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GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - get good tires. I'm probably the only person in the US hoping gas hits 10 or 12 a gallon - if not more. Cars to me seem like little metal boxes hurling down the road at 50 or more miles per hour and if they hit something, we're probably going to get broken, somewhere. I hope we move into something else. Life is too precious.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Wow. Sounds like had the same week as mine. You are reading me a little Last weekend went to pick up my middle son's friend. Lives about 20 minutes away from us, so about 40 minute drive. Came home and passed it to pick up my youngest son's friend whom lives about 10 minute from us. A lot of driving that day. An older man pulled over beside us and tells me he had been following me for a while. My right back tire was almost completely flat. Pulled over and decided I could make it to the gas station to put air in it. The weight in the car with the teens was really making it low. Put air in it and so far fine. No clue why that one tire went down like that. This week going to take it to tire shop where I have a warranty on them. Does look a little worn for being less than a year old.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - many times, voyaging and here, I get the impression that my questions are a huge crack-up. Someone finds it funny that I'm doing this. I've gotten offended more than once. Even now, I can't get over that feeling really and refuse to voyage. I don't know what that means though. I like words, so telling whoever to send me those and leave me alone otherwise. I don't mind dreaming words.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - Glad to hear from you again. Glad you to hear that you're doing okay! Today went to a place that is cheap and washes the car and gives it a quick vacuum/wash off. I had a very, very low tire so I drove, quickly, to Wal-mart where I got them. Friday a person I know had a ruined flat, which is a little odd. I just had a small nail and my tire wasn't totally flat so no charge, bought insurance on the tire. ANYWAY, was craving a movie and looked and bought a movie "Fire in the Sky" which is scary about a supposedly true alien abduction. Tests on humans. I heard the man interviewed, a little, on the Discovery channel awhile ago, and the movie I bought was a cheap movie so probably old. I'm still trying to figure out astral voyages. They don't seem the same as alien abductions, but in a few ways do... Being picked up, going up, a new thing, but never saw weird creatures testing me. It was more like fun and flying. What does that mean - is there one (alien God person) who is powerful and others can be cruel? Is it not related to aliens at all? It is very, very real and different, that's about all I know. Any thoughts? I sound a little like Forest Gump asking questions at this point, but we have to start somewhere I guess.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Hey! I'm alright. I know what you mean about stuff on web. There are few I keep in touch with. I think I rely on my sensitivity a lot when it comes to doing so. The web is like walking outside with many strangers. It is scary having kids today with all this electronic stuff too. Hear about so much now a days. I hope I have taught them well about it. My youngest likes playing that xbox live and I sit back and listen. When I don't feel comfortable about something I step in. Well, besides people, have to worry about the other garbage as There is a lot of negativity in the web. A couple years ago, got a virus. Wasn't a good one either, of course, which ones are. Bad pics, if know what mean, popping up every where when turned the computer back on. 2 of my kids came into room and I've got my hands all over the monitor telling them to leave the room. Everytime I closed one out 2 others would pop up. Had to get computer fixed. Thank God that one never happened again.
My oldest is on the go so much lately. He will be 19 in Jan. Between him working, writing music with some friends, and going out with his girlfriend, I barely ever see him anymore. He suppose to start college in Spring, took a break. Maybe the homework and studing will keep him home a Told him the other day when was it my turn to actually see him... He came home and at least ate dinner with us that night. Don't know what I'm going to do when my youngest gets older.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-18)
Mysti - I don't contact or support internet people because the net scares/bothers me. There is so much good info and so much garbage that I keep it at a distance. But I have thought of you a lot and hope you are well. How are you? My best wishes.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-16)
Mysti - my son, years ago, once thanked me for buying the "good" toilet paper again. Kids notice so much more than we realize. They remember. I think we're dealing with really bright kids, some have problems, but bright. I was worried about you a little - but glad you are taking your most important job seriously. It's all about the next generation I guess. Tiring stuff! Wait until they don't need you anymore though... Worse. But they always do in a way, especially if you sense stuff. You begin to feel like a guru. Too funny sometimes. Anyway, life changes, slowly, but it really does. Cherish each moment. Many are on their last and cherish it especially. Glad to know you're busy. You sound tired and really happy about it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-15)
Hi. Been a while again. Have had a lot going on lately. Glad your conversation was good. Thought about you and how you all were doing. With school starting up and all, it's been quite busy around here. First couple of months always seem the hardest trying to get kids back in routine. Of course, this year only have one to get going. Since he has A.D.D., his homework takes longer time at night. I add work onto it, reading and such, to give him more one on one help. Only way we keep his grades up throughout the year. AT ten years old, it sometimes amazes me because he thanks me for it. Who would think a child would thank their parents for more HOpe everyone is doing well.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-29)
Mysti - the other night my daughter phoned. Not wanting to weird her out, I told her that I was thinking of buying a shirt, but it was a weird color, orange mellon. I asked her if she owned anything that color. She told me no, no orange. So I said, not orange, but a mix, orange mellon, an odd color. She goes, Oh - salmon! I have on a salmon colored blouse right now! Then she told me how it would match khakis, all shades, because she knows I wear them a lot. I knew she had on something with the shirt that was black in my "dream." Tight like, but not shorts, because I thought she looked too thin, but muscular. So I asked her if the shirt would look okay with black. She laughed and said, Sure, I have on a black pencil skirt with it right now (she was at work). The hubby was listening to this, and I had told him earlier that I'd like to ask her about the weird colored shirt. He never said anything about our conversation, just kind of smiled.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Mysti - Hope the doc's appt goes well. I laughed after fussing about her shirt. It seemed silly even there. I never do this (go to real people I know) - it seems like unfair spying to me in a way. My hubby travels and has for years with work. He knows this about me. I did hear her say "mom" but tuned out her words. I just wanted to know she was okay. We do see odd things sometimes, odd details. Part of it I guess. It's occurred to me often that I should look at that stuff, especially with the kids, but hate doing it. I'm not into prying in general.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
It is funny how we remember little things that really are not important, but it still tends to stick with us. I have dreamt about people I haven't seen in years. Kind of strange at times. Wonder why. Normally our dreams mean something. You are lucky you are able to watch over your daughter even though she is further away. I will talk to you soon. Have a doctor's appt. This morning.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Mysti - I just read your question about my book. I'm putting it away a few weeks, to read it from a less tired, less self pressured perspective. It still needs some work. I plan to go there, but being patient or trying to be.

