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blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: you did not make me uncomfortable at all.

I like and do not mind trying, and I do not feel bad if I am wrong. I am just not that confident in this ability because it is fairly new or my practice of it that is, is fairly new; so, I am not that confident in my ability yet. It takes meditation most of the time to get the bigger details, some things just come but that's rare.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
I recently talked about redwoods. I have a house full of plants but told my mother-in-law that I would never have ones that required a lot of attention - I water them once (some twice) a week and fertilize every two months with a liquid fertilizer that just pours on with the water, and I'm 49 - 50 in Janurary. The 9th.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
You nailed me. I would never say anything mean or degrading if you hadn't nailed me, but you did. I'm not trying to rate or judge you. Just asking friendly advice, but not if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I do that to people some, make them uncomfortable in a way. Sorry.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: okay I won't send you a pic.

I am not as strong in my reading abilities as you. I have to meditate to remote view.

I know your not old (not that I am saying you lied just that I feel that old is defined when someone gives up and decides to lay around complaining about aches, pains, sickness,etc.) like you wrote earlier. Especially, at heart.

I wouldn't put you at more than 55 for right now, but that is just first thoughts.

I am thinking you like natural nature, like the redwood forest, or an open meadow full of spring life, and you have plants around but not ones that take lots of work or are picky about their care.

I can do more later after meditation and will probably be more accurate then, but without concentration, I have not as of yet been accurate, 25 percent compared to 60 percent accuracy.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
blue - Please don't. I would love to see people, but here, I keep it impersonal for personal reasons. It gets tougher, and I have enough personal people here. I need breathing room sometimes. But thanks for responding. I'm not patient so having you write is nice. What do you see for me? If anything...
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: nope not just being polite. You are right about all of it! I can take a picture tomorrow and send it to you. I see that you share your e-mail so I will send it to you tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
Ooops, a brood means a group of children and my mom use to say it but it's probably an old old meaning. That's tough - raising kids. Children are hard so never kick yourself for messing up and remember I told you that and work hard. Kiddies are important. Glad you weren't white haired and him gray. It's nice to know that I was right if I was and you aren't just being polite.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
GlendaSC: you are right. I do have brown hair, and his is a little darker. We are close in height. I am not sure what brood means, but looked it up but the definition I found does not fit to the context you put the word in. Funny thing is that he has music turned on right now and is singing to it. I am very protective of him. I too have seen kids in our future.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-03)
Hey blue - welcome to the real world of not being understood. I'm very careful of what I write new people or young ones. I know from past posts that you have an Apache person helping you. That is very sweet. I do think that you need to accept, and be glad, that you are yourself. Bad things happen, always, but I think you have fun (all people appreciate it) and try to guard when you can. I think you are very protective of your guy, which is sweet too, and you will end up with kiddies. I never step out on this ledge, and read people, but I feel okay doing this since if I'm wrong, you'll let it go... Sorry if I'm wrong. But I think you are close in height, you have brown hair and his is a little darker, and you smile a lot and he broods but he sings
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Hello blue - I enjoy reading your posts and appreciate that you write. Thanks for the insights. I wish more people would have your insights and bravery. I do think that you search more in the night. I'm a day person, but flexible, not rigid. A lot of my stuff is both. Do you, or any others have words to help me? I try to remember to read and be grateful.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
GlendaSC: Thank you for the encouraging comment.

Its not that I feel hopeless, I just struggle with what purpose should I be fulfilling with my gifts.

I haven't had a person to sit down to talk to, to explain the specifics of my abilities to me. I do have someone that is stronger than me and has more knowledge than me, but he still says I don't know to a lot of my questions.

Reading doesn't help much either cause so many people disagree. So I am left to wing it and so far, I've been making it, but I would like to know with more certainty than I do.

I know I am light, and I choose to do good with my abilities, and I have learned how to combat the dark out of necessity, but I would like for someone to come to me and say this is your path, this is what you are meant to do.

