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Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Would you classify him as an incubus now? Has he touched you in any suggestive way?

Can I ask your age?
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
eye24 - I've had like 3 boyfriend since I met Tommy and he hasn't LIKED any of them but I honestly thought he was aesexual or gay until the past year.
Maybe I just look better now 😆
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
he is doing this because he used to be the only guy you talk to but now since you have boyfriend he feels jealous. Is like if there is an only child in the house and suddenly there is new baby in the house the older one will get jealous but after a while he will get used to it. But you got find out he is doing this he loves you and can't see anyone taking you way from him or he doesn't want any man at all to be with you just because.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
no, Krezin says that Krezin and Wiggy are demons, along with some others I know - he never ever said Tommy was one. His attitude towards Tommy is that he is a lowly creature.
I didn't mention Krezin and Wiggy because they barely visit anymore 😭 But no, whatever Krezin is, Tommy is not.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
How does Krezin know that they are demons 😕
This is knew. How come you never mentioned them before?
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
So Krezin is telling you that Tommy and wiggy are demons?

Man, this is slightly cool and fun, yet scary.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Krezin and Wiggy know Tommy but they're not exactly friends. Krezin gets very impatient with Tommy and Wiggy is mute.
They're demons according to Krezin. They also have the solid eyes like Tommy but they aren't transparent. I feel like they might be kind of "higher up" on the heiarchy in the Parallel if that makes any sense.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Who are Krezin and Wiggy? I didn't hear about them before.

Are they tommy's friends?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
You will have to start off with a lot of meditation. Or if you want the easy way, try to induce sleep paralyses.

Some people can see this plane naturally while others don't.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I'm sure there are many other parallels. I just don't know the name of the one I go to and always called it The Parallel.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I would like to ask, also; is this a single parrallel which everyone sees, or are there others?
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Oh and the first time I went there, I was 12, and I was sitting in my closet, spaced out. I used to have a REALLY bad habit of just mentally leaving - and pretty soon I was still feeling my body sitting in the closet but my "spirit" I guess was in the Parallel with Tommy and Krezin and Wiggy, as if it were normal for me to be there.

And yes, the Parallel is bendy. Her short description was better than my long one lol
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Rashidah - yeah, and even that simple definition is complex. "What is harm?" "Could this cause harm to someone in another country somehow in some way?" Lol it's crazy.

TrueorUntrue - I'm thinking of writing a separate story on this in-depth. Basically, it's got green sky... Which is darker and gray-ish on bad days when everyone is upset and especially melancholic. The grass isn't like Earth grass; it's much more fine, and it's black or gray. There are tree's but they are white or black and some of them have "hair" instead of branches. There are roads but they're just like, an inch deep, very wide path rather than concrete.
I've never seen it rain there. There is a moon-like thing rather than the sun.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I know I shouldn't ask this, but how do you get there? Meditation or something like that.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
It looks like this plane here but it is composed of the undead, strange creatures and colors. Some areas seem bended... You will have to go there to really get a clear picture of what it looks like 😕
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Good and Evil is really tricky to define.
I just leave it as; if you are doing something that harms someone, it is evil.
I know this is a very narrow explanation because it is broader than that.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Can I ask what the parrallel looks like? I'm always fascinated in this kind of stuff:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I still have a lot to learn still. The spirit world is very vast. But I understand your concern over the suicide thing. But Tommy seemed to die at age 14. He is still immature in that sense and may not know what he was saying.

He may not have had the chance to mature when he was alive.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
And just to add something here; I think "good" and "evil" are terms that are up for debate.
I'm not really positive about what's good and what's bad. Or if it really matters.

Does that make sense? 😆
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
TrueorUntrue - the circle was just a place for prayer, really.
I don't bother hiding any religious symbols I wear. Tommy may not like it, but I DO what I want.
And yeah, going to a parallel universe is weird. But, it happens.

Rashidah - Thank you. And yes, I mean voodoo =) I never thought that may be why Tommy was ever attracted to me; I appear to be lacking in some of the common sense lol. I'm Cajun, some of my relatives were super-voodoo people, and the traditions kind of got passed down.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
[at] Rashidah

Holy moley, people are right about you; you are wise.

But, couldn't something bad happen if she went to New Orleans with him? I'm no expert (god, I wish I had a better word than that) but I wouldn't want to go to a supernatural hotspot.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Hail to end the argument here, follow your heart and your gut instinct.
You know Tommy better than all of us. So you are the best person to know if he is good or evil.
I am not going to lecture you like some do.

