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Earthquake in Unusual Places


I have been feeling like a hugh earthquake will happen soon. In areas that one has never hit before. For the past few months it feels as if the ground under me is shifting and many times my dog stands up and looks at the floor like "what's going on" fright in his eyes. Since this has been going on also, my dog seems to have many more dreams or nightmares where he is barking a lot.

In my part of the USA we usually don't get earthquakes, however we have had a few times but not that big. I been having these dreams but, while awake sitting at my desk about this earthquake that will happen.

Not sure but maybe it will be the start of the end of the world. There could be lots of floods when the earthquake happens which also will drown many people.

Our earth will have so many less people when this happens. I feel it will happen before the end of this year. It's just feelings that I have.

When it's quiet and I sit by the computer to write, I close my eyes and I see a lot of disturbance going on, people screaming and running but running to where? There seems to be no place to run too. I realize this may not make sense to many but to me it does. Can anyone figure out what is going on here?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Flutterofwings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
Last month only this year, I had a horrific nightmare of an earthquake. I had seen the face of the earth break down into two pieces. I also saw many people fell into the pit made by the earthquake. It is only last night my co worker said to me that he had watched the news television program that there will be an earthquake coming having an intensity of seven predicted by the psychics. I too predicted this kind of calamity by means of a vivid/lucid dream but I do not know when it will going to happen. I need help please by offering prayers to all living and the poor souls that might become victims of this kind of event. Focus on philippines help me save many souls. Thank you and good day to you! 😊 😉 ❤
eve (1 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)

What does it mean to be ultra sensitive. I really don't know the definitions of all the words. (psychic def)
There's other things, I can do but I don't fully understand them, or want to.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
Eve- you're probably ultra sensitive. It all has to do with electo-magnetism. Changes in magnetic fiends You can pick up on it. This. Happens quite often in nature. Just not often in people, mostly in animals.
eve (1 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-02)
Yeah I am in california and for the past week. I have been feeling the earth shifting but no one feels it. I mentioned it to my coworker, she asked me if I was alright, (I was scaring her), so I left it alone. They're was an earthquake today (minor), but I feel the arrival of a great earthquake is coming. But how can I feel it?
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-30)
Thanks for your comment Halfmoonx5. There will still be more earthquakes, floods before the end of this year gets here, in places we never had them before. I don't feel the shifting of the earth here yet, but do before one happens.
HalfMoonX5 (42 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-30)
Finally! I said to my self as I finished reading your experience. I was first captured by the date you posted this which is my birthday. You see since around March I had repetetive dreams about catastrophes and deaths in the pacific. After a certain number of dreams they come true. I naturally told the psychic community searching for someone who might have the other parts of my dreams, one in particular. I finally found it, this, but it was too late. I never knew what the catastrophe was I just new people were going to die and where, not when, but you knew exactly what. The dream has already happened it was the earthquake in China and the cyclone in Myanmar. Every so often before the earthquake and the cyclone occured I would get bad gut feelings, but they all stopped after it happened. I also would feel the earth shaking underneath me when others didn't and like you I don't live in a place in the US where earthquakes happen often. I sometimes get dreams about future earthquakes, and I think we might a have some type of connection so if you get any alarming dreams it would be good to keep in touch.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-18)
Today at 5:24am an Earthquake happen in Lower Ill, and Ind. I wrote this story before then. The past ten days I have felt as if the rooms of my house, has been doing a ripple feeling and today the Earthquake happen. We felt it in lowe Michigan as well, with a tremer that accured about 11am. This is only the begining these will spread to the East coast and to the South Coast in which could cause flooding then.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Thank you everyone for your comments to this story. I do appricate each and every one of them.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-07)
TY bloodbought. I do know. It might have been that book. I don't know. It was like they were speaking one way and I didn't know how to hear it. I thought the same thought then and when I woke up, but, that seems pretty extreme. I'm a pretty mild person. Sad tonight. Hugged my daughter bye. She's moving to Hawaii and her best friend, a female one, is taking her to the airport tomorrow because she lives close to the airport and we live further. This leaving feels different, like an adult leaving not my child. A little sad. She was so I had to reassure her. It's a good move this time. The last move, Ohio, I told her wasn't great.
bloodbought (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-07)
Glenda, I wanted to comment to you. You saw 3 0r 4 people white and shiny people trying to explainabout a huge book. One other person commented about you being able to project or travel even to heaven. I think the fact that they were white and shiny tells me they might be in heaven and the only book they would want to tell you abouttat is important to you is the Lamb's Book of Life. IF you believe in God and heaven, you would want to go there when you die. So make sure to get your name in that book. Read the bible on how.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-07)
Yes, but it was talking about the storm, and someone got into discussing tornados... So that's why it brought me back to that.

