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bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
"Aaww! Gee Sparkman, I don't have time for made up theories with no science behind them. Or at least give some kind of reference material as to how that theory was brought about. Don't just say this is the truth because I dreamt about it or the spirits told me so. That's a cop out of the highest magnitude dear."

Uhh, are you referring to me saying Darkness isn't always evil? Or the fact I said "Don't include Wayward in the list of "baddies" lol"
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
Aaww! Gee Sparkman, I don't have time for made up theories with no science behind them. Or at least give some kind of reference material as to how that theory was brought about. Don't just say this is the truth because I dreamt about it or the spirits told me so. That's a cop out of the highest magnitude dear.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
"You have the ability to take the darkness away" Haru, may I remind you that darkness isn't always evil? Also, light isn't always good. And DC, why include Wayward's name in the list of "Baddies" Lol.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
I'm taking back my last comment. I was too pushy and that's not fair. I just wanted to emphasize the point I'd made earlier. So I'll let it go now. Just please be more responsible in the future about what you put out there please. There are so many impressionable young minds out there and giving them unrealistic goals is not fair either.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
Paymon- OMG, like, that advice was SO helpful... Wow... And you know, you said it in a super mysterious and ominous way, so I felt a chill in my spine. Wow, you're so cool...

You know, I've read some of your comments, and if you were what you said you were, you wouldn't flaunt it around like a two dollar hooker...
Food for thought.

Au Revior. 😉 😊 ❤
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
Are you kidding we? What's wrong with you that you can't understand simple directions? Just leave this topic alone.
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
energy manipulation is quite difficult for me, but you seem to handle it pretty well. But for you, your dark energy seems to be contagious. The reason why you can take pain away with your dark energy hand is because pain is like darkness, something bad. You have the ability to take that darkness away, but you can spread it easily as well on your whim. You are going to have to work on maturing your light energy if you do not want the dark to take over you fully. Not to mention such dark energy can attract violent spirits such as demons. You need to balance out your energies somehow. I will tell you a way to do this when I think up a way. It might be complicated though.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
Paymon, Darkstar, Eric, WaywardElementalist, Come on guys. Nothing to say? That's ok, I'll be here all night, graveyard shift has always been my favorite shift, until the others show up in the morning to take over. I can wait.
DCinAZ (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
What's so funny Paymon? Why don't you share it with the rest of the class?
Paymon (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-03)
>:) Hehe if you want ill take all that energy for you Jason.

whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-02)
I have not read through the other comments, so if I repeat something, please forgive me.
In everything there has to be a balance for things to be "right".
What I would suggest to you is that YOU did not CAUSE anyone to get hurt, or die. Unless you, yourself walked on up there and DID what caused the accident, or death, please take the "responsibility" of that out of your head.
Simply having bad thoughts about someone does NOT mean they happen. It just means that you are human, and prone to anger if the situation is prime.
You MAY simply be identifying with what feels dark to you, because of things that coincidentally happened around the same time that you noticed the shift in feel for the energy.
I suggest next time you feel this negative "power", that you clap your hands together, and rub them briskly. It is thought, by some, that to add friction in the "joining of sides" is to cancel out BOTH energies.
In other words, if you feel the negative is stronger, rub your hands until you feel that subside.
Works wonders once your mind helps you figure out how to get that down pat.
Thank you.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-29)
This may not be the case with your post, but just because something is dark doesn't mean it's evil and just because something is light doesn't mean it's good.

~hello again
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-28)

Hi there. Our bodies emit measurable electric fields and studies are being conducted at the moment to see whether these fields, which are influenced by our emotions, are capable of affecting others. Of course, if you can see and/or sense energy, then you probablty know that they do.

Our thoughts have a more powerful affect on our bodies than what you may imagine. You may feel that a single thought means nothing, such as a negative thought directed towards another person or yourself. However, if you have been in the astral then you would see that in this plane our thoughts actually take on physical form. If we could perceive this all the time, then we might take better care of our mental health, just as if we could see what all those burgers and fries were doing to our bodies, then we might try harder to exercise and eat healthily:)

Now, I apologise for the long-winded explannation, so I'll wrap it up by giving you my opinion on your story.

First, your negative thoughts alone could not cause those bad things to have happened to other people. There are more forces at work in their situations, such as their personal karma, perhaps their own negative thinking, or the negative thinking of others. And even then, sometimes when bad things happen it is simply the Universe's way of telling you that you need to be somewhere else, that you have something to learn from this experience. But you did not cause these bad things to happen.

If you are emitting negative energy, then you are accumulating it somehow, either because of negative thought processes, or you are picking up the negativity around you. We accumulate many foreign energies throughout the day, so that is why it is important to be mindful of our thoughts, and to shield and practice meditation. Email me if you'd like some more information.

