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Difference Between Premonition and Precognition
Article by special contributor Psychic Hecate
There is a very distinctive difference between Premonition and Precognition; though similar in nature these two abilities have one difference. To understand this a little better, let me firstly start by explaining what is meant by the terms Premonitions and Precognition.
The ability of Premonitions is to see a future event, in essence to have a waking vision or a flash of a future event while awake. Premonition's are about feelings or senses of nervous anxiety and gut feelings that something is about to happen. So, overall Premonitions are more about having a sense or a feeling of things to come.
While the ability known as Precognition is to see a future event while sleeping, this future sight mainly occurs while dreaming. The feelings and senses associated with premonitions are also a common occurrence with Precognition, there is also an inner depth of knowing, and knowing that something or some event is about to or is going to happen.
So, the big difference is that one ability works by day and the other by night, beyond that there is very little difference between the two. Not every waking vision or night time dream can all be assumed to be future seeing of events that have yet to happen. Like if you dream or daydream that your sister just married your favourite celebrity star, well you have to be able to know that there is little chance that this would ever happen. In actual fact there is about one in a thousand chance that this would ever actually happen. Remember to use common sense and really listen to your inner voice.
Ịf you are just beginning your journey and learning about your psychic abilities and you learn that you have the ability of Premonitions or Precognition, think before you act or speak. With future dreams or visions you need to be very careful for the dreams and visions are not always so straight forward. Sometimes with these types of visions and dreams the information is given in pieces or jumbled up like a puzzle and must be worked out before they are spoken allowed.
For this purpose it is important to keep a small notebook or pad in the pocket of your jacket, in your handbag or by your bed, write down everything you remember from your waking vision or precognitive dream, including your feelings. When you have enough time to sit down and not only re-read but try to analyze and work out what you actually saw and the message that has been given, then and only then is it wise to speak about what you have seen.
So, in closing all that is left to be said is I hope you have a nice waking dream and happy dreaming on your journey to the future...
Brightest Blessings
Psychic Hecate

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