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NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-29)
Parrot1234 I don't think that our parents must be psychics so we can gain the abilities. My parents don't really seem to have them but some other relatives do. Some even swear theyve seen ghosts.

Nightshade123 I don't know if we can get abilities everytime we want to. But mabye with training we can. I don't know. As about seeing others next hit, I sometimes can see it but I'm not sure if it has to do with clairvoyance. Mabye they are somehow visions. If someone can tell me what it is please tell me.
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Psychic gifts are hereditary but, sometimes the may skip 1 or 2 generations, sometimes more. It all depends on the family and how strong your bloodline is. The kicker is that if you marry a psychic with the same gifts or if you live with a psychic with the same gifts you may share the ability equally. The other thing that can happen is if both of you get premonitions one of you might have all of the premonitions and the other person will have the information from the other.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
But that's the weird thing. It skipped my sisters but not me? I'm too scare to ask my parents if they ever see what I see. I try to ask my mom but have out and stayed quiet
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
ooooo, so in time if any of us wanted to we could gain other psychcic gifts because we are already opened up to the psychic world. Hey, do you have any idea how to channel my clairvoyance to help me let's say see where someone will hit next? Thanks and parrot pschcic gifts are hereditary I heard but my parents don't have them: (
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Do our parents give us our psychic abilities? I see auras and enegry maybe a empath
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Nightshade123 we all are psychics. Psychic is what gives us these abilities. In being psychic are included visions, telekinesis, clairvoyance, seeing and comunicating to souls etc. Being clairvoyant is part of beeing a psychic. I hope you understand what I mean. If you have other abilities you are psychic. But if you don't you are just clairvoyant (wich again is part of beeing psychic).
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
So I am clairvoyant and psychic or clairvoyant? Sorry I keep asking I just want to be sure what I am:)
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Nightshade123 we are psychics. Clairvoyance is the ability to see auras and energy (with what I have read). To see only one's aura I focus on only that one. I try to put all the others in "shade". As about the book, sorry if I scared you more than I meant to. All the non-psychic parents are the same though (anyway I have the feeling my mom is an empath and nothing else)... ❤ 😉
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-28)
Night wind 13 omg now I'm scared I have to protect my book at all costs lol my parents would do the exact same thing! And wait are we called psychics or clairvoyants or what? I really want to know. And how do I channel my clairvoyance! Thank you <3
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-24)
Nightshade123 I don't keep a book to record what I see, feel, do or for anyrhing else in " The Psychic World". I'm affraid that someone can find it and see everything (and I'm affraid everything will be ruined then). I would be watched by someone all the time, I would have no internet or phone access etc. Mabye it seems like much but my family would think I'm EXTRA SUPER CRAZY! I'm sure for it. But I share everything with my best friend and we keep some notebooks (that we use both) hidden in the school and we use nicknames.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-24)
Nightshade123 I don't keep a book to record what I see, feel, do or for anyrhing else in " The Psychic World". I'm affraid that someone can find it and see everything (and I'm affraid everything will be ruined then). I would be watched by someone all the time, I would have no internet or phone access etc. Mabye it seems like much but my family would think I'm EXTRA SUPER CRAZY! I'm sure for it. But I share everything with my best friend and we keep some notebooks (that we use both) hidden in the school and we use nicknames.
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
YELLOW AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analitical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
[at] MuddledClarity I saw a yellow aura around that woman in the picture. It was almost like a mustard yellow but not quite. Just to let everyone know this only works for me if I see it in an older picture or as long as it is in black and white.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
Night wind 13 of course I understand you and maybe we both should try and learn to deal with our gifts hen we're panicked, and awesome you or it right! You can see it in her eyes though... Is that clairvoyance? Or just intuition? Oh and does anyone else here keep a book to record everything they see? Like the auras and energy or in others cases spirits? Cause if I'm the only one than tuts embarrassing. And honestly what are the chances of me finding another psychic in high school? Thank you! Oh and how do I prevent my sight from disappearing! I heard that some people just wake up and their gift is gone! I would freak out because I am super used to seeing energy! I and why is it that sometimes my sight is really strong, sometimes it's weak, and then back to normal! Again thank you!
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
I opened the test too and to me came evil and untrustful. From your comment nightshade123 I saw thet I was right too. Another yay. Of course not for the victims. Only for me...