Last night my daughter called and talked to her dad. Since she always wants me, I stayed away. He told me that he asked her if she had dropped weight (I told him she looked muscular but thin like) and she has, 105. That's not bad for me, but she is taller and bigger boned so a little underweight, but not terrible. I told him, and you now, the silly part was that from the front she was really cute but as she passed, I got a good look at her shirt. Hated it. Told whoever was with me that I hated it and remembered that part. Too funny. It was like an orange, mellon color with some design on the back and looked faded. Yuk. Of all things to matter in one of those...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Mysti - seemed odd to me too, my daughter and dog. Be careful about the trash. Was on the news a few days ago about an animal eating bad meat from the trash and dying.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Funny talked about your dog. Some say mine needs to diet. I don't really see it. Can see his ribs. He's just a big boy. 130lb lab. Stands as tall as me when he stands on his hind legs. He loves to eat as well, even out of the trash when he has access to it. Ha ha. Caught him once sneek out of bed. He thought I was asleep. As soon as I saw him lift the lid with his nose, I yelled Sebastian. He must of jumped about a foot high. Had a dream the other night he turned on me. Odd dream. Never see that happening. He's my big baby, although, every robber's worst nightmare. Ha ha. He's already went after two people whom tried breaking in. Don't think they'll be coming back.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Ooops my computer is older and I missed the posts by some of the folks here. Sorry! You're asking me questions that I don't know. Sometimes, for me, I have to fight them off if not in the mood but mostly can't have them if I try. It's weird. Usually I have them when I'm not expecting them. I do think that there are methods to help have them. Since I don't love or understand them, haven't gone there too much. I think the best ones are when they happen naturally which may not be how they happen to most people. Everyone has their own talents. And I think there are rules which I break a lot which can cause them to stop for awhile. But, I've never been great at rules though I try. I'm too curious and too unafraid maybe in ways which is silly. I think that as a young person, your real talents are in your strength physically and active brains. Those are probably more awesome than voyages in this place you are now. I would take advantage of each life stage. When you get older and need help voyaging on long trips, like holding hands, it can be embarrassing.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
Mysti - Hi, hope you are having a good week! Mine has been fine, but I feel like I'm going towards a new thing. My son is getting more independent and it's time for me to go out into the world more in a way. Hope the world is ready though I'm mellow and a little quiet so it shouldn't be a big deal. I haven't dreamed a lot lately. Been taking a down break I guess to think. Not last night, but the one before, had two dreams though. One was my daughter in another state I've not seen for awhile, about a year. I saw her. She was too thin, and I think that was the purpose for the dream. She was walking along talking to someone, but I couldn't see who it was, and the conversation was about me which was funny. The other was about my dog, overweight but loves her food, so I've never put her on a diet. It was her and her legs collapsing and being told she has to loose or else. Bummer. It just now struck me as funny about the too thin, too heavy deal. Balance is good. Knowing stuff, precognition, isn't that tough, but dreams I do less. Being a visual person though, I think they're interesting.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
Hi! Been a while. Sorry, was focusing on some stuff. Hope you all are doing well.
Was reading your story. Wished I could have seen the stars. Wished I could even fly back over the trees. What an intense feeling when experienceing it. So free. I guess your kind of lucky you don't dream. Seems like that's all I do most nights. Probably one of the reasons why I'm always so tired. Some times I don't even finish a dream and another one is already kicking out over top of the other. Then thinking, hey wait, what's the ending to the last one. They say people grow out of remembering so many dreams. I never did. Some feel so real, I question myself in the morning ha ha.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
Mysti - there are levels in voyages maybe. As a kid, they were dreams with wind and blurry. Older, they were flying dreams. Older they were going into planes crashing and seeing details and asking questions that got ignored mostly. Older, they were clearer, but not absolutely which is very irritating, especially if you feel like you're doing dumb stuff that will be laughed at later, much later. Then comes the part where you demand. Precognition is pretty much a given and boring. Other stuff doesn't seem that big a deal. You want the truth only, and to understand the big picture or else. I am at the "or else" stage. I don't mind never knowing. That's a little weird, but I do have standards. Seeing an event is not like a big deal anymore. Perhaps it should be, but oh well. My standards have always been my big draw back. I think I must be pretty hard in ways. I either know what I want to know or am fine killing time sweeping. Not a lot bothers me, but I'm curious. And I search.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
mysti - I don't know if we can make them happen. I can't. I've read all the science stuff. It seems wrong. Perhaps seeing a ceiling or something is okay, but something on the news a week later is better as proof. I like the proof parts. To me, you have them. Or you don't. I'm in a don't time. Might be years or never or a day. If you relax and say okay and accept that it's different and trust, who knows. I just started with having them, in ignorance, then had to move to trust in later ones. It was a choice. I'm torn right now. I in a tell me what it means phase or else. I won't go there unless.
Mysticsylph (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-19)
I would love to have an astral voyage.
I have been meditating a lot lately and hoping to possibly have one, But I'm not sure exactly what to do, if I should keep trying or I need to learn more.

