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The Old House I Lived In


It all started when I was three, If you read my first article then you might have a idea on what's happening with me. I was in my grandmothers house I was running around, I was just running laughing and then after a while I was thinking of jumping on the bed, We called it a guest room we never used it but I was not expecting what was going to happen next. I started to jump on the bed doing somersaults and rolling until I felt a cold breeze and a voice say something I did not pay attention there was a new years eve party then I saw a dark figure he was a dark mist not even human form just a dark mist. I just kept jumping until he said something else and next I fell and could not get up, I was pinned down then something else happened he let me go and I rolled off the bed and I wanted to see if there was someone playing a prank or something to cause that black mist. I looked at a suit case it was big like airport luggage I thought its probably my aunts from when she was a kid. Then out of no where the mist came back in more of a human form I ran out the door and I screamed but everyone seemed to be frozen I screamed and felt myself suffocate until my mom said "What's wrong?" I told here about the black mist and there was someone in there. She told me that I was okay. A few years later my grandma had to get knee surgery, I was crying and I had to stay at here house by myself, My mom told me " Your aunt will be here at night but will be gone in the morning for work" I said okay. I came by later that night and I heard a voice it was that same mist but he showed himself I said "Who are you?" he went away I decided that he was gone and to sleep and woke up at 5 a.m I heard the door in the back slammed I decided to walk for three hours and come back. I stayed away from that room and I stayed away from different things that could be "dark magic" in my grandmothers words I told my aunt about what been happening she said she will get the house blessed. When my grandma came back I told her every thing that happened but I needed help translating she understands me a little but I told my mom to translate but my mom said "There is nothing wrong with this house I spent my whole life here and nothing bad happens." After a while of begging she told my grandma she got a shelf and since I sleep in the couch in are living room she nailed the shelf into the corner of the room with a cross and holy water and elephant (She is very religious into Christianity) She told me in Spanish "This house is holy no dark spirits can get in." I believed here

And when I became 9 I told my cousin who is in here twenty's about the house she told me about how they played with tarot cards and Ouija boards in the back, the back room we called it was like another house it had a kitchen more rooms and a bathroom no lighting. I told them about the basement they said they never been in the basement but the cats have. (We had strays I thought of them as protectors of this house.) I remember we had a attic but it was like a crawl space attic I told my cousin if she had a haunting experience like the one I had she said that some other people in the family have had the same thing happen to them they went to sleep for a while and they saw the same mist figure and tried to speak and scream but they couldn't I said "why does it do that."'

I am now 13 and I had a vision of the spirit I saw how he died and where he could be, He was a African American he looked like near is 30s and in my vision he was in a concrete box under the ground of the closet like a secret compartment I woke up tired and out of breath 5:50 A.m. And I felt a twitch I looked into the TV screen thinking I left it on and watched or heard a movie and I only saw the reflection of the room and I stared at it for a while and saw the spirit threw the reflection he walked into the room I quickly looked behind me and the guest room door slammed. Today at 6/28/09 at 1:05 a.m. (My grandma is sick she fell watering here plants and I am here taking care of her.) I was watching TV and felt cold and twitching I thought about the spirit and I felt that he was in the room he went by the heater and started to scratch on the wall I looked at the wall and it stopped I went to the bathroom to meditate around 1:25 a.m. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing I heard a hiss and the light started dimming I quickly ran out threw the hall into the kitchen, I felt like he was following me. (We have a night light in the kitchen in case if we have to get up it gets really dark.) The night light started dimming to I ran to the couch and grabbed a cane I went to sleep and the wall started to bang and the mirror started to move I covered my head and said "I can't help you if I don't know what happened." I had no visions last night I am a little happy I need my breaks from seeing murders and suicides and also people getting hurt. Help me with these spirits and I hope I can help some of you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cyopathic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

hales3 (9 stories) (115 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-15)
Hey, Artine, what is the "AO" exactly? I have not been on this site in a long time. Ha, this is great.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
Well I would listen to what I would think it out first and I don't like fakes they are inyouing and they ask for advice after you would think they would now the basics I don't got any vishions latly maybe because I am tired and from helping a lot of you guys I think I got a break you should think what you do before you do something that can mess things up or someone elses life.
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-21)
Personaly I say whatever.
Sometimes you can't change what fate has given you.

