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My name's Matt. I'm 15 and I'm really into elemental stuff at the moment. Right now I'm practicing aerokinesis and I really want to advance.

The first time I realized I was aerokinetic was when I was on the beach at Myrtle Beach. I was trying to lay my towel down, and for some reason I said "wind pick up" and the wind instantly picked up and I was able to lay my towel flat on the sand. Ever since then I've been practicing the ability.

I've looked on a lot of sites, and as most of you know, they're all pretty much copied and pasted from one another. I've tried imagining how it would feel if the wind hit my body from a certain direction, and with the power of thought made the wind do so. I've had some success with that.

What I'm really good at for some reason is stopping the wind and I'm having trouble creating wind gusts. It would be a great help if anyone that can relate to this, would suggest some techniques or exercises to better my ability. You can either leave a comment on my story (Which I'll be checking daily), send me an email at airguitar - at, or IM me at RankaDank93. Any of those will do.

Good luck to all psychics and to those in the making!

Your friend,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cyclone, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WhetherController999 (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-16)
😊 I've had the same ablilitie as you since My 13th birthday accept mine is more advanced. I can create a storm and summon rain. WhetherControl. Heres how you can advannce. You have to be very responsible. The anunaqi (gods) ask (pray) to them and tell them only if you are ready. Pratice everyday. Keep breathing through your stomach everytime you use your ablilitie. Then I will advance.
torylovesyou (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-29)
hmm...i'm a born aerkinetic and a really helpful thing is is to look up at the sky and close your eyes clear your mind and feel yourself as air you'll feel like your flying its a great feeling. As you see yourself as air stir yourself around and focus yourself as making the gust because you are the gust. When you feel you feel you've created a strong gust open your eyes and notice the gust around you. I hope this helps you! 😊
WaterBoy (2 stories) (37 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-17)
THIS IS LIKE MY POWER I can control the wind when ever I get angry out side the wind would blow really strong and when I get calm the wind goes down when I move my hand the wind moves dieretion
Sisyphus_Of_Comprehension (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-08)
I know this thread is pretty much old and dead, but I just thought I'd throw in my two-cents... First of all, I do believe in the importance of separating things out into entities and forces (voices of the wind, gods and goddesses or planes of existence, etc.) but I don't believe in over-zealous practice of such petty semantics because they can all disappear with a single thought. Things like aerokinesis don't exist to me, but the energy IS different, and I'm fairly certain for everyone who channels successfully that the staple is, everyone/thing feels different to some degree (that degree is identity, unique to each person). A lot of disputes over this esoterism is between people who don't want to accept the oneness of things, or the duality of forces that drive each other as opposites (Yin and Yang), and even more from skeptics who ask for evidence while never bothering to consider that observation could interfere with what is provided.

Anyways, I'd like to point out that I'm extremely good at controlling the wind. I can open my hand in still air and have it pick up in that location, move it to the side, around my body or wherever all by becoming conscious of the air systems and the energy around me. Simply stated, you must enter the vibrational state and meet that of the air around you, using your energy to flow with with the wind and reroute what you will with your mind. It's difficult to pick up... But once you've got it down like breathing (especially that bit about INhaling and EXhaling), you should be able to generate drafts even indoors. It's more difficult at a distance because it requires you to use remote-viewing in a way to become conscious of the air currents. Feeling drained is common after you just open yourself and try to force something to happen, rather than conserving and moving with what is already going on.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)

I'm sorry, what I meant was that they are targeting everyone, not that everyone is dumb... And really I shouldn't have even said that. I thought about how it could be taken the wrong way after I made the comment.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
None of those. It's not all the times we cause those things, and plus, I don't think ANY of us caused Katrina at all. It was either some nature spirits not knowing they were doing harm, or a natural disaster as other times. And not all the times we can prevent it too. For all you know, people around the world DID try, and that's why Katrina didn't do worse, for all you know.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Now I must ask the '64 Dollar Question'

If you and others can really do this, then why do you let Disasters like Katrina happen?

Is it:

A) There is a rule that says you can not interfere with the natural order of things?

B) You are an insensitive selfish group of people and only want to use this 'power' for self gain?

C) You (or someone else) did something like that Deliberately and you get your kicks from hurting people...