Thanks though
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-07)
[at] aramasamara, it was in this group of people here about the eye, not that I could remember it being red, but did mention the EyE, can't recall the name of it however. I thought it was something like I KNOW SOMETHING BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN... Something with that kind of title maybe not exactly but close to it.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-06)
I can't remember where a certain story was posted but it was also on nature's fury... So to speak, and update as most of you know there was just a huge tornado today in the five southern states close to me killing at least 54 people. I remember someone posting a story about the 'red eye' or something sorry I can't remember.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-06)
Thanks for all the replies to this story. I do appricate them all. Also reading your responses.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
TY for the concern. Well, scared people when I was little and blurted out stuff. Now I scare myself sometimes. To be honest don't scare easily and never of people. But I just always ask to go somewhere I can learn something. Think I must have gone to normal places years ago. Thought they were just fun dreams. Polar bears. Corals. But I was lucid. When started going "up," fast and far, that's when it got my attention and I heard the term astral projection and started reading. Also in 2000, I would voyage to planes, large ones, that were about to crash so stopped voyaging that year until lately. It was too sad. But it did let me know they were real trips, not just dreams. They would happen one to seven days later. Two big ones that year. I am careful. I take a week or two between voyages, usually, just to think about them now that they are farther. Many, many years ago, had a strange one. I don't remember the flying part, but I was somewhere with three or four people, very whitish and shiny and they were trying to explain something about this huge book, but I just didn't understand any of it. It was frustrating. After that, stayed close in voyaging. I would like to go back and learn about the book again. Maybe all I will ever know is that it was there. Thanks for letting me ramble. Just trying to deal with this new thing happening. Your kind to take the time. I won't keep pestering you so much.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
Glenda... That's why I told you to read them... Just because its not your cup of tea 😁
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
Glenda... Its just an interesting story "the first two or three books" about a graduate student who wanted to learn about medicinal plants and ends up being taught by an Indian warlock... They did Astral travel by a different means first by plants and then by sheer will but there is lots of little tidbits about looking at things a little differently. As far as a human teacher to guide you in astral proj. At the level your at... Very hard... I know of none. So to rely on your spirit guide who has not been around lately seems kind of iffy. Its a big universe to get lost in...

