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Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
It's become so bad she refuses to even be friends with me, so that's out of the question. I have tried all this, it hasn't worked. I'm out of suggestions. I don't know, this just hurts so much.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
What I would say is try to become friends with her first then start, little by little, letting her know about what is happening. Gain her trust first. Since this is a mental aspect of psychic gifts, I think there is little you can do except protect her from the shadows. She must realize what is happening to her then force it out of herself.

You might be able to do something but I am not sure that it will work. I know ways to dispell of spirits that have latched onto yourself but not with another person. What I am guessing you can do is try to force the spirit out. Say things like you are no longer welcome and you must leave or something along those lines. Think of your energy (I guess) pushing the shadow away and keeping your girlfriend safe.

Also you might be able to imagine a cone of pure light surronding your girlfriend, keeping out the shadow. Let the love and light flow from yourself to your girlfriend. I think that the love will help dispel of some of the negative emotions that the shadow is clinging to.

I think you should be careful about ridding your girlfriend of the shadow. They might come after you then. Keep yourself as well as her safe by accepting the love into your life. Clear your body of negative emotions that make the shadows stronger.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
Sars, this has to do with complex telepathy, even suppression of her instincts. I broke free because I knew what I was being fed wasn't my own thoughts, and I had to work myself into trusting my instincts. Difference between her and I is I started fighting it before it became something that influenced my entire lifestyle... She needs help, and shadows are not nearly as intelligent or powerful; as is needed to suppress either of us... We've both had many lives and are very strong, it's no easy task to suppress either of us, and since I have been fighting, they haven't regained control over me.
sar (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I wouldn't worry about it too much, things like this always figure themselves out over time. Shadows are attracted to and cause negative emotions so I would say what's effecting her is one, maybe summoned maybe not, so figure out what emotion it is feeding off of, then make sure it is not felt but other emotion is instead.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
I have bursts of strength and then some inability to energy work... I've been told I have been burnt out for some time, yet I refuse to rest while she suffers.
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-07)
You're dealing with controlling spirits at times it looks like they have moved on then their back with a full on vengeance. You must learn to rise up your own 'kundalini' energy in order for you to assist in clearing this matter up once and for all. As far as the veil it's been thinning for some time now this is why so many people are seeing and feeling things.

Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I am too clouded to protect her very well, but I try. And its not physical violence and death, its more they know its something that unsettles and possibly cripples me. Binding or suppressing me would never be enough for them, they want me down for good, and entirely.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Your presence must have threatened them so that they are going to physical violence and even death! That is definitely a 10 on the richter scale! Are you protecting her to the full extent of your ability at the moment?

~Deja vu
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Ill say it this way the only way to get to me is to mess with her, so they were out for blood here.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
You must be of an ancient line for them to have to go that far to ensure your misery! I feel your pain up to a mark for which I have already my soulmate with me. But generally speaking, not trying to be rude but you do have it worse than us. On a richter scale of one to ten I dubbed thee an 8. I will try to help you as much as I possibly can to lessen your number though! So if you ever need help just ask and I'll try to help to the best of my abilities!:)

~I'm forgetful, forgot to write something at the bottom of my other comment:p
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
BlueSwan, I didn't mean they warn you as in tell you, I meant it as the "minions" or at least first to act, of the ones who think you are a threat. Look at my situation, how big a threat do you think they see me as?
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
To shaolin
Yeah we kind if figured that out now seeing as there is a monster living in the basement of my friends house. No this is not a figment of our imagination gone crazy but a real creature. And well now our powers are all a bit out of whack! And actually if I had to name all the beings that feel we are a threat or a nuisance, we could be here for quite some time! But still I do disagree a bit on your notion of shadows, some of them are actually minions to someone but some of them do forewarn about happenings!
To trueoruntrue
They are lower than daemons in the ranking system, I'm a little fuzzy on this but they're only a few notches
Higher than lost souls. But anyways they just look like ordinary shadows in the form of whatever but they are
Not cast by an object, they can move freely about.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
[at] MidnightBlueSwan

What are they, demons or something?

I'm kind of interested in them now:).
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Trust me shadows are merely a forewarning that someone does not like your presence. And I find themore I find out about myself, the more desperate whoever gets to keep us down.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Last year the shadows were attacking me and my friends non stop, because we finally found out what we are. But then after time when we began to shield well it stopped most of it. And now we are challenged by another danger; (so yeah we are fighting and still looking for the rest of our group... And we're freaking out one of the girls because she has powers she doesn't quite understand yet. She is terribly frightened and only backs away when we extend out our hands in a warm welcome. So I understand your pain to some extent. But well why don't you just start small and build it up from there? And I actually didn't know telepathy existed in this dimension! I guess we learn something new every day right?:)

