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Real Psychic Experiences

I Have An Invisible Friend


I have an invisible friend and his name is Tommy Thibodaux. I met him when I was around 10 or 11; he approached me while I was playing in the backyard. My mother wasn't alarmed; she also "saw things" and it was just a normal thing in my house. He had issues playing with me at first because he was (and is) a 14 year old boy. Now I'm almost 5 years older than he is.

Tommy claims to have been drowned by his father in the 1940's in New Orleans. I have never been to New Orleans; I live in northern Louisiana and have most of my life. Tommy has followed me to different houses, he can go with me to school if he wants, he rides in the car, but he will not go into the bathroom. He has taken me (in my sleep) to "The Parallel" which is a spiritual plain and I don't know what else to call it. It's kind of like a Purgatory.

Tommy is about my height, 5'5". He has short brown hair, he's pale, wears a gray shirt and blue-ish pants; but the oddest part, I've found, about his appearance, is his eyes. They are solid green. He has no pupil and no white. I can see him usually and he's slightly transparent; I have finally mastered drawing Tommy to show he's transparent (my deviantart name is sweetXtea). He tells me to do things sometimes, and leads me when I sleepwalk. He can be rather deviant but he has become my best friend; at this point, he's jealous that I have a boyfriend, and has hinted to me that if I kill myself, we can be together.

I do not know if he's a ghost, or what. I don't know. I've searched the web. I've talked to a few people. My mom has died and she's the only one who really didn't think I was crazy, lol. If anyone can give me a clue, please do; I don't want Tommy to go away but I am curious about what he is and if there are others.

Thank you

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hail-Dizzy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-13)
Some people have had demons in their bed with them, and had sex with them and got possessed... True stories! Although demons can't have sex, because the ugly bast*rds don't have genitals-penis or vagina- they just appear to have them, and they can only appear to have sex, by sticking something in...LOL! Would YOU like to have sex with your worst enemy, who hates your guts and wants you to burn in hell with him for eternity?!? If you would, then you need the help of a priest, and get people to pray for you, because you're not thinking straight...
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
OhReally - tank you for this information, but I know for a fact that familiars aren't all demented or evil.
And about the "Christ" relationship - I'm kind of Jewish so that's kind of not going to happen.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Where did I threaten to leave 'every single forum'
Like I said to a poster on this site before it was removed, I have been on here for months and you are one of the few people I have learnt absolutely nothing from. Your mentality is one of the reasons why I left then CHURCH 😐

At least I kept my word on that one.
ohreally (1 stories) (68 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Hail Dizzy, sorry that I have not been back to answer your question. Seems like you have gotten all sorts of advice since then and it can get very confusing. If he hates church and anything to do with it, then it is most likely some sort of familiar. They have never been human but are on the low end of the totem pole. They cannot possess people straight on like more powerful entities can. They get into your life very slowly and maticulously, they do things like make you believe that they saved your life or gave you some information that was very important. They do this to make you feel as if you need to keep them around for the future or make you feel that you owe them something. The only way that they can possess a person is if the target person asks them to stay for ever, he will ask you to maarry him, or commit to him. One the target person has done this, the familiar has what is called a legal right to be there and with you, all the time whether you want them there or not. They will not leave by just asking them. That is why you need to get rid of it now. If you let it hang around longer it can trick you into committing to it. Once that happens it superiors will come to its aid if you try to force it out. Its goal is to seperate you from those that you love, to isolate you from regular relationships and become dependent on just it. Then it will be on a full time 24/7 campaign to get you to harm yourself and others with the ultimate goal of isolating you from a saving relationship with Christ.

Natural Science, don't feel bad about Raddish threatening to leave the forum. She does that all the time on every board, but she never leaves. Maybe at least she can take a day off once in a while.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-10)
I just saw the movie "Paranormal Activity" for the first time, hoping for a horror movie.
If you were to record my normal nights on such camera, THAT is what you would see. Except I've not killed anyone.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Oh wait, never mind. I thought you were talking about this site. But, I'd still believe in the Virgin Mary story anyway.