Could you tell me about how you go on these voyages?

(I've had instances where I felt my body in one place, while I was sleeping in another, but I am not quite sure if this was what you consider an astral voyage?)
favio (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-06)
Do you need to go through all of the preperation and control all of the stages, or is it a gift where you are able to control when you get out of your body. I think I had my first OOBE, which was a second or two literally about 15 minutes ago, just a quick birds-eye view of a teacher talking to a student. Do you think you can give me some tips at egasnapa [at] Thanks.

BTW I am only 14
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-29)
Could dreams where it feels like you're being sucked away be astral travel? This would happen often when I was little but, I was young, I knew nothing of it then. I also had a lot of flying dreams I could control, like go which ever way I wanted, fly low or high on my demand.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-20)
What a sweet comment and thank-you. As a young person you are geared to absorb, like a sponge. I think your parents are your best source. Go to them and have a heart-to-heart conversation. If you are sensitive, it came from somewhere. In my family this was taboo, but in my older years, finally got a few answers. Not waiting that long seems good. It helps to understand your heritage.

My advice, go to college, gain knowledge, become a good writer and speaker, be able to support yourself, and help others when they need it. That may seem corny. Enjoy the security of knowing you aren't dependent on anyone. But, as a young person, listen. Even at your age, I heard very helpful information. If your parents seemed scared or overwhelmed, let it go. Not everyone is quite on the same level, but it's not a biggie. Don't bully them into trying to understand.

All of this is complicated. Mostly, remember to take care and respect yourself. Have fun, but on your terms. Life choices and lessons grow on us. If you need money and security, just work for that purpose then go from there, and it works out. We have layers. As many of us do, don't kick yourself for messing up. Mess-ups are just tools for growing, so grow and laugh at the stupidness of them.

