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Real Psychic Experiences

Grandpappy and His Wife


Took place in Michigan in the 1970's. My Grandpappy and his second wife needed someone to come in and care for them. Clean their house and do the cooking. I said sure I could use another job. I told them I be here about 4pm, as my first job I worked 6-2:30pm. My Grandpappy and his wife were devoted Catholics. They prayed all the time, and believed the Lord helped them, to the ripe old age of their 80's. Grandmaw was 85 and Grandpappy was 88. They were married 20 plus years.

After I got off of work at my other job I went to my Grandpappys house to fix dinner. While they were eating I would do the laundry, clean the house up a bit. After they ate, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen up. I get them all ready for bed and I would then go home.

Grandpappys second wife had cancer. When she would urinate, I would hear her scream in pain. After she was done in the bathroom, I would clean up the toilet. It was a mess blood all over it. I prayed a lot to the Lord to take her home soon.

I was cleaning up the toilet after her use, one day and I heard "IT WONT BE MUCH LONGER, FOR HER". I knew it was our Lord letting me know she be out of pain soon.

Next day I had a heaviness in my heart about 11am. I couldn't shake it no matter what I did. I asked to go home, as I was not feeling well. I rested then went to my Grandpappys house.

When I got there, I seen cars everywhere. When I came into the house, I knew that Grandmaw had died. Her daughter, my aunt told me that she took her Mom to the bathroom, she insisted the door to be closed. She had just started to walk from the bathroom, heard a thump and looked in and her Mom was gone. Their son was going to stay with, Grandpappy for the night.

Their son went to bed down the hallway, and I was getting ready to leave and he wanted to talk to me. He then said to me "I can't live without her, I want to join her now". You will soon Grandpappy. I went to the kitchen. When I came out he looked like he was sleeping. I started to walk by and he said "I will see her tomorrow". I thought he meant at the funeral home.

"Yes she will look just like she did yesterday, before the Lord took her away", he said to me. I didn't know what to say to that. I gave him a big hug, one that I didn't want to leave him. I lingered as long as I could hugging him, telling him I love him and would see him later. His eyes just glisten, they were nearly glowing in happiness. He said to me "I love you also". I left and went home.

The day seemed to go well and then about 11am I felt a heaviness in my heart. NO! NO! NO! It can't be Grandpappy too. I said that loud, the gal I worked with asked what was wrong and I told her. I called to my Grandpappys house. No answer. I called my Mom, his daughter, told her I think something happen to, Grandpappy. No! She said and we hung up.

About ten minutes later she called and told me, that Grandpappy was gone too. Exactly to the minute, 24 hours after his wife died. I was stunned.

We had a double funeral, and it was so heart breaking for us all. I kept feeling that last lingering hug from him that early morning, before I left to go home. The last thing he said to me "I love you also". I cried a lot.

At Grandpappys house, it was being cleaned up and his kids taking this and that. I did the laundry for all be clean, and dropped off in a drop off box, for the goodwill later. When I was in the basement, I seen something from the corner of my eye. When I first looked straight forward nothing, but I knew I was being watched.

I looked again towards the sink and there in front of me, looking as if in solid form, was my Grandpappy and his wife holding hands. They were smiling and I knew they were happy, and out of any kind of pain. I smiled and waved a good bye and they were, like fading away as they kind of floated away. I wasn't frighten when I seen this, I felt a calm go over me.

It was a happy day to see them "together again", but also a sad day, I would never see them again. Good bye you two I love you, I whispered to them. After that day I never went inside, that house again. And shortly it was sold to someone else.

I seen a lady outside my Grandpappys house one day, I told her my grandparents use to live there. She said the bathroom was really cold, and the front room near the doorway was cold. I told her my Grandparents died in that house, one by the doorway with a stroke and the other in the bathroom. It wasn't to long that lady and her hubby moved.

The last I knew about my Grandparents house, is that it was sold many times. A child that lived there seen, old people in the basement, smiling. My Grandparents could still be there in their home, in spirit form, still smiling away and holding hands.

