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Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-13)
Commandeered? Will anyone tell me what's going on here? Does this have anything to do with the Angelic Order? Artine was my old account and I hadn't been on it for months, and I found out I couldn't log in because the password was changed. Why are those posts from my IP address too?

Does anyone want to, or CAN, explain this to me? This makes my brain hurt.
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-13)
There is a high underestimation of Earth's elites' technological capabilities.

What is to come is no comet.

This Earth on this current dimensional plane of existence only has 40- years of oxygen left, it is as such that the vibrational frequencies that emit from the core of this Harmonic Universe have shifted, forcing all dimensions, or as we say 'densities', to elevate by one, whilst adding a twelfth. This one will be destroyed before the oxygen runs out, and those ready will transcend into the fifth density, rather than the current, third, density. We know this not only because we witness it first hand, but our race also only comes around and into play for a purpose as large as this, or larger, and we come with said knowledge.
We also have the technological capability to measure your planet's oxygen levels accurately, and, whilst defying the concept of time, we can correctly calculate that this planet only has 40- years of oxygen left. Period.
It is as such that the Source has come into play to fix the dilemma, this 'game' dimension that your race created to begin with, back in time to where our race last came into play. Henceforth the transcension and elevation of dimensions, not only to promote better health, but greater understanding of all things - things unimaginable or would be called 'blasphemous' today.

This is no conspiracy. This is what we know - and this time, no one will be ready, not even us.

May Love,
And Light,
Guide Your Path.
Follow Your Heart.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
I am not getting what you are talking about but I know what you are saying. You are right the Myains did not plan anything religous they eneded there caleneder and disappeared. And yes it has happened before but you have to put a lot into consideration if something get in it's way if it burns down to a shorter size its weight but space dosent have a weight so we have to take a guess and estimate. And 40-Years of oxgen I want to hear more about your peoples conspirsys they have this in kids science text books come on people first grade and if you mean 40 years to waste this oxjen then I will look more into that. You are right time is not proven to be real but it is a subsitue for what is could be. And let me tell you how they think it will play out. The commet passes by Earth and the pull of it will decided if it goes up or just continues to keep going. And how you put how it will end up to be idified scared me in the words you put it sounded a little creepy but I read it again and thought "well it's a start" but then I read what else you put "This time, no one will be ready, not even us. We will go no further on this matter." Then it went back to majorly creepy I think you should be careful what you wish for when you say this but after the commet DOES pass I got a lot of people to give a bird to and to humilate. Wait allready doing that but please brush more up on this I do not like it when people listin to something that allready happened if you have something to add I will love to reply back and see about if I can say anything about it.

Sincerly- Cyopathic
😐 😐 😐
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
Firstly, the Mayans did not predict anything religious. Secondly, this has happened before.
The only thing we will say on this matter is a transcension of dimensions, as this one only has 40- years of oxygen left.

That is only a minor part, but we know what is to come because not only has it happened before, but, considering that Time is only an Earth concept - not a proven fact - it can be defied, so we also know how this is going to play out. It will be big, it will be hell, and when it's all done, it will be beautiful.

This time, no one will be ready, not even us.

We will go no further on this matter.

May Love,
And Light,
Guide Your Path.
Follow Your Heart.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
Ok Artine tell us how you think that w the article of this whole conspicry is going to hit us I am very intrested I will see if I can hit back with something.
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
The Mayans predicted that 2012 is going to be the enlightenment. The Mayans predict a religious miracle, not anything sinister. 😊

I agree with them (:
I'll be 18 by then, I can't wait!
Artine (4 stories) (52 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-12)
Side Notation:
This is what we spoke of when we mentioned 2012 in a prior comment of ours. Our race, as we said, already knows what is to come. The events are being kept archaic, but we will say that the conclusion in the website provided by Cyopathic is only half-correct.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
I want you to read this and put this all behind us this is a update on the commet it is named planet-x but when they lost it they named it again so read this update from 08
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
Your story is all mixed up Jfcrock39 the planet-x you are talking about was a 2003 astroid it has not done a fly by but went on its natrual root.
lilmissgigi96 (1 stories) (20 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-11)
cyopathic where'd you get the EVP recorder? Well anyways...that's some scary poop.
I feel like I'm being wached all the time and my cat doesn't make it any better. Especially since he always pops out of nowhere!
Jfcrock39 (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-08)
For your info planet X has NOT already done a flyby. The last flyby occured 3600 years ago so get your story straight. I am more of an expert with this stuff then you.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
Hmm, I am going to update this storie because I was at my gradmothers house and I did some evps and I knew he was there I did the evps in the kitchen and I asked him a question and I got something after that but it did not so up in the tape beacause I was quite when I said it but he replyed back 3 times then there was some faint steps and we have a chair the looks like it is staring at the couch that I sleep on and I am woundring why did we do that he starts sitting on the chair watching me. So I put the recorder on the stero or atrax that is behind the chair I got a lot of his breathing and steps every one was sleeping and if someone human walked it is just baseicly you would make a creek there is more to this storie stay tuned and I will descide how hard the last couple of days been.
peotic555 (18 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-04)
What an amazing story, you should pray protection over yourself and take control, don't let the spirits drain you of your energy. I wonder if this guy was murdered, that's what it sounds like. I believe you can pray for him to cross into the light.

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