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
Nightshade123 its hard for me too when I panic and I would never ever ever wish someone else's burn. It is horrible even to think about it. It was just the only example that came to me. I hope you understand me...
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
Wait, muddled clarity, am I not suppose to see them like this? Sometimes the lighting affects how clearly I can see them. I and thank you for the website! I got crazy and murder from the girl and it was right yay! (Well not for the girl but you know what I mean) and how can I channel my clairvoyance!?! Ugh I'm so useless and why do I keep getting told that my clairvoyance is strange or different or whatever! Other than that I hope I can find someone who is psychic and thank you very much for the advice! Hope you comment back soon!
MuddledClarity (1 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
Dear Nightshade123,
I cannot fully comprehend what is going on in your situation, but I do have a guess. I feel you have a strange type of clairvoyance to be able to see them that clearly. Looking at several sites, I came upon this:
I believe you should take a look at that. It might help you control your clairvoyance a little better.
Previously, you said you wanted to know if auras can help you in a fight. If you "channel" your clairvoyance correctly, you may be able to see their emotions and, with practice, correctly guess where they will strike next.
If you are struggling through high school, try to find someone with other types of "psychic" abilities-it doesn't have to be yours. Come together with some other people and discuss your "strange events"-try to puzzle out some things.

Okay, I gotta go know but I'll try to post later.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
Carri, if you we're tAlking about me being gifted, thank you:) but it's also kind of sad that I'm alone on this: (And lightworkerhealer thank you! I will totally take this epic advice! And night wind thanks you as well I hope I do t get in a fire but I will most certainly keep this In mind, but it's hard when I'm panicked! Oh and sorry I do t have a Facebook: (parrot 1234 I wanted to cry when I read your comment! I figured all of this crap (sorry if this is vulgar to some oops) months ago and it sucks and is amazing at the same time. It's just hard to realize that this is who you are. Just know that one day you will meet someone like you, you just can't give up on yourself, nine of us can. I know I'm new to all of this and what I'm going throught is probably nothing compared to what you've gone through but this is who we are, we should embrace it, right? But honestly it sucks when your parents or friends or anyone looks at you with worry, or when you realize that we're not exactly, traditionally normal I guess. Guys help me with this terrible speech! And one other question: do you guys think that my gift is strong? That I can actually use it to detect lies and disease and stuff, because when I try to focus while talking to someone it's hard to look at there aura! Help me please! Thank you <3
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Thank you Nightwind13, MSmith82 and PsychicJR, you guys really made my day.:) 😳 😳
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Parrot1234 your not crazy cause you asked if you were and you can't wait for someone to help you you have to help your self trust me I have been torchered for years by spirts and for being around my dad while beeing an empath until I pulled my self together and embraced who I am and whent on from thier
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
The only way to have true control over any ability is to practice by focusing on 1 thing at a time. Then, you will be able to hide your ability and use it at will. This does not mean that you have supressed it. It just means that you know how to control it. I have several abilities. Click on my name and you'll see a good bit of them. I don't have all of them posted because I'm still learning how to control and how to use them properly.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Parrot1234 nothing is going wrong with you and stop calling yourself crazy. Noone in this site is crazy. We are just psychics. Mabye no one can recognise that you are a psychic when you walk in a store or mabye if they recognise, they can mabye just be affraid to tell you. Just try to have some fun and always focus on the positive.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Did you guys ever asked yourself " why me"? I just wish someone can tell me what's wrong with me. I founded out ALL this last year. I was scare what I was going to find out about me. That I'm crazy? Why can't I'll be walking in a store and a psychic comes up to me and tells me everything is going to be alright. I thought all this exist only in movies? It's weird to find out that I'm one? I don't even know anymore.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
I usually don't see shadows but when I see them I ignore them (because they scare me) and then they go away. So I can't help you with them. But ghosts are different they make lots of noise and are big gossipers... By the way I don't use kik Parrot1234. I don't even know what it is...
