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GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Ara - I was once in a room of adults, many of them. My daughter was 3 or 4. I made a joke, a dry one. Immediately she broke out laughing. Two or three minutes later, after thoughtful silence to understand, the adults got it then they started laughing hard. I knew then that she would be hard to raise. All I know is that there are no accidents. She may need that later. We had to send her off to a strict boarding school at 15. Her nick was "the brain..." She did all her high school in a year and a half so she could get home and was valdictorian. But, I don't think she's a college person. My husband thinks that terrible. I tell him to chill. Now he thinks she's doing pretty great. She's very happy anyway. Tonight she's in Hololulu, enjoying the beach.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Ara - I agree that hope, and faith, are big factors in everything. Boundaries and what people tell us are expected is limiting. I don't know your health problems, and that is probably personal, we all have personal stuff that goes no further, but you're a smart guy. Like my daughter, you have that very dry sense of humor that can irritate people. It takes them awhile to get it. I told her this years ago. She knew and thought that was funny too. *sigh*
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Ara- TY for posting. I do like your posts though you doubt it some. I reread - demonic pigs? Where did that come from? Now a few days ago a lady in my Bible study group told some others I was the Dr. Doolittle of the animal world because my pets do stuff. This suprised me because she has an art degree, clips horses, and has a lot of pets but I won't go there. But demonic pigs? Well, I am great. Adjusting. My role has been mom, but not needed as much now. The husband wants to adopt two needy children for me to raise. Not sure. It seems I should focus on something else right now, voyaging and such. Not sure. What is your opinion?
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Edmund I guess evil could come in a pig form ha-ha, but I am not even speaking about voyaging but rather still being in your body and having evil spirits (usually dead people) do some things they shouldn't let's just leave it at that ha-ha.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Glenda do not worry I am 'skeptical not cynical' 'open minded not easy' I have been to so many doctors out of state, across the states... Trust me. None of them can explain my condition, I know why I feel like I do not because I believe some 'hooey' someone has told me. But because I myself have done extenstive medical research, and have done deep meditation and insight on my inner being.
I am not trying to be like anyone, I am trying to live my life, and my stubborness has kept me alive whether I like it or not. As one might say 'to have no hope what great hope you have that ambition could not pierce a wink beyond' haha but you could only understand that if you've read it haha.
Thank you though, how are you?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-10)
Edmund and Holli - I thought about my last posts. I have tons of art work hanging so I'm not like some destrive thing whirling. I don't live in a destructive place, a peaceful area. This particular thing that was broken was valuable, money wise, and it belonged to the husband's mother. She can be a pill. I hung it on a heavy duty hanger. He checked it. Then his mom phoned and made me a little angry. Bit my tongue, but let him know which isn't usual. I don't express myself often. Bang, my daughter phoned and made me angry and it fell and broke. The hanger thing was fine. It just came off. He told me that when I put it up he was worried. Well, I felt/feel bad enough about hurting her stuff. I wanted to smack him and tell him why didn't he speak up - I knew it was a mistake too and it would have taken a word. I didn't but felt bad about it. Before she comes here again hope to re-arrange so she won't notice. It was just such a pretty thing. She had it packed away in some box. I don't think she'll even know. That's kind of sad.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-09)
Holli and Edmund - If we do the adoption thing, my son at home will have to move from his room now to the one daughter had. It has a full bath too and is more private, but the closet is smaller. He grew up, from the age of 7 there and he's 15. What are your feelings overall. I never use to ask anyone that question. Believed in logic and science. Took some convincing, but now I ask.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-09)
