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Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
In terms of marriage in the spiritual world, I am not sure. But you can search articles up on the net and hear tons of stories of mankind intermarrying with spiritual beings.

As I said before you need to set ground rules. Make him understand that suicide isn't the answer. And be very stern.

You said that you do not usually engaged in sexual activity with him. But did you ever? And also, you and you alone will know that. No one can tell that to you hun. You are in the situation after all.

There are many many Parallel worlds out there. Do you know the name of the one you constantly visit?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)

Does Tommy age in the Parallel? I'm not sure which parallel world or dimension he is living in. There are a lot of them.

However, my mother in law little sister who died when she was a baby still visits and protects her. She says that the baby grow and is fully grown woman now and communicates from another world. I'm sure its not the same one Tommy is from, but it does make me wonder about the world he is from.

You said you visited often. Can you tell us what is like? Plants, animals, number of suns? What is possible there that aren't here, etc?

Perhaps someone has visited it too and you can talk to each other about it.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
Thank you for your response, Rashidah.
I'm excited to see I'm not the only one in this situation or a similar situation; I've looked EVERYWHERE for a similar situation. I don't doubt that your friend could be married in the spiritual world. For some reason though, Tommy wants me dead first.

I don't usually actively engage in any kind of sexual activity with him, so is something going on that I'm not remembering?
You'd think I would know more considering how much time I've spent astrally projected or talking to Tommy.

I'm no magician but Tommy does help me communicate with people in The Parallel and talk them into moving on from that plain.
I'm confused about my ENTIRE situation.

Thank you again for your response, you always have something very relevant to say haha.

Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-28)
This experience of yours is very similar.

I know of someone who has an incubus following and want to marry them. As a matter of fact, THEY ARE MARRIED. She even claims that they have kids in the spirit world. Now I do not know if that is possible.

But he wants her to kill herself so that they can be together forever. Now that does not mean that the incubus is evil. It is just that spirits live in another time frame from us. The poor lad is probably impatient to be with you because in his world time does not exist like ours. They live in eternity, while we set time on ourselves.

You need to set ground rules however and explain to him that it is not wise to suggest suicide to you. He is 14, so his way of thinking is still immature. You know how teens in love can act. It is like a time bomb... Boy did I remember my days...anyways, I have read your experience on the Parallel. It was pretty well told. It is one of my many favorite stories from this site.

Now have to say this.
The only way he can take over your body is by sex. Sex with spirits can open a lot of gateways to your body. In other words, you are allowing him that form of access which can lead to possession.
Please note that I am not judging you two here. But be very cautious about this, especially when one of your male friends are involved.

In an end note, incubi are used by magicians for astral work also. I use to have one but the experience was a tiring one physically. The energy loss for the help desired became too great. Especially when it was greedy.

I really hope this post do not offend anyone due to the content in it. But I have to be real here. I tried my best not to be too offensive due to the amount of underage kids on this site.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Thank you, Fossilera.
I don't think I could cut off communication with him though - I'm not sure I'm able first of all, and secondly, I love him because he's been my friend since I was a kid. He's been the only constant in my life.

The past few days haven't been so bad.
fossilera (4 stories) (124 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-27)
Hello again Hail-Dizzy,

I think the reason there was such an advancement is because you let him into your life - and you trusted him with possessing you, and having him around. While he was around, it sounded like he was becoming more & more attached (either intentionally or unintentionally). This "attachment" allowed an entry point.

What I recommend is not allowing him into your body, or furthermore stop conversing with him entirely. You could try a number of tactics such as picturing yourself surrounded by an impenetrable brick wall. Or you could try mentally shutting him out by focusing on something else - something that reminds you of, well you.

I could give all the advice out there in the world, but it is meaningless unless You are the one that acts. I doubt this entity has 100% control over you, otherwise you wouldn't be here asking for help.

Again, take all this as advice, and not an attack or criticism.


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