And a lot of the times you will run into people that are fakes. And just want to make you believe what they want.

I say don't listen to me or anyone else just your heart.

❀ 😊
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-17)
Time to get the crap beating bat and boots on and let's play hard ball with space. Let's start off with the freaky deaky dna strands this is medical science and you should not mix dna science with psychic and psyshics or you will a to be on a talk show with 48-hours mystery and booted for how you are telling me in your on words this that people who can go and make dimensions use there dna I have heard that you can probbly do this but I am going to give it a no go you see you put psyshics and psychics into this and it is the morning I don't want to hear nothing with no back-up proof and no storie I have seen a angel transport from what you call a dimension but if you read in one of the cristian books or was it jehova witness well I am very busy reading and discussing and I have seen the cristan book more accruate with the world but it is not a dimmension but a hidden place that we can not see or hear from above us have you ever seen one of those children who keep looking at the sky saying they hear voices it scares me defently after there was on in my class he was odd but he knew what the next taco commerctal would be I never asked just woundered. But back to psyichs you can't say there is or will be a dimmension you are only going with sombodys theroy it does not make it right that it is here or there or realm or space but you can only say about the dna but let's go back to the freakie deakie you say that we can make a dimmension it is not scitifcly, mentaly and spirtaly right I have told you about the whole we are gaining oxgen and the whole we are going to die because of the dimmension being made thing well no proof no psycal proof just a theroy and the look to your higer selves thing just ruined my morning you see when you look for your higher self you get thoughts and then boom your self but I doubt that it sounds how will I put this creepy, almost worth me to go punch the guy outside and enough to put me into a bad place. I am going to call this culty you are telling me not to believe you and talk to my higerself "but I bet you can tell this is a higher you will get" and to ask myself is this true, I am more judge full on these days and on days I hear things like this. And no I don't like to hear this because of every ones opinon and on claming to be or not to be a psychic more strands in your dna makes you normal even though you are not other words I would be carful like artine my bat is ready for any one elses crap I do not tolarate a no answer and a mix with something it will not go with I am not sarcastic now but mean I know and I will be at school and I am very busy today and I am going to come back from a very very hard day of twitching and looking at things for a long time I just know I am going to have a lot of vishions but I don't like hearing things that envole me and. Psychis it just brings back sad memories and I wish you would learn more on the thory of dimensons like what I said if someone has a question that does not have what you should believe take a step foward and I am ready for any questions I am not a genuie people I am a psychic and a expert on the following psychis,math,beating people up,football,psychics,reading and history I will be back from school later on I will read what you must have to say by must I just now you are going to say and I am to mad at the whole me having to think on psychis thing.
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-17)
Actually, it's not faith nor belief at all, especially after you relinquish those. All I can tell you is what's there, and if you look hard enough you'll see it too.

Don't go off the word of others, look into it personally and eradicate belief and faith so that you're not in denial when you find it.

I don't mean to scare anyone, all I am telling you is what's there, and some of what will happen. Dimensions are not galaxies but densities of existence which we can ascend to and descend from. Humans used to have 48 strands of DNA, and used them to create this dimension for more experience to evolve further as souls. We now have 2. Other races have more, but all can be reclaimed. As I said, there's nothing to worry about as we ascend before this one loses oxygen, and if you tap into the vibrational frequencies around you and into your higher self, you can check the validity of this information, and it will be accurate. Furthermore, all of my visions have come true, as well as my fiance's, and we have had hundreds upon hundreds. Her pendulum has also checked validity and it's never been wrong either. Are we more developed psychics? Perhaps. But it still stands that what we know is what we say, and we don't cover it up. We didn't take the words of others but looked into it ourselves. Sometimes it requires special passes, sometimes not.
And actually yes, we can be sure that we are right, considering we've also been directly through it. No, we're not changing anything now. No, nothing is going to change this. We will ascend to a better dimension, a better density of existence, that's all anyone really needs to know.
We also know that everything on that very Site is correct due to validity checks and personal experiences.
Most things can be changed, this cannot, and this Should not.