Edmund and Holli - Hi! Sorry for trying to distance myself and cop out on you. Just trying to figure things out as we all do. I am so sorry if I offended you at all because your input does help. My daughter is now in Honolulu and walking on the beach with her new best friend/cottage room mate. This lady is 24 and has never left her home state so needed my daughter there to help her. My youngest son dove three times today and loved it. He's over the required three now and will be certified. I had a conversation with the hubby today and explain some about the past few months. Well it had to happen. We met, dated, and got married while working at the same place despite my policy to never date a co-worker. It took awhile, but I knew he was the one so allowed it finally. I don't know how he feels. He got pale and sucked air. He once commented, after an incident, that I was the weirdest person he knew to lighten the mood. He once told me when something broke that he thought it probably would - I was upset with my daughter. He once told me at work people thought I was odd and strange - he was angry - and I thought I was fitting in pretty good. Only opened my mouth when someone needed help. So he believes me and I think understands. Just not sure he can deal with it. That will influence my decision on whether to keep voyaging. It's now his decision. Monday he leaves for Europe for two weeks, but after that will ask him if it's too unusual. I asked him whether I should go or not because I can stop it or go on. We now have two empty bedrooms and a full bath adjoining, sitting. He mentioned adopting two siblings. Loves the kiddies, but not home a lot. I don't know. Thinking. We managed to raise the older two. My son was a gifted person with a temper. He's doing great. My daughter was a gifted person who liked fun. She is now settled I think. Had grandparents/babysitters hug me and tell me they just couldn't deal with either, feeling sorry for me. I plugged along. I don't believe in doping children unless very necessary. My son everyone wants. All the NASA people and everyone else. My daughter thinks the store manager should know more about the products and the manager came out and drove her from the airport to her new cottage. A nice woman I feel. Odd. Thank goodness my youngest is easy going. I need the rest. Young people require energy so if the hub wants two little people, I won't voyage. But, I think he understands that these voyages mean something. He has defended me and knows me. I protect him and down-play it all so it won't scare him. I don't tell him the scary/hard stuff, or anyone, but he isn't dumb. My real fear is that he'll get scared of me. I can't image that though. I hope. Rambling. Still working on stuff, but I felt horrible about threatening to leave because you two are good friends and I'm a little angry at feeling lost right now. You are both such good people. I wish you would fall in love and marry and stay together and be supportive to whoever needs you (like me) for a long time. I'm a romantic. Everyone should have a someone though, except for some people. My mom once told me I was one of those. No one could deal with how I was. I was a little confused at the time what she meant by that because she called me angel and I never gave her a tough time...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-09)
A few months ago, at Christmas break, realized my 21 son was fully a man. He has always been mostly. Then my daughter leaves, and I get weird vibs. She will need me some, but mostly going to adulthood. And in the mail was this weird note from the school that this month, the tenth graders order their senior rings and need sixty dollars. I had fotten it came so soon. And today I let him go with his group to get certified in scuba in another state. I feel a little berefit. And a little angry. I'm a mom. Travelling is fun, but mostly a mom.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-09)
Holli _ told the hubby about a basic astral voyage a few days ago. Now he stares at me. I'm not sure how to handle that honestly. My daughter is off and happy. He stares at me, more than usual. I am a little sad. Although I can deal with it.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-08)
I won't forget about you Glenda! You take time and rest. As much as I complain about my little ones driving me up the wall, I can't imagine how I will feel when they leave. It would be like a piece of my heart is walking out the door. Don't worry about her in Hawaii (easier said than done!). I lived there for four years, on the island of Oahu. I've stayed in Wahiawa, Miliani, and North Shore. It's a beautiful place, even though a very slow pace. I'm from Los Angeles, so I like things fast. But she'll do well there, and you'll have a place to go on vacation... And stay free! 😆
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-08)