When you say Vodun, did you mean voodoo by chance? Because if Tommy is from New Orleans, he maybe attracted to you because of this. I will expound on this further. I like practicing magic, my spirit guide is a magician. He probably took an interest in me because of this.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
And I wouldn't want to need Tommy. If he is a demon (I don't really know, but it seems very probable), it's going to try to coax you.

And if it does, it's going to be bad.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
[at] Hail Dizzy

True, true. If I could go to the parrallel, that would be sweet. But, it's just so wierd, that's all.

BTW, what did you do in this circle, and does it have a name?
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
That seems like a good idea, I think. I'd hide a cross or a star of david in your pocket though, I do not trust Tommy really well.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
TrueorUntrue - at this point in time, I think I do need Tommy. I may have friends on the internet but none who have been with me through all that's happened since I was 10. And no one online can take me to the Parallel on a regular basis.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I'm wondering if I were to take a trip to New Orleans, if it would help him. He follows me everywhere; maybe you're right about him just not being at peace.
I was planning on going for Mardi Gras anyway.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
And if you need a friend, there are plenty of people here that will (and do) understand you.

You don't need tommy, and I don't really like the idea of him wanting you. He's dead, and he should have gone somewhere, but he didn't.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I am not Wiccan. I used to participate in Wiccan-like practices, and sometimes still do. I'm Jewish-Catholic-Vodun of some sort; no religion actually fits me perfectly because of what I have seen and what I know. Jewish by birth, however.

Yeah, generally someone suggesting suicide isn't the best sign but if he's telling the truth, he's a 14 year old boy who was drowned violently like 60 years ago. I'd be disturbed too.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Oh you are a wiccan, there is a girl called ghostlygirl who is a wiccan also, but she seems not to be here anymore.

I do not think closing the circles has anything to do with Tommy appearing to you though. Spirits appear when they choose to appear.

It is sad that he died tragically though. When someone dies tragically, most of the times their souls are not at peace 😢
They often wander around this plane. It is like a sort of purgatory.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Yeah, I just wanted to add this disclaimer message that I wasn't making fun of you, so no one would get mad.

Also, from what I've been reading, Tommy does not sound like the Romeo of the spirit world. He freaks out when you wear anything Jewish or Christian, he doesn't want help being "relieved", and he wants you to kill yourself so you can be with him.

Too me, that is one big red light to say "I need some help here". Then again, I'm no expert on this stuff.

But I would ask him some more quizical questions, just to make sure this kid is alright.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
BTW, are you a wiccan?

I'm not going on the "PAGAN!" rant because I'm christian, it just seems that weird things happen when they do those circles.

I'm not going to do anything like that, because I don't want Pennywise the Dancing Clown at the end of my bed.

"We all Float down here, Matty"
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I can help you with who he is, if you ask him where he was born. If you want help, of course.

I'm no spirtual master, but MAYBE I can help you.

Plus, I'm now obsessed over this:P
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
This "Tommy" guy gives me the hibby jibbies. I'm not going to go on with the evil spirit, but he seems kind of obsessed. Plus the green eyes and the being drowned by his father make me suspicious.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
eye24 - you could be right. I just wish he'd be less threatening about it. He didn't used to be, but as of late he's become more aggressive.
I should speak with him. If he'll listen.
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
okay I think he doesn't want to go because he thinks that if he does he will be lonely and you think the same you too and you guys need each other. So in his mind the best way to solve this is for you to die because he can't be human again because he is died so you guys will never be separated. He doesn't mean to harm you its the only way he can think of other what it is now.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Thank you =)
I don't believe that all spirits that don't happen to be glowing like a Michael Angelo painting need to be banished or exorcised either - trust me.

I'm wondering if the fact that at the age I mer him, I began casting circles. I actually wasn't as ignorant as you'd think a 10 or 11 year old would be about it - it became part of my religious practice. However, I did not always close the circles correctly. May have opened some kind of gate and Tommy came through.
I may be 100% full of crap. I don't know anymore, lol.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
The spirit is not something to run from. He was not sent to dam or drag your soul to hell.
He just needs guidance and someone to help him.

I am sorry again for getting emotional on this. The time of the month for me have a bad influence on me today 😳
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I am sorry. I just witnessed a lot of innocent spirits that come under ritual abuse (exorcism) and I really feel their pain. So I become very touchy on these topics. But I should of composed myself better.
My apologies.