Blessed be
damona (26 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-27)
it is common in fact I can do the same thing but I know why you can take pain away with your negative hand. It is because pain helps you prevent further injury and whilst it is nice to remove discomfort it can also make the person forget that they are hurt. 😐
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-23)
to AnandaHya I try and be the best person I can be I do help people when I can I hope I am a good person thank you for your advise and I love jesus he has helped me my family and many people around the world
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
this website seems alright:


Notes on purification from different religions.
Moennet (1 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-22)
Ehhhhmmm... Jack says that you should draw a positive symbol on your right hand, I guess he feels it will slow it down. 😐
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-19)
Purifying dark energy or karma according to the religious traditions I've read of so far:

Doing good works/ helping others

Having faith in God

Truly repenting of your wrong doing and pain you may have caused others

See if you do this you can build up a store of positive karmic "treasures" (or white light on your other hand) which can be used to neutralize bad karmic energies that you have concentrated on your hand as dark smudges.

Unless of course you don't mind havng bad things happen around you and want to accumulate more dark energies by causing them to occur.

You can see it's not balanced yet but if you keep working on it, you'll find that growth and understanding follows.

There is more to the world than most people choose to know or explore but if you purify your karmic debt, then "knock and the doors shall be openned to you"

If you want a short cut you could dedicate your life to Jesus. He is the only religious figure that sacrificed His karmic goodness to save others and wash them clean of their karmic darkness.

But if you prefer the hard way then a life time of good deeds might do it. It depends on how sinful you were in your past lives. If you were really bad, it might take a few thousand years, assuming of course you don't harm someone in this life or continue smearing your guck on everyone.

Its your choice which path you chose but if anyone want my advice or learn from my experiences I'm willing to share. Just email me. Things get lost in this discussion board
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-19)
A5 thanthe dark you I hope I develop my skills as well and thank you for your story.

And I don't know how to purify the darknes
A5 (2 stories) (144 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-18)
When I was younger, I felt a battle ongoing between light and darkness. In a dream I was told, "You are now a friend of the shadows". Since then I haven't feared the dark, although I prefer half-light. I am stuck in the middle.
I feel energy in my hand as well. They gave me a Sign on my palm that was made of light. Since this summer I've been trying to learn things. So far I have successfully put a stop to hiccups.
Hope you develop your skills
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-18)
ok I'm going have to disagree with folks, why don't you just try and purifying the energy? Most dark energy is just messed up and confused.

For example what happens when you mix all the paint colors together? You get dirty dark brown.

Why is white light used to represent purity? Beause it contains all the other colors.

If you don't purify it and just put it in different places, its like pooping in your hand and smearing it all over other people and things. You heal with that hand because obviouslly you pick up poopy energy with it. Use the white light from the other hand as a template on how to purify it and make them look like its suppose to.

Poop eventually becomes dirt which you can grow vegetables in.
Govinda (1 stories) (17 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-17)
Ah, Hiphappa! I really enjoy discussing that conversation topic. If I understand you correctly, I think you are saying that "good" and "evil" are relational - one can't exist without the other. An example I like is how fire is good, keeps us warm, allows us to cook things, but it is considered bad when it burns you. "Good" and "bad" simultaneously exist in all things. And astral energy, in particular, is so sensitive that it can be influenced by emotion and thought.
hiphappa (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
I'm so glad I'm not alone in typing this. As equally important as it is to focus on perspective its just s important to find and maintain balance. Incorporate both (which isn't always easy) if it truly is about perspective maybe "bad" isn't bad, and the same with 'good'. They're states of energy that can be used for many things. For instance in order to defend yourself from dark entities you might benefit from knowing more about it right? Both energies seem to be something you can and are learning from. Realize that both can be friends and allies but only once you've come to view them as such. Hope that's not too complicated I had some trouble in my ongoing attempts to understand duality and transcend the concepts of 'good' and 'evil'
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
thank you all for your comments I appreciate the help. I will take your comments in to consideration. 😁
AirJudgement (18 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
the energy grows stronger depending on your emotions, think only positive from now on
Mel33 (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
Hee hee... I read your comment wrong, but I still stand by what I said.
Mel33 (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
I do agree with Brandon on that one. Light and dark or positive and negative is your perspective.
"All energy is neutral until we personalize it."
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
As I said before on the other person's comments, Light and Dark is your perspective. If this is really the case, it's negative and positive energy. It's normal for some people to have varying functions with each hand though so... Yeah.
Mel33 (guest)
13 years ago (2010-12-16)
I can't say I quite understand what's happening to you, but have you tried grounding your energy? That might help... And also just try to maintain a balance.

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