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cinnamonwarlock (1 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-17)
Exactly what I was trying to say, it's not the origin that matters but the way you use it. Saying that, you should not make a deal with the devil even if your intentions are good. There are boundaries, try not to cross them.
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
well I can disagree with you there unless I misunderstood you. My argument is that if you are given a gift from god and you use it for evil purposes then it does not change its origin and the reverse. Also I believe that the origin of the ability is not the important thing. I believe that the way you use the ability is what matters. But I'm with you guys when you say that just cause you don't understand something doesn't mean that you should automatically call it evil.
cinnamonwarlock (1 stories) (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
Astral projection is defnitely not Satanic, nor is any other manifestation of ESP.

I myself am Catholic and attend church every Sunday and if there is one thing that I can take for around three hundred masses in my lifetime, it's that God is behind everything good in our world and if you've used astral projection to help people, then it's most likely that God gave you the gift himself.

People who use their gifts evilly are solely related to Satanic origins. Ignorance and jealousy often, as you said, demonize certain practices.

Don't worry, so long as you're doing good, you're doing God 😜

Hope this helps!

Cinnamonwarlock 😊
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
hey Rash, I know your view on my demons and I respect that, though I may not always show it. Though my demons thrive off of negative energies they are really docile. They only break their peace to argue Anyways my demons are a bit before heaven and hell's time so we can rule out the angel theory, sorry I'm so blunt its just a personality trait. And as for the AP I don't mind encountering a few hostiles. I'm ready for anything.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
I think what some refer to as "demons" should better be classified as "dark angels" most people don't know what I'm referring to so I'll try my best to explain.

"dark angel's" job description found in revelations: bringers of disease and destruction like the destruction of Sodom and Gommarrah, or the plagues of Moses. They work for God but are often misunderstood and labelled as "demonic" they are scary and that is their purpose.

To scare people into behaving. The "eat" evil and darkness around you so that God's light can enter your life. Like cleaning the window of filth. I've encounted some and one has been assigned as a protector to myself and my family. He does not show himself to anyone unless they attempt to hurt us. He induces "fear" in their hearts and they leave us alone. I don't think they are "evil" or to be feared unless you do something wrong. Then the Bible says to "fear the Wrath of God" I'm an empath so emotions look like spiritual beings to me sometimes.

Ok for opening chakras I like this website:


Hope that helps.

Oh thanks Rash for posting this. I'm enjoying the discussion.:)
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
You know my thoughts on demons my dear. Yes they may be good to you but look at this statement of yours;

'they become more powerful with the negative energies that are around me. '

Negative energy will not help you elevate in this life. You will have a lot of difficulty astral projecting with these energies. Unless you want to go ahead and encounter more negative beings on the astral planes that may do you more harm than good.
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-16)
Hey Rash I'm back on the PE site.:D

Ok I am here more as a student more than I am here as a teacher. I would like to know how to astral project but I don't have a good teacher for it. So I was hoping a few of you ladies could assist me. That's if you are willing and have the time.

Oh and I can't stress this enough not all types of demons are bad. I have two demon embodiments (not evil and not of hell) that are basically friendly their only drawback is that they become more powerful with the negative energies that are around me.

Oh and thanks for sticking up for the various music types out there.

Anyway to sum it up, could one of you ladies assist me with astral projection? Oh and possibly energy manipulation and/or chakras if any of you know much about it. These are a few skills I'm not to skilled with so a teacher would be nice. Ty and later.
eye24 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-15)
astral projection
Self reflection
Cleans the body make it pure and make the pain easy for us and when you do one of these think you feel relax and truly when you do all of this you always remember God and make you understand life better. Like when your life is going bad you pray and when you pray you relax your mind and body and forget about what is going on around you and focus and let all your feeling out and remembering their is higher power than you. And if you haven't notice that is the same as meditation which leads to astral projection.

My point is don't say anything until you try it. And this goes for everyone and this is the nices way I can put it. Sorry
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-15)

Would you like to give more info on that?

You seem to be very perceptive to spiritual beings. That is good.
Yes, spirits can follow you back to your body. But psychic shielding gets rid of them. Unless you want to entertain them.

