.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
Okay, please slow your self down, with the whole you're scaring me now. The earth is always changing and can always be a 'scary' place, but who wants to live a life of fear? Not me, and I do not want to pretend that there shall be a 'powerful' group that shall save the world. I know that you are hoping it is like the movies and you can be the hero, but heros come in and out of our lives all the time. Holding open a door, smiling at a stranger, giving someone a warm house to stay in. It doesn't always have to be something to the extent of fighting a dragon, it's living life and trying to make the most of it. Which is easier said than done ha-ha.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
yea I read that it was Nostradamus (hope I spelled it right). I was just watching a documentary about it on the Discovery channel the other day... Good stuff.
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
I think that normal people that don't have as powerful ability's as us will probably not understand at all what to do. But us this chain of psychic's who already know, will become a force get the word out and even save the world from ending this horrible way!
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
you're scaring me now! You know a man a thousand years ago predicted 911, "In the new great city of York there will be a great fall between brothers..." He also predicted that the world won't end until 2027.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
oh and just as I was writing that last comment visions of chaos and fire and screaming where flashing through my head... (shivers)...scary 😨
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
The world will not end in 2012. I believe that people will feel as though the world is going to end because of all the chaos and the drastic changes that will be going on at the time. It will be the beginning of the end in a way. It will just be one of those things that will fuel the start of the events that will lead up to the end of the world. The world will truly be a scary place.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
I agree with aramasamara. I don't feel the world is going to end in 2012. I do strongly feel that we are going to be in for a lot of change. We are going to go through some very rough times. Many people will die.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-09)
i have heard about a war in 2012! Seeingkid told me about this demon that will come on the 23/12/2012. We will have to stop it. Ask seeingkid about it!
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-07)
Can you tell me about global warmming? I am trying to become a peace activist. You should look into that too. You seem like you have the potential.
hunnybunny (3 stories) (21 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-06)
hey I'm an empathy but I now exactly what your talking about. I have felt in the past that something big was going to happen but I really don't know when its going to happen and what it is. I now I'm not much help but if you need help contact me at
brokenheartbleeds [at]
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-17)
D many people as you know can already do this, in fact anyone's just listening to yourself and others. However, the whole entire world... That won't happen and all of us won't be happy. Though through every low and high point one finds enlightenment. Our society will be highly enlightened, but as for things flowing like honey, well that's another story.
d (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-16)
by 2012 we should be living in an entirley pyschic community. Some people have already tapped into these abilities, I being one of them, and its very interesting and takes lots of control. Few individuals are setting the path for others by elevating the psychic community. Basically our society will be very diffrent. You will hear the thoughts, real thoughts of the people you are conversing with in the physical world as you converse with them, we will be alligned to the point that what we are thinking of, which is tapped into the source and each other will directly correlate to our conversations with other people. There are otherworldy beings helping out this transition. Everything you think others will know, but everything you think will be very diffrent, very pure, with little insecurities or judgments, and they will be ultimatley accepting of this. In addition, I feel that everyone will love each other and be in complete exctasy. We will have a new spiritual understanding, connection to God, and the earth. I believe we will form small communities at first, and I don't know about war, but I do know that certain souls can chose to stay, here, and others will chose to depart. When you lay down to sleep you will be engulfed in a psychic community, and psychically beings of your psychic level will be helping you out, advicing you and so forth. Currently we are growing a lot through our dreams, and purging much of our old selves. We will also have new abilities, and I believe poverty will be no more. Abilities such as hearing the true voice and mood of our soul through music, enhancing our musical experiance, changing weather patterns, moving water molecules in our mouth, and enter into a new sexual understanding with one another where we will be all very understanding and bisexual as a species. We will be attrached to our soul mates and have heightened sexual engagements with those we fit with and vibrate with best. Also we will be in contact with spiritual teachers from other worlds, such as Krishna, Buddha, and Christ.
Its already happening unbenknowst to many people.
Fef (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-11)
i have been dreaming of apocalyptic events for awhile now. It's constant, everynight I dream of natural disasters and war. One of my dream was I was standing close to the ocean and preparing for war, then everything around me just turned pitched black. I looked in front of me and there was a huge tidal wave that killed me and destroyed everything in it's path.

This has been a constant nightmare for me. I always try to protect my family in my dream but one by one they start to disappear.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-26)
"lot of people are going to get hurt" lots of people have already been getting hurt, I don't know why people think that when depression finally strikes them that suddenly out of the blue everyone is hurting, but before no one was? Please, no offense, but this happens every second of every day, you can't pity about it only thing you should do is be helping and trying to do the right thing. That's what matters
fred (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-25)
there so many people wiv girfts /powers I think that as we people should be able to change the outcome and ihave about 3 or 4 dream sof the world ending and the last time I had 1 it scared me really bad and when I read from the nots that people made long long time the way they described the world how its gona be when that day comes its the way I saw it in my dream... I just think that we have to change it! Others wise a lot of people are gona get hurt :(
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-25)
No, I have the war set later than that date, they're still planning obviously, that's too early for the start, their waiting later... Though small things will continue to go on, much earlier than that/are.
Define (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-25)
I had a vision, I geuss you could say it. When you close your eyes and the pictures just come without hesitation? Is that a vision... Anyways
I saw a giant eagle, all black and red, like lava or something, picking up a person, and as it began to fly off, the person began to transform into the giant eagle, but it had no colour yet. As the lava eagle let go the, white one fell and opened up its wings and a bright blue glow came over it, and the eagle began to burn wierd stuff with light, like pyramids and boxes and towers, crazy stuff...
Kaylawishing (1 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-25)
Im not sure about the year 2012 but I have information for march 15 2010. If there is war I think this date will be the trigger

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