Holli - my daughter left tonight. In the morning her best friend, another female, is taking her to the airport because she needs to be there early, moving to Hawaii, and her friend lives close to the airport. We live further. This time her leaving was different. I felt like she was an adult. This was a new feeling. Always before, she just felt like a kid that would soon be home. Well, I sensed it all day, but knew it for sure when she got here from Ohio. It's a little sad for me and I couldn't show it because she needs all the bravo she can get. Growing up is tough enough. But if I take a few days to rest, reflect, and maybe pout a little, don't forget about me.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Holli - Edmund once told me to back off and rest. It was good advice. Remember to take time for yourself and fun. There is a time for everything, including just goofing. I like goofing personally. Good at it. I tell my youngest son that I had him just to embarrass him and to let him mow the yard. Otherwise would have gotten a third dog. Remember to slow down and relax. I just sent an email to a neighbor Holly who wrote me regarding her son. Mine and hers are best friends. Saw your name and laughed at the coincidence.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Glenda you're a doll! Thanks for the concern! And thanks Edmund for caring! I have been kind of spazzed out lately because the dial is being turned up. I was whining to my aunt about it the other day. I seem to have sensory overload some days. I can literally hear the humming in my head. It makes things easier though to come here and vent, and also to know there are others out there like me.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
If I seem a bit rattled, might be. Driving to Ohio, she had a wreck on the interstate. She was talking to me on the cell phone at the time. Ouch. This time is okay. Felt a little funky last time.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
sorry for the typos. My daughter got lost and calls me first then I phone the hub's cell. I'm sitting waiting for her calls. He has his new large print atlas I got him for Christmas, but she doesn't call him first, too embarrassed. I'm easy going. I don't judge her or anyone mostly. Some.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Ara - how are you doing? I worry about you because you are such an ambitous soul. I'm a careful one. You are young and wanting to be like me right away. That might not be good you know. Ambition can be good I guess. Seems to work out sometimes. But be careful. Don't buy into all the hooey out there and think. People will tell you all kinds of bull.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
ara- get the very same sensation on my chest. I have never bought it. I know medical stuff for whatever reason. When sick, I'll go to the doc, and my regular doc always asks me first what is wrong with the kids or me because he knows me, or I can leave and voyage permanently which is fine or better. Fear works in a number of ways. I am not careless, I don't think, just discerning.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Ty for you comment by the way. I feel a detriment. I feel like I'm just always helping for help. Not use to that. Eating humble pie lately. I don't really think my comments are helpful, just confusing. I'm slightly confused myself.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Edmund - no disrespect, but I know you weren't old. Older than me and trying to help. Always have known. Why I said my age exactly. I just want Holli taken care of. I don't prepare. Almost laughable. Always works though. To the second. Drives planners crazy so I plan too because my husband is one. Doing better the last few years just to not drive my husband crazy. Try to keep the husband reassured and comfortable. Inside, roll my eyes. He might know but he's strong and cool. This a.m. Told him to take the atlas because our daughter would get lost and call him. He grabbed it right away. She got lost driving from Ohio and phoned him a little ago. I don't do directions. He's smarter. Directions are my weak thing. Told him she would end up in Hawaii without a plane if I gave my directions. He smiled. He said yeah, would think the ocean was the Ohio River and jump across it. Well, to keep her safe, maybe. I don't think he understood that part. Maybe. Logic and maps aren't everything. Probably he might have. I like safe. Just a mom. Not a guru. Thank goodness there are you map people.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
GlendaSC... Maybe bored was the wrong term to use I'm in need of a recharging of sorts and why would you leave the site... We actually need more input from people... And I would always post back to Holli... The astral projection thing is just something that one has to prepare for much like a trip aboard a plane luggage, passport, and all the rest but with astral your luggage is your psych is everything there neatly folded ? In other words are your affairs in order? To the extent that something left undone in a relationship can affect of your astral trip. The passport analogy is your guide do you have one and is it in a safe place so to speak ? Don't want to go somewhere that actually requires a guide/passport and at last one picks a destination... Very broad definitions here... A trip for knowledge or for power ? And yes you do have a strong spirit that watches over you/family... I do also my family goes back quite far... Yours much farther though... So there is some of today's ramble... Oh and in case you didn't know I'm three month's older than you and a grandfather of 5 ! 😁
