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Real Psychic Experiences



This may not qualify as a "psychic story," but I am hoping it will be accepted and that people will be willing to comment on this particular experience. When I was approximately seven years old, I remember playing in my parents yard. Along the side of the house, they had two BIG (several-hundred pound) landscaping rocks, positioned roughly 20-22 feet apart on level ground with nothing between them. I remember standing on one of the rocks and thinking "I can jump over to the other rock... No problem!" Stupid kids stuff, right? Well, the next thing I remember, I jumped from a standing start and landed on my shins on the other rock. Again, that would be a 20+ foot jump from a standing start for a child who was slightly over four feet tall!

As I became older, I dismissed this memory as something that obviously must not have been remembered correctly. However, roughly five years ago, my sister-in-law told me that she has vivid memories of "floating down the stairs" as a child. Also, my father last year dropped a bombshell on me! When I shared that story with him, he smiled and said "I believe you. I've never told you this, but I've always been able to float above the ground when I want to. I don't do it anymore though, because it is just too exhausting..." Wow.

Do you think it is actually possible that I made a standing jump of over 20 feet as a young child, and that "floating" or "levitation" is truly possible? This experience has always confused, troubled and excited me... And I would welcome the chance to hear from anyone who might have experienced something similar in the past. It definitely seems to be related to some of the "sixth sense" types of experiences that are common throughout my family.

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nickstutz (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-06)
I have memories of when I was younger like young maybe 4 or 5 playing ring around the rosie on my bed with my friends it was nothing major to where they noticed at least no ome said any thing but I remember feeling lifted off the ground and staying there longer than the other kids in the air when we jumped up at the end any thoughts sooo confused...
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-08)
OOOKAY now the conversation about flight makes more sense now... I want to start by saying I'm not trying to start a fight.

But there is a difference between being ready to do something and admitting to the possiblity of its occurance.

Everyone knows that people can drive, do we let little kids behind the wheel of a car? NO

Can people levitate? Yes

Should you jump off a very high place to prove it? NO

Even if you had the ability the waste of energy and karmic good can be used in a much better way. Unless you are teaching someone about reality and helping them obtain enlightenment about reality and the REAL laws of the universe (we can discuss the nature of gravity later, I've got websites. I do teach high school science in real life)

Common sense should have prevented the little kid from listening to voices of demons and walking off the building. I'm just going to go pray for the world.

4generation rememeber that God has blessed you and your family with this ability and if you find it in your heart to cultivate the ability then you can show the world the true majesty of God's love and wonderment.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-08)
before I read the comments:


I think it is very possible. When I was studying Tibetian Buddhism and tantric practices. Levitation and flying were listed amongst some of the skills that can be learnt through intense meditation that normally takes lifetimes to master. Perhaps your family lineage perserves that tradition? I will attempt to find online texts and website to post for you.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-04)
Thank you Aussie, That's exactly where it's been lost I think. And there's too much of the "anythings possible" gang floating around insisting they're being persecuted by those of us who demand they state exactly what they mean. It's way too easy to be vague about certain things and then stuff them into a story as if they're actual reality.
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Hey Shini... Yes I can see the possibility that some of these experiences... Particularly with children are not physical experiences of levitation, but more spiritual ones... I know from my own experiences during what they call ceiling height... I was floating on the ceiling looking back at my own body... And if your only seven years old, I could see the potential in the confusion of both realities... Spiritually it is possible to levitate but not physically... I think most people acknowledge that... The concern here is that a child has lost there life attempting something that was not possible... I don't know all the facts, but I just hope people think about the consequences and potential danger of a gullible mind and what they are saying...
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
I am going to start waaaaaaaay back at cosmogal926's comment. Yes. A young man did. HE was not of this site, but I am. And I was directly involved in that whole scenario, as I have stated in the past. I WOULD NOT lie about someones mortality. That is such bullshiat and anyone who continues to harbor that idea...well, I weep for your ability to believe that some can walk on water, but not that mortal life is not forever.

