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PeacexLovexHappiness (2 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-03)
Have you ever heard about the new children? You might be a crystal, indigo, cusp or rainbow child. Or you could be an earth angel, but if your feeling like you are here to serve a specific purpose it probably means your one of the new children. Hope this info helps:)
qsxcft11 (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-02)
I was not planning on posting, but I feel like I have to. I'm 14 and I feel like that to, it just does not feel right... I really just watch and observe people and think about everything, but I do not consider this being antisocial because it does not feel right!

I'm glad to see (partially because it makes you I guess "alone") that there is more people like this. I'm surprised some one made this thread, but I'm glad I could see other people like this 😁
tatianakedji (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-02)
Thank you all for the comments! It's amazing how have all had similar experiences. Again, if any of you want to talk about this- my email is tati2197 [at]

Also- Thank you so much for the book recommendation, xXMoonXx... I will definitely check that out
SkyLight (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
That's amazingly me when I was younger.
I feel like I don't belong here either I'm 18 and I just try to get along.
I have had this visions of me in a big green forest, with a really thick fog and a wet cloudy but not rainy weather, and this clothes that seem like the ones in "The Tutors" TV Show. I really enjoy Classical Music, I LOVE THE VIOLIN'S SOUND.
About déjà vu, I've had my whole life and in a very frequent rates.
Love Nature.
Well, speechless Tatiana, I won't repeat what you just said. Everything matches with me:))
JB98 (2 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
Hey xXmoonXx! I'm Jenna and I wasn't even finished reading your comment when I knew that I am just like you. I had a yearning urge to respond that to tell you the truth, I didn't even finish reading your entire comment. I feel EXACTLY the same! You described what I feel every day so perfectly that I actually got the goose bumps! Even though I'm only 13, everyday of my life I've felt like I don't belong. I prefer to sit back and watch people and their reactions than to actually engage.
My email address is Happylilly98 [at] if you'd like to contact me! I'd love to talk to you more about this!
xXMoonXx (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
I made this account just so I could reply to this. I'm 15 too, and I've felt like that my whole life (not that I've lived that much). I've always felt different, like I don't belong with humans. And I also felt a great hate for them and I still do, but at least now I know why and I try to get rid of it... A little xD. When I was little, I didn't get along with other kids my age as well as I do now. I don't know if you could say that I'm anti-social, but I just didn't belong to their groups. Unlike them, I felt attracted to nature, animals, the past (especially Victorian era and Medieval era - I always think about how awesome it would be to go back in time, to participate in battles with swords and bow and arrows, or wear those beautiful clothes, see the King and Queen and all) I strongly believed magic exists, I was always staring into space, thinking about different subjects they never once talked about, like religion, mythology etc. Altough it's different when I'm with my 2 best friends and other childhood friends, since they like pretty much the same things as me. Usually I love to laugh, play, do pranks... Basically have fun, but I also find it annoyingly interesting to just sit at the back and watch people and their reactions so I do this a lot. Actually I created different personalities to see how people would react to each one of them. I also experience deja vu most of the times. Though, recently I started to think even more that I'm very different from other people, and then I was introduced to spirituality by my 2 bf. I would recommend some books by Doreen Virtue from which you might understand a bit more about yourself, like Realms of the Earth Angels. Personally I believe I'm an Elemental, since one second I'm serious and thoughtful and the next one I dance around and sing or spark some arguments between people xD And when I was small, and even now, I'd go up to random people and tell them that between and animal and a human, I'd choose to save a human and all that. Sorry for the long post, I'd actually like to say more, but it was refreshing to say what I think for once. I'm glad to find more and more people whom I can relate to. Also, sorry if I made any mistakes, English is not my first language.
CsThRuH2O (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
Holy moley[crap]...
You just described me as I was at 15. I still am NOW.
I have NEVER been able to interact with kids when I was in school. Even to this day as an adult I AM ALWAYS the AWKWARD one. I have the a similar persona as Shelon from "The Big BAng Theory", but I hide it and instead choose to be perceived as 'another DUMB blonde' instead. NO ONE has EVER been able to just 'Get Me'. I have also never told anyone about my
Intuitive & pre~cognition anomalies. I have always kept them well guarded. I expersiance deja vu, I have an emotional connection to the weather & have been re~incarnated over & over again for many millenia.
I always felt the same way you have.
In my personal experiance I have always had a sense
Of transcendent memories, thoughts, knowledge & feelings. Not alien. Not robotic. Just a clear internal mental 'compass' that informs me psychically.