The spirit suggested suicide because he is very attached to you and he may have an idea that suicide may bring you two together forever. To him TIME does not matter in his world. So he may act very hasty (poor thing)

NOW DO NOT DO THIS. But explain to him how wrong it is and guide him. That is why he came to you, to guide him on the correct path to peace.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Thank you =)

I'm going to try and explain to him that me dying right now isn't part of the plan and I'm going to TRY and find out why he's chosen to be around me.
Maybe it's because I have the ability to see him, for some reason.
PureCheese (4 stories) (79 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
At first I thought he was your guardian angel and I am pretty sure he is
And that's soo cute how you drew him~
Btw I love your way of drawing
It's unique and awesome

And I guess its a love between spirit and human?
After all he still has feelings
But It's not good that he asks you to suicide, talk to him
Make him understand
-forbidden love-

~best wishes
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Rashida - thank you for your reposes and I'm sorry if I've made you leave this page. I really don't feel like Tommy is a pure evil entity and, like I said, he's not always deviant - he HAS helped me through some things. He suggests suicide but I don't know if he fully understands what suicide is to living human beings anymore.

NaturalScience - Just to let you know, I am not a readily suicidal person, so don't worry too much, lol.

Eye24 - this may be a simple explanation but there are so many other things involved such as him used to being human
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
the only thing I can say is that he is demon and he loves you that is why he is with you. Shy. I think that is simple explanation
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
the only think I can say is that he is demon and he loves you that is why he is with you. 😳
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
[at] Rashidah, what a pity you are leaving... Please don't! Seemed to me you were one of the most serious ones here. Even worse that you make me think it is also my fault that you are leaving, as I am among those you accused of spreading hysteria. Sorry if this was so, from your point of view, but it would be too late for hysteria if that young woman let's herself be seduced into suicide or something else which is seriously bad, by that Green-Eye boy from "ther parallel"! Of course, what I write is just "natural science", I mean, common sense and some sum-up of what I have learned, which maybe is 60% or more of superstition. I am not an astral traveller or so. Don't have that gift. Thus I am thrown back to what I see with my senses and what I read and hear from serious people and traditions. But I am here to learn, and perhaps to help too. Remember the first thing I did here is ask why I'm starting to get a visible mark in Third Eye region on my forehead (which, at the moment, is not visible - no problem) and no one answered, but I saw that I can read and utter my opinion here no matter if I can astral travel, precognize, or other supernatural things or no, and this is maybe more important than to be happy about some beautiful explanation for my rudimentary third eye mark. So I just do here what my grand-aunt, a Franciscan nun, who I revere as an unknown saint, would have done. She would have counseled that girl same way as I did, but she knew only Catholicism and nothing else while I have become, by difficult paths in life and lots of study, a meta-religious person - thank God (dess).
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
You know what I find strange, that you refer him as your friend.

I believe you all are going really extreme on this and blowing everything out of proportion.
No need to be superstitious.

This is my last post on this page. And then I will leave you all to all this hysteria.

I sense nothing dangerous about this situation. I mean is he hurting you? Is he forcing you to kill yourself 😕 Or was it a thought of yours?

I have had various contact with spirits; both good and disturbed. I have guided some to peace and rest. That is why I say communication is important. You have a lot of fear but yet you consider him your friend 😕

That is all I am going to say on this. I do not think scaring the author about the entity being evil is going to help her confused mind.

If he is so wicked and evil, how come she seemed very calm in writing this story?

You must learn to have control over things and not give into fear and hysteria.

I am off this page.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
NaturalScience - I actually have the Jewish amulet you speak of. He gets upset when I wear it or any Catholic jewelry (I'm Jewish and Catholic at once somehow) which has been blessed. He just says "that's stupid" but it doesn't make him stop being devious if that's the mood he's in.
I have actually asked him if he needed help going someplace better, but he laughs at me.
As far as preferring to have living friends - he knows very well that without him I would be alone. I have extreme issues trying to make friends and it's not his fault.

NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Ever told him you would prefer having friends in the world of the Living? Ever asked him whether he needs any kind of help, for living in his parallel or for getting into a better place? I think you did not, yet. Do it. If he starts behaving badly at that tell him, as you would with a living teen-age boy who is misbehaving: Behave or go! If he doesn't show the due respect even then, tell him to go back to his parallel in the name of God and call Archangel Michael for help.
When you are in church or temple, and also when you are alone and without company of that spirit, pray for the "Poor Souls in Purgatory" and ask those there who are good-hearted to help you pray for that spirit-buddy of yours. I do not call him a friend, for a real friend will not seduce his friends into bad actions or psychotic ideas, as suicide thoughts always are if not enforced by extreme pain or misery (concentration camp, terminal cancer etc). Master Haidakhan Babaji told the people of all religions to repeat the Names of the Lord, I suppose in order to ward off the power of evil spirits which seems to be very strong to-day. If you are a Catholic you can, for example, use short prayers as "Jesus, Mary and St Joseph, stand by me in the struggle of life" or "All creatures, sing the Praise of The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". As a Protestant, or a Jew, use a Psalm quotation, as "Praise the Lord in His Temple, and in the high Heavens, praise Him for His mighty deeds and for His unfathomable Greatness" (Psalm 150).
Oriental people also believe that such a prayer written on paper or engraved in a bracelet and then worn is a protection against Evil. Jews wear such an amulet, on which is written SHEMA ISRAEL ADONAI ELOHENU ADONAI ECHAD, during their prayer. Latter words mean "Hearken Israel, the Great Lord is our God, the Great Lord is One." Christians too may use those very holy words as a mantra, i.e., to repeat in thought during daily routine work and/or as focus of meditation.
We all I think would be curious how the spirit will react to you wearing a Holy Word of God as an amulet. If he shrinks from it, know this is a proof of him being not trustable at all!
(For the non-Christian readers here: in Islam, the repetition of the Lord's names is very widespread, nearly every Muslim does that. Their mantra No. 1 is "La ilaha ill'Allah" meaning "There is no God except the One True God." The derwishs sing it during their dance. For Hindus, and for all who revere Master Babaji, the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAYA is recommended. Babaji called it "stronger than nuclear weapons". He urged everybody to repeat the Lord's names in order to have a chance to survive the disasters to come over the world soon. As compared to such disasters, some teen-age lost soul having weird ideas is a trifle!)
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
fossilera - Nope, he has not asked for any help otherwise. He has only asked me to do things that are bad that wouldn't benefit him in any way I know of - he hasn't asked me to go to New Orleans to find his body or anything like that.
Don't worry, you're not harsh.
But if I WERE to want to stop this whole thing, I don't even know how to make him move on.

And nope, I'm not positive of where I'll go in the afterlife. I don't think I'll go to anywhere that could be classified as "Hell" but I'm assuming I'll just get up out of my body and be with Tommy like I do during astral travel (which I can't even do on command yet.)

Zackterz, I emailed you.
vanillabean (9 stories) (168 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
Also, Hail Dizzy, thanks for taking my comments to heart. I am not trying to come down on you at all. Emotions are very complex things. It makes sense you're a bit confused, and it's a really good sign that you had the sense to actively look for and post for help with this. ❤ 😉
fossilera (4 stories) (124 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
I'm going to bring this up - It's strictly for consideration only. If this is an entity, it will not be mean all the time, because if it was, you wouldn't be attached to it.

I'm also going to put this out there - Has he asked for help at all? Apart from "hinting" that you both could be together forever?

I cannot make you do anything, but I strongly recommend you take the advice of NaturalScience and vanillabean.

I'm sorry if that came out as harsh, but I agree, I'm worried about you - to the point that I'd go against my ethics and pray that you be kept safe.

Finally, I'll leave you with this thought (for now) - Do you know 100% what is waiting for you on the other side? Anything, anything a spirit says should not be taken as 100% truth.
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
hali what's your email mines zmkinnney [at] talk to me as soon as you can
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
vanillabean - thank you for your insight. I believe ya'll may be right, he may be evil. But the thing is, he's not mean ALL the time... Ever met a 14 year old boy with serious trust issues, lots of bad hormones, etc? He's like that, only times one hundred.
What if he IS telling the truth and he just needs help?
I wouldn't have friends either way, at least with Tommy I have one.

I am sooo confused.
I've met others from the Parallel as well, Krezin and Wiggy are two that I know the best. Neither of them act like Tommy but they both have those kinds of eyes.
vanillabean (9 stories) (168 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
Hail Dizzy, sorry but this does not sound like a good situation. I am a medium and can communicate with spirits. Spirits know that you are on earth to learn and fulfill your mission here. They would never, ever suggest that you kill yourself or disrupt your time on earth. They are full of pure love. They would never get angry that you want to go to church. The truth is that I have no experience with bad spirits. I only get the good ones. That's how I know your friend is not a good one.

I'm also concerned that you say he is your best friend and that you don't really have any other friends. That should be a big wake-up call that your imaginary friend is taking up your whole social life. Sounds totally unhealthy, and it would be unhealthy if you had this type of relationship with a human too.

Further, you have no idea what will happen to you when you die. Most people who truly live lives where they do the best they can to learn their spiritual lessons and love others as they love themselves will end up in a "better place" not purgatory! I have a feeling you'd end up in a better place and wouldn't see Tommy at all. You might even have to reincarnate to make up for killing yourself.

And the green eyes? I've never seen a spirit with all green eyes, that's just creepy to me, and not a good sign.

