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Portals Just Appear Out Of Nowhere


When I was learning about my gift, I found out about portals. They are real and they appear out of nowhere at times. My grandma years ago told of a farmer that just disappeared as his wife watched him walk into the field and he was gone. He went through a portal that was there. But portals are not just that, they can be in anything, such as windows, mirrors and ouija boards are places they can appear too.

My son was about 8. He was just playing with the other kids, in the park. He was riding his bike right were all the other kids did as well. I saw him riding and then he was gone, yet the other kids were still riding their bikes. It frighten me so I went out trying to find this portal to get my child back, while others were looking at me as if I was ready for the crazy farm.

I kept trying to find the portal and then my son, came out of it. He was all white and got off his bike, and ran into the house. I went after him and asked him what happen. He told me this:

He was just riding with his friends, when he suddenly was in a field of gravestones. It must have been a graveyard. It was real quiet in there, and he kept trying to find his way back. He said he was frightened and was crying, and then he saw me and came to me. Just by what he said, it made me shiver with goose bumps on my arms. My son never rode his bike in that direction ever again.

I often wonder why that happens and how it happens. I was learning about my gift I had, as my son has it too, only he doesn't practice to keep his gift going. That day was enough for him. But he and I can be far away from each other, and yet we know what the other is doing. Many years ago my hand went through a portal in a mirror, in my story of this happening. But many things come out of, portals that are not good. People with this "GIFT", can learn about how to handle matters like this, that happen to my son and myself.

I like to go to antique shops and look at their old mirrors, as they can tell many things that, has happen in there golden years.

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Fergie1 (7 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Gee! And I always thought old cemeteries were so 'cool'! I don't have a "gift" (I don't think) but I was taught to be open minded at a young age by my uncle. This has opened my mind even more. I thought portals were a Hollywood invention, until now! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? 😆
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
Portals that just seem to jump out at people, who go in them I think come out as a different person. And unless you went into one and came back, one just can't quite understand what happen. My son sometimes talks about this that happen some time ago. But he tries to steer from it, as he once said HOW DO YOU TALK ABOUT IT WHEN NO ONE BELIEVES IT. He is right about it but he knows he can talk to me about anything like this, but he chooses not too. So I leave it alone unless he wants to talk of it. Thanks for your comment rhodes68 I appricate everyone I get.
rhodes68 (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-23)
One thing is for certain that your boy, whether choosing to "cultivate" his gift or reject it, he's is lucky that you understand him and believe him. One cannot imagine how traumatic it can be when a child's visions or ability to have glimpses of the other side are constantly undermined and doubted. Not only does it not help the child develop their extraordinary ability but, worse, it may alienate them from a world they are supposed to participate in.

