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Real Psychic Experiences

I Hope It's Not An Incubus


about a month ago I was sitting on my couch in my condo and I was reading on my phone. I would start seeing flashes of light appear out of the corner of my eyes. I noticed a flash of light burst out of my light fixture at the bottom of my stairwell. The light glowed in mid air and then just disappeared. Then I started hearing the sound of footfalls as if someone was running up my stairs. The air in the room felt weird. I started hearing ringing sounds. I decided I must be tired and shrugged it off as nothing and headed upstairs to bed. I fell asleep and was dreaming of a man biting my neck. It stung. I immediately woke myself up because the dream was getting too weird. I opened my eyes and I was wide awake, and noticed the sensation of arms wrapped around my waist cuddling me as I lay on my side. I felt face stubble on my neck and the feeling on lips and teeth biting my neck. I started panicking when I noticed a dark energy based armed wrapped tightly around me. The biting continued and I called for help, but no sound came out of my mouth. It defiantly felt like someone was laying behind me. Then he was gone.

I sat up and looked towards my door but it was locked from the inside. So I got out of bed and unlocked my door and walked over to my bathroom mirror and started looking at my neck for any signs of bite marks because my neck still stung from the love bite I was getting. But there was nothing. No marks anywhere.

About two weeks later I was in bed again but this time I was laying in the opposite direction my face towards the window and my back to the door. I was sleeping peacefully I woke up all of a sudden and noticed the weird air again. And I was paralyzed again I felt a male form behind me and felt as if someone was leaning over and I felt the sensation of lips again on my neck. I was scared and I tried calling for help again and but no sound came out of my mouth, suddenly I felt as if this someone was crawling over me and I then saw a male form crawling in front of me almost like a feline. He looked human but at the same time I didn't the get the feeling that he was human at all. He was naked and his shoulders were moving all predator like and he was peering at me curiously. I tried calling for help again and Then Like that he was gone and I didn't feel him in my room anymore or even in my condo. Again I looked towards my bedroom door, but like last time he came my bedroom door was locked from the inside. Nobody physically had broken into my home. I had locked the door myself before I went to bed.

I get the feeling that he's going to come back. The thought of that scares me so much. I don't want an incubus.

