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Real Psychic Experiences

I See, Hear And Feel Things That Aren't There


When I was younger and still to this day I see things, hear things, and feel things that aren't there. Just yesterday, I was in my bedroom and I felt something touch my neck. It went away shortly after. I even sometimes have dreams that happen.

My sister and I were babysitting two kids. We decided that we should all paint together. I was just painting something silly when I look over and the little boy that we were watching was painting something that looked familiar. When I went over to check, I realized I saw that exact painting in my dream. It was kind of a lot of squares in many different colors. I saw red, yellow, green, and many more.

A lot of times, I hear my name being called by one of my family members. I yell back most of the time and they don't answer or I hear mumbling. When I asked them what they needed they say that they didn't call for me. Most of the time I would be somewhere far away from my family when this would happen. I would be in my room or up in my attic.

Like I said earlier, I was in my room yesterday playing a card game. I forgot what the game was called but it had a square with jacks, queens, and kings all around. I was just playing a little when I feel something on my neck. My neck was cold and I didn't understand what it was. I just held still and then my neck was warm. After I started to get really anxious about what was going on.

I have no idea what this is but I do need help figuring out what is going on. Those are two of my stories but I have quiet a few more.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ray835, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ufw57 (39 posts)
1 year ago (2023-06-22)
My comment is on the colored shapes you saw in your dream/minds-eye.

Those are sacred geometry (usually) the affected areas are Eyes, Sinus, Joints/limbs, Neck (like you said earlier) & torso/lower-back. were seeing celestial objects presented to you by your Astrological (Astra) Cloud / Bank / Akashi / Sign / Wheel / Chart... High up in the sky the normal way a mammal or bird of prey can tap in~to seeing the supernatural world beyond a specific period of time.

Like a Gate~way or Dimensional Portal (Source).

But from within-with love-without fear of the unknown.

The Unknown today is not dangerous anymore, due to the fact that a normal day in life has both Past-Present-Time/Space/Acceleration-Future-The Universe-All Eternity in it. Nothing will stop you from running away or waking up from a nightmare & finding yourself happy as hell the next minute.

It's just impossible!

Now being a psychic, I would call this DNA Activation Symptoms because of twitching of the neck. That's you being smarter the normal way a fish can evolve an live on land.

Drink a lot of distilled water & meditate... Who knows... You might one day experience an Awakening so strong your eyes will be opened from were you are right now to were the universe ends. Like a bird, but superman style haha... Don't forget to journal though... Memories are worth re~reading.

Jah bless💯❤️
1 year ago (2023-05-10)
I Had Similar Experiences When I Was Younger. They Only Stopped When I Learnt To Use My Chakras And Energy Better. I Don't Understand Why Though...
RHM (2 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-19)
[at] ray835
Good Day,
I just stumbled across an old link. (I just changed web browsers.) Anyhow, there is lots of info here. HTH
RHM (2 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-15)
[at] ray835
I cannot point you to specific on line and free books, as I have not looked in some time. I do encourage you to search because there are Silva Method things on line. You Tube will have some for example. There are many used paper back, print books for sale that are not expensive at all. "The Silva Mind of Control Method" is probably the best older book. I highly, recommend searching on line for "The long Relax" by Ed Bernd Jr. Which is part of their program and an excellent start to meditation exercises. Hope this gets you started.
ray835 (1 stories) (1 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-15)
[at] Rob
Hello there! Is there an online version of the book available?
RHM (2 stories) (17 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-15)
[at] ray835
Good Day,
I'd say you are psychic. I didn't experience the touches as a young person; though, I did later. I was hearing my mom call in one house. I'm also sensitive to some haunted places and have done some Astral Projection. I'd suggest "The Silva Method of Mind Control" for controlled meditation and developing your talents and gifts. There are some free meditations on line to help you get started. I'm not selling anything, just a home study student.

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