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
p.s.s. - Edmund - When I leave this site, and I will probably eventually, please post back to Holli. I like to think that someone younger does my stuff. Not sure. Maybe she will do it better for all I know.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
p.s. Dark things don't bother pestering people who don't make a difference to others. They hack me off. I'm not a newbie and they will not rattle their chains and freak me out. Stand strong.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Edmund - truthfully - I get scared voyaging. I don't hover close. Anyone in my living life, even in childhood, will tell you that I'm different and too understanding of things. My one strong person, my husband who never backs down, will tell you that I scare him sometimes and he listens always. I have fought, rejected, and now have to go with this. This is the only time in my life I've been a little frightened. Gangs don't rattle my chain. I can confront them. Most end up respecting and liking me. I had one wave and shout Mrs. XXXX from across the street once. Embarrassing, with a rich female who would have never understood. Well, I appreciate your help this past little bit, and Holli's alot. I would mark all my stuff down to imagination or hooey, but it's been with me since I was 2. I am 49. My engineer/business person sees it. Everyone one does. I think you doubted yourself. I do about three times a day. You can stop now hopefully. Just don't get cocky and be careful what you say. Always be kind.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Edmund - I sensed you were disappointed and bored. Long ago. I don't try to "peak and pry" at people here. Unless someone asks for help for me to do that. Get a few emails. My husband is our communicator and bookkeeper. He went to Harvard and knows that stuff. I find it boring, but it is vital. You have helped me is all I can tell you. I don't know if you have "visions" but this has been a tough time for me. Flying, voyaging is scary and hard - not now but still as a logic person, I find it very weird honestly. Now I know how my husband feels. He has thought all along I was weird. He kindly told me that once, just to make light of a hard time for me. He's a kind man - you two are similar I think. You once told me to back off and slow down. Those were the exact words I needed just to feel okay to say let me rest. You once told me to be careful. I needed that also. I have no fear really. You once told me that you saw a protective presence over my shoulder. My last trip, I looked back at the hand I had to hold, in my embarrassing weakness, and saw her over my shoulder. Don't get too cocky - I've messed up maybe (not sure) doing that - but know you help others. Thanks for the kind words and advice. I think, honestly, each of us have a function. I don't know mine. Wish I did. You are a teacher and helper. You know things. Most think that about me, but I'm not so convinced.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
aramasamara... Yes I guess first you have to discern if your having a heart attack first... When it happened to me as a young man of 16 I did think it was a heart attack until I looked out the window and saw a pig with red eyes in a tree looking at me. I could look back now and laugh at how corny it was but at the time I was terrified. And I did the standard thing... Try to yell and move until finally I managed to move a little and then "poof" all was gone but the weight on the chest was incredible for me it was like an invisible mattress was on my chest with about 500 lbs evenly distributed on it. I have no explaination for the evil pig... Unless sometimes evil projects a visual that it thinks will scare you...
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-07)
Edmund I like how you said the "heavy weight on the chest"...but sometimes can feel more like in the chest haha... Yes very true. It can actually start from the back of the shoulders weighing you down and thus goes to collapse your breathing (by tightening muscles in back up to the T1-T12 vertebras rapping around the intercostals in the front) and make it worse then later after a while going to your chest and heart region... Most go away, but stronger ones can be extremly life threatening, but that is rare for most people I assume, maybe not though.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-06)
Thanks again Edmund! I went and read it and immediately thought of something that happened yesterday. My 5 year-old daugther, completely out of the blue says, "Mommy, you're going to have a baby girl after you marry our new daddy!" She said it so matter-of-fact, like it was information I should already know. I tell you, some of the stuff that comes out of that girl's mouth sends shivers up my spine. My eldest used to do that all the time when she was younger.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-06)
Glenda and Holli... Its a passage from Acts 2:17-21 I wish I would have some dreams been kind of bored of late !