In terms of a celestial library, there are wise beings out there that are willing to teach us a lot. It is just that we dwell so much on negativity that they refrain from being in our presence. Also, these beings are not ruled by man made religions. So a lot that they have to say will not blend into our religious belief system. And you know what most people will think if they encounter a being telling them things contrary to what they were bought up knowing. What is that famous word again? Oh yes 'demonic'πŸ˜‰So our level of ignorance might also deter them form us.

I see the Akashic records as our minds. It holds boundless information. We just need to tap into it. If we can do this, we can remember stuff from our past lives also.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-15)
Ananda you hit the point with the words "Has anyone else visited the celestial library to research about this world? I spend my time in the science and religions sections. It tells me how they are interrelated and how science will discover more into the workings of the mind/spirit and just make new words so they don't sound religious but are really concepts already presented in religious text thousands of years ago. They have a lot of empirical data of actually working to help and heal people if used correctly." I never visited parallel worlds consciously. I only had some dreams, and my eidetic memory made a few people have the idea that I am on some direct wire to Akasha chronicles. But from my study in normal libraries here on Earth I can fully confirm. In this fact lies a core part of our spiritual and social future! This is why so many very holy masters of last two centuries stressed the Unity of Religion, the fact that all religion has a core of timeless Truth which is our task to detect and to follow, and to throw off the chaff that hides this truth.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-15)
Rash and NS you both make very valid points. Love should not include fear. However just because you love someone does not mean you should not defend yourself.

Too often young people have told me stories where they practice "sending love" and have been taken advantage of by someone because they confuse the message by also giving up control, protection, and trust to the other people around them. They need to learn how to keep their shields up and still send love outward.

For example, when I was in college before I meet my husband, I used to go to parties with my girl friends and we would just hang out. They would flirt etc. I was normal the DD because I didn't believe in drinking or drugs. I see enough and have trouble staying grounded withou the influence of anything.

One time I let my sheilds down and attempted to practice my gift. I always see demon possesed people come towards me and physically try and assault me. I would talk to them and pray or have to physically defend myself until the angels came and got rid of the demon (which I don't know what causes them, perhaps they are generated by the person but I always believed they were lost souls wandering looking for a home and did not have anything to do with the people. They are just attracted to light and would destroy it if they could in others so those souls would join their ranks and wander lost as well. Some are just meanner than others. Demons and dead people and angels "look" the same to me. I just sense their emotions and intent and that is how I differentate the three.

Real life example of a demon wandering towards the light. 2 am a man knocked on our bedroom window looking for drugs. My husband took care of it but a spirit told me that if I had been alone with the kids the demon possessed man would have killed us. I don't know if it is true ar not since thank God my husband was home, but I've heard of random murders happening in the news all the time.

I asked why it happened, and was told I was to be less obvious when I visited Heaven and consulted with the angels. That darkness soon follows the light. That is why even Jesus had to be tempted.

Oh NS I'm not ready to shake the dust off. There are good people who just joined the church since this summer working on the problem we have 1/3 vote currently but we will be able to vote out the corruption soon.

Thanks Rash, for responding Now that I feel like its resolved let's refocus on your story.

Astral Projection:

Can beings follow you back to your body? Has anyone else visited the celestial library to research about this world?

I spend my time in the science and religions sections. It tells me how they are interrelated and how science will discover more into the workings of the mind/spirit and just make new words so they don't sound religious but are really concepts already presented in religious text thousands of years ago. They have a lot of empirical data of actually working to help and heal people if used correctly.

What are your thoughts?
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-14)
Woah. Wait, parasitic things? That feed off energy? I think that happened to me.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-14)
That is true. I have meet parasitic beings like astral spiders that fed off my energy. This use to happen a lot until I started to clear my thoughts before going to bed. I did this because I astral project spontaneously at times. This exposed me to beings that fed off negative energies. I find that when I focus on positive things, they no longer became attracted to me. That is why I have this You Attract What You Are Theory.

In terms of the religious community you are right. There is no fear in love. I believe these groups need to think more on what love is really about. And stop confusing it with fear and control.