(not nagging):Don't call yourself a corny old person, you are an elder you deserve the respect afforded to elders, elders hold the knowledge and light the path for the younger generations through their experiences. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
blue - we aren't helpless. Pick the good or the bad, or in between, if you choose to "see" but know you own it. I feel you are very strong and know this so I hope you look for the good stuff. I'm a corny old person, but I'm not weak very much.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
hales3: what do you feel in the dark?

I don't feel actual presences or entities but its like when the dark comes my empathic abilities are three fold but instead of normal sad, mad, happy, I feel like I know every bad thing happening in the world, I feel the bad things bad people are doing to good people.

I've been told I can feel those things because I am suppose to be a "night watcher"; I am suppose to go out at night and stop what I can stop and not worry about what I can't, with proper credentials of course/not vigilante style. Of course this came from someone who does not or cannot believe that abilities like mine and others are real.

Here again I do not know what to believe or how to try to understand the reason for what I can feel, cause I am still learning and gaining new abilities.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
hales3: I am 27 years old and still sleep with a light on. People make fun of me like I am acting like a small child, but if they could see what I see and feel in the dark what I feel, then they would not be so quick to poke fun. I feel things during the day too but somehow it being light out gives me a since of security; so I use a light in my home after dark for the same secure feeling.

I've always felt dark try to turn me. When I was 4-5 I would run to my parents room terrified from a bad "dream" which later I learned to be visions, I would see shadows in my closet moving, never had form, until one time I saw a hand slowly come around the frame and squeeze the frame, my parents always said I was just imagining things, my brother always believed me that night he blessed my closet and slept in front of it for me. That hand I saw was very real it left an imprint you could see four finger impressions on the front and a thumb impression on the back, my parents punished my brother for playing tricks on me and destroying their property.

I am light but for some reason the majority of entities or people that come to me are dark.

Thankfully it is not that way for my children, and if it ever becomes that way I can teach them how to deal with it.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Blue_fire, I use sage in my house as a way of cleansing it. Yeah I've always been terrified of the dark. Well, terrified of what's in it. My house gives me the creeps at night and I try to stay in my room, and I sleep with a light on.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
hales3: that was the first time I had, had one in my home.

I've read and been told that if you invite a dark person into your home that other dark/evil can come in too, and they will come in the same way the dark person you let into your home did. I had just had someone I wasn't comfortable with in my home through a friend, he asked her to come over to help her, and whatever was in my house that night used the only door she had come into my home through.

I have also read that dark will attack light, especially if the light worker is strong. I've heard that they can attack at anytime but usually wait until their strongest time which is after the "bewitching hour" which is after midnight and until dawn.

I've also heard that by blessing your home and some other ritual type work you can block them from being able to come in. After my incident I asked for my house to be sagged and blessed, and nothing has happened since.

I don't know which way to believe here either just some interesting theories I have read or been told of.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Blue_fire I know what you mean, I can tell when someone is bad or good right off the bat, like right when they walk in the room. I always just thought it was normal but apparently, it isn't haha. That is terrifying, and yes I've seen things like that on 'A Haunting' and other shows. I've never heard of anyone actually seeing this though, very creepy. I have not had to deal with a bad spirit yet but I know my day will come. I mean I've had bad spirits send me terrible feelings but I just left the place I was and I was fine, I've never had one in my home.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
hales3: I mean: I can see the evil, or dark in them. I can sense or discern between good and bad people as well; but I've also had a few experiences where the bad people's eyes turn black like something right out of a charmed episode or one of those haunting documentary things on TV. I know those are for entertainment purposes but are the only thing I can compare to, to bring understanding to what I am talking about. It is scary when it happens and yes it has happened in stores, parks, libraries, etc. I've read a lot of different sites, books, etc. On this type of thing and most tell me that the evil being possessing the physical body of this person shows itself to me, or an evil being makes itself appear human much like the devil can change the look of his presence in the bible, and I see past the beings disguise for what it truly is. I am not sure how to believe, I just know it happens, and its creepy, especially when they follow me. It is not a daily thing or frequent at all, in total I have only witnessed 5. 1 in my grocery store, 1 in the library, 1 in the car next to me while stopped at a stop light, 1 in a jail, while visiting a friend, and 1 in a court room during a high school field trip about 12 years ago for government class, he was being charged with sex crimes against minors and the judge ordered our class out at that time because the things he had done were "to graphic even for him, even after his 32 years of experience on the same bench presiding over the same crimes".
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
Blue_fire- what do you mean when you say you see these 'dark forces', you see them anywhere? Like really at stores and places? I've never seen anyones eyes turn black but I have sensed that someone just wasn't right and that they were just...empty. I never knew what to make of it though.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
chasealexander and all: I too have seen horrible things for our future.