I'm concerned for you, and concerned that it sounds like you've actually considered being with Tommy forever. Take care and please make smart decisions for yourself. Keep going to church. No matter what denomination you are, there is an infinite intelligence that loves us and guides us all. Never trust an entity that tells you to turn away from that! ❤
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
NaturalScience - I see what you're saying. But I don't think being no-longer human is such a bad thing... Especially if I could be what he is and be with him all the time. I don't know... He doesn't talk about me dying like it would be bad at all he's acting like it's a move for the better.
But, he also told me he used to be a human, and I don't know if that's true or not.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
Asking you to commit suicide so you can be with him? Evil thing. Evil guy! He wants to use and abuse you. He lies to you, he hates religion, he wants to estrange you from friends in the world of the Living. Imposible to imagine you will ever have a good time together in the "parallel" if the times you have with him in this world are so difficult at times yet. I suppose if you chase that weird guy back to his purgatory you will get friends in our world. The fact that his presence is quite an interesting thing, half-transparent and no pupils, what a special friend which no one els has! 🤔 should not seduce you to keep with him. There must be a whole lot of spirits available to show you glimpses of "parallels" or other parts of the invisible reality which are worth more as friends, better-hearted, on the right side. Keep going to prayer meetings. Do not let him spoil your interests in the world of the Living. Remember the Vampire stories. A vampire is said to make girls fall in love with him and then tell them they will be his immortal partners if they let him bite them and well, they do get immortal after the bite, but they then are half-dead, vampires too, no longer human. This is not a fine goal to reach, is it?
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-02)
Thank you.
He does refuse to go into synagogue/church with me. Seems I'm the only alone in there...I'm rather into religion and he makes fun of me for it, he HATES religion.

Familiar -does this mean he was never a person? I know what a familiar is in terms of animals but not people-ish things.
I ask him and ask him, always wanting to know things, but he lies, and gets offended if I doubt him.
ZiShu (129 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
In time I will be able to find who this friend of yours is. I can tell you that he is not human...
Email me please when you have time. He looks like hes trying to keep you in the middle. I know a couple of friends who've had a "friend" like yours. It did not end good. One of them almost died...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Anyway. If you want to know of him more, try communicating more hun ❤
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
it is called a familiar. It is a lower level entity. Ask him about Jesus Bible yo him, see how he reacts. He won't be evil until you do things he does not like the botfriend. When you want to get rid of him, he will not go and you will need a priest to get rid of him.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Well, that'd explain it.
He has become much more frisky lately.

I wish I knew what he was. Like, a word or term for it.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Once you have a very close relationship with a spiritual entity, it is possible for it to take over your body at times.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-01)
Oh and I think I should add that he has at times "taken over" my body.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
Oh, trust me, I am attached... Considering he's been my closest friend since I was a child.
I literally have no other friends.

Thanks you =)
fossilera (4 stories) (124 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
Hey Hail-Dizzy,

I don't have much experience when it comes to having an "invisible friend", but I strongly recommend that you do not get to attached to the spirit.

At least for me, any spirit that hints if you "kill yourself you could be together" is not an entity I would consider a friend. I would use caution whenever Tommy shows up.

I don't think it's a demon, but maybe a lost spirit. You might want to try and remind him that he is dead, and that you have your own life - I've heard it helps some.

This is just my personal gut, but what's troubling is that you seem attached to him (you said you weren't sure you wanted him gone), and that he hinted about you harming yourself just so you could be with him (pretty selfish for a spirit). It might be coincidence, but it sounds like he wanted you to become attached. (My goal isn't to worry you, just observing).

If you ever feel like he might be a threat, you can try shielding, or tell him to leave.

In any case, keep us posted
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-30)
So ya'll have seen the Parallel too? (or land of the lost, or Purgatory...) was the sky green to you as well?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
There is a plain called purgatory.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
zackterz (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
the plain land is somthing me and my friend call t he land of the lost (no not the movie or tv show) or accadon there are many important things to do there ask tommey
raybabay13 (4 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
thats true... I have a connection with ghosts and my mom wants to get my house spiritually cleansed and make them g away and its tearing me apart... I'm sorry:/
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
Thank ya'll.
If he is a demon, I don't know why he's after me. I'm also not sure I would ever want him gone.
raybabay13 (4 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
he might be a demon... That's always possible since he wants you to do something to harm you
WeirdsBestFriend (4 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-29)
I'm looking online for this name and even death records in new orleans. I promise to comment and tell you if I find ANYTHING! I don't think your crazy at all. I think it's a spirit. I'm going to try and find out who this boy was. I promise. 😉 😁

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