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Something Inside Me Changing


It's been a while since I posted any stories here but it's also been a difficult time for me. I feel something inside me changing and I know it. It started slowly this year and now it's driving me crazy because I am afraid of what would happen if I fully acknowledge what is going on. I know I'm sensitive to things around me, I can feel others emotions, have seen spirits and communicated with some and sometimes dream of things that happen. This however is very different. I feel a really big swell of energy in me and I don't know what to do with it. Because of that I am often shocking people around me with static electricity, getting headaches, dizzy spells and it is difficult to be around a lot of people because I am picking up a lot of energy from them (does that make sense?). It's also weird that electronics around me are acting strange. I had this incident last night where I was going up the elevator after class and the elevator usually states what floor it is heading and all of a sudden it says 18th floor. The place has only five floors in the structure. Another time in the campus elevator I pressed for the second floor and I wasn't feeling well and I spaced out and all of a sudden the elevator takes me to the fourth floor without stopping. When I realized this it took me back down to the second floor. It really creep me out because when this happens I'm by myself (I was hoping it was a malfunction by the device but it's been happening too often). I'm not sure what to do and I'm finding myself unconsciously ignoring people or looking for secluded spaces. I've also connected a lot more with spirits without knowing I had. They've been getting my attention with actions, like knocking, talking, turning on lights in rooms.

I also feel myself not being present at all at times. It's like my body is there and I am aware of my surroundings but I'm not fully there, like a constant tug-of-war with myself (not like daydreaming). I'm not sure who to talk to or what to do with my current predicament or what is going on at all. I'm not sure what to think about this or what is going on or what to do with this, I just want to figure this out.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, asuddenapifiny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

quixoticqt (2 stories) (53 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-08)
OOO! My grandfather was a gatekeeper.
Your uncle might have been one and partook in closing a door for you. I forgot to put that in the protection prayer as well. Your uncle could have prayed a prayer that is similar:
"Lord close all the doorways that are negative in my nieces life..."
Gatekeepers I think are also known as watchers at the gate. The control the city, town, village of where they live and only let the positive flow into that area. They form a protective barrier around wherever they are in each city/town/village. They seem to know when someone in their family does something wrong or right and also seem to know when their family member needs some sort of spiritual help. Gatekeepers are always praying, they are always open to a Godly knowledge.

❤ Qt
asuddenapifiny (4 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-08)
Hi QT,

No need to apologize I am very open minded to what others believe and if it sounds like a good idea to do I try it.

Someone had mentioned this prayer before because I was attacked once in my dream by when I was in this center house type of place and I was attacked by this darkness with individuals in it. Then this person that looked like my uncle closed the door and everything stopped. They mentioned something about a gatekeeper but I'm not sure how that works. 😐
quixoticqt (2 stories) (53 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-07)
I don't know where your beliefs are from so I'll just throw this out there, whether your an atheist or a believer, and by doing this I hope I don't offend you.
You can pray over yourself a prayer of protection. That way whatever is going by you won't be able to rob your energy.
It's a simple prayer:
"Lord bless me and keep me holy and pure unto you. Write the truth upon the tablet of my heart. Gird my loins with truth, shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, on my chest place the breast plate of righteousness, in one hand place the shield of faith blocking all the fiery darts of evil and in the other hand the sword which is the word of God."

❤ Qt
asuddenapifiny (4 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-07)
Hi Qt,

Well the shadows don't bother me. I know when it's a curious type and when it's a shadow I don't want. What bothers me the most is when they seem to take energy from me without me noticing.

As for the electricity part, it happens to me a lot with or without the changes. My dad always comments on the fact that I am a bundle of energy and when I was born and he held me he got shocked. I'm terrible with electronics, they die on me frequently and always of the same issue, something always frys.

I also space out when I'm driving and since I drive a lot at night from school it always freaks me out. A car or lights tend to bring me back and I often find myself in a state of panic making sure I'm not driving off to the next lane.
quixoticqt (2 stories) (53 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-07)
The blanking out part I could relate to when I'm driving. I guess it's kind of like being hypnotized. My eyes are open, my body's responding to all the curves of the road but then I'll snap out of it and my heart ponds really fast.
It's like my brain goes black and I don't know how long I was there, I'm just glad nothing bad happens when I do that (like run off the road.)
I too can see some black things dash at the corner of my eye when I'm not at home. Fortunately for me I just have very few experiences with them and it's not even at my house.
I used to get weird feelings in my apartment. It got so bad to the point where I would turn off the stove and keep the food on to keep it warming up but then I would go back and it would be burned.
My mother prayed for my apartment and blessed it with oil and now that doesn't happen at my apartment any more. I don't hear my door open and close or knocking somewhere in the other room and my food no longer gets burned.
For the electricity it could be the weather changing. About a week ago when the weather changed from wet to dry cold I was extremely staticy all the time. It was irritating because even when I touched my coffee to see if it was warm enough it would shock me. My experiences with electricity never went as extreme as yours is though (the elevators.)
I'm sorry I don't have much information on the headaches. My brother gets headaches sometimes. He says Gatorade, chocolate, coffee, iced tea and/or water sometimes helps.
❤ Qt
asuddenapifiny (4 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2011-11-07)
Hey Mystique, thanks for the comment. I've also have been looking for groups that experience the same thing I do. It gets frustrating when you're the only that it happens to you and if you tell anyone they might think you're crazy or worse. I also want to tune into what I can do but at times it's just scary because the unknown is always scary.
vanillabean (9 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Do you meditate? Sounds to me like if you don't, you should start. You need to do some psychic shielding and also do some things to help ground you to keep you functioning here on the ground instead of spending too much time up in the sky (figuratively). I am exhausted and need to get to bed, but if you want to email me in private, I can email you back with a breathing technique that I learned kind of recently. I was noticing things moving from the corner of my eye, and it was bothering me. A medium taught me this technique and I haven't had any problems since. There is other a lot of other advice I could give you too about this... In hopes it could work for you. Greenpsychic [at] Take care!
Mystique_girl40 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
I know it hard what you feel, your not alone. Before, I just feel the presence of a spirit in my mind, lately I seen them at the corner of my eyes. One time I felt a strange feeling inside the room of my co-workers, feeling of mix emotion like feeling I' will be getting in trouble. As a result, my co worker whom I vibes her energy got a speeding ticket on that day and pay $200 fine. Like you I feel sensitive with the crowd people. Right now, I'm working on tuning my abilities and how to handle it. Before I'm scare too, and after I joined in different groups like this, I feel not alone.

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