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Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
My abilities have also gotten stronger (aerokinesis) and I feel it's going to get a lot stronger. As with eating habits I don't like steak to much but I did when I was a kid same with chicken though I still like lamb but I love potatoes now LOL
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Wow. I actually have noticed a change in my eating habit. I don't eat as much anymore and I crave lots of milk and fries. Loli kind of think that is funny. I use to always want steak last year but now I really don't care for it. Same for me about the energy thing. I'm an empath and it's gotten stronger. All I have to do is think of a person I know intently and I'll kind of feel how they are feeling at that moment. It really sucks if the person is sick.
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
In my opinion, evolving to a higher version of your self is Always a great thing! As your vibrations raise, your psychic abilities will become more prominent. The abilities you call gifts now... Will be the norm as your frequency raises. You may already see changes in your eating habits, and changes in your cravings for specific foods. Pay close attention to what you eat and how it effects you later. You will learn what energizes you and what drags you down. This is all part of the process. Sadly to say, for me... Pork is no longer in my food

Oh, and one other thing I am noticing... As my frequency rises... I have found that I take on other's energy more than usual. If someone is angry, fearful, stressed, loving or happy, I absorb that energy as well. However, I am learning to block that negative energy.

The only problem I am having now is with food cooked by angry, fearful, stressed people... BECAUSE the negative energy of the people is absorbed into the food they cook. So, if you find yourself in a bad mood after eating out... It is probably because the food prepper was angry, hating his life... While he prepared your food. How's that for putting a new spin on things?
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Wow I just woke up and read on these comments. Thanks everyone for commenting. Is it bad that our energy is changing? Does it mean my frequency vibrates high?
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
At shapeshifter78, This is true. People are all about the drama... And will wage an all out war to try to hang onto an old energy that no longer serves them. Fear of change will slow their progress for a while, but inevitably the new energy will win out. Take a look around you... Any system that is Fear based is coming down... Only Love based systems will be able to survive. For instance, take a look at our government and banking systems right now. They no longer work. They are of the Old energy. We are stepping into a New World... Pat yourselves on the back. It was your intents and thought energies that brought this about.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
But of course people will panic and think there is a problem with them so there will be some craziness.;.)
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
The earth frequencies have changed considerably since last year... And our bodies are having to Raise their frequency to match that of the earth. We are becoming more aware of abilities that we never realized we That is why we are reading so many interesting stories on this site right now. People know something has changed, but can't quite put their fingers on it. The vibrations you hear are your personal frequencies adjusting to accommodate the New Consciousness that has arrived on earth. This is what the Mayans foresaw... The old energy ending and the new energy taking it's place. Not a mass destruction, but a mass awakening... 😆
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
[at] LB if you read what Barry said you will understand this. My theory is that you could be on aslightku different frequency than a regular person so your kind of hearing interference between two frequencies (This is just guesswork so don't think it to be a solid answer!)
barry2962 (2 stories) (104 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Everything in the universe is frequency based... Including us. The reason we can see anything here on earth is because that is the frequency we are tuned into. It is kind of like radio waves... You know they are all around you, but you don't hear them until you tune in to them.
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
[at] shapshifter oh mine didn't go away for roughly 6 hours. It realt sucked and I thought I was dying. They gave me a breathing treatment and took an x-ray but nothing was wrong with me.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
[at] Mubashir, I do get sick fairly easily, I just meant it wasn't caused by any health problems from being overweight or low physical fitness. I always was a sick kid and had bronchitis when I got sick until a few years ago. It feels like you are slowly suffocating when you get just barely enough air into you I had this even happen to me today. I once told my parents about it when I was little but they really didn't know what to do. Over the years this has happened to me a lot and I am still thinking of something to be the reason why it happens.

[at] Lovebitten, I have never been to the hospital for it. Usually if I am alone I sit or lay down and wait for it to go away. If I am around anyone I just act like I am fine and wait for it to stop.
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Shapeshifter yeah. It happened in December an I went to the hospital and no problems were found. It happened to me again about 4 days ago.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Hey shapeshifter if you mean feeling of being stabbed into the chest then yeah. This happens to me many times and I found it very strange but ignored it taking it as my imagination. Well its great that you are a healthy guy, as for me I am sick most of the time. But still life is going great despite this sickness and some bad experiences in life. Do you know what this stabbing means?
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Yeah, I guess everyone wants to know the answer. And I have a lil question of my own to ask. Has anyone felt like they were stabbed or felt a shocking feeling in a place on their chest for no apparent reason? It doesn't have to do with my health since I have always been healthy and I had this happen to my since I was little.
Mubashir (285 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
lol.Now everyone is asking gerry the same question. Well include me as well in the questioners. Maybe he is doing some resarch about the reason why we have psychic abilities. Or maybe I am wrong about that. He will tell us himself.
qsxcft11 (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Lovebitten, I hear the vibration-ringing thingy all the time, and I rarely see orbs, maybe once a month (One time when I was like 7 I saw this orb, it was freaking changing colors like a disco ball:O) and, why are you asking questions Gerry?
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-26)
Yeah I was wondering that too. So Gerry why are you asking the questions?
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Look at Archangel's comment. That comment confused us a lot. And I am curious of what are you trying to find out? 😉
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Well thanks for that Lovebitten, you and Shapeshift have confused me but I'll try and follow?
So far so good, I hope for more answers. 😁
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Yeah, it's okay. And that was that guys first post so maybe he thought some of this stuff on here is a joke or something. Even then that was a dumb thing for him to say.
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
[at] Shapeshifter sorry I lost my glasses and I couldn't really rea the text! I'm sorry! Yeah what kind of person would joke about something like that.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
I'm not Gerry. Gerry is Gerry. I am that guy who is not Gerry. That has a different name to. And a person who thinks flat heads that are purple should work on their sense of humor. It would not be really funny if you meant it as a joke;)
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
[at] Gerry I was kind of like... What maybe they thought my head kid of looking flat was funny
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
How is a person talking about how they almost died as a baby being born funny? Did you accidentally post on the wrong story or something?
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
[at] ArchAngel1 wait what? No I'm not trying to be funny. Haha I bet it did kind of sound that way though.

[at] Gerry
1) Are you adopted? No but my dad teases me a lot saying I was (but I wasn't)
2) were you born without a dad? No but I have split families so I don't see my dad much do to his working. (don't really care to see him anyways I don't really like my dad)
3) Does your mother ever say she has had encounters? Yea. My mom saw a spirit once when she was little.
4) do you have ringing in your left ear? WYea but it's more my right ear though.
5) Do you have reoccurring dreams? Sometimes. I've had two reoccurring that I still have sometimes.
ArchAngel1 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Well that is a funny response. Are you being funny.
I also await eagerly to those answers.
I feel he has good merit and not to be taken lightly.
LoveBitten (7 stories) (74 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Sure I'll do it right after this comment. When I was born my umbilical cord choked me and almost killed me. My dad said I looked purple and my head looked kind of flat. My mom had me naturally.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-25)
Love bittern, can you go to my page and do my Q's, and please add. Was you birth normal?
Thanks 😊

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