Personal Experience is the only way to truly validate anything, you cannot take it from the words of others. Don't believe us, ask your higher selves not to lie to you or sugar-coat anything or be biased when and if you check the validity of this information. They'll tell you the same thing: It's true.
But don't believe us. Relinquish everything you thought you ever knew and go find out for yourselves through personal experience.

Yeah, I know I sound a bit like Artine, but there's no harm in using proper grammar. Besides, this is a heated topic and my Empathy is kicking in, so I'm trying to remain neutral and flat to avoid pissing anyone off or getting angry, myself.:)
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Hey Olive you are raising that supsecion of you being artine again when you talked about dimmensions and your belif in this and also when you say this "game" and after I read me and my wife will survie just went back to creepy I will try to accept that you believe that I can not argue with belif because my hands would get dirty but I can't argue with what you see or believe because everyday would be a struggle and I do have the right information from my science pals of myspace they are deeply smart (Don't laugh" but heres what they told me

Composition of dry atmosphere, by volume
Ppmv: parts per million by volume

Gas Volume

Nitrogen (N2) 780, 840 ppmv (78.084%)

Oxygen (O2) 209, 460 ppmv (20.946%)

Argon (Ar) 9,340 ppmv (0.9340%)

Carbon dioxide (CO2) 383 ppmv (0.0383%)

Neon (Ne) 18. 18 ppmv (0.001818%)

Helium (He) 5.24 ppmv (0.000524%)

Methane (CH4) 1.745 ppmv (0.0001745%)

Krypton (Kr) 1.14 ppmv (0.000114%)

Hydrogen (H2) 0.55 ppmv (0.000055%)

Nitrous oxide (N2O) 0.3 ppmv (0.00003%)

Xenon (Xe) 0.09 ppmv (9x10−6%)

Ozone (O3) 0.0 to 0.07 ppmv (0%-7x10−6%)

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 0.02 ppmv (2x10−6%)

Iodine (I) 0.01 ppmv (1x10−6%)

Carbon monoxide (CO) 0.1 ppmv

Ammonia (NH3) trace

Not included in above dry atmosphere:

Water vapor (H2O) ~0.40% over full atmosphere, typically 1%-4% at surface

This is for -09 I thanked them for looking into this and your dimensions have been talked about but you can not mix religon, belif and science together you will not get a answer and you will not collect 200 dollors but dimmensions have been said to be galixes and you went exactly back to creepy after we talked about this to artine and I wish that you told me more on this adam and are oxgen is going up due to carbon dioxided and carbon fuels but are ozone is going down you should not argue about us lossing air with me it is very distrubing to hear such a thing that is in children text books adam and I am starting to think you tried to pull a fast one on me. This does not sound like you how old are you adam? And I appoligize if it is you and I wish that you told us more and I tell the truth of what I reasherch. 😜
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
How do you know that link is right? You said not faith belief or religion, but that it all that is, your beliefs and faith.

I'm not saying your wrong but you still can't be sure your right.
Even if you've had visions, some don't come true just because and some because someone has changed it.
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Thank you so much Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree! I bookmarked dream lot's of info here. I will surly pass this on to those who are interested.
Take care
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Oh and by the way, Heaven is when you ascend to the outer dimensions. It's not Heaven, but that's what is Called 'Heaven'. Hell is Ego.

Learned this long ago:)
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
But hey, people, go ahead and believe what you want, just make sure that you make absolute certainty that it's the Truth, not Faith or Religion or Belief based.

Truth does not require Belief to make it True. If it does, it's not the Truth.

And I'll give you one source, apart from my visions:

And I know they are right, also part of my visions.:)
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
There are eleven dimensions and this one will be destroyed after we elevate to the fifth. There is no second, and there Will be no third. However, after everything is elevated, there will also be a twelfth. We, Humans, created this dimension to begin with, as a game.
I've seen it too, Vic. So has my fiance. We know what happens, and we know how her and I will survive.
It won't be pretty, but we'll survive:D
By the way, Vic, those people happen to be the UN. Go figure, right? Is it not also NOT surprising that as such, they're implementing Codex Alimentarius (food code), to do JUST THAT? Look it up, as I said.