~We learn something new each day
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
zYou are fine. And telepathy is the ability to read and influence others thoughts. I mean she's literally been telepathically manipulated. She's strong too, but if someone doesn't know what they can do, they won't do what they can to defend themself. For a while I wasn't even aware I could defend myself, I ended up finding out by not accepting the forced mindsets, and now I'm fine.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Like that little voice in the back of your head that you think is your conscience but ends up having it's own thoughts on life? And do you get these flashes from the past during the day out of no where or in a dream at night? Because I get dreams about my past all the time. (and sorry if I'm asking too many questions, you can just tell me to leave you alone if I'm being a bother)

Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
BlueSwan I know about it because I broke free, I was effected too. She has not broken free, she didn't open herself to the possibility I'm correct, she just assumed what thoughts were going through her head were of her own origin, they werent able to suppress me as well as they did her. Beings advanced in telepathy can make others think whatever they want... Even if they at one point knew for fact what's being forced into their head isn't their own thoughts.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
As well rashidah, if you read the other comments, youll see anyone that commented here that's had real psychic experiences has at least sympathised with me in a manner that doesn't disrespect me, even if they can't offer advice or help.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Oh I was busy but I didn't get your email. Mind just sending me a normal email and we can just email back and forth? And well after reading some of the comments, I was just wondering, how is it that you know of your past yet she doesn't?

~Curiousity is good in small doses
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Rashidah, I am glad youre not going to comment anymore, I said if you have any problem with this DONT COMMENT. This is not an anime, I am well aware. I hope you actually take the time to search out psychic practices, as you are on a psychic site, just as much as I am. Don't disrespect what you don't know about, youll get a lot farther in life.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Now reach back from classes.
After reading your comments find it is a waste of my time giving you advice because I find this silly and juvenile. This is a psychic site, not anime.

This is my last post on this page. Try using wisdom instead of your hormones.

I pray that you get the help that you really need 😐
You seem very young. This might be the reason why an adult like me do not understand your story.

Best of luck to you 😐
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I'm going to do whatever I have to. And she's been my wife in one or another sense of the word for every life.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
True, true.

I still have that skeptical part in me though, and that kind of influences the way I look at things. I don't want you to get offened though; since that is not what I'm trying to do.

Anyways, what are you going to do about your girlfriend?
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I don't know whether or not you're disagreeing with this, but just because it's "out of the everyday" doesn't mean it's not real.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Well, Ok then. I believe you. I think I was trying for a more realistic approach, but then again; I'm on a psyhic experiences site:P. I hope you didn't get offended.

Ok, I'm know exorcist/whoever the heck gets out spirits, but there has to be some way to get rid of "that guy" (as I will refer to him:) ) Priest, psyhic, ghost wisperer, whoever might make sure "that guy" is gone.

I wish getting rid of spirits was more cool, though; which is the child part in me still screaming:).
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I say the biggest obstacle in my way is that I can't tell who is doing what to her anymore, too many scans, I've found energy signatures, but haven't been able to identify the source, since there are many "clones" with the signatures.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
She does have a rpblem, she's being controlled, forced against her will to be a way she's not, all of her remains, but there's things clouding her perception, keeping her from being herself, making her feel and be a certain way.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Holy crap, well; I didn't even know it was for that long.

Well, the only way I think your going to figure out is to ask her. I don't know if that is the best descision though, since she might be having one of those days.

If you do ask her, and if she does have some kind of problem (supernatural or natural), maybe you can help solve that problem.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I know what you mean, and that's not something that lasts for 2-3 years so far:P
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Ok, I'll try it.

And about my last message, I didn't really want to say the last word because I find it kind of rude to say it to a person, even on the internet.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
It will work, but don't do it expecting anything, look into it, make sure it feels right. Dont pursue it without factss or undeniable instinct
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I was thinking, do you think she was having her...

I really don't want to say the last part, but it could be possible. Like I said, I really don't know.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
As for meditation, I probably need to try it. I want to meet my spirit guide, but it's kind of that "I want to see him or her" want. I don't know if it's going to work, but I'll try.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Trueoruntrue, I'm still a virgin because I'm keeping myself for my girl. It's not a matter of luck, it's a matter of finding someone you want to be with, or want to do whatever with. Luck is nothing more than a general term for favorable conditions when you can use them.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Someone has admitted to trying to keep us apart, but said that was because she heard we would hurt each other, and later told me she stopped. Either she is lying or was a pawn for someone else. I don't see anything that proves she was being malicious, so the latter is more likely, in my eyes. There's a lot of information in this, so many things done to mess with her, to try to keep her from me. What needs to be done is she needs to be freed from the controlling works, I've done this many times, but she stays the same, and I find the controlling works just come back again and again, and even feel like they overlap in terms of time, like there was never any time she was free.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Oh no, not like that.

I'm just "young" in a sense, but not that young. Plus, I'm going through the long waiting period that plagues unlucky kids:P.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Trueoruntrue, not having a girl riendf isn't laughable, different people have different times they meet their partners... You could tell me you're a virgin at 75, and I would understand it hasn't yet been your time. Take some time and meditate, find yourself, you sound intelligent, work upon and build on that base.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Well, I haven't had a girlfriend (laugh it up), so I can't really help you there.