I understand YOU 100% & have been experiancing the similar if not the same EXACT things that you have too.
Check this out->
Who are The Starseed Indigos? Part 1
(This was recommended by Co~Creator from this site) ❤
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
[at] Arabella.I believe you that you can see future. Not many have the ability to see future. I can too but mostly up coming seconds and sometimes some years ahead. So try to use this ability wisely and don't waste it.
[at] Crystalgazer.As for you. In this little world full of surprises there are many of us who don't think they are humans and well they will know that once its time for their awakening. People like you live a detached anti social life. They don't like what's going on in their surrounding and they want major changes and positive ones. People like you swim against the flow of the river of society filled with imaginations and ambitions. Some people realize their non humanism in the start and some realize that later but they realize the truth anyways. Guess you should be happy about your awakening. Not everyone experiences things like that. 😁
Arabella76 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
I feel the same way except sometimes I feel like I'm some kind of... Well never mind y'all wouldn't believe me anyways but what I can tell y'all is that I can see the future
JB98 (2 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
Hey CrystalGazer! I experience the same things that you do. I constantly feel like real life is just some sort of dream, and that there is something more to it that we're missing. I've told my parents about this urge to find out what we are meant to do, and as soon as the words dropped from my lips, they looked at me like I was crazy and said that they didn't understand. I'm not sure what this means, but I'm hoping to find out with the help of people from this website.
Just wanted you to know that you aren't alone!:)
CrystalGazer (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
That's exactly how I feel...I'm a 26 year old Muslim girl... I have recently started getting this feeling that I'm isolated from the whole world and universe. I'm not meant for the usual life, you know, get married, raise kids and stuff. I find it hard every single day to do what everyone else is doing, getting up, breathing, eating. Its like everything is just part of an image that is slowly fading away. I feel like everything is a dream and I'm drowning in a dreamlike state. If anyone here feels like that or can explain the meaning, please contact me at alina.malik5 [at]
rmms123 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-28)
Hey Tatiana! My email is rmms123 [at] if you want to contact me! Yeah I might find someone in the future! Anyway please contact me if you want to! I would love it if you did! We can learn things from each other!
Smage (1 stories) (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-28)
Omg, this is just insane, Tatiana, you have explained my life in a paragraph and I am very envious of you of having that friend, it was obviously destined to be, hahaha! That is awesome to have a friend like that to share the exact same experiences. I'd love to meet you in real life!

Just recently I found out that I was a medium, something I have always pretty much known, on top of being an Empath, but it was recently confirmed by someone that my dad trusts, in which the person has psychic abilities her self, and knowing how to read people incredibly accurately. This is your article, and I don't want to steal the spotlight, but having the confirmation of being a Medium, it's kind of scary. I work at local "The Keg" in my city, and it's haunted, and I have never had any ghostly experiences in my life, but knowing what I know now, I would love to learn how to open my self up and explore my gift, but I am scared that I will access different dimensions of other more malevolent spirits, but I know I have the power, but I am still scared. However, I am so glad and fortunate that I have come across this website, hopefully someone can help me, give advice or maybe guide me! Love to you all!
izzybella06 (4 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-27)
Oh, and my email is dreamer40406 [at] if you'd like to talk more:)
izzybella06 (4 stories) (15 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-27)
I can strongly relate to your story. I am thirteen years old, and many of the things you've described happen to me. I have a best friend that I share this strange connection to as well. We both have something odd with the number 4. I experience deja vu all the time, as well as my friend. I always find myself longing for something, but I never know what it is. I've been quiet my entire life. Unusually quiet. Whenever I pass the woods by my house, I feel compelled to go into them. But something holds me back. For some reason, I know that it has to be winter when I go into the woods for the first time, and I have to be alone.

I'm constantly feeling like I'm not the same as everyone else, as if I have some purpose or something. And me and my best friend, we constantly share the connection I was talking about. Whether it's what we think, what we do, or what we feel, it's almost always the same.

Is it just me, or is it extremely weird that we basically experience the same exact thing? I'd love to talk to you more about this, because I'd like to know what other things you experience and see if they happen to me too.

