Psychic and Medium Experiences: What is it about?
The realm of psychic phenomenon is a fascinating subject that has intrigued mankind through the ages. Psychic & Medium Experiences covers major topics surrounding issues ranging from psychic investigators, clairvoyants, remote viewing, famous psychics, mediums, skill development for the seriously minded and even links to your favorite books and movies on psychics. is your source for sharing real psychic experiences and learning more about psychic abilities. We are interested in stories from readers like you, if you have experienced any kind of psychic phenomenon or are a medium yourself, please submit it! If you want to comment on the stories, please sign up, it's free!
This site is not for kids! Considering the maturity expected for this site, we do not recommend it to anyone under 13. To keep a certain level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion..
Recent publications
Photographic Memory, Synesthesia and Remote Viewing
I was recently listening to an interview of a man who had “photographic memory”. What I found interesting about the details he was giving about this gift/ability is that it was like looking at a photograph in terms of clarity of detail.
Am I Psychic or Suffering From Schizophrenia?
We have received numerous submissions from people wondering if they are psychic/medium or schizophrenic.
I have been a long time fan of dreams and psychic prophecies because our subconscious mind is tapped into the Universal Mind which knows all.
Ouija Boards were invented in the late eighteen hundreds which was a time popular for séances.
Informative articles and editorials on the subject of psychic abilities in general. What are they? How can we develop them?
Our Famous Psychics section is more than just that. I do want to talk about famous psychics and mediums, but I also want to cover special aspects of each.
Psychic and medium experiences are not always spectacular but they certainly are fascinating when it happens to YOU. Here you can read and share those that have touched your life in an intriguing way.
The following are tests designed to measure your degree of psychic abilities or to be used as tools to develop them.
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Latest psychic & medium experiences:
- Losing Touch With A Spiritual Sense
- How Can I Pin Point Who?
- Vision Of Future Baby - Interpretation
- Entity That Looks Like Me Visits My Friends
- Attack On Telekinetics Worse Than I Thought
- Seeing My Future Before Me!
- My Daughter Is Dreaming My Memories
- Mother Mary And Mystical Phenomena
- Spirits, Angels, Demons, Sleep Paralysis, And More
- Did I See Multiple Peoples Inner Selves?
- Woke Up To A Light In My Bedroom Ceiling With Smoke
- Old Farm House Story
- Visited By My Nana
- I See, Hear And Feel Things That Aren't There
- Dream - You Don't Belong Here
- 4 Out Of Dozens Of Dreams That Have Come True
- The Return Of The Ring
- The Time I Saw A Hellhound
- Met My Spirit Guide For First Time
- Am I Connect To The Elemental Wind?
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