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eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-23)
I have a story I have sent to be posted here about my djinn and a Nordic rune birthmark that I've always had on my ankle. I hope it is accepted to be posted on this site. You know I think it's so cool that my twin flame was once Herman wildenvey and that his soul name is Arradon now. I chose a soul name for myself which is Ammee, I pronounce it (ah-me). I came up with it a while back. It's the soul name I've chosen at the moment. Hecate0 I truly hope you and your son find out even more amazing things about what's around you both and your gifts. I'm still learning about mine. I'm on the illumination stage with my twin flame. It's the sixth stage, where we start feeling comfortable around each other and stop chasing and running after each other. We're almost on the harmonaztion stage also. It's the seventh and final stage where we will become one with eachother. I feel so close to him. He called me his girlfriend through my clairaudience. It made me so happy. I feel like this is my last reincarnation on earth. I feel I'm done having physical lives after this. I believe I'm a graduating soul. I feel like earth is a school of sorts where we learn about ourselves and grow into ourselves.
Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-23)
Eleiriel, I think these entities have come to help those in need of their support. I truly believe we are then meant to pass on what we have learned/gained. I am so glad you have psychic counselors who can help you discern who these energies are that are near you. I still struggle with this, sometimes. And my son is still going through his own difficulties with his sensitivities. Keep reaching out. It is the perspective from the outside that helps us remember the all.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
Sorry blabbering away. I guess I'm tired. I'm repeating some stuff. I guess I did to much today.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
Sorry I only called him a pervert cause he bit my neck. He hasn't tried anything else cause he know it scares me. I guess I call him a pervert a lot. Even though he's not really being one. Mostly its my twin flame arradon that's being one. Not the fallen angel. You know yesterday I was sitting on the couch all sad and I felt my twin flames presence beside me and I heard him clairadiently say, "my girlfriend " and I responded coyly, "whos girlfriend?" He said back, "my girlfriend." So I have three souls being affectionate. Thomas my soulmate, my fallen angel friend ethos/isaiah I'm not sure which of these is his name, and arradon my twin flame. They are really loving towards me. Even several psychics who can see them have said so. I can't see them. I'm only clairaudient.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
Oooops sorry posted the same story again. Yeah my mom's health is improving lots. It is complicated with her we don't really see eye to eye.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
Hi hecate0, I again went to the psychic again. I found out the incubus around me is a fallen angel. His name is either ethos or isaiah. She let me know he means me no harm and that he's been protecting me from my mom when I visit her. He can't control his paralizing and muting ability according to the psychic. She says its just what he does naturally. She says he genuinely cares about me. This is a psychic whos friends with the psychic I went to see that can see and talk to angels. Well so can she and she told me his feeling are hurt cause I thought he was harmful. When all this time he's just been protecting me from harmful people. Apparently he helped protect me from another fallen angel in a metaphysical bookstore a while back. My fallen angel around me is more of a protecter. It's just sometimes he's a bit of a pervert. According the psychic he was having a conversation with the archangel Ariel while I was there about getting to close so he doesn't accidentally scare me and paralize me. I guess I was just scared cause I didn't understand what was going on. He can be a bit wild sometimes and tries to pounce on me. But I never let him. Though now that I understand better I allow him to give me hugs. I understand now not all fallen angels are negitive. Hes my protector and now a very dear friend. It'd just sometimes he gets a bit perverted. He wasn't asigned to me. He just came to my aid when my mom used to abuse me as a child. It's not scary any more. Yay!
Hecate0 (152 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)

I have been away from this site for a while. It sounds like you have been having more adventures. It is good that your psychic helps in the communication with all you have around you. I am really glad you got this entity sorted out.

I hope your mother's health is still improving, too. That sounds like a VERY complicated relationship.

eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Yep it was the incubus:) but I also have other stuff cuddling me too nonphysically Like a djinn. My soulmate Thomas. Arradon my twin flame. And animal spirits. And I have been hugged by my guardian angel luke. According to the psychic I have an otter spirit that really likes me and climbs on me playfully. So I'm having a bit of a lovefest. Thank you for the awesome comment:) I truly appriciate your thoughts.
SturdyUniverse (3 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Oh okay, then it is fine. Do you by chance have considered that it might be your Twin Flame? It sounds like it now by your reply. But I guess you and your psychic know the best! 😁

Wish you the best! ❤
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-09)
Thank you:) no I go to this woman psychic once a month. She's a very peaceful and light person. I know she's able to communicate with angels of light and archangels, she picks up on a lot of stuff. She saw the archangel Ariel talking to my incubus and telling him that he was scaring me. I've realized this incubus is has more of an older brother personality towards me. He protected me from my mom and harmful people throughout my life. Not all incubus are about what people say. Whenever my mom would be harsh and mean during my childhood,. He would shield me from her with himself and paralized my voice so things would get not worse. I he won't let me tell her how I feel when I visit her sometimes, because she may do something horrible. He doesn't touch me in any sexual way. Sure he bit my neck but he's never gone further. He cuddles me. How I know its him. Is I may be sitting or laying down I ask for him to cuddle me. Then suddenly I'm unable to move my body and unable to speak and then I feel energy based arms holding me and cuddling. The psychic only helps me with clearing bad energies and helping me with knowing what around me. She is an energy healer. She says the incubus doesn't know how to stop paralizing me, she says its what he does naturally. He's helped me so much. I now understand the reason he's around me. He's been around me since I was a child. Not once has he been sexual. If I say I don't want him to he doesn't. He's a very sweet incubus. More like a close friend type energy is what he radiates towards me. I guess I didn't understand or even know he was around me for so long protecting me from harm. So I have a nice incubus, that respects me. I can feel him close by cause I'm unable to make noise out of my mouth right now. He doesn't know how to turn the paralizing off. I'm not scared anymore.
SturdyUniverse (3 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-09)
Was that psychic him/herself communicating through dark or light loving Forces? If through dark s/he could had been spoken through their own guides and helpers, which may be the dark ones too.

