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Powerslave (1 stories) (26 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
Carful when messing with free will though, it may seem all well and good but would you enjoy it if someone invaded your mind and started making you do things you didn't want to? Thats one of the reasons I don't like doing it
mymindisverydifferent (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
My normal eye colour is chocolate brown if you were wondering 😳.
mymindisverydifferent (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
I have discovered that my eyes change colour depending on what power I use, black and gold=visions, brown and white around the edges=talking to animal through my mind, black=controling animals (becoming part of them), gold= feeling emotions and a strange brown tinted blue=controling water.😁
Always and Forever
Jadexoxo ❤
Always and Forever
Jadexoxo ❤
mymindisverydifferent (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
I have to say that you all are very kind and that I have never known anyone to be so understanding. I have just found out that my had not only can read the minds of animals and humans but I can control there actions, its kind of creepy. Last night I was sitting outside watching the rain and making it move I different ways, did I mention that? Opps 😳 well yeah I can control water, and all of a sudden kiri starts moving with my hand to. I asked her why and she couldn't understand it either! So I pratised and now I not only understand her but in some ways I have become her! I can do it with birds to, its amasing what flying feels like!
Powerslave (1 stories) (26 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-01)
Well I can't talk to animals but I can completely control their movement and actions through mental influence. I know it seems evil, which is why I hardly ever use it, I would give for any kind of power than could be considered "Good" but everything ives got is demonic or immoral
silentdeath (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-31)
OMG I'm so envious:) I can't hear what dogs think or talk telpathically to them, but I can know their feelings and share mine with them only, however, I have a good telepathical connection with crows and ravens, but I see crows more, and they usually fly by me in sets of threes, and sometimes they drop down and I can hear them tell me things, it's creepy but kind of cool, they tell me when and who might pass away, and other random things that are about to happen, so what you have to me seems like a gift, I've always wanted to talk to dogs and cats!:)
Darkrai99 (5 stories) (23 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
You have an AWESOME gift! Embrace and love it. I wish I could talk to animals--it seems we connect with them more so than some people. I can hear some thoughts of people, but rarely have I come across someone special like you who can talk to animals! So, you have a very special gift to form such a strong bond with animals. Keep loving them as they love you!
"Stars and light radiate and guide you".
-Danielle (Darkrai99)
If you ever want to talk, email me at BlackRaven154 [at]
You have an AWESOME gift! Embrace and love it. I wish I could talk to animals--it seems we connect with them more so than some people. I can hear some thoughts of people, but rarely have I come across someone special like you who can talk to animals! So, you have a very special gift to form such a strong bond with animals. Keep loving them as they love you!
"Stars and light radiate and guide you".
-Danielle (Darkrai99)
If you ever want to talk, email me at BlackRaven154 [at]
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
Something kind of special to have that kind of bond with an animal even with a person. I can hear thoughts or words but what they feel.
kristythecat (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
wow, I wish I could talk to me pets like you! You are really talented - don't be scared or try and trick yourself into believing youre crazy! Lots of people, including me, would love to have your gift! I love my animals and they seem to understand me, but whenever I try and speak with them, I cant. They do seem to follow me around, though. 😊
colormeeternal (10 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
I don't believe you are crazy. I think you are specail. You have found a good place here to share and see that you are very much normal, but specail. I hope you will see that having a mind that is diffront in how it works is not a given for good or bad. Here is my take on animals, there are old documents that have some accounts of animals speaking to people, even the jews have a story about a donkey that spoke to a man and helped him have the heart to speak and claim blessings to a people he did not understand. Is it important if I believe the animals have no soul and I believe they are spirits, angels with bodies? Or is it important that I believe they have a soul and they pass on into heaven or a type of heaven? What does your heart say? Listen to your heart, you have found that the animals like to talk to you right? Who are you comparing yourself to be worried it could be right or wrong or crazy? I am sure you are not crazy, I am sure there are people who do not relate to your experience, but they are not your judge. Love yourself and others enough to know we don't all have to think the same or agree, everyone needs room to be, and if the animals have found your heart and mind accessable and you are not afraid, be confident and be free enough to expeirence life for yourself and not in fear of others judging you or labeling you. If you don't label yourself how can anothers label stick to you? Just a thought, I hope things will be well for you, and I hope you will not allow others vision of thier path hurt your vision of your path.
rocknroll300 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
I haven't talked to animals yet. But I do always know what they are thinking or wanting. I do talk to animals in my dreams though! I think you should try talking to some different animals like birds or fish. Talking to fish would be so cool!