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Hopefully I can use my gift to help people but I just don't know what the colors mean yet, sorry. Shadows are drawn to me but I don't know how to help if anyone knows tell me. I try talking to them but nothing happens. They just sit there... It feels weird telling you guys this. I sound crazy. Umm I don't use Facebook anymore night wind but I do use kik. Falconbirdyoshi... But thanks:p
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Im 13 and starting from my age and up everyone (almost) uses Ouija bouards and I can't change all of them... The only thong I can do is worn my couisins and my sister. In fact God protected me from using them. I was just about to use the bouards when my cousin realised he didn't have the board (it is selfmade in theyre class) and week after I discoveres that everyone in my class used them and they in ited me but somehow something made me say no (not me). And the last time they rold me to try it I told them I didn't want to plus the day they were doing it I would be gone with holidays (wich was true). Nightshade123 for how can we use the sight in an emergency if there is a fire you can see where comes more energy (from people) and that will mean the right way is that way because the crowd is also going. I can't think of other emergencys now but if I do later I will comment it. And the other way to make it stronger without meditating is by practising every chace you get. That has worked with me because I don't even know how to meditate... Please someone tell me how it done... And the last thing I wanted to say is nightshade123 and Parrot1234 add me in facebook. My name is Xhoana Gjini with a picture of a 5 year old kid with wide open green-blue eyes and a big smile (thats me when I was 5)...
lightworkerhealer (1 stories) (56 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
nightshade123 thank you for sharing your opinions and I am not scared 😊. Yes many of us can mistake bad spirits for good spirits. But I sort of instinctively know and I also feel the aura of any spirit which comes near to me. The bad spirits do feel dull and negative but angels their energy is uplifting and loving. Like for example when I call archangel michael whenever I feel afraid my head becomes light and a huge wave of reassuarance covers me and I feel protected. Thankyou concerning for me. About the negative spirits I don't think mony of the spirits which come to me are negative or bad. I just think they are lost and I can help them. I have helped many to go to the spirit world. Whenever I act as a medium for them to go to the spirit world my body gets light and tingly and I can actually feel their gratitude towards me. And I constantly ask angels surround me their protection. And whenever a negative energy comes near me angels are always there. And like when I feel unloved I call mother mary I don't see her but I feel her uplifting, loving and compassionate energy and all my fears are dissolved. I am not a christian but still I feel a special connection to mary and quan yin. And as you said djinn try to act friendly they can act friendly but I think our intuition and feelings are always accurate and they always tell me which spirit is bad and which one is good. Like as you said don't go looking for sounds and noises. Once I had started hearing people calling out my name. I thought they were dead people asking for help but somehow I knew they were not good. I have a teacher in my school she is a sanskrit teacher and she has only told me and another student about herself that she is a reiki master and knows a a lot about all this psychic stuff so she guided me not to hear to such voices and start sheilding myself. So now I only sometimes hear them but I know they can't come near me or harm me. About your clairvoyance (sorry got so involved about myself) you try to be as much as you can be near nature. Listen to chirping birds feel the cool breeze these things do wonder and if you stay near plants whatever toxin or emotion you may have absorbed plants or trees take those toxins or emotions and naturally detoxifies your body. And another good substitute of meditation is be mindful. Try living in present. Like at the things around you with no thoughts at all feel them. Feel the present moment and if you master this thing then there is no need to do meditation. And I find it meditating very easy when I concentrate on my breath and whenever I feel anxious I call upon archangel michael and iclearly feel his energy clearing all the negativity around me. Lower or negative energy can act friendly but they can't put on the bright energy emnated by higher level beings like angel. They can't make you feel positive and loving energy which is given off by angels. ❤ 😊
carri (22 stories) (221 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
you really have gift. I can dream once in a while of colors of auras. But not like you wow. Not too many gifted people like you in the world. I would not tell too many people. They will make fun of you. But as you get older you may be able to help the police or study medicine help with diseases. Or sickness. Pretty neat stuff.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Parrot1234, I have absolutely no clue what to do with the energies, I just see them, what do I do with it! Oh and nightwind13 I'm glad I got you In a good mood:) and it seems like we have a little rivalry, there can only be one night! Lol and tell your friend not to use the Ouija boards! Why does no one listen, this is exactly how everyone gets killed InThe flippin horror movies. Please, thy work. It is not fun. You to parrot. Please. Oh and does anyone know the answer to my previous questions? Like how can we use this sight in an emergency or at all and is there any other way to make it stronger without meditation? Thank you! Please do not dodge my questions, I am watching you. JUST kidding!
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
The first one goes for you and Nightshade123. This one is for you and anyone else that has the same problem that you do. Something else that might help is pink quartz. It helps block the emotions of others. Just make sure that you have a big enough crystal so that you don't over charge it. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. You can also contact me at michael.smith65 [at]
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Thank you MSmith82, focus on one emotion at a time, got it...