I am going to skip on over a few of these posts and go straight for Lyro's train of active reasoning...
Hello Lyro. Do me a favor before you continue reading this, would you? Forget about the welcome you gave me on this site.
I caught something Lyro said, and honestly, the only reason it caught my attention is that I posted that little secret about my past here, very recently. Lyro confessed the ability to move a can. I said, (just yesterday, in fact) that in a fit of anger, I found I could throw something across a room.
That is all I can do.
But how I look at it... I see it as something I need to control. I see it as a...trait, that needs a bit more supervision than others. For example, I have the ability to break glass when I sing, not because I am good, but because I am that bad. I make an effort to not walk through China shops singing in an attempt to control THAT trait.
There is a REASON Creator gave me the ability of movement. I do not like it. I would REALLY like to let my temper go at times, but am afraid to LOSE control of it. I feel, that if it is given as a gift, it must be cherished, cared for, and protected.
That is NOT to say that I have not "played" with it. Tested it out a bit.
But I do not make IT my motivation for every day. In fact, I honestly forget about it most of the time.
This is ONE of my characteristics. It is not ME. It is part of the wonderful (or terrible, whatever your point of view) ball of junque slammed together to MAKE me. There are so many OTHER things I want to concentrate on. There HAS to be a balance.

The point is this world is a fantastical, mystical, miracle filled place. Let IT evolve as much as some of the young minds here already HAVE before we try to convince others they can perform brain surgery after picking up the latest edition of Medical Journal. It takes training, practice and YEARS of experience for even levitation (which, by definition IS an illusion) of a kitchen knife.
NONE of this is instantaneous.
Thank you.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Hey, Daz! Welcome to the site!

I think you hit the nail in the board- a lot of stories like these, or even comments that talk about 'element control' or even levitation, are presented in such a vague way, that it also becomes rather reckless.

I also see the possibility of astral projection here. Sometimes, we aren't even aware that we astral project, so its a logical possibility.

Au Revior.

😊 ❤
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
No... Its not possible to jump 20 to 22 feet at 7 years old, other wise by now, you would have made a name for yourself at the Olympics... Your story is either a hoax or at best you were astral projecting and didn't realize it... It is very irresponsible to present this story the way that it is... There are gullible teenagers out there who should think twice about falling for this rubbish...
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Nothing is "WROMG" with me. What's wrong with the world today are people like you. There are people new to everything that are trying to learn about their gifts, a lot of them want to do something good with theirs. And then there are people like you, you stand in their way and knock them back down. Yes, everyone needs logic, but not everything is that simple. I've seen and done myself things that aren't just logical. There will always be people like you that try to put everyone down saying no you can't, but there will always be people like me who will do it anyways, and then laugh when you say I can't when I've already done it. This is going to be the last comment I make about this because you've taken it so far away from the original story, I posted to help them, and you've posted to say that you know everything and that they're wrong. I'm sorry, you must have a masters in physics, and obviously know so much more then me. Go ahead on your high and mighty path, and just wait until you see for yourself what the real truth is. It's people like you that made me leave the site the first time. If you don't think things are possible, and have an open mind, why are you even on this site? If you think that everyone who believes that things are possible are little children, why are you here commenting? Have you never had something happen that you couldn't explain? I know I have, and to this day there are still things that I can't explain, but I know that I don't know everything, I know first hand that more things are possible then what most people think, and I'm going to keep believing that because people like you can't change what I believe. It's my own faith, and if you don't like that, sorry... But too bad.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Lyro, just how irresponsible do you have to be before it is your fault? How much further do you have to go before that happens? Not much, obviously. You say someone did something before they were ready? WHAT IS WROMG WITH YOU?
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Don't flatter yourself Darkstar, We're not discussing anything that had to do with you. We're talking the truth here.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
I have had people die in my own life too, I know very well about death, and don't think I don't. Tell me this, how many people die everyday in car crashes, plane crashes, in science experiments? You can help to prevent others from dying, but it still happens. Yes, according to you two, which I still have yet to know who, or have any proof that it ever happened, someone went to far before they were ready, and died. That's sad, but I can't say that something is impossible because they couldn't do it. Tell me this, does a science lab that has been working on something new, and someone wasn't ready and died in the process, do they fully shut the doors never to continue? They take the time after the death, find out what went wrong, and they KEEP GOING. If someone did die, I'm sorry to their family, but I will not take blame for it like you want me to. You want to blame the persons death on people like me, well you know what, I've saved peoples lives too. Without me talking to some people, there would be more then just one death that you would be talking about. Someone didn't die because of "such foolishness", they died because they did something before they were ready. And the fact that they died does not mean they were wrong in it having the chance to be possible. Why can't you wrap your head around that? You say the proof that I'm wrong is that someone died. Look at my logic for once, they did it when they weren't ready, and they died because of it. Yes that's sad, but it doesn't mean that it can't be done. How many experimental planes have crashed? I had one crash on my very road, but do you see new planes being developed? Everything is based on research, and taking chances. Look around smart one, how many things had to be developed, how many things around you in your very room had to be thought up? Do you drive, when was your car produced? When was the design for how a car works first produced? Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done. That's my stand, and I'm done fighting about this. You can be childish and stay stuck in your own little world, but I believe there are more things possible, and I've done some of them, I have my reasons to believe, and maybe one day you will figure it out too.
Darkstar (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Alright just to clear up somethings no one died on this site from thinking they could fly. What it sounds like is you guys are misinterpeting a example I used 4 of 5 months ago, that I used when someone said they could control fire and a gave them example of what could happen.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
All the arguements you just gave Lyro are the exact ones I've been talking about! You can moan and scream all day and night for all I care, go right ahead. But let me tell you something else, you say you were one of the smarter kids in your class, right? Science and math right? Well what about psychology? How are you in that? Are you still in high school? Are you in college? Have you ever taken an IQ test? (That's the one I'd be interested in hearing about myself) If you're so smart why can't you get your head around the fact that someone has died because of this foolishness? Why doesn't it seem to bother you at all? ANSWER ME THAT!
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
I don't want to interrupt but you said "Demonically paranoid" to Robert, you aren't saying he's paranoid over demons... Are you? Just makin' sure.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
If you put everyone down and don't give their new ideas a chance, you are. I'm not a paranoid youth, and you of all people should know that. I've helped many people on this site, I haven't always told them they were right, but if I truly believed they weren't, I listened to what they had to say, and then talked to them about it. I've never just went to someone and told them they were childish and wrong because that's not how you show someone why they are. If you tell someone they're wrong, they'll come right back at you and defend themselves, but if you show them why, then they can learn. If you think that you know everything, and give no ones new ideas a shot, you are the fool, and I really do pity you. I'm not always right just like anyone else on this site, but at least I listen. Can you say the same?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Oh so we are the fools now eh?