Fear attracts negative spiritual vampires. I use the word 'vampire' to describe these beings because they feed off of low vibrational frequencies like fear.

'Meditation of any kind that does not imply the use of the Name of God according to the respective religion (Of course if a religion demands for itself to have the Absolute Truth it will teach there is nothing needed than its own patterns of spirituality no matter for which person, but this is not true. Every religion can and should learn from the outside without losing its core. For example Catholic monks and nuns to-day profit very much of Zen meditation having found its way into their daily regimes) '

You covered this excellently. Meditation opens our sense to a lot of things in the spirit world. What these religious organizations do, is try to demonize it so that they can control what information people receive spiritually.

And I cannot understand how they can demonize Chinese acupuncture. It is like they want us to go back to the dark ages where everything was said to be demonic.
What do they have against Eastern Arts? The list is ridiculous. And that was my main problem with The Church. They are too judgmental and superstitious.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-14)
Hi Rashidah.
It is good to show that OBE experiences have nothing to do with the Dark Side in themselves, though one can meet with dark forces when astral projecting, and this is NOT just a reflection of one's own mind - it is more a resonance phenomenon.
One may meet with things that one desires, or that one fears, for both is not quiet neutrality but a force that attracts things similar, or "in structural analogy" as I'd better call it, to the subjects of fear or desire.
This is why all mystic traditions counsel their serious students to learn having distance to both their fears and their desires. Otherwise, they would develop too many hallucinations when doing their strict meditation regimes, and have too high a risk of going mad.

But what I want to say here is that it is not only OBE that the over-cautious ones among Believers suspect to be demon-infected.
It is a huge number of natural phenomena, and also of psycho-social technologies found by humans.
The reason is very simple.

The more a religious community focuses on "fearing God" instead of "trusting in Him and admiring Him" the more it will drift off into paranoia, and the suspicions toward natural phenomena, as OBE, trance, sixth senses of any kind, etc. Are just one symptom of this kind of mass psychosis. Thus, literally and on a very material level of existence, "fear attracts demons"!

I will now name some things which are wrongly suspected to be demon-infected or even of demoniacal origin,

To encourage all people who believe in God but are fond of one or more of those,

Do NOT fear Evil in them, there IS NONE,

But make use of them with reason and moderation,

The way you make use of salt, wine, a table knife, or your car,

For like those things they only become evil if used mindlessly wrong, or in overdose.

Those wrongly accused things are

- Rock music, esp. Of the Heavy Metal kind
(which is pure strength primarily, and not too rarely even of a spiritual depth only comparable to older Catholic Church music; I suppose many people with old souls having even had Samadhi experiences, i.e. Union with God or with All Things, when hearing their favourite Hard Rock music; it can be tainted by Evil only if words and music are consciously designed to evoke hatred and violence, to wallow in sexual mud, or to worship bad spirits, which is the case only in a minority and then openly perceptible so that you can avoid those groups / songs)

- Meditation of any kind that does not imply the use of the Name of God according to the respective religion (Of course if a religion demands for itself to have the Absolute Truth it will teach there is nothing needed than its own patterns of spirituality no matter for which person, but this is not true. Every religion can and should learn from the outside without losing its core. For example Catholic monks and nuns to-day profit very much of Zen meditation having found its way into their daily regimes)

- Astrology, numerology, throwing coins or dice, i.e., divination of any kind (some churches including today's Catholic dogma call it a sinful lack of trust in God if one uses such means to find a safe way in insecure circumstances; but as to Catholics I know that Astrology only a few centuries past (till 1700's!) was acknowledged as a tool of God and used even by the Popes themselves; and numerology stems from the Jews who were always anxious to do NOTHING that could violate the Law of Thora, which strictly forbids sorcery, thus Numerology must be "kosher", pure, also for Non-Jews)

- Chinese acupuncture (complete nonsense to think so, it is scientific and there will surely be measuring devices available for Qi flow in meridians when I am still alive - but I found such opinions in WWW)

- Homeopathic globules (the fact that we still have no "voltmeter" devices to assess the natural force that lies in them does not mean them to be magical, and even if it were so, which I do NOT think, it would be White Magic, used ONLY to help and NEVEr to harm, and thus OK for all believers in God)