By the way, Cyo, they didn't give a correct date to that. Check your sources, we're running out. And actually, it doesn't matter how many trees we plant. The Earth can't support us much longer, our population is huge, and no matter how fast we "go green", running out is now invariable. BUT WAIT: We ascend BEFORE we run out, so we are SAFE. NO WORRIES:D

Artine's right, I checked. And it appears that he does the same that I do: Un-sugar-coating:D But oh well, we have nothing to worry about:)
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Hi cyopathic, can you please help me? If you can? Read my latest comment! Thank you! 😁
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Time to put on the crap kicking boots ughh. Do you know how much oxgen is 11% it is actually a lot where did you get this information? And the other reason I am going to have to add it you guys for got about the other gases but here is what the studies of wiki say

78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases

So looks like we have 20% of oxygen:D and that is in are atmosphere so that makes it a lot alot. And Artine was wrong as far as he knows there could be a 2nd dimension or in what the cristan faith calls heavan and 3rd dimmension called hell he could be right but we could be a 4dimenshion but we can not call it true there is no psychial proof of it.
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Oh and btw,
There is a group of people who think the answer to saving earth is to kill off most of the population, and eat your own children rather then animals and also so you don't populate.
Disgusing right?
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
11% oxegen yes.
But that's why so many scientist and naturalist are going into a planting frenzy. That's why most of the people are screaming "go green" To reduce the the using and to plant more tree which we all know eqauls more oxegen. My suggestion if your really scared about the oxegen thing plant a tree and get over it.

Artine was just putting everything in a way that made it all sound scary. And blow everything out of Proportion. But believe me he has (Some) truth. BUt not as harsh as he makes it out to be.

And about knowing it isn't the end of the earth, People are going to live don't worry.
I'm not going to get into too much of what I saw, because I'm not here to scare anyone.

❀ 😊
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
And actually, no, Time is just a concept used for measurement to be "on time" for meetings and such. Do we need time to exist? No. Everything functioned well Without Time, and Man CREATED Time to begin with, or rather the concept. We then factored in what a "second" should be in "time", and so on and so forth.
Time is a concept, accept it, it's not proven, just widely accepted:) Man created the concept, it wasn't there before:)
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Actually, check the statistics. When the dinosaurs were around, the Earth had 37% oxygen. By the 1900's, Earth had 19%, by 2000, 13%. We are currently at 11% and counting Down.: (
Fortunately Artine was right in that we ascend to the 5th dimension during 2012, which is an entirely new-but-familiar place, and There we don't have to worry about running out:) Artine is right, but we have nothing to worry about:)
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-16)
Subjectelven thank you for telling every one about that I am serous I was getting mad about the whole arguing air thing and people saying we will run out I was creeped out again of the whole 2012 and I got alittle fear from the whole artine making things up but I needed someone to back up this info its in freaking 1st grade text books people but victora is right we shall not grab a stick and poke the topic 2012 it will just get tired of the poking and tell you something that could or could not be true and then when you turn around it will hit you with the stick and punch you in the gut and its friend fear will join in to (but that's just a example of if it was a person lol.) And I think we should just not talk about it and I am having trouble sleeping from it and bad vishions of people from it and I hope we can cut this noncinse off and thanks again subjecteleven for backing me up 😊
SubjectEleven (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
Let's start with oxygen. Trees, flowers, plants and all types of green shrubbery emit oxygen and take in Carbon Dioxide. We breath in Oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide. It's beautiful the way everything works out for Earth.

It takes about 15 years for a huge tree to become... Well... Huge. It takes even shorter periods of time for shrubbery, grass, and even weeds to sprout. A heavy rain can pass and your dad is complaining about weeds that grew because of the rain. Well those emit Oxygen.

Without a huge war, Nuclear, you'll never have to worry about our planet running out of Oxygen. Even that relies on every single inch of the earth getting bombed and you wouldn't be alive anyways. No we will not run out of H20 in 40 years. Don't worry. Don't think twice.

