To preface information, I've had a spiritual sense since I was younger. I'm unsure of the common name but it is essential Energy Seeing, from what I've gathered it's a less detailed form of aura seeing, I see thin colourless outlines around people that vary in depth by person, I occasionally see it around objects, plants and animals however this isn't common. My earliest memory of it was when I was 7 I noticed it around a teacher of mine and started noticing it more and more in my day to day life.
So as the title says I began losing touch with this form of sight progressively following and incident in 2021, where after a stressful day I began to meditate, I never usually meditated I just felt like it could help me relax. As I was meditating I completely lost track of time and then I heard the voice of an old man full of vitality, if that makes sense, trying to convince me to hand over my body. I had denied his request but then felt a sharp pull in my chest as It felt like what I can only describe as something trying to push me out of my own body. I had resisted this sensation and stopped meditating feeling extremely drained/fatigued.
Since then I've progressively lost my ability to see this energy around people, I noticed it because the person I knew at the time to have the thickest and most dense energy I could see was a lot less noticeable, and around some people I just couldn't see it. Now this was getting progressively worse until around February this year where I could still see it around very few people and even fewer objects, plants and animals. Since then I haven't experienced any change in the sight however I would like to return to that state pre-encounter if possible. I'd also like to know if anyone has an idea on what that entity could have been.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
- Vacuata
I do battle with Evil constantly and have been very taxed for quite some time. The stories I have written are real and I am never looking for attention but using them to give credence to my warnings.
Today is just a caution to all on this site. I care about all of you and only wish to keep people safe.
Right now the world is in a bad place and I have never felt such Evil and darkness. The dark energies and entities in this realm are overpowering. The legions are capturing and enslaving many.
Please protect yourselves from their traps and snares. Do not be tempted to gain power or special favors, turn away from temptation and vanity.
You know who you are that I am speaking to.
Send only positive energy toward others, especially now.