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Real Psychic Experiences

The Locket


Today I went to the track with my father. I was wearing my favorite locket. As we were walking down to the track we passed an old house. I am a psychic medium and I just felt bad vibes. As I continued walking my locket made me feel sick to my stomach.

I decided to take it off and then sat down and I was thinking about tossing the locket away. But my other thoughts were "was this connected to the house that I felt bad vibes from?" I started to meditate but in the middle of meditating I heard a voice say "Pheobie?" I new then it was a ghost. I felt something staring at me. But then I ignored it and went back to meditating.

After I herd the disembodied voice I heard whispering from the house. I knew at that moment the house was haunted. I asked in my head who are you then in my head I heard heavy breathing. I knew it wasn't my imagination.

Then I remembered how I felt the burning urge to take of the locket was very intense.

I'm new to my psychic/medium abilities but I don't question them at all, because they really are all real. And I don't want to.

And when we were walking up for the car as I passed the house I got a bad headache

Can someone answer these questions?

Is the house connected to my locket?

Can someone help me at all?

Please right kind comments please.


Other clairvoyant experiences by lrkmedium101

Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lrkmedium101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-29)
Yeah I think Freakgirl is right. Anyway thanks for sharing your story. Maybe do some research on your psychic abilities and get some books. 😊 I need to do the same.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-28)
hey everyone remeber the 4th presences I felt? Well it's for sure that there is a new spirit. I call him the white faced man. I'm going to post a story about him soon.
❤ leah
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
thanks leah. Freakgirl emailed me it and I got scared because a friend of mine had already told me that something BIG was coming, but I still had hopes of it being something good back when she told me. Not so much anymore. Anyhow, you can elmail me at dollieV14 [at] Thank you again for all your help.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
I wouldn't advise soaking it in water. You need to put it in "dry" sea salt. Sea salt is in the grocery stores. A large container cost about 2.89. You can put it in any dish you like. Just make sure you leave it in the salt for a week. This will help remove the negative energy.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
o and mystical2 do you need tofill the bowl with water too? Or just salt, can you put it in a glass or does it have to be a bowl?
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
i really don't know mystical2. I really never had problems with it until the house. After that I felt a 4th presence in my grandma's house I think that the spirit that said "phoebie" followed me. There were 3 other prensences long before the locket. I will cleanse it but I'm kind of affraid to even go near it or let alone touch it because I get sick to my stomache the second I'm by it. (this started happening after the strange house. And bunnies4eva I wish I could go in the house but people are living in it... And I don't want to bother them by saying "i think your house is haunted let me check it out..." but your ideas are right don't ignore it. Thanks for all of you guys' help!
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
p's I'm refering to the poem that vendettaBabes put on there not my story just to clear that up if you thought I was refering to the story.
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
oh and I just reread it again... And now I have even more info. Sage means people who are holy right? Then I think that possibly that poem that might mean something BAD MIGHT happen might come from hell. And were did you get that from? Hopse it makes scence.
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
i think that that poem might mean something BAD is going to happen I just scence it each time I read it, and also a great fear comes over me... Something VERY BAD might happen in the world... Or everywhere in the world... As I said MIGHT HAPPEN. Hope that makes scence.
❤ leah
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
Hi. This is why I asked how old it was. Are you sure there is nothing spiritually connected with that locket since it is so old that might have brought out the other spirits attention? Sometimes, like my mother with her painting, there is something attached to items. Some people cannot part from these things, they have become their favorites, because of negative energy attached. Just a scenario. You could cleanse it if you choose and if it is safe for the locket. All you need to do is put it in a bowl of salt and let it sit for a week. This will help clear it of negative energy. Hope this is helpful.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
the locket is really old... And something about is just special to me. Like one of the comments before "i think that the spirit that said the name reminded him/her that the locket is something simmilar to what the name that the spirit said was the person who had a similar locket..."
❤ leah
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-11)
Me personally, I would think it would be the house. Have you ever had any problems wearing the locket before and how old is it? Another questions comes to mind. Why is that one locket special to you. Anything that makes you feel stronger, some spirits may not want this. I resemble it to someone walking into a haunted house with a cross around their neck. People wear it because it makes them feel safer and more secure.
Some spirits can actually harm you in certain ways, migranes, illnesses, dizziness, etc... I've actually had an experience where I felt I was being pulled to a house, like I needed to be there. Some spirits have higher energy levels. At my relative's house, although I have no fear, he still drain's me. I get very dizzy and don't feel like myself at all. He touches me as well. I'm learning that when you feel someone or something is watching you, most likely that is the case especially if you are sensitive. It's almost like when you're sound asleep and you feel someone is watching you and it wakes you up and you find someone standing in your room. Happens to me on many occasions. I'm not an expert and have much learning to do, but this is what came to mind.
Camillarose (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-10)
thanks for your nice comments on my stories! They were very helpful!. 😊.😁.❤.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-10)
the locket is probably connected to the house, or you might be and the locket is just letting them through. Try going there without the locket on and see what happens. If you hear a voice, don't ignore it, they could be asking for help. Maybe go into the house, or nearer to it, and see if anything stange happens, and ask who is there again, and don't go without an answer. I hope this helps! Good luck! 😊
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-09)
i think that maybe that locket IS connected to the house, or that, as FreakGirl said. When I read your story, I thought that those spirits are either evil, or in need of your help. I'm empathic, and those feelings were the ones I got when I read your story. Also, my stomach started hurting. Actually, it still is. I'll talk to some other not-so-normal friends I have, maybe they can give me more ideas to tell you. Chao. Oh, freakgirl, you seem really nice.
Freakgirl (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-08)
I think your locket reminds the ghost of someone they used to know. I'm sorry, but that's all I can think of and I'm no medium.

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