For instance: I have seen devastating war, a war where it is almost every nation for themselves (there are a few nations that join together). I have had visions of poisoned water, mass murder by diseases, slaughtering (similar to the Holocaust), and much much more.

I have also seen "survival guide" visions, where I am shown safe zones, how to make a water pump windmill do double duty and make electricity as well and the materials to use, I have seen underground housing and green houses and materials to use for them, I have seen the community that I will be a part off, and what to and how to collect the materials that will help us survive.

I have also seen dark forces, not sure if I have seen the same dark forces as you; but I have met people that when our eyes meet their eyes instantly turn completely black and they look away and right back and their eyes are normal but they watch every move I make, sometimes follow me through the store or wherever we are, they're either angry or smile at me very creepily (like I got your number), also even though their eyes turn back its still like there is no soul in them, they are empty.

I've never seen anything that was not physical like you and I that was dark, but I have felt its presence. One night a few months back it was 2 am and I couldn't sleep so I was in my living room watching TV volume way down, and I heard my back door open and close very quietly but did not see it open and close, all the sudden I feel angry and helplessly scared; so I say out loud you make me uncomfortable, I command you to leave my home and not come back in Jesus' name. There was a rush of wind, things feel off my walls, my ceiling fan was swinging back and forth so hard it broke the screws holding it in, the closet door before my back door slammed even though it was closed already and there is now a crack all the way down the middle, and the back do opened and closed again, I still did not see it but heard it slam. Whatever it was it was very very angry, either that or when I called on Jesus good came and dragged it out of my house and it fought every step of the way.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
zakisweb: Thank you for the encouraging post.
I can see that you are very confident in your abilities and faith.

Unfortunately, I have not been in the past, I was lost with why I was having visions, how to handle them, and what if anything I could do.

Fortunately, a very close friend of mine was sent back to me after ten years to teach me, and show me I am not crazy, and give me confidence; also I found this site with people like you and the others to talk to and know that I am not alone.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
anomalous: I too have had visions of people I do not know, from places I have never been, or I am no where near to warn them, or do what I can to change them (with a physical presence).

A few years ago when the 11 year old girl got kidnapped in Florida (in front of the bank and dragged off by the arm by a strange man) I had a vision in the early morning 3-4 am, but I saw the little girl as my daughter. She had the same pink and purple back pack and wearing the same jeans and t-shirt, but instead of seeing the real victim I saw it as my daughter. I woke up the next morning turned on the TV and saw the national news talking about the girl, I was overwhelmed with emotions; I was angry (that I didn't see it right) confused (to why I saw my daughter instead of the real victim) wondering (why I saw it, if I could do nothing to stop it) mostly though I felt guilty (what did I do wrong to confuse the real victim with my child, that I did not or could not stop it)

I have a friend that lives with me now, he's stronger than I am in his abilities. He lived five years on an Apache reservation and teaches me many interesting stories elders teach about visions.

The visions we see like the Florida girl for me and the rape victim for you, he says our energies or astral projected selves are there to comfort the victim, or we will soon know these people personally and we are meant to help them however we can after the incident.