Think before you answer... Think real hard...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
"So explain to me how you know this can be done/that they are real... Can you do it/have you seen it done?"
Yes. I have done it, and I've seen it done before. And if people saying they can do it isn't reason enough, then I don't know what is. WAY too many people say they do it or whatever for it to be false, and I know personally it's not because I CAN do it. And so can people like WaywardElementalist. And others. And others...
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)

Thank you, you are right, proof can come in so many different forms...but... Well let me take it from here...


I'll quote myself so there is no misunderstanding (which already seems to have happened...)

"I'd like a further explination as to why so many folks in their pre-to-early teens seem to 'have' this ability (or other elements) to some degree it seems. Or as one poster put it...

"I control areokinesis, geokinesis, pyrokinesis, and hydrokinesis. I can teach you all of them too." (from a Guest who posted as Haven)."

And in my next post...

"All I'm asking for is a reasonable explanation of why/how you folks think this is possible."

I ask for further explinations and resonable explinations... Not proof... I never said, 'show' me. I never asked for 'Proof'. I have asked for 'words' not 'images'...not 'movies' not even 'pictures'...Just an explination on how/why people think they can do this... How they learned they could do it...

You are the one who brought up Proof... You seem to believe it can be done... (I'll quote you...)

"to all people who manipulate elements. It's truly pathetic, though the abilities ARE REAL,..."

So explain to me how you know this can be done/that they are real... Can you do it/have you seen it done?


whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Alright. Come on.
We have had this fight before.
"Proof" can come in so many different ways, and the News is not all that "proving" to me, but...
Instead of jumping on people, how about we all try to EXPLAIN ourselves a mite clearer.
And stay away from all fantastical imagery in words that mean nothing of the talent.
Thank you.
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
even if it is a cartoon show it still similiar to how Tai Chi works in reality.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
How is it rude o_o. It's not like I'm insulting the style. Just the way they use it on the cartoon...
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
That still being rude to the people who created Tai Chi and to the people who pratice it.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Are you even GETTING what I'm saying? I NEVER SAID THE PRACTICE itself is stupid, I said the way how they INCORPORATE it. Jeeze.
And how do you want proof of it Rook o_o. DO you want it in the news?
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Shinigami0 (with a respectful bow to you),

Thank you for saying what I was going to. For you were far more eloquent than I was going to be.

Now, on topic... I have heard of 'mass consciences' gatherings (where many people get together and meditate on a certain outcome) trying to change the weather and things like that, with possible measurable results. But one person being able to control the wind? I don't 'buy' it.

If I come up with a nifty word... Lets say...
Agrokinetic...can I say I can control how crops grow?

All I'm asking for is a reasonable explanation of why/how you folks think this is possible.


Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Why thank you, Lilylove. 😊 ❤

Tai Chi is also an excellent breathing practice, as well as a mental relaxer. I would recomend it to anyone who is stressed. 😊
lilylove (3 stories) (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Shinigami0 you explained it perfectly. Tai Chi is a good exerice and workout for your body and mind.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
If you KNEW it was based on real fighting styles, then you would've known that they incorporated Tai Chi into it, and therefore, you wouldn't have commented at all, nor would you have stated that it "looks rediculous". Tai Chi is an excellent practice, and I'm sure the creators of said practice knew what they were doing.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
I KNOW it's based off of real fighting styles. But it still looks ridiculous when they're doing it though. And why was my comment rated low o_o. All I said was that Avatar was a joke >_>
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
Um, bbdeathspark? Just pointing this out, but you do realize that the Avatar fighting styles are accurate, right- as for the moves themselves? Weather control isn't, but ancient Chinese fighting styles often tried to emulate the flow of different elements, as well as animals. I'd say its more of you making a farce out of yourself, in the eyes of those who practice these exercises. I should know- I've been in martial arts for quite a while, and find your post to be humorous, to say the least.

As for what Rook has stated, I'm fairly interested in how you all go about changing definitions, like "shadow manipulating". When making a story, you should really do your research...

Also, as with what Mel has stated, I've also found tons of links to video games and tv shows. I also find it interesting that the people who claim to have these "powers" are in the preteen-teen age group...

