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Comments for What Is the Meaning of Orbs Colors?: Page 1

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Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-01)
yes That's what I found out too that they were common because loads of people have taken pictures of them I didn't know what they were at first but me doing research and getting advice of people really helped me to know more about them. I didn't know anything of them until I saw one and found out what they were. 😊
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-30)
Anytime, Katie. 😊 I was wondering what they were the first time I saw them, too. But after researching I found that spirit orbs are actually quite common.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-30)
Thanks so much for your advice and the website about them you gave me thanks so much it has helped. 😊
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-30)
Yes, I've seen orbs too and it's nothing to worry about. Spirits transfer energy from people, batteries, powerlines, etc. To obtain the energy they need to manifest. (They may not even know they're doing this) I found a link that tells the general meaning of colors: (scroll down a little)

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