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ESP Test

Description of the psychic test

Some people know things before they are going to happen. They can sense who is on the phone, what someone will say, or some of their dreams will come true. These people are known as psychics. We all have some extra sensory ability and this test will let you know how much ESP you possess!

1. How often do your dreams come true?


2. If lost while driving do you:


3. Have you ever thought about a person that you've not made contact with in awhile only to hear from them later that same day?


4. Do you have premonitions that come true?


5. Of the four listed images below, one is hidden behind the card. Which one is it? (the image displayed is your selection, not the answer)

Mystery Object

6. How often do you feel déjà vu?


7. When meeting a new person, do you have a sense of what their past is before they have told you?


8. How often do you hear the phone ring and know who it is before you pick it up? (exclude count calls that you are expecting, or calls you identify using caller ID)


9. Have you ever had a dream about something that was happening at about the same time the event was happening or an event that shortly happened thereafter?


10. There is a color below this card, what is it? (the image displayed is your selection, not the answer)

Mystery Color

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