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Real Psychic Experiences

Foretelling Death


I'm a 29 year old man living in Las Vegas. For the last 19 of those years I've I been seeing orbs and rather than be freaked out I am a little more intrigued than scared. I didn't start seeing orbs until the death of my Grandmother, followed by my Aunt.

When I was 16 or 17 our family dog died and I felt it. I can't explain how I felt it but I did. It was a little after two in the morning and as I started off to bed I felt a chill come over my body but from the inside if that makes any sense. I immediately thought of our dog that was in the animal hospital and I just knew he was gone.

Then about 2 years later an old friend was on my mind who lived across the street from me. I was for some strange reason thinking about her and tried to find her number since she moved out of her mother's place by then.

One night I found her address and wrote a letter intending to mail it, when yet again I got this chill over my body that started from the inside. I never mailed the letter because I thought that the moment the chill hit me I knew she was also gone. This was in 97.

In January 2000 I had a dream about me and my brother walking toward her mother's house just down the street to meet my friend. In the dream my brother got there first and as I walked up toward the front door she let him in, but when she saw me she seemed angry and closed the door on my face. She then was kidding and opened the door again and gave me a hug. I told her that I was sorry in the dream and how happy I was to see her, but I said it without words but instead with thoughts. She said to me in the same manner that it was okay and she knows and she's happy, not to worry anymore. She was Angelic, with light that seemed to radiate from her beautiful hair.

That morning after the dream, or should I say night, I was looking through the phonebook and came across her mother's number. I showed my brother and he instantly called. Her mother told my brother that she had passed away in '97 and it was about the same time of year that it happened so it's a little hard to talk about.

I also see things or the possibility of things happening. For instance, when I'm watching my niece and nephew playing around, I see one of them getting hurt and of course I intervene to make sure nothing happens. But it not only happens with them. I also see it with the neighborhood kids that are friends with my niece and nephew.

One thing I found to be strange is that these things happened to me regularly but when I started smoking 4 years ago it hasn't been so frequent. I have also had dreams ever since I was a little kid about seeing the devil, and playing a game of chess with the devil for my soul. In the latter dream I have a girl with me and I sit down and begin the game but am overcome with fear and run away, leaving her behind and hearing the devil laugh. Needless to say, I have always thought up some kind of explanation for these strange things but I have no idea if these occurrences mean anything.

I need to see a psychiatrist or if there is a more satisfying explanation, please provide.

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, King, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Anna (1 stories) (14 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-05)
Hi King, I don't think you need to go anywhere and I think you know it. You need to stop smoking, for one thing, and I know it's easy said then done but it'll be for the best. And then from your article I understand you more or less can read the signs and use your gift to prevent something (kids get hurt) it's very good, and you need to keep working on it. Don't run away from it and don't try explain everything with your mind. I don't know will it be much help for you, but I would recommend you to get a set or Runes and a book, by Ralph H. Bloom - The Book of Runes. If you let it in - it really helps, and then, have you ever heard of dowsing? Search for it, I dowse and the thing is, when you reaching out - you don"t need expensive tools, pendulums, you can dowse with what ever you feel comfortable. You could ask your Guides and Angels questions and advice through dowsing. Maybe it doesn't make much sence but it would help to find some understanding and peace.
Vincenzo (19 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-04)
Hrmm I don't know about all these things called "Aruas" and stuff but I do know, you got a gift, id use it. I'm using mine as much as I can (im 90percent sure I got one, let's hope) and fortelling death could be useful... Kind of. Urmm well actually, never mind, you can take my advice or not, I would'nt, I'm just a teen
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-04)
I started smoking cig. Again after my son with bipolar acted up last year. I hope to quit again actually this week. Smoking, which I just learned, causes holes in our aura's. These holes are not good. Since there are holes, it makes us easier to attack. It basically breaks down our aura's making them not as strong. These holes help lead us to sickness as well.

With the dreams and all, I've had some experiences myself. Scared me badly. Can you think in these dreams you are having or take control?

There is a gem stone (have to find the name of it) that you can put under your pillow to prevent bad dreams/nightmares. It's worth a try anyway.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-03)
King: if you feel the need for a psychiatry visit than by all means do what you feel is best.

Though in my experience and others around me, and others here on this site psychiatry has provided nothing but major headaches and worse feelings.

You have proven to yourself that you are gifted when you made the phone call to the mother of the girl and found out that she indeed had died, have confidence in your ability.

I too have known when people close to me were going to die, I did not feel them go as you have, but five times I have known that I need to go see a family member because it was my last chance.

Unfortunately: I was not confident in my abilities at those times and missed out on my opportunity to see them one last time.

I am not a doctor but my rule of thumb is unless you have thoughts of hurting yourself or others or have already done so then psychiatry cannot do good.

If your having trouble dealing with the feelings (depression, anger, etc...) that befall you from your abilities find someone that believes in you and confide in them. If it is truly unbearable and interferes with your normal self, or your ability to function then definitely go.

You have to listen to yourself and what you feel is good for you. If that is a psychiatry visit than so be it.

My thoughts on psychiatry are not advice not to go, just a warning to be cautious with whom you choose if you do go, try to find one that believes in abilities, they are out there.

If you want to talk to me more about this you can reach me at laney.disbrow [at], I check that daily but only come here once or twice a week.

Don't neglect your mental health, but at the same time if something other than yourself (i.e religion, environment, people, etc.) is making you feel "crazy" or whatever don't jump to the conclusion that since they outnumber you they must be right and you must be "crazy" or whatever. (not saying that these are your feelings, this is my example because I have been here).
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-01)
First let me say that I'm new to this, but sensitive in some way, so take what I saw with a grain of salt and think for yourself. My fav saying, and I made it up is, "Thinking is good..." That seems the point to me in some way. You are probably growing more sensitive, which is tough, and learning how to deal with it. The game, be careful, it's not something to play with. Thinking is good, not playing. Find what you think is good, set limits, and stick to them even if it costs you a "psychic" experience.

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