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
The main problem that you have is your focus. If you learn to focus on one thing at a time you'll be able to control this ability a lot better. That's how I have learned to deal with this ability myself.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Oh okay I sorta understand now. How do I improve it? I can see auras, energy very good. But the whole empath I'm not good. It's okay.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Ha yeah me too... It's really cool it talk to someone who knows what I'm going through. I can't imagine someone else experimenting the things I've have. Ooo yeah are you tired? For me it's 6:38 pm. Thanks again.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Your confusing comes because empaths feel others emotions like they were theirs. Sorry about the short comments.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Its totally okay with me. I like it when the discussion never ends. But I always get the comments late because the clock in my country is 6 houres forward America and the clock now shows up 01:34a.m.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Delete that " if ". Sorry again, it's my phone. Okay yeah see ya
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Yeah it's overwhelming when If I touch someone. I get the chills bad. I get confuses over mine emotions and theirs. Sorry for asking many questions.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Usually you can feel the mood when you go in a room but if you can't you can feel it by touching a person.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Exactly that's why I don't want to. My empath isn't good it just comes and go. I can't control it. Can you pick someone's emotion by choice? Or is it uncontrollable?
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
For my opinion don't try the Ouija board. It seems very dangerous and it may become a risk in school or family. 😐
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Mm yes a lot of times these out figure shadows comes towards me
During school, weird right? Well my friend wants me to do ouija board because of the crazy ghost stories I had. I'm scare I might open something evil into my life. Like it isn't crazy already... Plus I don't even know where to buy one?
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
You say you suck in meditation but there are people like me who don't even know how meditation is done. I sometimes do just yoga and say I was meditatating...
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Hahahaha nightshade123 your comment before lightworkerhealer was fantastic it really brought me to a great mood! For me as I grow up my powers grow (since now). As for knowing my friends are telling the truth I knoe because theyre skin gets like theyre very cold and as an empath I can sense when they feel fear. If I'm right youre 15 and the ones in my school who are that age use Ouija boards very often. It may seem like I'm lying about this but the library is very hounted. So is the gym. And I don't think there is a chance for you to come to my school because I live in Albania (I don't know if you have ever heared about that small country) even though I am British. Parrot1234 I also get confused in the comments of this story between me and nightshade123... 😉 😁 😁
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Mm that's a good question. I don't know really, sorry. If you do see their aura color you should know what kind of person they're. Just don't get yourself stuck into those kinds of people. But do you know what to do with the energy you see around you?
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Parrot1234 meditation is pretty much just hard. Period. And if I opens my eyes and saw a dark shadow I would surprise attack that thing, oh and I hope mine gets stronger:) hey do you know if there is anyway seeing people's energy can help you defend your self in a fight? Like can you see there weak spots or something? I'm not getting into a fight but I just wanted to know, thanks!
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Right this one time during metation, I opened my eyes and saw a black shadow in the corner of my room. This is normal to me. They're so drawn towards me. And I don't know if we get stronger as we age, I think that depends on yourself really.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Parrot1234, I guess your an empath! Oh and don't worry I suck at meditation too, I feel like something is staring at me every time I close my eyes, ugh. And my parents have no abilities either so I don't know where the heckI got this from. Oh and if someone can please answer my question about if seeing gets stronger as you age I would really appreciate it, thank you!
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Okay whoa I got confused between nightshade and nightwind. Yeah it's true I don't understand how I got these abilitys. Do they get pass down from family members? My parents don't seem like they have them but I don't know. I try to meditate but I really suck at it. I don't understand how to use whatever it is, auras? The energy? I try playing with it but can't. I need some help. Mm I remember walking down the hall with my friend and my heart started to race, getting nervous... I question myself is that me? There was nothing to be afraid of... So later on I asked her if she was okay before, she said no... Because she was going to break up her boyfriend. I advoid touching anyone so I won't get the emotions or the chills. Plus the intense aura and energy I see all the time. I can't handle it.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Light worker healer, I guess if you already were born with clairvoyance, you can develop other things that have to do with it. Look, If you we're serious about seeing the invisible people please listen to me, I know about them. They are djinn, or as others say the shadow people. Consider it a gift that you stopped seeing them. Please do not try again, some people mistake them as Angels or guides or other things but this is because (this will sound crazy) but they are spirits. Not spirits that are dead people who come back to life but a creation that lives hidden in our world. Some are good but the bad ones mess with humans and make them think they are friendly when in reality they want something from you, please ask god to protect you from this, and please don't be like those people in the horror movies who use Ouija boards. They friggin work! Please I know that you don't know me and I don't know you but I would feel really bad if something happened to you concerning this and I didn't even try to help you. Trust me I promise I am telling the truth please don't go "investigate" strange noises and shadows. Please. Oh and thank you for sharing your experience, and I'm not trying to scare you I'm sorry if you took any of this the wrong way!
