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Real Psychic Experiences

Alarming Dream


I'll start by saying I have always believed in the paranormal and I have always felt a connection to it. I have strong intuition and constant deja vu. I'll pick up my phone to call someone and they will be on the other end, I will hear my phone ringing but it isn't, then to everyone's amazement it will ring within a few minutes.

I've had so many strange things happen I can't think of them all to write them. Lately a lot has been going on I feel like if I tell people they will think I'm nuts. This latest incident has made me really look at myself and wonder what is going on, it was a dream I had about a 2 weeks ago... I'll start with the dream then explain why it is strange... I dreamt I was in my husbands ex-fiances room going through a box of I guess personal items like a keep sake box. I was looking for anything or I think a ring that belonged to my husband. I instead picked up a what looked like a large square dog tag it had a skull and cross bones on the front, I turned it over and saw the name of my husbands exes brother (I'm not putting the name, confidentiality) and the dates May 4th and 1974. I am very good at remembering my dreams so when I woke up I made sure to tell my husband, you see my husband was best friends with his exes brother, he lived with her and her family in while in high school and they were all close.

The brother died in a supposed accident (fire). I never read about it when it happened and I was never aware of any date or his age when he passed. I was younger and was not aware until I met my husband of the full details of what had happened. This was about 12 years ago.

A week went by and everyday I thought about this dream and wondered if it meant something more So I searched the local newspaper archives and was amazed and sickened to see that this date was the date he passed and the year he was born... I felt sick to my stomach and I want to know why I dreamed this.

I've had other strange dreams but this one takes the cake... I have an actual date I guess I'm looking for advice or for someone to tell me I'm not crazy. Any insight or advice would help. I feel like either I make a lot out of nothing or something real is going on.

Do people know when they are psychic or is it gradual? I've tried meditation but it's hard to clear my mind. (I have three active sons).

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mlemoine10, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

stephyw2001 (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-27)
I see that this story is a few years old, but I am new to this site, so I just saw it. I just submitted my story (not posted yet). I too am turning 28 this September. I used to have dreams in high school, but then they went away for a while. Now I just got one that really shook me. That's interesting that others started getting dreams just before 28 too.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Quick question was the exe-fiances brother that died in the fire... Was he 25 years old when he passed?
relinquished (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-25)
this is what is happening to me. I have been dreaming about march 18th 2009 since last christmas. I recently started dreaming of my closest friend dying on that date and I'm not sure why and it freaks me out. I have been searching for answers but I can't find any. 😕
psychictarotx17 (2 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-05)
😁 I'm knew to all this psychic stuff and its really hard to understand, but I would suggest you doing a spell of somesort if that is not too mch to ask. Healing yourself in ways like that can really help. It can clear bad thoughts, and can help prevent bad things from happening. There is plenty of stuff online you should try it. BUT BE VERY CAREFUL THAT YOU ONLY DO WHITE MAGICK. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-01)
One more thought - I've seen major tragedies - and not enough to prevent them. I've seen close ones, and a few times, many actually, got to intervene. I am now, recently. The larger stuff is to teach though you might not see enough to stop it; it's history and meant to be that way. The closer stuff might be insight to tell you what is important in your world. Just a thought. I might be wrong.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-01)
mlemoine - very kind of you to say. There is wisdom in group feedback. There always has been. I'm new too.
mlemoine10 (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-01)
Thank you GlendaSC I appreiciate your guidence and opinion. Strange thing is after asking for guidence in a prayer yesterday morning I read my horoscope as I always do and it read "Your a witness you didn't mean to be, but now you are. What to do with your knowledge is the qestion. Turning it into a secret is only one option. Consider others..." I read my horoscope for guidence I always have, so I guess I will again have to find the answer within myself. Thank you for always being so kind as to answering my questions I am new to all of this and I have a lot to learn and I welcome evryone's wisdom. Thanks again 😊
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-01)
Many times water means two things

One being renewal or cleansed the other death

ironically that's how life goes hand in hand :P If you've ever read old plays, you would see that

I myself see people die in water, but they literally die in water haha... So it's a bit different, but I know what you mean.