You are smart to ask advice from others. Many people will not go there. None of us do it great. But, there is a group knowledge that is helpful. Listen and make your own decisions. Good luck and mostly God Bless as you see him. Thanks again for asking. I learn from young people a lot. There is a power in being young.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-19)
Hi I'm writing this comment to ask you something, I know your are an experienced psychic so I'm asking for your help. I know I'm only 12 (almost 13) but I really want to develop all my abilities and maybe learn more so I'm asking if you could help me, like if you know anyways to do this or have any advice. I just really want these abilities to grow but I need other peoples help too so I'm asking some of the experienced psychics on this site. Please try and help and if you want some backing information on me then please read my stories and if you have any questions or comments please post them under one of my stories so I can read it because otherwise I may not get them. Any help would be much appreciated:) Thankyou
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-12)
Not sure what to clarify... I astral voyage but usually to other places that are somewhere else. I have gone to airplanes and have seen them crash, in the future, and gone to the past once. Mostly, I go to "other" places. But, that is tiring to me. And a little confusing so I'm taking a break. Last night I dreamed my father, out of the blue, in a real dream. I've not done that in over ten years. Just a glimpse, but it was nice and unexpected. A gift maybe. I didn't get to hug him though, again. Others, Spirit Guides, Angels, whoever, I can touch. Not sure it's great though. The skin came off my hands. Made my 4th trip to the doc but it finally looks better. I don't recommend asking to hold hands or patting.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-11)
Pink are you Constancy? I"assume" so in a way... But want to clarify. Was in Canada years ago (over 10) after the ice storm. It was terrible. Love the country though. Some New Orleans people said Canadain rescuers were the first to reach them which is pretty grand. My husband likes travel and tries to go at least every two years. He goes with guys with our family so I can't go because they canoe for weeks in the wilderness. So far, no one had been lost which is nice. I drove the bridge from the U.S. To Canada in solid ice. That was fun. It is a lovely country. Congratulations on living there. It took my breath away...
pinkbabe63 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-09)
Hi I just read the comment you posted to me thankyou it took me sometime to try and understand what you wrote but it was interesting and helpful so thankyou but could you explain what you said a bit more just so I know I fully understand it:)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
Constancy - TY for the post by the way. Had to think for awhile. I'm still thinking about one that tilted my world a little. Finally my shoulder is okay. I didn't know at the time that it would. Anyway, I do leave my body. I know that. I'm aware of it on some level, but dread going back into it usually. That dread scares me a little. I like flying. I don't care about seeing my body or anything earthy. I asked once to see something here, as a favor, but that's not me. So, until I figure out what I need to do, I don't know if I'll allow flying. It's a rush and I stop working hard to figure out the purpose. I'm task oriented.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-19)
TY for the experience. I move too fast. I realize this, and I want to always see the unusual instead of just earth stuff. Perhaps I need to try and experience the human element more. I've been thinking this anyway. Lately I've questioned myself on if my own brain creates these experiences. I know at least twice seeing future events, clearly, so that couldn't have been just made-up stuff. But, then I realize on some level it's just real. As real as anything. Now that I've accepted the realness, I'm working on what it means and what it's for. I could have done this sound asleep and not remembered. But, I remember the details so apparently I'm meant to remember them for some reason.
constancy (2 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-16)
Hello, Glenda. I read your experiences into other realms (some people call these
"out of body-experiences) with great interest. They are similar to mine, and I would like to share one with you.
Fall 1981 :
After my usual preparations for an o.o.b.e.
(This doesn't actually mean that one leaves one's body. What happens is that one's mind is led onto an INNER PATH which seems like one is leaving one's body !), I had meditated and put myself into a calm state of mind, I felt the familiar sensations of accelerated vibrations from deep inside of me - also, swishing sounds in my ears- I was on my way!
I was zooming along at unbelievable speed (so it seemed). It felt great! No fears, no apprehensions, just SPEED!
As I slowed down in speed to check where I found myself I knew I was in a large City. There were many people walking; it reminded me of some of the times
I had walked through Toronto. There were no cars in sight at all, yet the streets were quite wide. I eased myself into a more slowed-down speed, still swooshing though, carefully avoiding passing through people which would actually have been easier than side-tracking them. Nearing my destination, I turned left onto a side street. I entered an apartment building and found myself instantly in a kitchen of an apartment where I met with a Black family, mother, father, and daughter. The father was situated standing behind a table,
with his arms across his chest, watching his daughter, aged 8-9 years of age, who was also situated at the table. Her arms were spread across it and her hands made
circling motions across the tabletop, and it was quite apparent that the child was mongoloid. I sat down next to her, taking her right hand, holding it. I gave her a steady supply of energy !
There was an incredible amount of Love felt between myself and the little girl. On my
right stood the child's mother. She and I looked at each other and again, there was so much Love felt.
I continued giving the child energy! I kept watching the parents. The father looked kind but stern, the mother SO helpless and so loving ! I said to both of them :
You mustn't forget she has a soul, she IS a soul, never forget that!"
I continued giving energy for a while and then left.
The child was my daughter Tanya's soul and my soul was the father of the child.
My soul explained to me at a later date that IT wanted for me to experience the aforegone because of ITS strong connection to Tanya's soul. Tanya's soul was having a rough time within the body of this mongoloid child but wasn't DESERTING IT !
My soul steadily took care of it, together with Tanya's soul, though it also took care of its own person, the father.
My soul let me know that the father of course was also HUMAN and had to be reminded of the fact that the child had a
soul, WAS a soul, since the body didn't count for too much ! The mother was the father's love, but my soul knew the soul well !
Souls incarnate with a purpose in mind !
Tanya's soul, my soul, and the mother's soul had decided to take care of this mongoloid child, which was not an easy task, considering who they were. They learnt much and bonded even more closely !
Today, my soul and Tanya's soul are again taking care of their persons, this time of Tanya and Erika.
The circumstances are different - the Love between these two souls is even stronger !