lightworkerhealer (1 stories) (56 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Nightshade 123 I also see colours but not intensely. I have just started seeing them lately. Like colours in the air and sometimes around people. I was not born this way. I remember very well that when I was very young I used to see people which no one could. Then my ability of seeing invisible people got shut down I don't know how. But when I turned 15 I suffered from depression and started reading about angels. Since then I started feeling others emotions and others moods started affecting me. Then as I searched on and on I came to know I was an empath. Then I started seeing people in my mind's eye. Then I started healing. I learnt healing and still try it on myself and on my family members who are still skeptical about such a thing called healing. I didn't tell them everything about myself. I just communicate with my my angels via my feelings and I also tried reading oracle and tarot cards. I think you are the clairvoyant who can see energy. Try meditation it helps alot. And if you believe in angels try seeking out their help. ❤ 😊
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Haha, your welcome parrot1234, and I know exactly how it feels to keep it all in, it sucks when you can't even tell your own parents that your um different. I mean imagine me telling my parents, hey mom and dad I'm clairvoyant and can see different types of energies like auras and this other kind of energy I don't even understand! Oh ps I was born like this:) I would be in a psychiatric office before I know it. It really sucks but its better then letting my parents know what I am: (and night wind it is so awesome that you guys can discuss it in your class! I wish I went to your school! O and clairvoyant high is when it's like an explosion of colors and is like 10 times stronger than usual Whig is pretty dang strong, it's crazy but happens rarely, oh and does anyone know if seeing gets stronger as we get older? I really want to enhance my gift;) oh and night wind, how do you know your classmates are telling the truth? There are a lot of kids or teens that just make stuff up. I'm not saying they are and I'm not trying to be a hater promise I'm just wondering:) oh and someone please answer my question, I would really like to know!
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Oh you're very lucky to have friends to experiments together. I do not have anyone. It's very hard to control everything. But maybe next year is a new year? I don't like telling anyone because what happened to my sisters. It's okay I'm sure everything will fall into places soon.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Parrot1234 I feel alone too because I'm affraid to tell anyone about all this. When I tild my sister she said I'm crazy and ignored me for two days. The only place where I can tell someone about this is school (and this is the only reason who I want to go there:p) and my class is full of people who can see auras ghosts or other stuff but they are also affraid. Mabye you can do what I do, when someone seems to know about psychic powers or at least know about auras etc. Tell them that you can see them too and on the school free time you can talk about everything together. I don't know if it will work with you but with me it did and now we are about 6 persons in my class.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
There are people in my fanily who know about theyre powers and told others what's happening because they were also confused but the most of them don't know. I'm only 13 and since now my powers haven't gone. I feel very glad that I found this page it is very interesting and I like this story because it told me that me and my friend are not alone. And yes an empath is someone who can sense others emotions.
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-21)
Aw thank you for liking my name... Also for replying back. I just don't understand the word " clairvoyant high". I'm am very tired of being alone, I may not be alone but right now I'm am. I've been born with this seeing things. No matter what it's always going to be there when I wake up. The thing is I don't care I want it to be there, without it ill be like anyone else. I just wish I could tell someone. It sucks keeping it all inside me. You're welcome to read my stories. I'll really would like to see your past experiments. So many have happen since my last story. Thank you again. I'm hoping you'll reply soon.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-20)
Parrot1234, first of all, nice name lol;) and second of all I learned that your never alone, I know exactly how it feels and school is pretty crazy for me too, they only get stronger, maybe well both learn to control it and use it to our advantage, to use it as an instrument of good:) any experiences you would like to share, I got plenty more. Oh and when everyone in the room is glowing, I like to call it a clairvoyant high, lol
Parrot1234 (4 stories) (39 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-20)
Wow I'm glad I'm
Not alone... These auras I seem gets very intense. Colors are everywhere and it bugs me during school. So many times I walked into my classroom and everyone is just glowing! With colors it's so crazy! My sisters makes fun of me because they think I'm am a freak. I've see ghost... Voices. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm only 15...:/
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-19)
Wow, it's really cool you know that your family has gifts, did they tell you? And an empathic is someone who can feel others emotions right? How is that? O and can we ever lose our gifts like one day we wake up and it's gone? Or when we get older does it get stronger as we age?