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-06)
Thanks Glenda! I'm going to look that verse up in Revalations. I was just talking to my aunt yesterday about how my dreams are picking up pace and becoming more frequent, as if that is any more possible! LOL! I do notice however, that I'll be wondering about something, or ask myself a question out loud, and then find myself getting the answer to that question in my dreams. Pretty interesting. Maybe I should say, "Where is Osama Bin Laden?!" But that's a moot point because I think he's already dead. Anyway, that's funny you would ask me to tell you if I dream about you! Most people I know tell me I'd better NOT dream about them... Like I can control it, LOL! As always, good talking to you hun, take care!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Hi Holli! Told myself that I would learn instead of write, but had to say hi to you. I'm not sure how much voyaging helps psychically, if at all, but interesting. Thought about last night a lot today. Wonder if, when I leave here that final time, I'll get teased about needing help to voyage and my "tired" arms. Of course, I'll be the first to laugh, but still a little embarrassing... If you dream anything about this or me, let me know. Thanks. Also, Revelations says in the final days that the women will dream and men have visions. Kinda gives me chills, but every generation thinks the same thing. I appreciate any insights regarding voyages.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Boy, I sure would like to go on a trip! Seems like OBE would be the only way I actually could these days, LOL! I have been speed dreaming this past week. I dream about several situations and people in a short span of time. And the dream cuts off it seems before I get an ending, and I don't even have a chance to dwell on what I am seeing, like I usually do. My aunt (who shares my gift) says she's been going through the same thing as me. Hers also started the same time mine did.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
GlendaSC... Your travels sure are interesting esp. The one that you had last night. I might have to break my rule and go on one soon !
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Edmund - on a personal note - you know I have gone to places high up. Above our knowing. Traveling on land was more personal but I still like those unusual places too. And I am very respectful of privacy. Always have been. I'm very careful where I ask to go. I think that when I went on my own to that place where I wasn't meant to go, but wasn't stopped, that it was okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't have moved forward.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Also, if you have comments or suggestions, I can really use and would appreciate them. I don't plan to type anymore for a few days. I need to be quiet and just read and fix my own stuff. But will be grateful for your help even if I don't type it.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
Edmund and anyone else interested. Last night I was really tired. Didn't plan to voyage. Then was in a dream and it became lucid. I thought, this is a waste of time. I want to go to XXX (a private place that I wanted to see on earth). For the first time, a young man appeared. He looked about 22, dressed casual and friendly and told me he would take me there. Going up is a flash. Traveling over land took a long time, and I got tired. I asked if I could hold his hand. He let me and we got there. Then he was gone and a female was there. I didn't recognize her or him. She was a little older, maybe 27 or 30, and seemed stricter. I asked a couple of questions, that she answered, saw a few details then it was time to go. By this time, exhausted. She held my hand and took me back. I asked if I could go back and see Christ's ministry. She told me no. Then I told her that flying was exhausting. She told me that I wasn't flying but my body was just vibrating and barely off the bed. I told her that I realized that but it was still tiring and my arms ached. Then she told me my life needed to be in better shape if I wanted to continue to go on trips like this. It wasn't quite what they expected. (Ouch - the truth hurts.) I know my weak areas and agreed. I woke up with sore arms, not the first time. Exercise I guess will help. And I have 3 couples visiting for dinner tomorrow night, my daughter gets home Thursday and leaves Friday for Hawaii (moving there). And, I may take a break from writing for awhile though might read now and then. There are some major things I need to work harder to fix. It was nice to see these people. I did ask a few questions about the place, and they were answered, but questions aren't really a good thing. If I don't notice, see, understand, and remember, I don't feel they want to spoon feed the info. So I need to work harder there also. Voyaging is easier now, but I need to try harder in general. This was the first time I was ever allowed to converse with them as a person to person. It was cool.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-02-05)
A heavy weight on the chest is the classic sign of evil, You could take that one to the bank. Once they have you paralyzed they are basically trying to see if they can control you in any way shape or form that they can, In a sense their probing your spirit for weakness. Once they find out its not so easy its some form of harassment... That could vary from verbal, scratches, even sexual to see if they can weaken your resolve and gain access to you. Usually after that the entity will make its presence known throughout your house... It will move things or make noises and shadows again to wear you down...