Does anyone have a link to it?
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
[at] Hail-Dizzy

I don't think your crazy either. You've gave me a realistic story, and I believe you. Seriously.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
You are not insane. There are a lot of reports of people seeing the Virgin Mary.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Rashidah - Thank you =) Everyone around here seems to think I'm just insane.

Seraphim_Angel - Thanks. Sometimes I feel like I'm better off with non-living friends but hopefully I can have both again like I used to
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
I believe the Virgin Mary did indeed appeared unto you.

Awhile aback I had a similar experience, but she appeared in all green. She seems to appear in different colors to different people.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
I also saw your story on the spiritual site. I am going to read through it.

I hope you and Tommy are doing fine ❤
Seraphim_Angel (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
better live our lives fully:)
Then tell him, after the death, you have more than enough time to spend together.
Don't lose the chance to love a living, who has to endure the sad parts of life as you (and all we) do, and shares these emotions with you.

And please remember the Bible saying:
And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
< 2 Corinthians 11:14 >
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Don't worry, I never trust anyone completely.

He seems rather quiet on the subject of going to New Orleans in a few months.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
I was thinking that maybe Tommy isn't as bad as I thought (or is he?!?!?!?:P)

If he's trying to help you, he really shouldn't be evil. But, I still wouldn't trust him completly
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
I think I may be able to get things under control if I don't let my own emotions bring me down. I don't see a reason why I can't be friends with Tommy and still have something of a regular life if he's willing to cooperate.
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
don't worry you are not the only one. If you have any problem you can share with me or anyone else and I will try to solve the problem for you.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Yeah, I can be rather clueless about that kind of thing even with living people.
eye24 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
lol that explained why that he get jealous 😊 😐 yeah lol. I think you didn't pay attention to these years before
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Seraphim_Angel - Thank you for your input.
However, I really don't feel that he's entirely evil. He's getting on to me right now because I missed my college classes today. "You'll never be a psychologist if you keep missing class. Prioities!"
That really doesn't sound like something someone would say who wanted you insane.

Seraphim_Angel (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Dear Hail-Dizzy,
I have such a friend too, but I cutted connection, though (no offensehe) he was angel like, unlike yours. I have had many heavy redings about, and there were things wrote which exactly matched all I have seen until now. I started exorcism without knowing much about it since I was about 6.
He always encouraged me praying and all... But yours... I DO know how do those like him act, but no exact name has been found for them yet, (since they lie about 80%), most probable jinn.
And one last word;
Please, please, leave him, not all of that kind are evil, but HE is. Please! I know you are sane, but you will lose your sanity if you keep staying in touch with him, and that's what he wants!
Find friends like yourself, living-human, though I know its hard, because I move a lot and always lose friends. But its worth it!
So please, pleaase cancel him TOTALLY from your life
(apologies if my english is poor)
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Yeah, the sleepwalking is annoying. I remember it as a dream until I'm informed otherwise Lol.
TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I...don't know Dizzy:P

I think he's cooler more bad, lol. I just don't like the idea that he makes you sleep walk.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
How is he getting badder when he's obviously frazzled?
I'm telling you he's not 100% devious. Neither is Krezin for that matter.
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Probably a good idea. May not go well.
We will see. I'm too tired to deal with the drama tonight

TrueorUntrue (1 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Tommy, too me; keeps getting badder and badder.

If Krezin didn't like tommy, maybe it's because he's a lower level demon (great, I think I just created a caste system for demons)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
😆 😆
Just be firm with Tommy and set some boundaries. You need to do this to safeguard your relationship 😐
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I see.
Well, that's awkward. Because he's 14 and like 60 something. That's all kinds of not proper lol.
I think that's causing issues in my relationship with my boyfriend. We live together. He's seen me when I let Tommy take over, and he's had to stop me from "sleepwalking" outside in my underwear. Tommy likes to lead me around in my sleep.

My story gets longer and longer the more I talk lol how did the original end up only 4 paragraphs?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
That might explain his jealousy. These things usually happens when the body is semi-conscious (sleep).
Hail-Dizzy (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Rashidah - yes, to a small degree. Very small degree. Like, he's curious, but doesn't know what's going on. It's usually while I'm half fallen asleep.

I am 18, almost 19.

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