And you are a demonically paranoid youth 😐
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Like I said, I never suggest anyone to jump out of a window, and if you recall the story itself said that it was from a standstill position, not jumping from a window or a bridge or anything like that. It's not being childish to listen to someone, and I never called you a demon Rashidah, but if you think that someone can't know something that you don't, you and DC are the fools. I can give you as much "logic" as you want. I was always one of he smarter ones in my class, I'm great in math and sciences. What I said has logic to it. You think that all rules always apply correct? What about the things scientists have yet to know? People in the past thought the earth was flat, and then they learned different. Even gravity is set up as something definite, what about when you leave the planet, you have no gravity, so things are relevant, I didn't specifically mean that everything and anything is possible, but it doesn't mean that something can't be possible just because someone has yet to figure it out. I've seen a lot of things myself, and done things that I used to not think possible, but you know what? I was wrong. Your truth is relevant to what you think you know. Don't say someone is retarded for having an idea different then yours, you could be wrong yourself. There is no way that you can convince me that you know everything, I sure don't, but I listen to what others say that I may learn something. Why don't you try it once?
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
No Lyro,
The problem isn't with responsible people trying to keep these younger ones alive. The problem is with fools who think that ANYTHING is possible, at the risk of someone elses life because, of course, you wouldn't do anything so foolish! But your insistance that anything is possible is exactly the lifeline they cling to when making a foolish decision. So it's up to you to grow up and act accordingly. If you choose to be childish, that's how you'll be treated. I could care less how long you've been on this site, or how many comments you've racked up. You want to impress someone? Act more responsibly in your comments.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
When did I call you a child? Are you guilty of that?

And do not go calling me a demon either.

