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Spirit Contact


Life has got in the way of my abilities (children ect) so I've just started concentrating again on my spiritual side. For a few nights I've been meditating and things have been happening but nothing out of the norm for me.

Last night I decided it was time to contact my grandad who passed many years ago. My nan is in hospital and I'm desperate to find out if she's going to be ok. She's 91 👏🏻.

I surrounded myself in a protective light, I spoke out to any spirits around me asking not to be harmed and could I only have contact with my grandad (his name is Mike).

I felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere around me and immediately sensed someone there. I began talking and could see shapes forming in my minds eye (normal for me).

Suddenly I felt what I can only describe as a hand across my chest. It was more towards my neck. After I felt it I had a very weird sensation around that area which I really couldn't for the life of me describe. After a few moments I had to move to stop the feeling.

Was this my grandad or someone trying to harm me? Or simply someone telling me they are there?

My daughter who is 2 and a half kept saying to me this morning "there's no ghosts here is there mummy?" I've just been saying no of course not. I surround my space with crystals that are always charged, I protect myself and my house with a protective light. Could I be doing something wrong?

My daughter seemed very strange all night asking to come to my bed. Not like her usually.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

Comments would be great to see what others think happened!

Sarah 💗

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MissSarah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ufw57 (39 posts)
10 months ago (2024-04-10)
[at] MissSarah

Yes, your grandad or anyone related to him like his mother, your mom/daughter.

In rare circumstances. The spiritual realm that you asked help from may be trying to contact you again.

"They" may be trying to contact you to find out who you are & who passed away or died in your family tree.

You never know!...the spirit/s might still be around looking at you and daughter every minute or time they get a chance to meet you or daughter alone. Soo... Watch out
Subject11 (15 posts)
11 months ago (2024-03-10)
Some people are sent here to be here, and only in here fight for God. No time has passed. The metaphorical fictional time has elapsed into Gods timelessness, He is the alpha and the Omega.

Here he is a live. Living, on all earth, beaches, and seas. Dwelling, in comfort. To walk among the living.

He's scrapes the bones of the loves that have past on the sides of road. We move on. As accidents collapse into ether matter. Clean and purified before him. In love and life, to carry on with our loss.

And rebirth.

God is the real vision. There isn't anyone that can make you see a lie of you look through it.
Subject11 (15 posts)
11 months ago (2024-03-07)
MissSarah. Let me tell you something that happened to me. I was a strong kid. I had been visited by the shadow of death many of times. It kept giving me dreams and leading me around into different states of consciousness.

As a person that picks up on these events while I'm sleeping I recognized a superior intellect that understood everything that I thought and every I am. That amazed me, so was it was trying to steal off of my soul, I was asking it questions ignoring what it wanted from me.

It wanted my soul. It wanted that fire in me that makes me who I am. I could feel it pull on me. Tug at my soul. But I was arrogant, and instead of waking up or asking god for help. I asked it questions. Like How can you speak into my mind while I'm sleeping without using sound? Never answered. How do you know everything thing that I think and feel, or even want... Never answered.

The last night, after 6 years, I was questioning it again, instead of being a afraid. It got angry and I could feel it, it wanted to attack me. I said please lord protect me, IN that dream the ground rose up like steps. Two angels dropped from the sky and I was looking down 12 steps at it with 2 guardians of heaven between me. I was never bothered again.

I was living with my sister at the time that happened. A few years later my sister called me and said, "My daughter sees the same thingsas you. She said there are two shadows standing guard in front of our house and she can tell that they're good.

I tell the truth and you write fiction.
darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
2 years ago (2023-06-21)
my soul mate Or Twin flame Angelica💑someone else (can't Find never met her family talk😈trick me dad say I not being called marry I know favorite black I own black ring box I never married think I called marry I burn).
MissSarah (2 stories) (2 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-01)
Thank you for the comment but I'm not sure I understand fully what you're saying. Are you saying you think it could have been my grandad that contacted me?
ufw57 (39 posts)
2 years ago (2022-12-20)
Even me people attack me without my passion of them being there. I try everything but nooo!, they won't leave.

There is this one person I don't want to mention who died and started telling me how I've grown up over the many years before he died... I heard died I ren😂 How dare they!? You want to tell me this people still feel themselves after an accident, I for once will not want anything to do with the living, coz my clothes will be dirty, two " The Shame of me leaving people behind" is making me loose things in the underground. And three I will probably steal from you, either your weed or vodca, food is acceptable too.

Ebu please check correctly, the point my grandad and my daughter are brought to the picture. Yes, one person saying the other person's story, if it wasn't for her age (author) it would have been my granddaughter & grandad. So it's true it was her grandad who contacted her.

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