- HathaYoga, TAiQi, QiGong, in fact, all gymnastical techniques that give humans a consciousness of their Life Force (I see NO reason why this should have anything to do with demons - the only idea I hvae about the origin of such superstition is that some fanatics see ALL psycho-social ideas from non-Christian cultures as infected with demons - such ones would be ready to burn down libraries just because there are some non-Christian and/or "magical" books in them, as some fanatics in 4th Century AC did to the famous Library of Alexandria, an outrage that costed our culture immense amounts of ancient knowledge)

I call to the other posters here to add to this list of "victims of superstition", and to the adequate replies.

NB The main point in my post to AnandaHya's theme was sometimes it has much more power to reach a goal to WITHDRAW support from those who don't deserve than to try and re-try to give this support with the success desired.
Not sexual "revolution" - which of course will be past tense as soon as the global infrastructure on which it is based goes lost, which is medical basic care including contraception, schooling available to every child, and acceptance of the Human Rights idea. (The latter even now has not been achieved really, look at Iran, China, and if you U.S. Posters here want to look closer to your backdoor also Mexican U.S. Border and Guantanamo! Thus all people DO care for maintenance of human rights, this is hundredfold more important than averting terroristic acts - a terrorist will kill some few but any kind of revisionism or reactionary policy as to human rights and freedoms will harm EVERYONE!)
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-14)
You made some good points there Natural ❀

I have no problem with the sexual revolution. But however, there are certain females (shamefully) wants to take that too far. To the point where they literally sleep around with whoever passes their way. You know like a pen that every one uses πŸ˜‰ And then turn around and talk some shiat about it is sexual freedom and to think other wise is being sexually oppressive whenever anyone tries to provide moral cautions to these practices. And worse yet, some say it is liberating.
Wisdom and self control is really lacking in that area😐
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-14)
Hi AnandaHya, I agree with Rashidah, and I have to add that although Jesus really is strong enough to chase all evil away, His followers often are influenced by fear and superstition to such an extent that they can create the worst kind of bad vibes I think to be possible. And sensitive people who have the tendency to think and feel in the form of images, or symbols, as you are, may then see the bad vibrations in form of demons. People of the less sensitive kind will under the same circumstances feel scared, annoyed, or simply "not at home".

You happen to have unpleasant surroundings in your Christian community, and you also happen to be someone who correctly senses and names the problems. This again is unpleasant to those in your church who want to leave things as they are, and thus they want you to shut up. You are too honest for them.

Jesus would tell you "turn your back to them, and shake the dust off your feet, for this tribe is obstinate and won't listen to the Holy Spirit; go to another tribe." Re-read the Gospel, there is a quotation of the Master that reads literally like the sentence above.

Perhaps it would even be better to have no church to go to for some time, than to go to a church where such disharmony is. You won't change this by staying, but - perhaps you will change a lot by leaving.

I now tell you, and the rest of the world, a story of my life that supports this idea. When I left home for another town as a student, having to study there, I first ended up having my room within a "student group" of five persons that, as I saw after about two weeks, was only a filial of a cult of the most perverted kind. They, among other mad customs, had the custom of - swapping sex partners at random! They confounded such dirty practices with sexual freedom. I took part in such a night only once and two days later left furtively in early morning, after having written a very angry good-bye letter, and returned only four days later in company of witnesses to fetch my things. Four months after, I met one of the members of the cult in the supermarket. He then told me the group had dissolved shortly after my leave. One, the leading one who was female, had returned to a lager centre of the cult, one man to - his daddy (this one was about forty!), of one I don't know, and the two others now lived as a normal couple.

My leave, and my open letter, had broken up the whole psychotic group system.

If you leave that Church they too have a good reason to repent.

They have burdened you with a lot of volunteering work, for which they have no substitute person I suppose. With you missing, they will really have to rearrange things!
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
The demon that you are describing in the church my dear is just negative energy that the church MEMBERS caused to developed because of the intense anarchy there.
I understand that some of them are your friends and that you are hesitent to leave. I am just sayuing that I believe the area is causing your kids' nightmares due to them picking up on those energies. You may consider leaving for greener and healthier pastures.