Sorry didn't wanted to scare you, but if it starts bothering you again. Perhaps light a candle and inside yourself talk naughty/dirty words. Not sexual ways, but the way you probably normally wouldn't talk. Incubus doesn't like impolite words. They are known as being past life a evil witches, who became a spirit and uses young girls sexually. Which needs to be taken cared of for not bothering young women in such cases. I've also read that if a person had in past epilepsy, they have bigger chance to be a victim of incubus or other evil spirits.

So if that psychic talks through evil spirits. Try find a psychic, who for sure talks from Light&Love Sources, that way I believe you'd get more truthful answers.

If not, then that psychic even might be right. Who knows? In reality actually we, who are more spiritually aware and work on ourselves. Actually the answers that you need, comes from within from you specifically and from each person individually. 😉
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-05)
A psychic just told me today that the incubus is my friend and is protecting me from harmful people by paralizing me and muting me so that people wouldn't react badly if I expressed myself or got emotional:)! I guess I was wrong. He's a good friend and is very loving and cares about me. I guess the paralizing and muting just scares me. I know now that he doesn't wish me harm and is protecting me from people hurting me:)! If I was a spirit I would totally hug him:)!
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-03)
No problem, I love to help people and you are completely welcome
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-03)
I'll have to try that out! Thanks for the idea and suggestion. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you!
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-03)
You can try herbal protection, it is immediant, effective, and easily attainable. I suggest twinning lavender, white sage, and rosemary. Burn it and do a smoke cleaning and protection with it. If you put a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, garlic, and salt on the entrances to your house will protect your house.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
I'm am already. I have been protecting myself everynight since it happened. Thank you! You've been very helpful:)! I have been asking my guardian angels and some archangels to help me clear the negitive energy out of my condo and to help me out and for them to protect me. Its worked so well:)! But the incubus demon comes around the witching hour and sometimes I'm not prepared to protect myself immidiatly. I feel he probably will come back again. I've just got to keep on asking for aid when I need it. This is the only thing I have found that works.

-many thanks!
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
If that's what you believe and what you have described definitely qualifies demonicness, I would advise you protect yourself in spiritual, psychic, dream, and physical ways
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
bsuttles3922, thank you so much for the help. I truly mean it:) yes I do think it was demonic. It didn't give of a spirit sort of energy. I was wide awake by the time I realized he was in my room.
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
You may have experienced a semi-physical spirit, a shadow with advanced, or even a weak demon as well. If it was a dream or vision you may have been seeing the past or future in a retrocognition or premonition. Or you may have the ability of dream leaping, and was in someone else's dream. If it was a vision or premonition or retrocognition you may have psychicly or astrally been drawn into it. Hope that helps
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
Dianthus, thank you so much. It was pretty scary. I keep asking for protection from Gabriel and that seems to work. He gave me signs that he would protect me, because I kept seeing his name a lot at age seventeen in 2009. It seems to help a lot to ask him, it takes about a minute to work but the incubus is usually driven from my condo and away from me by some angelic force, only to come back a few weeks later. The biting he did on my neck really hurt, not fun at all.

- peace and love
Dianthus (5 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-02)
I believe you should be careful. Say some prayers or anything that can make you feel comfortable. I used to see figures and weird dreams, my mother gave me a blue cross to wear around my neck and ever since I have worn it I haven't seen them around. If there is a protective symbol in your religion or something that makes you feel safe wear it.

I hope "he" never comes back again.

Good Luck! ❤

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