Maybe the water you see is merely a film upon your eyes
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-31)
lady - it might mean on some level you sense death, but don't want to see it so you see water instead. It's just a warning or preparation. Kinda sweet that way.
lady libra (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-31)
what does it mean when you keep having dreams about water and it seems to me every time I dream of water someone dies
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-30)
mlemoine - I believe in protecting myself personally. Well, I hate visions of violence so try to block it anyway. I like healing and helping stuff. I would document it, in a journal, practice, and then if all way right on, contact someone. I think as sensitive people, seeing pain is especially hard. It is for me anyway. I've known, but avoid details if possible. It could hamper hard evidence, so I feel a bit justified taking this approach. There are so many people still living who can benefit is my approach. My son's friends. A friend of mine. My husband. The bushes out front that need water.
mlemoine10 (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-30)
Since having my dream I feel I have been getting information on a missing person, being new at this I am afraid to trust it although a lot of things I have been receiving seem to be right on, Has anyone here had this happen, How do I report it or should I stay out of it. I have emailed a secret witness line but I don't know if they took it seriuosly. I have been consumed about this should I call a tipline and speak to someone? Do they take people like us serious, I am also afraid they may think I am some nut trying to get attention I don't want to get in trouble for hampering the case. I have picked up the phone to call many times something is urging me then I whimp out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-27)
Ya, sometimes one can sense another, being on the same type of thinking helps, you're usually attracted to friends because of similiar intrests you all have, rule applies same to just about anywhere. Does that mean it happens all the time, no, sometimes it's very rare for another to sense that, other times it feels so easy, depends on the situation, overall enviornment and person(s).
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-26)
mlemoine - I was interested in your question - is it possible for someone intuitive to sense another one? What do others think? There is power in group knowledge I think.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-26)
mlemoine - thank you for the link. It is very helpful! At 28, over 30 years ago, don't remember an awakening because I was very busy. New baby in the house. I was always pretty sensitive, even little. I did have my first, major astral voyage in my thirities, but had vague sensations of them long before. I called it flying because I didn't know about them or the terms. This sounds like another "growth spurt" I'm growing through myself at 49. Have the symptoms too listed; just recently developed one to Betadine when I donated blood. Thanks for posting it. Not sure where this grow will end up, but that's okay. Thanks for teaching me.
dangermom (3 stories) (33 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-26)
Me too, just turned 28 in November! This all started for me a few months before my 28th bday. I always had a bit of this going on but then all of a sudden...whoooosh! I'm sure that it can happen anytime but so many people keep telling me that age is common for these awakenings. Perhaps it's just a coincidence too.
mlemoine10 (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-26)
I'm just wondering has anyone else felt crazy while going through this awakening. I go from trusting myself to wondering if I am sane. I found a site
that has a list of things one may be going through and was amazed to see that I have been feeling nearly all of them leading up to and since this latest dream. I guess I am looking for reassurance that can probably only come from within. But everyone here has been helpful just by listening and commenting. I don't feel like I need to hold back pieces of what I am feeling(I tend to only tell small amounts of what I am truely sensing for fair of being ridiculed by family. Thanks 😕
KimSouthO (2 stories) (11 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-25)
I am new to this site, very new. I just submitted my first story--not sure what to expect.

I did want to comment -- the dream scape has always fascinated, intrigued and frightened me a bit. Your story is absolutely fascinating!

God Bless!
mlemoine10 (1 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-25)
Thanks for all the feedback. And actually I just turned 28 in december. I have always been very attuned to my dreams and I will try a journal. This one just seemed to prove to me that they may really mean more. But lately a lot seems to be adding up I've been having more coincidences than usual that feel both religious and spiritual and so it does feel like an awakening of some sort. It's just hard when you feel like if you tell people they will think you are crazy. I only tell my husband and mother whate has been happening. Finding this site helped me to see I am not alone in this. Thanks, I look forward to more insight. Also this may sound strange but is it possible for another pyschic or intuitive person to tell you if they feel you are gifted in some psychic way? 😊 😊 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-25)
mlemoine - you really connected with this event and person for some reason. Numbers, at least for me, are hard to see. Blurry and hard to remember. Once dreamed odd letters and woke up and wrote them down. The next day typed them from my paper into the internet, rambling, not a word letters, and pulled up a weird, slightly scary site. Left immediately. Then 50 minutes later, got curious again and typed it again. The site was gone. Be careful that way I think. I was alert for a few days.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-24)
Their is no real common age to have an 'awakening' plus an awakening can be symbolized as many different things for each person, whether it be mentally, health wise, stronger intuition... And so forth

Some people reach this at ages such as nine
some not until eighty nine!

each to their own right
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-24)
Okay DM, you've successfully freaked me out again, LOL! I was 27 when I had my awakening. Yikes!

M10, DM makes a good point. Keep a dream journal. I find that sometimes my dreams come in parts over time. You'll get the first clue one night, then a little while later part two and three will come. Just write down everything, no matter how mundane. I have two books I got on understanding my dreams. Some of the things in my dreams have meaning, like if I'm inside or outside, if there are certain objects in the dream. I didn't know things like that had meaning.
dangermom (3 stories) (33 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-24)
Sounds like what has happened to me lately. Over the last few months I started having dreams that are coming true (2-3 a week). Start keeping a dream journal and I'll bet you will realize it happens more often than you think. The dream felt different didn't it, I always feel like I need to talk about those big ones. I have been told 28 is when it is common to have an awakening... Are you around that age?

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