And yet, it is beyond doubt, a terrifying "gift".
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-13)
[at] Mystical2 thanks for your comments to my story, one really don't know what children can see and hear and what is real sometimes. My son just tells me from time to time, there are things we don't know about yet Mom. I ask him what and he says nothing more.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-13)
[at] Starsoutside, I wrote a story about mirrors called:The mirror of yesteryear: this will give you a bit of what happens when I see old mirrors. Thanks for the comment to my story too.
starsoutside (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
This is so interesting...I've never met anyone who had this happened to them although I think I've read some similar stories or saw similar things on paranormal shows... Your ability with mirrors sounds like it could have some good stories behind it too.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-06)
I'm not sure why, other than there are things lurking in the grave yard, why he told me to keep him from grave sites. Maybe he knows more and isn't saying. The man is very gifted. I just know there are many things there, good and bad. Of course, we face that throughout the world today. My son sees and hears spirits. He is still young so who knows what other gifts will follow. I just knew he was going to be gifted before we had evidence of it.
Kind of funny---we have spirits in our home and he has seen the woman/child. I said ghost one day and he turned to me and said "mom, I don't believe in ghosts". I said, "honey, what do you think dead people are"... He was actually kind of shocked that dead people were ghosts. He see's them as living people and never put 2 and 2 together. I guess watching "casper" can cause some confusion. Haha!
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
[at] Mystical12, I totally agree with you about what your comment was. However I was never told to keep my son out of the grave yards cause of his GIFT. He just won't do that on his own, got to frighten. He told me the more he pushes his "gift away" the more powerful it seems to come at him the next time. I have tried to explain to him it would do this, and the more frighten he becomes of it, the more powerful it will be as well. I didn't mean to frighten you [at] Mystical12 about this to look out for too.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
[at] Edmund, no my son never said any grave yard looked like the one he seen. And to this day he won't go into a grave yard anywhere. He will stand outside the gates to one or near one, but not enter into it. I also think more portals are being opened up these days then let's say ten years ago. I feel that something is happening with so many open out of the blue. Like is this the way were going to end the planet called earth To escape into a portal and go to some other planet. Kind of makes me think of this.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
wow! You have me thinking now. Have to worry about strangers getting our children and now on top of that worry if they go into another dimension. Out of all the places to go it took him to a grave site. That's pretty scary. I was told never to take my son to any cemetary because of his gifts. I think I would find another park to go to after that. I don't care much on mirror's either. Only have 2 in my entire house. I think another thing too is, that there are more portals being opened all the time because young teens and such are messing with things they shouldn't. Of course, portals can be open in other ways. There is just so much going on in the world today, a lot of negativity.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
Flutterofwings... Thats the problem with portals you never know what your going to get... Some just move you to a location a few miles away some are parallel universes that you can never come back from. Ouija boards invite evil right in probably the number one reason for hauntings and the like. Did your son at a later date in life ever mention that maybe a cemetary he saw was like the one in the portal?
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
[at] hales3,thanks for your comment to my story. I believe the best thing to do with portals is to steer clear of them You never know what they hold, or if you would ever come back. And like Edmund said there is so many dimensions of reality, one just never knows what will happen or what dimension you may come out in. Once again, thanks for your comment to my story.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
[at] Edmund, when my son said what he seen, I just couldn't figure out why. We didn't even live close to a grave yard they were far from us. I read on here where many teens would like to find portals, use the ouija board etc, and I think if they only knew what was in them, they may change there minds. Thanks for your comments to my story.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
[at] GlendaSC thanks for your comment to my story. I think most kids if they have the chance will take the chance to do something no one else ever done. But why that happen no one can say, but can tell you the ones that seen it happen besides myself and the other kids, and the lady across the road from this. No one walked or rode bikes in that area again.
hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
This is a really interesting story, I've never seen a portal, or experienced one. It sounds very scary, but definitely something interesting to experience. I would want to see one but not disappear forever, or not find my way back, that's got to be terrifying, especially with such a spooky scenery in the one your son experienced... I don't think I'll go looking, haha.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
Flutterofwings... If that happened to me at eight that would have done it for me also! I think the majority of portals find or are found by people with some psychic ability. And then there are the random event ones. I also have read about one in the southwest desert that is a fixed portal to another earthlike dimension that was known by the local Indian tribe. According to some of the junk that I read there are many dimensions of reality very close to "ours" and they "bump" into each other at times pretty wild stuff... Now I'm not a big fan of mirrors esp. At night!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-04)
Be careful with your son. It was probably a good thing that I had really country, religious parents who didn't ever mention that "other" place when I was little. I was pretty fearless as a child, and I would have gone looking. It was maybe to early. Discourage him from being tooooo curious until he's ready. I once had, after my daughter's birth, a near death experience. I saw the entry, and being curious, almost pushed through, then was told I couldn't, I had a new baby. I felt really ashamed because I knew it. Tell him to be normal, grow normal, and learn. Some things take decades and decades to experience and we don't want to cut those things short by going tooo far in an easy way just because it's possible. Reign him in if you have to do it for his protection and growth. Tell him to do the mundane.

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