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Fergie1 (7 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Oh Flutter, I can't even see to read the posts yet, I am crying so much! That really touched a chord! ❤
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] ara yeah some spirits do visit, I truely do believe this. Denny is one of them. He is here and sometimes he is not. I don't feel threaten, but I know when he is around however.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-15)
Why of course, not all people that visit are bad, no just taking a nice little trip haha some nice spirits browsing around.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
GlendaSc thanks for all your commments to my story and other stuff we talked about.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
My computer memory is full and lagging. Guess that is my cue to go. I hope you all have a great weekend. My hubby's flight got cancelled. He's stuck in Spain and not happy. He's hoping to make a flight tomorrow to the US or it will be three days. Bummer. Many US people know it will definitely be three days. They don't have many flights here I guess, especially over the weekend.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
I will tell you. My dad tended to do whatever he wanted. He wasn't a big rule person which is a little like me. I'm not sure he was suppose to be so clear to me. I hope he didn't get in trouble for it. I've gone a few places that I felt a little unwelcome, like I was being too nosey. Well, bit I'm nosey about personal gossip stuff, could care less. But I do tend to explore. We once truly believed the earth was flat and we'd fall off if we went too far. I think "spontaneious regeneration" was the oddest belief. If curious, look it up. I'm too tired to go there. It wasn't that long ago. Perhaps this conversation will seem really dense in a thousand years when people travel time and distances in a blink. I hope we last that long.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
My dad was spiritual who thought religious people were shallow. His disease was cancer, not catchie, but he may have thought his beliefs were wrong and catchie. Well, I have worked a long time to figure out my beliefs. I think that even good beliefs can be distorted and bad. I think some beliefs are chilling, harmful. I think we all have a sense of what is kind and what hurts our hearts. I think that those who hurt without just cause, out of a mean spirit, better be prepared to pay the piper. I wouldn't want to be them when I fly that last time. I won't get personal. This isn't a religous site.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GLendaSc, was your Father a religious person? I am feeling that if he wasn't, then he may think he is, still infected with the diease he had. When he was alive, and there fore, didn't want you to, touch him for that reason. Did you ever find out what he had, that was catchie?
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
Well, to be honest, I do feel that I've been on both sides, and a few others. Now, I'm just a person. Probably not a typical one, but a person. So it makes sense to me that they can move around. I don't like many of them, but some are okay.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
Any ideas? I have a question. It was odd. I don't remember the year he died. My mom has been gone nine years, I think, and him 4 1/2 before. I remember telling my sister she wouldn't last 5 without him. We figured it up. It was less than 5. Just killing time. I don't like dates and years. My sister points them out. I try not to notice. Anyway, I had wanted to dream about him a long time. Nothing. He was my very closest person ever. Tied with my mom, but we had the same eyes. Then, out of no where, one night I saw a man blurry. I heard a voice tell me to pay attention. I ignored blurry stuff usually. Then he kept focusing. Then it was my dad. I couldn't believe it! I immediately started boo-hooing. I was so surprised -shocked really. I started rambling stuff about missing him. He looked uncomfortable. He wasn't uncomfortable much in my real life - not a worrier. Then I ran closer to him to grab him and he told me that I couldn't touch him and scrinched his face. A face scrinch meant he was really something. I didn't/don't understand. I was very upset. This is why I don't try to dream my parents. It seemed so uncomfortable for him, like he was breaking a rule or knew that I couldn't feel him and didn't want me freaking. I don't know. I do know him. It was him. Probably. Any ideas on why he looked so weirded out?
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSC, you have great questions, however I don't have all the answers. I do feel that a spirit or entity could go in and out of the light, at there free will or asked to. Perhaps the ones that wail as you stated, could be stuck between the two sides. Or they could just be still here, never crossed over for so many reasons. But it is something to think about. Thanks for your post.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GLendaSc, I feel when a person dies, they never really go away. I believe they do come and visit us. Some of us in our dreams, I would say these people that they come to in dreams, is because them seeing a spirit would be to harmful for them. Others they come to, perhaps the house they died in, or a person they were close to. I don't feel they really ever go away, even after death.
It does amaze me that even in your dream, you couldn't touch him. As usually in dreams they are whole again. Like my Mom had a fake leg when she died. When I see her in dreams she is whole again. She can walk again.
Not sure why he would not, let you touch him in a dream.
That is my theroy on this. Maybe others here can post something else, how they feel about what you asked.
I don't feel its dangerous, with dreams like you had. Can they pass from one side to the other, visit I feel they can, as anything is possible not only in our human real life, but with our spirit after death as well.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
Is it possible that people go "into the light" and aren't locked down there? Perhaps they can visit when in the mood or if given permission? I know there are entities who wail and stuff. Perhaps they got in trouble. I hope it's not permanent. I pray that it isn't.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
I wonder. Can we go to the light and have freedom to go where we want to now and then? Is it such a big deal to cross? I have no idea. This is a question. When loved ones leave, can they come visit when they want or if they try hard. I once dreamed my dad about three years or two after he had passed. He told me that I couldn't touch him. He looked uncomfortable. It reminded me of the face he made when taking care of my two cousins. My uncle had a disease, spreadable, and my aunt was with him, and the kids were exposed. So my dad was ordered to stay away from me. I heard she needed someone to be with the kids to see him in the hospital (and get exposed) and no one would go. I was 17. I went. The Health Department was involved. 17 is pretty healthy I figured. My dad had to stand like 25 feet away and leave a bag of groceries on the lawn. He scrinched his face. I thought it was weird and a little funny. I didn't laugh but assured him that I was just fine and to stop worrying. But, when I saw him in this dream, and it was a real dream out of the blue, not a wishful one, I couldn't touch him. When he told me this, I started crying, hard. I don't cry often. I talked to him a few minutes. Then he left. I don't think that distance is really that far. It is just upsetting for us here and possibly dangerous.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] aramasamara, I really just don't have any answer to Edmund why, my grandparents stay in their house, and don't go to the other side. When I looked into the house of my grandparents had, and that little children see older people in there. I wonder why that was so. Perhaps they actually acted like they were a loving couple, but maybe when people were gone they weren't. I just can't say on this one. Your ideas on this makes more sense to me.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] Edmund, Alzheimers for my Grandma, I don't think she had that, if anyone had any of that, I think it was my Grandpa. She was as quick with her mind all the time. I didn't notice anything wrong with her mind, forgetting or anything like that.
However with Grandpa, he did forget like where he left his glasses. Have to laugh as one time he put them, on top of his head and looked for a long time for them. Grandma and I just smiled, finally she told him where they were. Althought I don't know if either was actualy dignoised with Alzheimers or not.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-13)
Edmund you don't have to be bad to 'not go into the light' some people are not ready, they have things they haven't accomplished no matter how old one may seem, they may be confused, waiting... It can be numerous things. Sometimes regret, sometimes fear, sadness, not everyone always shows evil or shows their anger, but locks it in and appears happy to most. They might have been happy, maybe still struggling, lots of possibilities.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-13)
aramasamara... Yes your right... People with alzheimers amaze me and I know quite a few people with the disease that are near and dear to my heart... But what I guess surprises me is when let's say flutters grandparents a nice loving couple with a good spiritual/religious background and who have had a nice long life don't go into the light. I just don't understand it !
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-12)
Edmund even if he did have alzheimers, people can still suprise you. I've known a few people will alzhiemers and within the last stage, you are unable to sleep and you die eventually from the non-sleep.

