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Seeing spirits is now constant


My name is Leah and I think I'm a psychic medium. I think this because I am seeing things that nobody else can. I can see and hear them speaking to me and nobody else can, even if they are in the room. I feel random emotions when I'm feeling just fine, but that emotion is the spirit's (I can tell by when I see them, so therefore their facial expression let's me know.) And none of this is my imagination. So one of my questions is: am I a psychic medium?

And now I see, feel (feel their emotions), and hear them a lot more often then I used to, in fact I'm seeing them daily and nightly. I'm beginning to get more scared because I used to just hear them but now I see them and at the same time they talk. (I don't know why I am afraid of that, I just am.) And I'm getting to the point when my dad is at work at night, I see them and cry for my dad. I do that because I don't feel as secure as I should feel.

I'm getting extremely scared, can someone help? Can someone answer these questions:

Am I a psychic medium? I can predict the future in dreams. Some may call this deja vu, connect to grounds, and see auras. (If that can help you answer).

How can I feel more secure in my home and my grandmother's home?

Can you also please read my other stories, The Locket, Cemetery of Faces and Escaping my Gift, and 4 spirits 2 Houses? Please comment them and comment kindly.

Thank you for your time, please right kind comments and call me Leah.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lrkmedium101, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

voulme16 (14 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-24)
i think you are psychic and a medium. And don't be scared. At least you don't have your origanl 5 sences reinverted to ghost to. I do. I see them, hear them, feel there emotions, smell them. And about your dreams and seeing the future in your dreams everybody can do that. (its most powerul in your dreams). I have a lot of..."gifts"...and I live with 6-7 ghost in my home. So I tink you'll be fine. But the most important thing is never show them FEAR the feed off of that. You'll be fine 😊 -Kristen
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
thanks mystical2 you have ALWAYS been a lot of help. In my other stories I said I was a medium but after that I wasn't so sure that's why I'm asking for help and to find out for sure if I am a medium. All my experiences have happened... But just double checking.
❤ leah
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
Sounds like you are a medium/empath. Spirits tend to come to those who can sense them. Your aura attracts them. Some are looking for help, stopping by or just because. Black obsidian is helpful. Helps keep you safe from attachments.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
so now that you know that I can communicate with them through my mind, also verbaly, aramasamara am I a medium
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
well I talk to them from my mind and I can make out the words sometimes but others I can't understand them
❤ leah
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
Irkmedium101... Please feel free to e-mail me. You will find my e-mail adress on my profile page. Your gifts are similar to mine and I want to hear more about these spirits.
psycat (4 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
Medium? Yes.
To feel more secure I suggest getting a black obsidian stone. It sucks up negative energy around you. Just remember to wash it in cold water and put it in your windowsill every full moon to get rid of that energy. Also try looking at yourself in the mirror and say over and over "I am not afraid" You will be surprised at how these few simple words can effect you.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-15)
Well most mediums don't actually 'hear' exact words, sometimes they feel them or know their emotions/pictures to connect the story into words. Well for starters you and I both know you're an empath and can see things from the future...pre-cog...but that is diffrent from talking to spirits. Being a strong empath you are also likely to see the aura's naturally as you can see from that as well.

But most of this stuff is all intertwined anyways, right? If you are getting things from spirits than why would you not be one? If you aren't communicating to them, the answer is a flat out no. Sometimes we don't see the spirit itself, but pick up one item and see the person in that item or the story that piece of fabric has carried with it.
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
aramasamara am I a medium?
Thats the BIG BIG BIG question so can you answer that for me now please. You know if you know

❤ leah
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
First, off don't be scared, it will not help you. Best thing to do is believe in what you are doing and go on intution.

You are going to feel the emotions around you constantly, get used to it ha-ha. Is it going to be easy?

In fact today while I was working one of my co-workers came in and I knew right away that something was wrong because my headache increased, my whole body tightened and I felt highly compressed. In that one second I knew that someone in her family had died specifically of who to, but I just gave her a hug.

Than she said stop it your going to make me cry again, note there were 17 other people in the room and not one of them pick up on it, until after they saw her about to walk back out. Other people won't notice their pains, but you do... Yes your going to have to be the one to take control and comfort.

But you'll also learn a lot about yourself as well and to be more open with others and yourself

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