The visions we see that we do as much as we can to change, but do not change, those were just warnings; so we may be better equipped to handle the outcome, or God's will was the only way for things to happen because there were lessons to be learned.

The visions we see that we do change the outcome, we were the tool God used to change events that weren't meant to be.
blue_fire (1 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-02)
lunarlite: Thank you for the encouraging post, I am glad I found this place; so I can openly talk to others who believe in these abilities and are not afraid to acknowledge them and talk about them.
Chasealexander (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-29)
people PEOPlE don't you see Nico here is just the same as you and I are the same we are all god's children but Nico has his way of being the way he wants to be it doesn't matter what we do. Or how we speak it only mattres that we all must get along with each other or soon we will end p in joining a fight against something we all want. All I ask is that we remain friends and that war and anger is not the way to be. I ask that we stop this nonsense and get along.
I mean when I get older and know how to use my powers very well then I'm going to step into the war that we are fighting and try to stop all the anger and hate that is lying there. PEACE and I'm not a hippie or stuff like that I just hate the thought of violence. Thank you

zakisweb (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-28)
Dear anomalous,
You do sound upset, angry ('pissed' as you have said), and no, I am not giving you any advice. Sorry if I sounded that way, rather I was sharing my thoughts, which are my experiences, just as yours are yours!
I hear/ read quite a bit every day and to some I don't agree with. But I refuse to get 'pissed' over that, 'kids' usually act that way.
I am the 'master of my mind' and everyone has the right to share their thoughts in an open forum and I do stand for the liberty of open speech.
Who has the right to even influence me unless I let them to?
anomalous (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-28)
If we do not adapt to the change that will occur then we will fail and fall into what could be described as purgatory. We will become the ghosts of our future selves. I do not believe in the religious versions of anything but I do think that they have roots in very real phenomena.
Some truth has followed through religion and is still relevant. I know the big picture but have only recently felt the need to zoom in. If we look at existence under a microscope we begin to see different things.
I am hopeful.

We have a chance. But we had a chance the last time and the time before that and so on and so on.

We are still trying to justify the original sin.

I want to be.

anomalous (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-28)
something is coming. But you know what? It always has been and always will be. It is cyclic in nature. Destroy rebuild, destroy rebuild. And so it is ours to expire and make way for those that will continue the cycle.
It seems that the more 'time' I spend here the less I am going to appease everybody with the future that I see.
Although it is not negative. Imagine that you have to destroy a wall to see the beautiful scene on the other side. The scene has always been there but it was obstructed by the wall.
Destroy and rebuild.
We will all have our chance very soon.
I plan to be part of the new era before it is forced upon us. Embrace it. Love it and let go. We cannot change it, we can only prepare for it.

It is time to defy physics.

Chasealexander (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-28)
anomalous... If you can see what I am seeing then GOOD cause I need everybody's help...
Well today I was reading a book about dark forces at work and that I froze for a few minutes... I saww the future and I didn't like how it looked.
Everything was a wasteland. And that we all were in a battle for a powerful force so powerful it could change the way life was suppose to be. I was scared to death afterwards and I cried about it all night...

anomalous (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-27)

You can't change a damn thing.

My visions are real. Always have been. They are more real than I am.

I don't know what advice you are offering but I see no need for your prayers... After everything that I have seen and know the god that I know doesn't think or feel it just is,

Sorry if I sound pissed or defensive but I would like to understand where you are coming from and what you are trying to say.