The choice is yours.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
I have but I don't want to abandon the friends I've made there. People are slowly coming back but the demon chases the gifted ones away. I don't like being chased away. It makes me mad. I think that's why I over reacted to when DC told me to "shut up" because that is what everyone at the church tells me to do about the demonic activity and its work "SHHHH pretend it doesn't exist"

Its just frustrating, but I'll leave it in God's hands and if He needs me to go back he can send me a sign. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
Since the church seems to have a lot of anarchy in it, your kids (kids are more open to the spiritual world naturally) seem to have picked up on this. That may explain their nightmares.

I am pretty sure that you constantly pray over them. You should boast those prayers by fasting. If you are already doing this you may have to then resort in the use of talismans (tools that protect against evil) and herbs like sage.

And as I said before. Consider leaving the church for another. It makes no sense staying in an organization that does more harm than good. 😐
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
do you have any suggestion on how to protect others? My kids are having nightmares a lot more then usual. I think its connected because I've contacted the elders in the church about my suspicions and my recommendations.

I've built up a good reputation with the church so many listen to me when others who have spoken before have gone unheard and just left in disgust.

I spent my entire summer protecting the kids with no pay at cost of spending time with my own children. Some of the middle school girls help babysit so I could teach the elementary school kids. At times I was left all alone with the kids and I just walked off the streat to volunteer to chaperon not teach a whole summer camp with NO HELP. I'm trully concerned for the church but my kids come first. How do I shake of the darkness that has followed us home?
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
I sometimes call upon God in psychic shielding when I have problems concentrating.

I say;
'May the Light of God surround me.
May His Love protect me.
May His strength guide me and see me through the evil that tries to engulf me.'

I say this in really really difficult times.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
I don't think they can do it to strong people and people with shields, but they can mess with the ones who have lowered their shields through despair and hatred.

Not everyone has a happy life and many bad things happen to others. We are thinking rational beings when the bad in the world out weighs the good experiences, sometimes that leads to despair and depression. When that person reject God's protection and tells their protectors to get lost and off themselve because they hate the world, that is when they are left unprotected.

Most people do not do this except at times of intense despair.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
I do not think that someone can possess another by using astral projection. If that was the case then we all will be possessed because I am pretty sure that as you said, there are people who use astral projection to do evil.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
rashidah, I've found that I try and talk to many "leaders" of the church and no one can trully help me deal with what I'm experiencing. I don't think astral projecting is evil.

However, I have encountered beings that are demonic. You must be truly blessed and guarded since you have never experienced it. People only become possesed if they allow it to happen, if they do bad things while OBE and the angels sent to guard their body abandom. For example entering someone elses boday and causing them to murder someone THEY hate. Its still murder and bad karma.

I've asked for God to give me the ability to help people in trouble and that is why I think our experiences are different. I asked for it. It has been explained to me that I have to vibrate on those lower frequency most sane people avoid entering to help those at that state higher their energy level and stop being scared of the shadows and other unexplained things. It is much like taming a wild animal to trust you. Some you can help and some would rather rip you to pieces.

I have a problem posted on Rook's new story please advise. Thank you for your time.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
You need to be more calm when experiencing O.B.E. I say this because your heart rate suppose to slow down, not speed up 😐
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
Farthest I've gone astral projecting, while awake, was the vibrations and light breathing/quick heart beats. It was fun~ But I want to get out of my body now. It's like I'm trapped in my body...
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
Send me an email and we can chat about this process.

But please note that practice, focus, patience and remaining calm is the key.
caitylin (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
I totally agree... But can anyone answer how exactly you can astral project? I have tried to do it many times but I'm not able to make anything happen.

❀ Caitylin
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
Thank you so much hun. I really appreciated that one.

I am very glad that this site allowed it to be published ❀

I am working on another experience of mine.

ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-13)
Woo! Thank you so very much for posting this, cause it's true. Ignorant people need to read things like this to keep the sanity of other's.

Blessed be
Lolli ❀

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