this is really wierd (guest)
16 years ago (2008-02-04)
you know I have read most of your comments and I have to agree there's a lot of similarities going on with yous that have, and still are happening to me and iam most certainly convinced that its something evil. It happens me quite a lot and it's bloody scary I have to say. But the thing is I can sense it. Its always present when I go to sleep and seems to dislike light. I ve noticed when I go to bed and turn out the lights its almost like a trigger. I can feel it creep up on me and I sorta get a fuziness come over me, but its when I go to sleep and get this weight on my back (I sleep face down) I wake up but I can't move or shout even though I try my best, not only that but its as if it sucks the life outta you cause I can feel myself weaking and falling back to sleep even though iam trying not to, its usually around that time I do what most of you do I shout at it in my head to leave and I get angry usually I get some energy to shake my way out of it then but heres the thing when I move my head I always see a flash of light in a circle its quick but it always happens when its around plus my door usually creeks right brfore I feel it creep up onto me. Iam starting to get use to it now though but its still scary. Try holy water it seems to work. Let me know if any of yous have noticed a light circle please next time
kelly kessler (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-29)
Oh honey, first off I am so sorry you have had to deal with something as frightening as that. I too have had that happen. Nothing can prepare you for the feeling it gives you I know.

I had a dream one night that I was flat on my back and I heard a whisper in my ear it repeated over and over how pure I was and how pure my scent was.

I thought I woke up but apon opening my eyes I saw I must have still been asleep. His upper body was that of a very attractive man. His face blacked out only to see eye sockets and curves where his nose and mouth should be. His lower bodey was horse with four legs.

I found myself being held down by his hands on my shoulders and his front legs where painfully pressed to my thighs. He was hurting me. It was at that moment I was aware I was asleep for sure I convinced myself to wake up. Apon doing so I could not move speak blink all I could feel was the tears running down my face.

the pressure on my chest was inner pain. Then like that it was done. Sooo I know what you have been through. You are not alone.
bentartistry (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-27)
I had these from the time I was 14 up to this year (I'm 27 now). There is always a presence, sometimes I saw it, sometimes I didn't I could just feel it watching me. I don't know its not just mind too. I'm not sure why it happens to me I know it wasn't a hallucination cause my dog has seen it to she will be growling when its happing, if some one else's is in bed with me though no matter what I do I can't wake them up. Typically I would feel weight on my chest like something was trying to smother me then once I fight as hard as I can feel like some one is shaking me trying to get me to give in. I had the feeling it was completely evil and all I could do was tell it to go away and leave me alone The thing is once "I wake up" I still since something in my room and my dog is still freaking out. I get then every so often but what ever it is has fallowed me to many different places. I used to be terrified to go to sleep after the 1st time it happened I stayed up until day light for weeks witch is hard in jr high after years of dealing with it I finally got so angry that I started to yell at it more in my head then out loud but I also tell "it" to leave and go away. It hasn't come back for a wile but I agree Just get really angry prove your not afraid of it and tell it to go to hell and it should leave you alone for a wile at least I know it probably not a lot of help but you need to prove your not afraid it seems to feed off the fear... Anyway it worked for me. Good luck! 😉
Jessica (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-23)
I have only once though. I was terrified as well. My whople room was red and I heard like a evil luaghter and caws in the background I tried yelling but couldn't I tried to move my hands for a prayer but couldn't so I prayed in my head. It lasted for 5 minutes at 5 in the morning. Ended at 5:38 exactly. I told my grandmotehr about it and she used to have it. Then I foudn otu also my cousin ahd it before. I was terrified then. That's probally when your thrid eye opens up and your third everything! I heard so many things I couldn't if I was normal. When you have sleep paralysis I believe you are being in COMPLETE intune with innerself. It can be scary. I know me too will have it again, but I'll be ready.