I have had a manuscript about the psyche
moved onto the internet. It is FREE OF CHARGE and you may download it or just read it. You can find "The Agony of Psychism"
under The search engine is but you might find it simply under "psychism". I am sure that it will be helpful reading !
Let me know whether I have been of help to you.
May God bless you,
Erika (also constancy)
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-13)
Is some sun spot going on? My cell phone, for the first time in 5 plus years gives me a weird "Emergency Calls Only" signal and my computer keeps going out. Well, I tired. It's fine.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-12)
p.s. A new couple, about a month probably, told me they understood my outlook on life and I didn't know that I had expressed enough in my one or two sentences for anyone to understand it. I was shocked. My group, all of them, are small, close, and all thinkers. That's a scary mix. I prayed a month or two ago, I don't keep agendas for people like me. Now I wonder if they are all like me but I had to prod just a little. Funny thought. Probably not. But close. I still don't think voyages are in the mix. *sigh*
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-12)
Flutter - I wonder. Is this normal? I just do them, but then, I wonder if other people do them too. Tonight, after working at my new job, I went to my Bible study bone tired. I have NEVER brought up dreams, mostly I'm quiet but have opened my mouth a few times, but a woman there, admitted she dreamed. I was shocked anyone would admit it. I didn't go into astral voyages, but some people looked at me. I told them I had a rating system for dreams, funny I liked, scary I wondered what had been on TV, and mostly I just watched and thought they were silly and asked why I was wasting my time with silly stuff. For the first time this came into our discussion. She has been with us a year. Her husband put his hand on her shoulder, not to stop her but to let her know he was there. I nodded. It was sweet. Then I got a little angry, honestly, that I couldn't speak. My projections have come to matter to me but they aren't for life discussions I think. I wish they were. They are neat. Well, that's my life in the real world. My new job is okay, I'm good at it and it's tough, but it's just a job.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-11)
Wow that was really awesome Glenda. I too am frighten when I do this. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever go back to my body, or fly forever into the unknown. Then it makes me not want to do this. But your story was well written and I liked it very much. Thanks for sharing with us.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-10)
Just got a phone call from one of my best friends. She got a ticket. If a thousand people were doing the same thing, she would be the one to get in trouble. Her dad is a preacher. Once she took her Sunday school booklet and rolled it up making a spyglass, looking around. Then she started watching her dad preach through it. He stopped and called her down. She got spanked later. As a college student somewhere else, she took a tour of the Citidel, a military college. She reached over and pulled ONE leaf from a bush. Some young guy in uniform came out of no where and started honking a horn and gave her a 50 dollar fine. Why is it some people always catch it and some never seem to get in trouble. The spyglass is pretty cute. I rolled one up at church the other day and looked over at her.

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