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phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Age matter a lot in achieving psychic things especially which are related to the approach to other dimensions like clairvoyant and clairaudiencs. After the age of 19 our pineal gland get blocked completely forever if not exercised before 19. Its proof in the fact that under 13 children face more psychic experiences than a adult person and demon and other powers prefer to approach under 19 people more than adult people
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Yeah, Chetyre has a good point, I know 40 year old psychics, stronger than some people here, age has NO effect at all.
Chetyre (guest)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Age has little impact on developing psychic abilities. If one has the desire then it is possible.

To tell someone they have to develop this before the age of 19 is like telling someone that if they want to learn to play the piano then they have to do it before they turn's just as silly.

Also meditation is just not for everyone, if that activity seems useless or just too demanding psychically then maybe some other avenue will work.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Don't listen to below 0_0. Based on the fact you hear whisperings, you might just end up being a medium, if you develop it.
As stated before, meditate, keep a shield up while meditating, and yeah.
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Sorry for telling you this but you don't have any psychic ability, it is a spirit which is teasing you, don't do meditation because meditation brings you in the state of cosmic life where you are weak and if you enter in your cosmic life then that spirit can easily harm you, first talk to your parents about it and get a solution ofthis later when this problem will be solved you can start meditation to achieve psychic abilities but you have to do meditation to achieve psychic abilities before the age of 19.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Meditation doesn't always prove the same results. Some NEVER have something happen to them, while others, Their life is WAY more exciting. Hope your the one who's life is exciting. 😁
Starss12345 (2 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Oh, I hope that doesn't happen to me. Does that mean it can sometimes be intese?
Nick429 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
I meditate, but I think I do it a little differently. I do it like the did in the movie Inception, I create my own world. I imagine I have this elevator that can go anywhere I want it to.
But one time, just last night actually, I was trying to pull myself out of my body while I was meditating. And you know that feeling you get when your sick that makes blankets feel like rock, your fingers feel short and fat, and time seems to speed up a lot? Well I gradually started getting that feeling, and after about five minutes of trying to have an OBE that feeling was 100%. My mind felt fuzzy, like it was in overdrive, and every few seconds time would go into fast motion again. It was so werid and it took like five minutes for it to completely dissapear.
So ya, usually meditating isn't as intense as that. I don't know what I did wrong... XD
Starss12345 (2 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
Oh, okay. Thanks!
Does mediatating really help?
Why am I scared to try it. I think of doing it alot. But when I want to I'm afraid I'll see or hear something I don't want too.
Any advice?
scta13 (5 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2010-11-19)
I'm 13 years old to and I have the abilities you have to. Your probably clairaudient, hearing the whispers and all. You could possibly be a medium but I doubt it. You could also possibly a empath, feeling the stuff you do. Try not to be scared, being scared attracts entitys that you don't want around. To make then stronger I'd suggest mediatating often. GOOD LUCK 😁

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