With much love and care,
renee (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-23)
I had these for years when I was younger. There was always a presence, sometimes I saw it, sometimes I didn't. I don't believe its just my mind either. I think the paralysis is probably caused by REM sleep but I don't think the thing in my room was a hallucination. I saw bedclothes move, felt weight on my chest like something was trying to smother me. Second episode(same night) saw a very distinct figure that spoke to me and was trying to get me to give in. I had the feeling it was completely evil. The thing is the paralysis is supposed to somehow be the trigger for your "hallucination". The thing is I woke up sensing something in my room. I saw covers move before I realized I couldn't move. I had really bad experiences pretty continuously for an entire summer. Was terrified to go to sleep. I finally got so tired and mad that I just ordered the thing to get out. It never came back. I know it probably isn't a lot of help but try getting angry at it. I mean really angry instead of fearful. You know the kind of anger that people can feel across a room. Anyway it worked for me. Good luck!
FireFly (4 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-22)
I too have experienced sleep paralysis on several occasions and I know how horrifying it can be. But when it happens now I try to come myself down even just alittle bit telling myself that it will pass and it does. I know this seems like toatlly bogus but sadly its all I got. But I hope it helps a little bit.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-22)
samantha... Sounds like a demonic attack I mean that's pretty obvious... Heavy pressure on the chest, demonic faces and all. About the only help that would seem likely to work is a religious/spiritual one. Are your sleep paralysis events tied to a specific place? Or do they happen in different locations?
Nancy Paahana (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-21)
if you have done something to someone that you regret and that person passed on you should expect restless or paralizing feeling, sometimes it is a good spirit trying to prevent something bad happening to you or it is a spirit trying to make sure you don't treat anyone else poorly. To be unforgiven is eternal irregardless of the type of ammends the living may try to facilitate.
marsha4 (2 stories) (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-21)
I had 'Sleep Paralysis' last night actually. It's incredibly frightening! I had awoke from a bad dream and found that I couldn't move, not even blink. Everything in my room was moving and I saw my mom from the corner of my eye, though the door was completely closed.

I don't know how I stopped it all, but when I read about it on the web it said to just take very deep breaths and stay relaxed and then you would wake up. I hope this helps :)
Yowan (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-21)
Same here. I think I woke up feeling my lower body ascending. I was so scared but I can't move. So I tried hard and hard until I woke up.

It did happen again for 2nd time, since I think something is being pulled out from my body and I though maybe I'll let it. But damn, It just stays for that position for long so I decided to just wake up.

ok then another. It was night. I remember I had a dream that I was suddenly in some back stairway of some building and there are these black-shadowy people, I think I'm hiding from them? Because I had a sudden feeling that they somehow are looking for me. Then I woke up, seeing our window, but I can't move. But I think I saw some shadowy stuff or something. Then ofcourse, I forced my self to wake up. When I did, I went out of my room for a while.
k (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-20)
i had something really similar, it started out as just awaking to seeing my bedroom in the dark, and not been able to move. But they started happening more and more, and eventually I would awake and a thousand arms and hands were grabbing at my face. I was so aware that during it, I would be thinking I have to go and see a doctor about it. I remember tossing and turning, and screaming, and even thinking I would wake the neighbours. Eventually it would just stop and I wouldn't remember it until the morning. Then it just all stopped and haven't had it for months. Its really scary, however I think its to do with stress and a feeling of uncertainty. Also my cat would sometimes come in at night and sit on my chest which may have caused it.
bla (guest)
16 years ago (2008-01-20)
Yeh I've experienced quite similar things, but I've only encountered/felt the presence of evil once. I felt like a spirit (probably someone elses astral projection) on top of me. Strangling me. I couldn't breath, but I fought back. Well I've searched on the web and according to different sources, you can't get harmed through these experiences. Well somehow I doubt that :) I know that I was running out of breath. Well ever since then I've only got to the stage where I feel myself vibrating. I don't suppose its dangerous, unless you believe it to be.

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