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-17)
I don't have to try so hard I just have to focus on it and ignore everything around. Sometimes when I'm tired, there come different colours and then comes the one/s wich stay. Mabye I got it from my mother and all the relatives from my dad are very serious like some ghosts or vampires but from my mum they seem more like empathi (and I think I'm an empathi)... 😕
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Yeah for me sometimes its different someone's it's only one color it depends. My sight is stronger when I'm relaxed and not trying so hard, If I'm frustrated or try to hard it just gives me a headache: (and usually the way it happens is its first clear, then white, then the color, or it just gets straight to the color, it depends. Hey of your dad doesn't have a gift then where did you get it from? Do you know? I'm trying to figure out for my self
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
When I'm not sure about someones personallity I just conentrate my energy on my eyes and try to see the colours. Pink colour to me means that the person has no psychic abilities. I see it in my dad. Sometimes I see different colour around people but sometimes there is only one colour all over. I don't know how you see it but this is the way it happenes to me.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Yeah, maybe it is a good thing:) I just hope I don't see too much or see something I'm not supposed to, and each layer has a different meaning that is deeper to the persons thoughts feelings Etc. I think. And by layers I also mean different colors on one part of the body. Do you see different colors throughout the whole body? Because usually around people's heads I see orange, yellow, or red. I see red more often in boys/ men, it can be materialistic or sex or energy, yellow is for intellectualness and thoughts, orange can be creativity. Sometimes I see all those colors at once either all around the body or just around one specific spot. But that only depends on the person, I have seen pretty much all the colors I can think of either in energy or auras (except pink if there is that color anyway) Do you guys see different colors at once? Oh and how often do you practice seeing everyday? What do you do to focus? Does it help?
wolfgirl123 (2 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Well, I would avoid taking vast amounts of pain or bad energies from people. I've had problems with that. It isn't good for you're mental health. I don't really know anything about these layers you speak of. I only really see one aura. What are these layers significant to?
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
I don't think there is anything dangerous because you can relise a little from everyone before spending lots of tome to understand them and not spending time with the wrong people... So I think this is a good thing at all 😉
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Thank you night wind, you helped me realize just how differently everyone perceives these things, and dark assassin maybe If you practice you'll get better? If you want I'm not sure, and wolf girl, I'm relieved to know that school isn't so hard with all of this. Hey, is there anything scary or dangerous about this gift? Is there anything I should avoid? And also do you see layers of the aura, I've only been able to get to the second one and I think there is like 7! Thank you everyone:)
wolfgirl123 (2 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
Maybe your mother knows something that she hasn't told you yet. Also, I'd rather not speak of the shadow people, as curious as I am. The more aware of something I become the more likely I will see it clearer and I would prefer keeping the shadows far as possible. Also, I don't know why the medication affects it but it does. It kind of feels like something is missing and then I become sort of A.D.D. Getting tired with the mass amounts of energy isn't weird at all. I get the same way but if you build up your resistance, it will get easier and easier. I too get the pain of people but it happens just by being in the same room as them. School is alright. It's fairly small, so I don't have to deal with too many people.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
My dad claims he can sense peoples energy. I don't think I can really sense people's energy that well.
NightWind13 (47 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
I also see energy but only when I want too or when my power grows. My BFF also does and together we think (with what we've experienced) that purple energy is dark one, people who can control water better have blue one, the ones who control air have white/silver one, the o es who control earth have brown one and the fire ones have red ones. I hope this helped...