Blessed be
Cass ❤
Blessed be
Cass ❤
Brenttan (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Thank you for sharing. It is beautiful. I have suspected for a long time that animals communicate through telepathy, and recently I had proof with a rabbit that God sent to me, in answer to my prayer! I sent a thought message imaging that I would love its cheek with the back of my hand, and it did that, it (I don't know its gender) came towards me and turned its face for me to touch with the back of my hand. In fact it just hopped over slowly just to turn its cheek to where I could pat it with my right hand as I had envisioned.
Sendy23 (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
OK my dog is very smart and every time when I have a problem I go to her and tell everything and is it just me or my imagination or she is like a human and understands.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
That wolf that visits you in your dreams could be a spirit guide. After all, Native Americans based all of their gods and Great Spirits off of animals!
Blessed be
Lolli ❤
Blessed be
Lolli ❤
IAmTheUnison (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
No you are not mad. It is not uncommon to be able to talk to animals telepathically (or any other being for that manner). Keep in mind that human beings are animals too, and were once connected to the great psychic chain that connects all creatures and things in creation.
It is your close bond with Kiri that makes your link so strong. I once had four very close friends (all animals) who I used to talk to all the time, and because our bond was so strong we are still connected even now that they have passed on.
It is your close bond with Kiri that makes your link so strong. I once had four very close friends (all animals) who I used to talk to all the time, and because our bond was so strong we are still connected even now that they have passed on.
emilyking (1 stories) (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
That's pretty awesome! I might have a go at connecting with my pets now too! I just wonder whether the animal has to be relaxed and pyschic too... Who knows! All I know is that it's pretty neat to be able to hear your dog! ❤
mymindisverydifferent (2 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
Thank you all, I know now that I am not crazy! 😆I have been working on it and one of my friends whos been my friend for more than 8 years, I can talk to her through my mind. (I told you my mind is very different haha) I have dreams about this wolf, he comes into my dreams and tells me stories, sometimes this leads to visions! 😁 Thank you all for you kindness.
Always and forever,
Jade xoxo ❤
Always and forever,
Jade xoxo ❤
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
you know you aren't mad-- just want to show your powers to us here. Yes, talk to your pets and they will telepathically speak with you. They are very sensitive and their owners can be also so get to know them. We can easily attach our love energy to them and they show us love as well. I do this with crystals as well. Crystals of zincite showed me how they were made inside a copper tube and when I researched it they are indeed made inside a metal tube in a paint factory!
Love and light...always
Love and light...always
Lasker2 (5 stories) (89 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I can influence people's minds - i.e mind control. When I try this with dogs though, they immediately do what I control them to do - I kind of reach my hand out and send a thought-command to them.
So I would say that it is possible to speak with then, as I can control them with my thoughts.
So I would say that it is possible to speak with then, as I can control them with my thoughts.
simonshx (4 stories) (21 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I'm very jealous of your talent! I want to connect with my dog Charlie because I love him so much.
You're not mad. You're psychic-embrace it!
You're not mad. You're psychic-embrace it!
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I can talk to only my dog and my friends cats. I think that it's sorta like that they have to give you permission to enter their mind.
You're not crazy.
It is rare to find people that can talk to animals, and especially as well as you can.
Blessed be
Lolli ❤
You're not crazy.
It is rare to find people that can talk to animals, and especially as well as you can.
Blessed be
Lolli ❤
skywire4929 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
Don't say that you're mad. I say your talented. I may not be able to do all what you can but I think all you have to do is practice all the things you did with that dog. By the way one of my guide is a wolf:D,he is beautiful with eyes filled with pride and kindness
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
You are not mad! Many people can talk to animals. You are one of the lucky ones that can communicate to animals. You have a true gift! 😁
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
Wow...animals would have more rights if they could express themselves by telling people their feelings. But since there are so few psychics who can talk to them, nobody would believe those who could. You have an amazing ability.
Josh12490 (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I have to say I'm jelous animals are my passion they seem to know everything I think and all that maby they can hear me and I can't hear them?:/
IwanttoHelp (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
You are not mad, I have a friend who can talk with animals too!
You wrote down yourself that this happened earlier with other animals, maybe you two have such a strong connection that you can talk telepathical.:0
Only to be sure ask her something were you know the answer of, but don't be scared to talk with Kiri or else she will know and stop talking with you. 😁
You wrote down yourself that this happened earlier with other animals, maybe you two have such a strong connection that you can talk telepathical.:0
Only to be sure ask her something were you know the answer of, but don't be scared to talk with Kiri or else she will know and stop talking with you. 😁
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