Am not a kid and haven't been for a couple of decades... I don't need advice on what I already know.
zakisweb (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-26)
Dear blue fire and anomalous,
I would like to share my thoughts on what you all wrote.
Sometimes as psychics/ mediums, we tend to focus on the premonition itself instead of what we'd rather actually want. E.g. Is it something pleasant that you saw? Then send your thanks out to Allah/ God/ the Universe, depending on what your belief is.
Is it something terrible, a warning sign? Work on reversing that premonition, thru' prayers, active dynamic meditation-- visualizing a changed set of events instead of what you sensed. Sometimes as gifted people, when we have premonitions, we tend to focus on what we saw, strongly with abundant energy, Adding further fuel to that fire, we subconsciously tend to (no disrespect intended!) affirm how 'right' we are or have been in the past about our accuracy of our visions and further super-strengthen our premonitions! The key, in my humble opinion, of being able to 'change' premonitions is 1. Not talk about it unless you are needing help, 2. Actively working on reversing that event, spiritually thru' prayers/ thoughts/ meditations and 3. On a physical dimention, doing/ placing different environments opposite to your premonition. (for example. If you 'see' your dog being lost/hit by a car, then check the kennel and have it repaired so that it doesn't go out un-attended). And 4. By understanding and accepting that our success as gifted people is in the art of reverting an unwanted event, than being correct! This doesn't mean that as a psychic you are wrong/ faulted, rather you are much gifted as you fore-saw an event and rather changed it channeling your own energy.
When we 'undoubtedly believe' our premonitions will happen, they will happen. It comes from either lack of knowledge that we can change events in most cases, or from a sense of gratification, that "my premonitions are 'always right', so it will happen". Talking about it to friends and family only super-charges that forthcoming event, making it inevitable.
Quieting ourselves; constantly praying/ asking, and actively working on our environment is the key.
Sometimes, after all these efforts, premonitions still do come true, and at that time, we, being gifted and forewarned, can at least console ourselves that we did everything that we could to stop that.
Hope this helps. Please share your thoughts and ideas as well..., it can get awefully 'lonely', 'here' for 'us' sometimes, as you all know! LOL!
Z ❤
anomalous (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-26)
my friend was eating fries and driving, he looked down grabbed a handful and then as he looked back up there was a coyote in the road. This was the vision, details unfolded after a few replays as they usually do. This actually happened and I turned to my friend when I recognized the situation and said, " hey keep your eyes on the road..." He turned to me and gave me a puzzled look and then he looked up at the road and swerved to avoid the coyote. It didn't change anything I was the distraction. I never have been able to change anything, no matter what I say a conversation will never change even if it doesn't make sense anymore, events don't change. (for me) I saw a girl get raped by her school teacher once, she was young. I saw it from her point of view and then his on the replay and then as a third person. It was horrible. The next week I saw the girl. I had never seen her before but I knew from the way that she was clutching her folder in front of her and the way she had pulled her hair partially over her face that it had happened recently. I looked at her and she looked at me as if she knew that I knew. I didn't sleep for a long time after that one.

I block those out these days. I can't handle watching the horrific things that come through or the fact that I am unable to do anything about it.

My house burned down in one of my younger visions. And then I grew up moved to canada bought a house and it burned down. I got out just before it collapsed. Maybe that vision helped me keep calm and get out intact but the outcome was pretty much the same. (pretty much)

I have visions of blown tires and they come true, I had two blown tires in two weeks while trying to avoid it and then then my friends tire got punctured and the vision transferred to him it was very strange. I fixed his tire after not allowing him to drive to the garage and then the car in the accident changed from mine to his to another. A few days later there was a car up on the railing on the highway where I had seen it in the vision. Don't know if I changed it by constantly trying to avoid it but the point is the fate fell on someone, just not me or my friend. Maybe it was coincidence or the tire events confused the vision at first and then it became clear later. I don't know but it was pretty strange.

I have hundreds of vision stories... This seems to follow me if I want it or not.

lunarlite (5 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
Its good that you tell people about the visions you have. Its better for them to be warned about it because maybe possibly if its something really bad they can avoid those situations. I'm sorry that people stop talking to you after you tell them, its a difficult thing to deal with. People are afraid of things that they don't understand. Don't ignore your visions they come to you for a reason. I've made the mistake of thinking that it was just my over active emagination but you and I both know that its not always the case.

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