Before someone I knew died of alzheimers the last day they wrote a poem, a poem telling of how they loved me and wished the best and said they would be fine

Funny, how we think that people with alzheimers 'lose it all', but I think it is highly proven otherwise
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-12)
Flutterofwings... I don't know... In fact I kind of feel confused and maybe that's a clue did G-ma have a touch of alzheimers ? Or is it just as simple as what's the problem this is our home we like it here !
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-11)
[at] Edmund, With them beind devoted Catholics, and I understand they don't believe in Ghost and such. I really can't say why they hang around. Why they don't go to the light, and be at rest.

The only thing I can come up with, is maybe they didn't die, the way I was told they did. And all the people that did, know how they died are themselves dead too now.

Edmund wouldn't that be a good reason, for them to hang around? What's your insight to this?
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-11)
Flutterofwings... Why do you think that they are still there ? Being that they had a strong Catholic faith I would think that they would go into the light and since no family lives there anymore... No family in the house to watch over... Would like your insight on this !
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-11)
[at] aramasamara, yes it was nice to see them in this energy forum. Your right many times we don't see them this way. I still see them as I wrote this story, like it was just yesterday it took place.
I know they are happy, and knowing that makes me happy too.
Once again thanks for your comment.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-10)
Nice that you could remember them that way, sometimes we are not always that lucky to have that remaining positive energy ^^

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