This is a free site. I can say whatever I want 😐 Especially when adding LOGIC!
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
The problem with just "accepting" everything is that sometimes that acceptance is perceived as encouragement. Not all ideas should be encouraged. Maybe, if there had been a few more questions and a little less encouragement masquerading as acceptance, that kid wouldn't have walked out of his window.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
It's not a child's thought. Rashidah, I've been here just as long as you, helped just as many people, and contributed just as much information, and you want to say I'm a child? You want to look at things scientifically, ok. What makes up gravity? It's a force pulling you down to the center of the earth, correct? A force is an energy, why can't you manipulate it just like anything else. You and DC seem to still be stuck to everything being a perfect logic, and if it was, then explain everything psychic that you can do. It's not as simple as people think. No, I'm not telling people to go jump off a bridge because I wouldn't myself, but if you worked and trained, maybe it can be possible, just like most anything else can. What pisses me off is when there are people like you that say your mind is open to everything, and then when someone suggests something, you come in and tell them it's retarded, well you know what? You don't know everything either, and don't have all the answers, so why don't you try and support it before you automatically destroy it? I was told before to accept everything, and then look for the truth. It may not be true, but you accept it, and listen to the person regardless. Maybe you might learn something.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Whoa... What? Is that true did someone really die from trying to defy gravity from 6 stories high? 😲 If so then that just proves why we question certain people's intentions and try to convince the younger members that it is so dangerous to entertain these ideas. Such a senseless tragedy.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Well said DC.

I am so sick and tired of reading posts from kids whose minds are so lost in anime that they convince other poor kids to try out these stunts that they believe to be real.

I pray that the newcomers on this site this year reread posts carefully from The Justice League.

And yes folks gravity is real. We feel it everyday.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
The time for your games is past, so get over it! If you want to play nice you're more than welcome to stick around and contribute. But if you want to continue playing word games just forget it. I don't play. I say get to the point or get lost. If you've got a problem with that, TOUGH! I could really care less. Just know this, I've already raised my kids and I've got lots of time on my hands. I'll be right here watching and waiting. And everytime this nonsense rears its ugly head I'll be here to kick it in the teeth. I've got nothing better to do.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-03)
Let's all just go back to something Shin was saying that got glossed over by the next few comments ok?
Someone had convinced this child he had conerol over the elements, that he could form this "bridge" in midair and then convinced him to test that bridge.
Does anyone want to tell me what went wrong here? ANYONE?
What does it take to get through to you mental midgets? WHAT?
moonshine (123 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
Only some scientists believe that gravity doesn't exist:


There's no doubt in my mind of the existance of gravity. Without it, we'd be weightless, and there'd be no reason for this dicussion. I personally would have to witness levitation with my own eyes to believe the possibility. David Blane is one of the best majicians in the world. It's one of his most famous illusions. Yes, ladies and gents, it's an illusion.

I'm a pretty seasoned flyer, by that I mean on real life 747's, and it never ceases to astound me how the hell something that huge can get off the ground! LOL! It's called aerodynamics. A science that is beyond me, but anyway: the basic concept is using SPEED and stratigically placed equipment that enables the body (airplane) to oppose gravity, and use it to it's atvantage. Humans are not thusly equiped.

create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
I Just want to say one thing... Gravity apparently isn't real according to scientists now.
I read an article about it and did a research paper for my AP Physics Class and I thought that I just want to throw that out there.


I can't find my original source I used for my paper.
I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with the fact that there is or might not be Gravity... But I wanted to throw that out there.

Also, Everything has energy in it/is made up of energy... Which means anything can be manipulated. Some harder than others, but they can still be manipulated whether it's levitation (still don't know how you did that)

Just wanted to throw that out there... I feel like I'm missing something...

[at] Lyro, you've helped so much on this site honestly... Even me at one point. You don't do it as much as before but you are perhaps what we can call an elder on this site. ^.^

Also... Your information is vast, but you can still learn more... The world is filled with information.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
Exactly what does the first law of newton state again?... That things remain at rest unless acted on by an outside force? What is energy? Is that not a kind of force? I didn't say a human was a gyro, I said a gyro is a new way of looking at gravity. It doesn't break the law, only changes the way it's used.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-02)
A person is not a 'gyro', though, and there are other forces at work to make a gyro possible. Bodies don't have that ability. And if you look into the physics of both the Gyroscope and of liquids that can instantly solidify, you will see that it is completely natural.

Unless a person can follow Newton's First Law of Motion to an exact T, a person will not float indefinitely.

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