Plus I have a concern about the peacefull place you visited what I called the reception hall of heaven and now the dark scary guy... Your visiting dimensions your not just checking out next door or France so to speak... You see Glenda at your ability level concerning Astral proj. There are no seatbelts or airbags to deploy if you crash. So with all that being said I'll say bring in focus... Like this time when I project I would like to learn ---- fill in the blank and ask your spirit guide to go with you !
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
Edmund - went on the internet and read some. Probably not enough. But not sure my cup of tea. For one he thanked flowers for being. Well, if I made a basket and gave it to the hub and he thanked it for existing, that would be odd. I'm not sure how God feels when we thank his stuff. Also, he seemed to think he had power. Well, if we really did, wouldn't need guides and or even to be here. We could just go to God. When I voyage, I ask if I can. Once came back and asked (pleaded) to go back for a little bit and got to go. Once went somewhere off limits, but that was a learning experience. As students, I don't think we can make too much of our own abilities. Sharing experiences maybe, but that's about it. It's easy to catch glimpses and hear things then try to fill in the gaps with our own thoughts and imaginations. Lots of mistakes that way I think. We can't really learn if we think we know things. There are things we can't even comprehend. How long is eternity. How long ago was always. Just my opinion. I'm leary of human teachers.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
Oh and thanks for the advice; wrote them down. Will get the books! It would be nice to hear others advice who have been far away.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
Was ironing and needed a break. Use to when I had voyages the scary part was going so high so fast, past airplanes, way past. The shorter ones use to not scare me. But always felt someone with me. Now none of it is scary really, just unusual. The last several times, I haven't felt him/her. Maybe just too astounded. Feel like when I wonder something, I'm answering myself. Wasn't afraid of the dark person, just angry. Knew I couldn't stay long, but got in my two cents. You really should try this Edmund. Don't know if it makes any difference psychically, but then you know other things are out there. You are you, thinking. If you see an event that happens the next day, a specific one, then it convinces you it's real. Knowing that makes it even more interesting. But, I had to prove it to myself. Thought new age stuff a pack of hooey until then.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
GlendaSC... To me Astral projection should be a refreshing experience an experience of spiritual knowledge... It should serve you as a greater purpose. One of the problems when you visit other dimensions or realms is that there is kind of a trace left and what you visited or saw now knows from where you came. So you need a master teacher and I have no clue where you would find one of them. Your to good at this to go flying about the dimensions with out guidance. You need somebody like Don Juan in Carlos Castenda's books... Go and read the first three books its an interesting read. 😁
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-03)
Flutter - ty. That's true. I think this was an old entity. Not the future but a long time thing. Perhaps it was my mind creating a creepy person in a place that allowed creation. Perhaps it was a creepy thing that just roams. I do know, I don't want anymore of them. Shielding myself again in my way. Just read of bathing in white light. Not bad. I've just always said I don't want to see bad stuff and haven't. Got curious.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-01)
[at] GlendaSC, I don't think I ever seen any yuck people before. But one never knows about this future we have.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-31)
p.s. In real life, I don't call people ugly names. I was shocked at myself and how satisfying it felt. It still feels good honestly. Glad I did.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-31)
Edmund - pestering you again and anyone else who has an opinion. After reading here awhile, a few months, I realized I was shielding myself a lot. I always have. So, decided to not do it. I voyaged. Well, it was a little blurry. But then got to a cloaked figure, dark. No face. I felt curious/grossed out in equal parts. I stood my ground. Then I felt like I was being hurt and had to leave. I kept fighting it, not wanting to leave even though I was being hurt. Finally I was able to get out, "You basta" fill in the final letters. Shouted it and made sure he heard. That made me satisfied so I said okay, I'll leave now. Then I left and a few seconds later was awake. Was this my imagination? I never, ever see yuck people like this.
pink (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-31)
i just read your post and will see if I can find a connection to that. I already know when a storms approaching I was worse when I was pregnant I can't sit still and sort of exited about it, I am now acctually. So well see if there's a storm in a bit its 16. 52 uk I sensed the storm about 16. 00 so we will see if one comes
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-30)
Edmund, I do know the thing you said about thunder storms. I call my dog THE WEATHER DOG he knows when one is approching. He will hid under chairs, tables and when you call his name it's like his ears are shut he don't hear you.
Once the sky gets dark it just becomes worse and he whines and stuff. So we always know way in advance of bad weather with Max our weather dog.
Ihave not notice anything with Max as far as ghost goes. But I have watched my cat just get ballistic so I think she sees them.
She runs doen the hallway, jumps on the walls, meows her hair stands up. She lookes like she has ran down the hallway to jump on something I can't see.
Thanks for your comments Edmund I appricate them kindly.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-30)
Flutterofwings... Dogs can witness a psychic event... See a ghost be aware of one let's say in the closet when you don't but aren't psychic in the sense that we are but don't be fooled they have some incredible senses but generally they are more in tune to nature and can sense the low frequency tremors and sense the energy building during a earthquake long before humans can. I had a dog that when it saw a ghost would just run up close to it and bark... It was just another thing to her. But about 6 hrs. Before a thunder storm make such a fuss you would think that all hell was breaking loose...
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-29)
The day before the space shuttle blew up I was at my sisters house and I was looking at her walls. She asked me what was the matter I looked strange. I said your walls are moving in a waving pattern. She said they are not I said yes they are.
We thought nothing of it as we live where earthquakes don't happen.
The next day the space shuttle blows up and sure enough while I am at the doctors office holding my son I fell back against the wall and my other son was sitting in a chair with a light over top that was swayign he ran to me.
Later on I asked what was that and was told we just had an earthquake. It went up to the east coast too.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-29)
Thanks for all your comments. My dog does notice it too, not only me. So something is going to happen as it's working it's way to that day or something.
If it were only me I say maybe it't just the psychic in me but I don't think so unless animals can have this psychic in them can they? I think he senses something. And I have many days where I am walking and kind of fall backwards but catch myself before I fall fully down.
I thought maybe I was the only one feeling this nice to know others are around the world thanks again.

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