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-16)
It's great that you have the gut to ask you family about this kin of stuff, I've tried subtly asking my parents and my parents don't believe in any of this stuff, she actually told me not to even think about it until I was older for some reason, and my dad is pretty clueless when it comes to this. I think I know what your mom is seeing, have you ever heard of djinn/jinn? They can also be known as the shadow people, there is protection against them if your mom needs it, and I hope her and your grandma get better. I never knew medication could effect your sight! Oh and when I'm in crowds like at the mall I start to see auras am I feel like all my energy is getting drained by the people, is this weird? Like I try to stay away from big crowds because it gets me really tired. Also I sometimes feel people's pain when I touch them. Like my friends was hurting, I touched her and the pain was away from her but it came to me! Oh and how is school. For you? Is it frustrating. Because all the people?
wolfgirl123 (2 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Keep working on it, you will become much better! I've only just began to ask some family members. My mother sees shadows and is highly attuned to anyone's emotions. My grandmother also sees some things but she doesn't like to divulge. It scares me a bit because both of them have anxiety and depression and take pills for it. I get the same ways but when I take medication, it dulls my sight. That in itself is controversial to me. I get extremely overwhelmed when to many auras are around. I believe I am an empath, due to the fact that I take people's upset or hurt energy and replace it with my good energy. This causes me depression. Do you see people's auras and feel their energy better when you touch them? I tend to avoid vast amounts of touching because I feel all of that person's emotions. It can be tiresome. Also, have you asked your mother if she has abilities?
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Well, I tried to think back to see if I could tell when people are lying and usually I can, I sort of just get this vibe like this person is Lyon or us untruthful, honestly it's never 100% accurate, but I'm trying! My mom can tell though, and she can get vibes about a person in less than 5 minute I don't know I this is a gift or if m mom is just being a mom lol. O and what part of your family can see? I've tried to see if my family had anyone clairvoyant but its super hard because they're all over the globe: (o and my seeing is to the point where I see energy on the streets, at night, in the dark or light, when I notice or don't try to notice, and with groups of people. I would like to see of I can tell people are lying by there aura, that would be very useful:) oh, and do you ever get dizzy when you see everyone's auras at once or energy everywhere all at once? I do t know why bit I call it a clairvoyant high lol. Ok thank you!
wolfgirl123 (2 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Thanks, that's kind of you to say! I think the abilities come easiest to those born with ability. I am not sure if it can be gained but I have known people who seek out ways to do it. I believe there are websites that supposedly tell how to see auras. I think it all depends on the person. Some people, like myself, have descended from people with some form of the sight. The fact that you see the emotions by the color may be a sign that you are an empath. I don't see the feeling by the aura but I am highly attuned and affected by people's emotions. Also, can you tell when a person is lying? Or do you have premonitions of any kind? I am curios to see how far your abilities extend.
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Thank you, <3 and it's really cool how you perceive the colors! For me the colors are either feeling or character. Blue, kind caring, red, energetic, orange, creative, purple psychic, and so on. Do you know if you have to be born with the gift, or can anyone just be clairvoyant? (If this is what it's called not sure lol)
wolfgirl123 (2 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
I understand how you feel. I have seen auras ever since I can remember. I just recently started exploring it. Honestly some people you tell will think you're crazy, so it is better to keep it to those who will understand and are trustworthy. I don't know much about seeing the colors around inanimate objects but seeing them around people, plants, and animals, I can relate to. I have learned that most people with this particular sight all tend to see it differently. For me I see five colors which I relate to five elements: air-yellow, fire-red, earth-green, water-blue, and spirit-purple. Typically, the more you use it, the stronger the sight gets. This is all the information that I know to give but I hope it helps! P.s. I don't think your gift makes you a freak, but it does make you utterly unique!:D
Nightshade123 (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
Thank you so much, I'm so glad I'm not alone! I will try to develop it more but is it certain I will see spirits? That scares me a bit because my friend can see djinn and was actually possessed before, I do not want to get into that. Oh, and one more question, do you have to be born with these gifts or can anyone just get them? If you are not born with it are you likely a fake? Thank you again and if you don't mind, can you please share any experiences?
nightsong (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-15)
First of all, you're not alone! I also went through the battery of eye exams and neurological exams, but bar a little long-sightedness there was nothing to find.

It's obvious that you were born with your third-eye wide open. Congratulations, I think.:P

It is likely going to continue to be a lonely and difficult path. Not very many people will believe that what you're seeing is real, and if you continue to tell people about it, you will likely continue to get the stares. You might wish to only share it selectively.

With regards to being able to ignore it; it can be very distracting, but you can learn to "tune it out" when you need to be focused on something else.

As for honing it, simply watching curiously and learning about what else it says about the world will make you more in tune with it.

As your sense develops, you may find several uses depending on your disposition. "Aura reading" might come very naturally to you, allowing you to see injuries and illnesses if you're inclined towards healing. You may be able to see your spirit guides, spirits, or other entities.

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