And the only way (and the most imaginative way) I think I can help you is to pierce the fabric of reality, jump through it, and kick "that guy" in the groin, lol.

But in all seriousness, if it was a man/woman/thing from your past life, I don't really know how to help you there.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Very wise words, and I feel the same about cleaning myself, but I know what to do to fix it, but not so much how to carry it out... I miss her so much, I've cried and screamed myself to sleep over this. I'm aware of myself, but she's not, it hurts me to see her like this, living a life she would never live on free will.

I sent an add to your gmail account for msn messenger, and id appreciate it greatly if we could talk more there.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I get the feeling of tension there. You must calm down and meditate. Clear your mind and soul and once you are done, maybe the answers shall come to you. I feel as though you have known the answer but have just forgotten it. Take your time, for both of your souls have eternity to be with eachother!

~Impatience has no existance in my world
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
BlueSwan, I'm well aware this is ongoing revenge from past lives and this one, I'm still doing the same work I always have to keep others safe. I am also aware I'm not capable of cold blooded harm against someone, yet it would eliminate them as a problem. I've done many things to try to free her, yet she always remains the same. Both her and I have had our energy stolen... I wonder if that's the key to this, it makes sense. Funny how we find our own answers when trying to bounce ideas around with others. I appreciate your faith in me as well, I'm hurting and need it, since I've failed so many times.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Maybe it could be one of your enemies from a past life that wants revenge on you! So they try and make your loved one forget and hate you. Anyways I know you're not delusional and you shouldn't care what others say about you as long as you know what it really is! But my advice is to just begin with being her friend and just go from there! Maybe her memories from past lives will come back to her!:) anyways hope any of my comment helps and good luck!:)

~Love comes from the heart and soul
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Then again I refuse to give up on her, she's been with me for more years than I can identify, we've been confirmed as soulmates as far back as atlantis. I can't even think about letting her go and just moving on and not feel like hurling and torturing myself for the betrayal.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I never said it was all in your head. I was just offering other suggestions.
Unstable relationships are not a new thing in this world.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
They've tried too, they have failed. I understand why you think it's all in my mind instead of a real problem, there's many possibilities to the same situation, and intrusion isn't always something readily believed when you don't have any proof/ I am just so tired of people saying I'm wrong and delusional, and yet none of them ever actually checked into it, just judged. It's honestly become something that pisses me off to no end, yet I'm thankfully still tolerant to it as long as people don't keep on that same track when they have the chance to check it out. Don't judge, or even disagree more than once if you won't bother to check things out.:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I am sorry if I am using too much logic to decipher out your experience. Maybe the four other psychics can help you out with this. 😐
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
Continuing what I was saying before... All that I am saying has been confirmed by 4 different psychics I had prove to me they are legit, they all said the same things. That's my reasoning for my preference for comments, I don't need or desire people commenting on this if they don't have anything CONSTRUCTIVE to say. I asked what I can do about it, not if it's real.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I understand this all sounds psychological, and yes I saw a psychologist and took a polygraph on it because I wondered if maybe I was delusional, and just wanted her so bad I believed it, he said he's seen cases where people can name traits their lovers had in past lives, and it actually follows the exact protocols for being a memory, and not something from imagination, the same basis for polygraphs (lie detector tests), because even when someone believes they are right, if they are imagining it, they still dig into their imagination and that means this is definitely real.

What I mean by mental intrusions is she's been messed with psychically, We've made a lot of enemies considering we shut down those who try to use psychic means to harm others. It can't be true she's choosing to be this way... I talked to someone who entrapped a being messing with her, and she had no idea anything at all was being done, and not even two minutes later she was telling me how much she wants me. I had removed something from her after that I thought was hurting her, but... After wards I realized it was an emotional energy, love. I've tried to replace it but I don't know if I've succeeded, as we now live a good 100 miles apart, and she got so bad she blocked me on internet sites. Like I said, this might sound crazy, and if you think I'm delusional DO NOT COMMENT.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
After reading this story I have to ask.

Do you think that she is your soulmate because you just want to believe that?

What exactly do you mean that her mind had intrusions?

This sounds more like a relationship problem. My advice is, if it was meant to be it will be. If not, please move on with your life. You cannot force anyone to stay with you. It is her choice, not yours 😐

She sounds like a confused and disturbed girl in need of counselling. Look for a more stable person to share your life with. That is wisdom. I believe that she is mentally capable enough to know what she wants. And her actions shows that she is not interested in having a serious relationship with you.

And when you say that you are trying to free her... Free her from what exactly 😕

By chance, did you ever visited a psychologist? I mean this in a polite way.
iAmN0tN0rmaL (2 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
I never really believed in all this soul mate stuff, but since all this psychic stuff has been happening to me I don't know what to believe. I want to help you, but I barely know what's going on with me. I hope that someone or something will help you. 😢

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