Hope to hear from you! It seems really odd that we're so alike. Could it be a coincidence, or something more?

themainecooncat1949 (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-27)
Titiana, I feel you must be an old soul and have experienced many different lives. Each life has at least one learning experience to accomplish whether its negative or positive.

I know you feel very uncomfortable within yourself but I'll assure you will reach the age (the maturity you feel now) and will become whole.

I felt the same and didn't feel whole until I was 30 years old. Then things really started to happen and I am 63 now and I'm sill in awe of my psychic abilities and still learning.

Give it time and enjoy what you have each moment and of course you're still learning. Remember you need to accept the good with the bad because how would you know what's good and bad (negative and positive) if you don't experience both? An example: chocolate sundae vs fried calf liver. One I like, the other I hate.

Thanks for your story and smile,
demonkitty101 (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-27)
I got an account on this site (I do have an account on the ghost stories one, though) just to tell you that I feel EXACTLY the same way and I'm glad I'm not alone. Before I read this, it had never occurred to me that I watched conversations more than joined in-but I realise now that I do, and that I find sort of interesting. I also have this sort of feeling... I'll tell you briefly, and I may even post a story about it.

I have a friend who lives in an almost Spanish style house. Whenever I go there I have dreams and a kind of deja vu-a little girl, maybe six, with fair skin and blond hair in little piggy-tales. Usually I think she has a white dress on and ribbons holding her hair up, and she's usually running around playing with a puppy in an extended version of my friend's front yard.

Huh... Sounds like crap when I write it down, but it happens every time!

So yeah.

Oh, and another thing? Often when I go through/past/see open fields I get the feeling that there's a memory or something in my mind that is blocked off, either from when I was little or-something I'm a little more sceptical of- another life. I also get this feeling when I see photos in sepia (you know, that orangish brownish tinged colour of old photos-I don't doubt that you know what sepia is, I'm just making sure), especially of certain things...

Well I think I'll cut this note off now, or it'll start to get annoying. I'd like it if you replied but don't feel you have to,
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-27)
Hi Taitianakedji,
Everything that Anne wrote was very good, great and so accurate! However, I do understand that sense of not belonging but I think it just means you are searching for more meaning behind the life you lead, and that's a good thing, that will lead you to discover who you are. Yes, I often felt more mature than others but like Anne said, it is the recognition that while you may feel that much more mature than others, it is vitally important that you see and interact with others with the understanding that we are all here on our own paths of learning, that understanding and "acceptance" (and unconditional love) of others is critical and it will HELP you interact with others in a more meaningful way. You will be able to tolerate the things you might find childish or not really of your level of understanding. You will appreciate your childish friends because they make life fun, or your negative friends because they force you to be more positive and see the good in things... Etc etc. You must make this choice though, to perceive things this way, and it's not always easy, it's a discipline, but a fine one and one of the most important. "love thy neighbour"

I have heard that the number 1 relates to angels, 11 as well. I find pennies and dimes all the time, daily in fact. Always pick them up:) someone else could comment on that as I am not positive. Number one can also relate to you finding yourself, who you are, one.

The feeling that you are here to accomplish something in this lifetime that other humans do not even consider... Many people feel this way, this is you searching for meaning in your life and it means you are on a path. So keep searching, keep on that path. We are ALL here to accomplish something, that you need to know. However, some are questioning it more than others. Some will question it in their teens, 40s, 60s or some may never question it. But we are all here to accomplish something. Keep asking yourself what it is that you are here to accomplish and listen for the answers, look for the answers. Be patient with yourself.