Second, time does exist and we understand it fully. It's a measurement of movement into the future. Fifteen minutes ago you were getting milk and cookies and now you're reading this post. It exists just as much as a foot exists. You don't say, wait, a foot doesn't exist because I don't see a marker on the ground every 12 inches. Yet we know that every 12 inches makes a foot. Time, just like feet, the measurement of distance, is a definition of a reality and nothing more.
jbrown9384 (100 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
That is a relief, victoriarose! Because whenever I turned on the tv to the history chanel, it always talked about the end of the earth! How do you know this, by the way? 😁
VictoriaRose (3 stories) (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
2012 isn't the end of the earth.

For people that believe it is I'm sorry you'll be highly disapointed when 2012 rolls around.
I think people should leave it alone for now, when 2012 comes around I guess we will see who was right. But there isn't any use fighting over it.
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
Since Artine doesn't seem to be talking, and I know some of the numbers, I'll help instead:D Here's for some of the numbers that I've found, hope it helps:P
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
Calm down man combeinations of numbers is probbly just nothing so you should calm down and it won't happen often its okay dude. 😊
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
Artine, Is this a wake-up call? Can you comment on why we are seeing combination of numbers on clocks. I keep seeing 11:11, 1:11, 9:11, 4:44, 9:26 and 9:28. How about Rev 5:5 this licence plate scared me, seen it several times. Angels I have been in the company of a few. One saved me from a car crash. I would like to know their name.
Peace and Light
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
I apologise you can never be to sure and it looks like you are right he is a conspisy maker when I read some of the stories he has made it looks like you are not the same but the funny thing is if you look in your profile the weird thing is there are some stories with your profile I am going to talk to annv about this and I found his e-mail address and how old are you olive? 😁
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-15)
Cyo, according to Artine, my old account, 's profile, it says that it was stolen two months ago:P You're right though that Angels aren't supposed to steal, perhaps a rogue program or something? In any case, he/she actually did me a favor:P Adam means Earth, and Olivia means Olive Tree, and this account is for her and I:)

I don't think whoever has the Artine account in possesion is an Angelic Human though:P But, whoever he/she is, unfortunately, they're right. The information comes from the Andromedans, really, but I don't want to scare anyone here:P 2012 will be a good year, I believe:)
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-14)
Hmm olive sounds to me like you have two accounts on here... By the way this looks bad I am disapointed in this I don't wish to talk anymore about this I am very upset right now until you can answer these questions that I have. 😠
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-14)
Hmm I did some digging on them but he sounds more like a hacker then angel he is right about some off the things but he is wrong also after you have confronted him he has not showen up a angel would stand his or her ground and answer are questions it is there duties to keep us safe I been freaked out about the whole thing Artine if you can read this tell us why you have taken his account or in other words adaim please come on out and tell us why you have not reasponded to are call we are willing to hear there is matrixes they believe and I believe the same thing or other words a yellow light takes them into another dimmenshion but I think there are three places here and other two places adam is a tricky person or ao Adam knows about are troubled times but they have a end his job is to tell us or other words stomp it out and make sure it stays that way he did a good job by scarying the day lights out of me but I believe he is here to scare us into stopping what we are doing that is harming others or are selves Adam I wish that you would not hide from us and to tell us why you did this and tell us why we should worry into scarying are selves I was creeped out for two days and I have been worried you should tell us and angels are not suppose to steal even for a good cause its just against the rules and yes we know that you want to help the world every one is doing it and we are trying hard we don't want to be pressured into doing it. It just sounds so wrong into jugment day or clean up your act we are trying we stoped doing so much to save are planet and people and I believe you under stand I wish for you to stop tourmenting us and get on with are lives and I wish for you to understand on how are lives are very busy.

Sincerly- Cyopathic 😁
Earth_and_the_Olive_Tree (guest)
15 years ago (2009-08-14)
Hey Cyopathic, I think I've found out some more about them! We're also of the same race, but whomever took control of my old Artine account, I don't know:P Anyway, I saw your bio, so I decided to look into it too:) Here's what I found:D
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-13)
Artine you calim to be Angelic Human is that right? If so are you suppose to be the gardiuns of earth? I am very curious to learn more about your kind I have seen a Angel in liquad form going to dimension to dimension and have protected people but tell me more please. 😁

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