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Chakras Guideline
The following chakra information will help you determine if and where you have blocks in your chakras so that you can start the process of opening yourself back up to higher energies and allowing proper energy to flow through your body.
Following the chakra information will be tips and techniques to help you clear any blocks that you feel exist. Click on the name in the chakras graphic to find directly the relevant part.

Root or Base Chakra
Generic Name: | Root or Base Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Muladahara |
Location: | At the base of the spine |
Color: | Red |
Musical Note: | C |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Alexandrite, Ruby, Agate, Bloodstone, Onyx, Tiger's Eye, Rose Quartz |
Attributes: | It is linked to survival instincts, a good self-image, and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Manifests as paranoia, insecurity, a feeling of being out of touch with gravity, fertility issues, and low libido in either sex. |
Too Open: | Dishonesty, bullying, hyperactivity, defensiveness |
Body: | Physical |
Glandular Connection: | Gonads (testes in men, ovaries in women) |
Special Notes: This chakra, the first, is the slowest vibrating chakra of the seven major ones. Because of this, this will be the first layer of the aura that a person will see when they start to do energy work, such as healing. This is the chakra most linked with the physical body since its vibration is the closest to the physical shell.
Because of its location and connection to the gonads, there is a link to fertility, sex drive, and instincts. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to give and receive fulfilling physical and sexual pleasure. Ịf this chakra becomes blocked for a woman, she may not be able to acquire an orgasm, find intercourse painful, or may be sexually frigid. If this chakra becomes blocked (or in some instances too open) for a man, he may suffer premature ejaculation (too open) or the inability to achieve an erection (blocked).
I have a particular interest in the lower chakras (both the major root chakra and the nearby minor ovary chakras) because I have been infertile all of my life. One night, I deliberately made myself lucid in my energy body. When we are in our energy bodies (see the next section), we are vastly more sensitive to the energies of our subtle bodies. We can feel our energies and blocks at a degree that few can consciously fathom. With this level of sensitivity now open to me, I started to move my consciousness down to the area of my lower chakras. As I reached my right ovary, a searing pain shot through me. Every time I tried to address that sore spot, the burning pain would wash over me. I had found a block in a minor right-ovary chakra.
The root chakra develops during birth to three to five years of age. As was shared in the "My Story" section, I had endured a lack of motherly love during that formative period, resulting in a disfiguration in parts of my lower chakras and infertility later in life.
Since the root chakra is closely linked to the physical, it is related to how grounded we are on this plane. If this chakra is healthy, we are centered and have a strong will to live. If it is closed or blocked, our physical energies are low, our vitality is weak, and we more than likely will avoid physical activity.

Genital, Sex, or Sacral Chakra
Generic Name: | Genital, Sex, or Sacral Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Swadhisthana |
Location: | The second chakra is located just beneath (two finger-widths) from the navel. |
Color: | Red-Orange |
Musical Note: | D |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Amber, Citrine, Topaz, Aventurine, Moonstone, Jasper |
Attributes: | Relates to the quantity of sexual energy and vitality, security, creativity, and sincerity. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Manifests as emotional problems, sexual guilt, lust, and base emotions. |
Too Open: | Sexually addictive, manipulative, and excessive behavior. |
Body: | Etheric |
Glandular Connection: | Lymphatics |
Special Notes: This chakra is related to gut feelings and torrid emotions relating to love, hate, and the elements of dedication. It can consume us if we let it get out of balance through obsessive-compulsive behavior.
The sacral chakra is linked with the base chakra. As shown in Diagram 2A, the sacral chakra has portals on both sides of the body, and the base chakra is shaped like a cone that meets the sacral chakra at the base of the spine where the front and back of the sacral chakra touch. When open and healthy, a person's sexual life force exists and seeks physical union. A blockage restricts the sexual life force for this area. Often, this life force is expelled through orgasm, but the energy version can also be channeled up to the higher chakras for other purposes and forms of outlet.

Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra
Generic Name: | Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Manipura |
Location: | Behind the solar plexus |
Color: | Yellow |
Musical Note: | E |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Yellow Citrine, Apatite, Calcite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Iron Pyrites (Fool's Gold), Topaz, Malachite |
Attributes: | The third chakra gives us a sense of our personal power in the world (willpower). It also relates to destiny, psychic ability, determination, assertion, personal power, and purpose. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Manifests as a sense of victimization, an inability to manifest, overemotional and attached love, or a fear of being alone. |
Too Open: | Judgmental, workaholic, lack of humor, anger, addictive behavior. |
Body: | Astral |
Glandular Connection: | Adrenals (the cortex and medulla) |
Special Notes: As a tool, this is a potent chakra and is specifically addressed in the "Willpower" section within the "Tools" section.
The solar plexus chakra is what gives us the grounded and secure feeling of "I am." When in balance, we are comfortable with our placement in the universe and will have a fulfilling and stable emotional life, as the perception of emotions won't be blocked from flowing down from the heart chakra.
Because this chakra is the "bridge" between the higher and lower energy elements, if blocked, it will prevent the emotions (from the heart chakra) from flowing into the sacral or root chakras, thus preventing the person from developing an emotional attachment to someone with whom they are sharing a physical union. A sense of emptiness on both levels will exist, and no deep connection can take place.
This chakra also has a significant impact on the development of our psychic abilities, as it is related to the element (though not the sense) of "sight." Building and opening this chakra will increase psychic perceptions, premonitions, and prophetic dreams.

Heart Chakra
Generic Name: | Heart Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Anahata |
Location: | Between the breast |
Color: | Bright Grass Green |
Musical Note: | F |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Emerald, Green Calcite, Amber, Azurite, Chrysoberyl, Jade, Rose and Watermelon Tourmalines |
Attributes: | The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, which gives us the ability to express love for ourselves and others. It is also related to compassion and intuitiveness. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Can manifest as immune system or heart problems or a lack of compassion, a suppression of love towards others and self, or love will be felt only for a short time before it is withdrawn. Fear and rage can also accumulate with a block to this chakra, as well as feeling stuck and being afraid to let new things manifest. Also feeling unworthy, self-pitying, and fearing rejection. |
Too Open: | An overstimulated chakra can result in a "bleeding heart" and possessiveness. |
Body: | Feeling |
Glandular Connection: | Thymus |
Special Notes: As a person evolves, there is a progression from the instinctual "gut emotions" of the lower chakras to the higher emotions and feelings of the heart chakra. Feelings of profound and connected love, tenderness, and compassion will start to develop. Optimally, as development continues, a person will start to see life in a more neutral manner and will develop a non-attachment to their volatile judgments, resulting in non-pendulum-like emotions.
A healthy and fully open heart chakra means that we hold the infinite capacity to love ourselves, our children, our parents, and even the strangers we meet on the street. We can see the inner beauty in others despite their apparent faults. It is not uncommon for tears to be shed when our heart chakra is open, for we have so much love energy to pour fourth that tears are just a natural reaction. Often, a woman who is making love to a man that she is in love with will cry as part of the tender experience.
Through this chakra, we develop cords that actually link to the people with whom we are having relationships. If you were able to see auras at the heart chakra level, you would see not only the cord between two deeply connected people, but also dancing lights of color dart to and fro between two lovers.
When I had my heart "broken" once, I felt a literal tear in my heart chakra. We all know the sufferings of a broken heart, but what we don't realize is that actual damage (or subsequent blocks) can occur on that particular chakra and remain with us for life. When a person loses a loved one (a spouse, for example), there will be a ripping in the cord that has developed over a lifetime, resulting in severe pain from the cord breakage alone.
A blocked heart chakra will result in a person who either cannot feel love or expects something in return when he or she does give it. This person's capacity for true tenderness is stunted, and he or she will seem "cold" to others.

