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Comments for Seeing Dead People Was Taken Seriously Before: Page 1

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angie (3 stories) (23 posts)
17 years ago (2007-04-10)
hi love, I to have this problem, only the other night I was woken by a shadow of a man hovering in my bedroom, I really thought I had a intruder, sometimes I sleep downstairs now as I am so nervous, my phsycic friend tells me to just tell them in no uncertain words to go away, easier said than done when you are scared wittless haha. I make a point now of saying goodnite and god bless I want to go to sleep now, and it works for me, try it it may help xx
Dave (guest)
17 years ago (2007-03-29)
I had exactly the same thing.

My old music teacher visited me in the street yesterday. He always had a PorkPie hat on, and cycle clips. He passed me asking for a nearby place, and was he on the right road. I said he was, and his reply was 'thank you, you are as well'

This freaked me for 2 reasons:

1 - I am in the process of a big decision about this music, and wether to take it as a career, and what exams to take (church organ)

2 - He knew I wanted to do it as a career, and how I found his advice valuble

Before people say I'm mad, I asked my friend who was with me if it really happened, and he said it did. I then took him to mine, showed him a photo of my teacher and he said that it was the same person.
Latrice (guest)
17 years ago (2007-03-29)
I started seeing shadows at age 4yrs old, and by 9yrs old it progressed to people. I was 8yrs old when my 6yr old cousin died and by age 10yr old he came to me. Physically walking towards me, and I tried to wake my older cousin so she could see him, but only I was able to and she didn't believe me. I lived in a apartment with my grandparents on the SouthSide of Chicago and everynight around 1am or 2am the clock starts ticking very loudly and they start coming out. I slept on the couch and they would be right in front of me. It would be women in white dresses, different men either walking towards me or hopping side to side in front of me. I would jump in the bed with my grandmother everynight until she started locking the door. The next step was putting my head under the cover until I fell asleep. No one ever believed me as a child. I am now a 28yr old mother of one 8yr old son whose now seeing things, but he says he looks in my bedroom sometimes and see 3 people in white masks walking around in my room. Also, he sees the darkness, I stop experiencing these things for a long time but there back. Maybe a couple of weeks ago I was home alone and I woke to cigarette smoke, but no one in my house smokes and I new what it was so I said a prayer and it went away. I see darkness sometimes I just say a prayer and it leaves. The reason I'm saying something now because I had an experience aroung 7am this morning I woke up to someone tapping me on the top of me head. First I thought it was my husband, so I looked up and said I'm still sleepy, laid my head back down and someone tapped my head again so I looked up and turned over to him and he was sound a sleep with his hands under the cover. I have no idea what's wrong with me and now my son. Please comment on my message with advise or feedback. Thank you,
M (guest)
17 years ago (2007-03-27)
I also know someone with that problem , this person see's three men siting in his room staring at him, they spend nights there staring, and he see's them blink and move around, since he is scared he hasnt tried talking to them, and says he hasnt seen them for a few months. I know there are many possibilities and answers but what should he do? And how does he find out what and who they really are, if they are there at all. Thank you for reading this, I would aprecciate an answer very much.
SMP (guest)
17 years ago (2007-03-21)
I know someone with the same problem. Did anyone help you or answer any questions for you?

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