I just love how you describe the longing for nature. Isn't that just where it's all at:) I often felt that way and was very drawn to the pioneer or native way of life, finding it to be almost the right way. The thing is this, although we have all this technology and live the lives we live in cubicles and commuting... We have gained sooo much with technology in our lives, we live longer, we are connected via the web and cell phones, our lives are actually much easier than in the past and we are all very well educated and overflowing with knowledge, human rights has come a long way etc.etc. This is evolution, the good with the bad (no one ever promised it would be easy or without it's downfalls). We might have to pay the price in some way, but in the end, humanity has evolved. I wouldn't long for a past way of life, I would appreciate and see all the positives in this life, in this pinnacle time of evolution and change, I mean how lucky are we to have all of this at our fingertips? You see there is balance, there is always positive and negative in EVERY situation, in every second of our lives, it's how you choose to perceive things as either glass half empty or full. Find the balance in your life, in your social situations, in your free time, seek out nature daily if it revives you and gives you peace, keep victorian pieces in your home to remind you of something you love and appreciate, turn off the tv and read a book or meditate. It's your choice, no one is telling you what you have to do or how you have to live your life and that's part of personal evolution. Find the balance for yourself and things will begin to flow for you.
I hope that helped a little.
tatianakedji (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-26)
AnneV: I think you may have misunderstood me in the are of 'being more mature'. I am really not trying to come off as snobby or appear that I think more highly of myself, I just really do believe I'm more mature on a level that is beyond "normal expectations". It's more of a paranormal matureness. Thank you so much for your comment though, it was helpful!

Rmms123: Finally, someone who understands me!:) Don't be discouraged yet though, you may be destined to find the person you have a connection with later in life. That's very interesting about you having dreams that look into the future, my best friend also gets those! We should definitely talk more, if you ever just want to talk about it, here's my email- tati2197 [at]
rmms123 (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-26)
Hi Tatiana,
I'm always finding myself noticing peoples reactions too instead of just participating in the conversation. I also agree with AnneV about the fact that nature out rules all of this new technology by far. I long for a much simpler world and I also feel that maybe I'm a bit more mature that a lot of the people in my grade. I don't want to sound like "oh I'm so much more mature then them", its just that I think differently to all of them. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I feel exactly the same as you. But I don't have a bond with anyone. And everyone would think I was being silly if I told them.
Just as a side fact about me, I get precognitive dreams where I see what's going to happen in the future before it happens. But anyway back to the point, if you want any help or want someone to talk to (other than your best friend), you can talk to me.
Hope I can help!
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-09-26)
The drama of humans is interesting to watch, isn't it? We don't need to turn on any soap opera because humans do that every day when they fall into the drama trap. It's called: The ego. The ego's (the reptilian portion of the brain which must defend territory, violently if necessary, breed and survive) sole goal is to sustain itself and it does this through separation, elevation of self and putting self first. That's how it survives and maintains its identify. And not that the ego is bad, it definitely serves a purpose but it can also be a trap. "I'm right, you're wrong." "You just attacked me so I better attack back - I have to or I'll die". "I better have a baby or my identify will vanish". "I need money to get the spouse to get the baby or my identify will die." All forms of attack, defend, and separation are ego. The list of ego chatter and drive is endless, especially on this physical plane of existence.

And you're right, this nonstop materialistic pursuit while the environment is destroyed would make any person that is consciousness want to flee this world. The beauty of the latest iphone is nothing in comparison with the sea, the open field you speak of, all of nature itself. That's the miracle, the joy, the creation that is divine. When was the last time someone you know spent time looking up at the stars? Pondering the vastness of space, and our life on this little blue ball?

I thought I resonated with the Victorian age too until I did some research and found out how awful women were treated. I think what I yearned for, and possibly you feel this too, is the sense of simplicity and a return to basic purity of life. We don't belong in cubicles. It's unnatural. We don't belong in a perpetual head down stance staring for hours on end at our cell phones. We run around chasing technology and are breaching the gap between our own neighbors ever more. Technology has giving us great things (we'd not be able to meet right now if it weren't for technology) but we're losing something in turn. You don't need to read but a few comments sections of ANY article to see the hate, separation, and the ego in full rampage (more so when the ego can hide behind anonymity. We've not evolved in that way. In many ways we're growing apart, not together.

It is "normal" for first graders to pull hair, fight, name call and run the drama gamut (I'm using first grade as a metaphor for those you speak of). It's not normal however for someone who is not in first grade anymore to feel like an outcast if they don't participate in those games. Continue your observation but know that you're simply not in first grade any more. But be careful of your own ego. When the ego states that "look at those un-evolved knuckleheads and their silly drama" or "I'm so much more mature than that!" that's not taking into full appreciation that first grade is no less important than second, third, college, etc. Everyone is somewhere on the ladder and each step has its important place. And while often painful or tedious to look at the step below, you were once there yourself.

Thanks for sharing your really insightful experiences.

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