Also, on a side note, I have to comment... I'm sorry that someone thinks that these posters represent the "dumbing down of America". Trust me, THAT jumbled mess is a very small percentage. There are still plenty who weren't dropped on their heads as small children and also have a fairly high or decent intelligence level, as well as having a good amount of common sense. But yes, it does seem like a small percentage of youth as a whole are getting more obsessed with tv and video games. What happened to reading a good book, you know? (And I mean good book as one with literary merit...).
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
"As for the others I am truly hoping they do not believe in the abilities as 'shown' in the 'Last Air Bender' as that is what seems to be being described. "

That show is a disgrace to all people who manipulate elements. It's truly pathetic, though the abilities ARE REAL, but the fighting styles? Stupid...
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)

That's why I'm asking...I'd like to hear where all this came from... Sesshomaru, may have an ability, but may be using the wrong 'term' to describe it. As for the others I am truly hoping they do not believe in the abilities as 'shown' in the 'Last Air Bender' as that is what seems to be being described.

I did the same as you, searched the web for definitions and possible links and it was 'gamer heaven' so to speak, it's why I phrased my questions the way I did.


Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
I think a lot of it is coming from video games and tv. I'm not joking or being smart, I'm serious. It seems as if every time I do research on certain phenomenon I get a ton of video game links and then all the paranormal shows that are out now days. Not to mention the fantasy books. And I've met people even a lot of adults that are way to into the games for it to be healthy for them. I think some people actually believe they're training manuals.
I'm sure you've heard this before, "the dumbing down of America." Well, it's true, and not just the things that I mentioned, but with the media, school, and etc. Also, though, the primary targets seem to be teenagers and young adults, it is everyone of all ages.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
I am having a hard time wrapping my 'brain' around some of this... And no offence Sesshomaru, but I got the 'most lost' with your statment "Actually, I am learning a very rare and dangerous kind of psychokinesis, "the manipulation of darkness"." I'll start with a definition and see if that helps explain why...

Psychokinesis: (from the Greek "psyche", meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and "kinesis", meaning motion, movement; literally "mind-movement"), also referred to as telekinesis (Greek literally "distant-movement") with respect to strictly describing movement of matter.

I think what I'm missing is where shadows are 'matter'?

I do agree that opening your Chakras (energy centres) can help one to either relax or focus their energies. I have studied, and used that method before (and still do if I feel 'ungrounded'.)

If you (Sesshomaru) or anyone else could explain this to me it would be welcome.

I'd like a further explination as to why so many folks in their pre-to-early teens seem to 'have' this ability (or other elements) to some degree it seems. Or as one poster put it...

"I control areokinesis, geokinesis, pyrokinesis, and hydrokinesis. I can teach you all of them too." (from a Guest who posted as Haven).


Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-14)
I am not that much advance in manipulating darkness, but I work with dark energy and for the couple of seconds influence people with the dark emotions like fear and sadness.
ONIpsychic (1 stories) (17 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-12)
what do you 'do' when you control darkness?
Make shadows, create pain, etc?
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
I am always intrested in helping psychokinetic people, you can say main reason of being here is the psychokinesis. Look for "how to open chakras (energy centres) " on internet. When you open up your chakras then you will be having enough energy to manipulate wing. Actually, I am learning a very rare and dangerous kind of psychokinesis, "the manipulation of darkness". So if you or anyone can help me then tell me...
aeroconfused233 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
hey man' I'm fourteen' almost fifteen and my names damian. I have aerokinesis. I discovered this only a year or two ago. I can stop and create wind gusts/breezes. It can be strong or weak... I don't know how to control the strength yet. But yea I can relate greatly... Add me on facebook or something and we can talk about this just search my email on there' its D_Stewart07 [at]
ONIpsychic (1 stories) (17 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-01)
I've been working with air also, but I can manipulate most energies. I tried creating an 'absence' of energy except for air in a sphere, then pushing some air energy into it. I then conciously 'collected' minimal energy from those near me (I know a lack of energy can cause problems, so I was very careful) and put that also into the sphere. I tagged it around with me all day in school, and when I sat down for dinner at home someone about 8 feet away from me says "is the door open? Do you feel that draft?." I had to hide my smile, but I don't know what to do with it from there... I tried focusing on it then willing the wind in a certain direction, nothing. Some others, also. I am however wary of trying too hard/much, as I can feel the energy drain from it whenever I focus on it, incredibly quickly. I'll have that resolved in a couple weeks, but do you have any ideas on what to do next?
phoenix-antrix (41 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
I am also an aerokinetic, Tell me through comment that how you have started aerokinesis and how you enhance your abilities beacause only then I shall be able to tell you, or you can email me - xyokai [at] gmail. Com

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