Throat Chakra
Generic Name: | Throat Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Vishuddha |
Location: | Throat |
Color: | Sky Blue |
Musical Note: | G |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Sodalite, Turquoise, Sapphire |
Attributes: | Personal responsibility, creativity, communication, logic, and reason. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Manifests in problems like laryngitis or sore throats, creative blocks, or general problems communicating with others. A block can also manifest as rigidity, prejudice, and an inability to accept other people's views. |
Too Open: | Extremely chatty, arrogance, self-righteousness |
Body: | Mental |
Glandular Connection: | Thyroid and Parathyroids |
Special Notes: This chakra relates to our ability to take personal responsibility for our actions. A healthy and open throat chakra means that the person is no longer blaming others for his or her problems and can carry on with his or her life with full responsibility. This also is directly related to a person's ability to create abundance in his or her life. If a person takes responsibility, then he or she is far more apt to go out and create what he or she wants versus waiting or blaming others for what he or she doesn't have.
The back of this chakra is often referred to as the professional center and reflects a person's sense of self within his profession in relation to his peers and society. If the back of this chakra is open, this person is generally successful and challenges him- or herself to do his or her best. If it's blocked, this person will not reach her potential, blame others, and, despite her outward claim that she is doing her best, she inwardly knows this isn't true and has some hidden reason for her failure.
This chakra is also related to our process of communication. When we communicate, we express ourselves (either well or poorly) and can develop or inhibit our interactions with other people. If we have a healthy and open throat chakra, we communicate our feelings and thoughts clearly and can move from an issue, meaning that we can heal from our wounds and live life more fully. Those with a closed chakra will keep their feelings from being communicated and will tend to hold a negative outlook on life and harbor grudges.

Brow or Third Eye Chakra
Generic Name: | Brow or Third Eye Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Ajna |
Location: | Between the eyebrows |
Color: | Indigo |
Musical Note: | A |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Amethyst, Purple Apatite, Azurite, Calcite, Pearl, Sapphire, Blue and White Fluorite |
Attributes: | This chakra is the seat of intuition, awareness, and inner vision. A feeling of brotherhood can also be felt with this chakra when healthy |
Blockage Symptoms: | Manifests as sinus or eye problems, a wish to control others, egotism |
Too Open: | Authoritarian, impatient behavior |
Body: | Higher Mental |
Glandular Connection: | Pineal |
Special Notes: In Sanskrit, "ajna" translates to "command," which means that a healthy and open third eye (or brow chakra) will result in us being in command or control of our lives and able to bring to reality the fruit of our desires through controlled action.
This chakra relates to our ability to visualize and process mental concepts. How we "see" the world is determined by the state of this chakra. If it's blocked, then our perception will be distorted and often negative. Through this chakra we can see into the subtle realms, remote view, increase our extra sensory perception, posses greater intuition, and hold a superior insight into people's motives.

Crown Chakra
Generic Name: | Crown Chakra |
Eastern Name: | Sahasrara |
Location: | Right above the top of the head |
Color: | White |
Musical Note: | B |
Crystals and Gemstones: | Diamond, White Tourmaline, White Jade, Snowy Quartz, Celestite |
Attributes: | This chakra is related to one's spiritual connection to the universe, the ability to be open to all, and an overall cosmic understanding. |
Blockage Symptoms: | Blockage can manifest as psychological problems, a feeling of alienation from others, and condemnation. |
Too Open: | Psychotic or manic-depressive tendencies, frustration |
Body: | Soul or Ketheric/Causal |
Glandular Connection: | Pituitary |
Special Notes: If a person has a blocked crown chakra, the last thing on his mind is his spirituality. This is the atheist who believes his life snuffs out the moment he dies. This is not to imply that this person does not have ethics or morality-simply that his life is limited to physical and mental perceptions only.
This is the highest vibrating chakra and is considered the closest link to the soul. An open crown chakra allows access to the infinite, divine inspiration, nirvana, and detachment from illusion. If the other chakras are open as well, a person is able to fully manifest, express, and live a life that is beyond compare.
Learn more in our article: Chakra Tools

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